769 resultados para Ectasia corneal


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A Ceratoconjuntivite Seca (KCS Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca) é uma desordem imunomediada e resulta de alterações do componente aquoso do filme lacrimal e da deficiência dos componentes lipídicos e mucoso.Seu diagnóstico é baseado no Teste Lacrimal de Schirmer (TLS) e no Teste de Ruptura do Filme Lacrimal (TRFL) e tem como sinais clínicos: secreção mucopurulenta, hiperemia conjuntival, blefaroespasmos, fotofobia, incômodo, dor, vascularização, opacidade corneana e pigmentação, além de cegueira em casos avançados. O tratamento convencional consiste em aplicações diárias de Ciclosporina 0,2% ou Tacrolimus 0,03% (pomada ou colírio oftálmicos), que apesar de controlar a doença, são custosos, não curativos e exigem alto comprometimento da interação paciente-proprietário. A terapia celular usando células-tronco (CT) traz uma nova esperança para doenças sem tratamento efetivo. Neste trabalho utilizamos CT mesenquimais (CTM) obtidas a partir de membrana amniótica (CTMA) de cães obtidas a partir do descarte destes tecidos em campanhas de castrações em diferentes tempos gestacionais, sem formação tumoral quando submetidas ao teste tumorigênico durante 60 dias. Dois animais com KCS crônica foram tratados com duas injeções de CTMA com intervalo de 30 dias, sendo a primeira de 0,5x106 células e a segunda de 1x106 células em cada glândula. Na segunda semana após a terapia foi observado aumento da TLS sugerindo um benéficio da terapia que foi diminuindo com o passar das semanas. O TRFL oscilou durante os testes e não apresentou diferenças significativas. A terapia celular utilizando CTMA de cães melhorou a condição ocular nos dois casos em momentos e parâmetros variados, com repercussão na melhoria da superfície, mas não houve regressão do quadro clínico. Investigações futuras em estágios menos avançados da doença podem ajudar a elucidar os mecanismos pelos quais esse efeito foi obtido


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PURPOSE: To compare visual outcomes, rotational stability, and centration in a randomized controlled trial in patients undergoing cataract surgery who were bilaterally implanted with two different trifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) with a similar optical zone but different haptic shape. METHODS: Twenty-one patients (42 eyes) with cataract and less than 1.50 D of corneal astigmatism underwent implantation of one FineVision/MicoF IOL in one eye and one POD FineVision IOL in the contralateral eye (PhysIOL, Liège, Belgium) at IOA Madrid Innova Ocular, Madrid, Spain. IOL allocation was random. Outcome measures, all evaluated 3 months postoperatively, included monocular and binocular uncorrected distance (UDVA), corrected distance (CDVA), distance-corrected intermediate (DCIVA), and near (DCNVA) visual acuity (at 80, 40, and 25 cm) under photopic conditions, refraction, IOL centration, haptic rotation, dysphotopsia, objective quality of vision and aberration quantification, patient satisfaction, and spectacle independence. RESULTS: Three months postoperatively, mean monocular UDVA, CDVA, DCIVA, and DCNVA (40 cm) under photopic conditions were 0.04 ± 0.07, 0.01 ± 0.04, 0.15 ± 0.11, and 0.16 ± 0.08 logMAR for the eyes implanted with the POD FineVision IOL and 0.03 ± 0.05, 0.01 ± 0.02, 0.17 ± 0.12, and 0.14 ± 0.08 logMAR for those receiving the FineVision/MicroF IOL. Moreover, the POD FineVision IOL showed similar centration (P > .05) and better rotational stability (P < .05) than the FineVision/MicroF IOL. Regarding halos, there was a minimal but statistically significant difference, obtaining better results with FineVision/MicroF. Full spectacle independence was reported by all patients. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed similar visual outcomes for both trifocal IOLs under test (POD FineVision and FineVision/MicroF). However, the POD FineVision IOL showed better rotational stability, as afforded by its design.


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Índice, resumen, conclusiones y bibliografía de la memoria del Máster en Optometría Clínica y Visión, Programa formativo en Biomedicina y Tecnologías para la vida.


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The Elliptical Scanning Algorithm is an effective method to individually detect and label the projected rings. It consecutively defines an elliptical annulus of one pixel wide which grows pixel by pixel and sweeps the image, from centre to periphery, until it detects and labels each whole ring. In a way, it works like a snake-annealing algorithm. Active contour models (snakes) are energy-minimising curves that deform to fit image features. Elliptical Scanning Algorithm changes its geometry in order to label reflected rings.


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Retinal image quality is commonly analyzed through parameters inherited from instrumental optics. These parameters are defined for ‘good optics’ so they are hard to translate into visual quality metrics. Instead of using point or artificial functions, we propose a quality index that takes into account properties of natural images. These images usually show strong local correlations that help to interpret the image. Our aim is to derive an objective index that quantifies the quality of vision by taking into account the local structure of the scene, instead of focusing on a particular aberration. As we show, this index highly correlates with visual acuity and allows inter-comparison of natural images around the retina. The usefulness of the index is proven through the analysis of real eyes before and after undergoing corneal surgery, which usually are hard to analyze with standard metrics.


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Presentamos un caso de pérdida de agudeza visual unilateral no explicable por factores corneales o retinianos en el que se detecta un lenticono posterior mediante tecnología de cámara Scheimpflug. En concreto, se trata de una paciente de 7 años de edad que acude con una disminución de la agudeza visual del ojo derecho desde hacía tres años. La agudeza visual del ojo derecho en lejos es de 0,3 con la mejor corrección y de cerca de 0,8. Se observaron reflejos retinoscópicos en tijera, así como la presencia de una pequeña opacidad lenticular polar posterior mediante biomicroscopía. No tenía antecedentes de patología ocular ni presentaba ninguna alteración compatible con el síndrome de Alport o el síndrome de Morning Glory, así como tampoco presentaba ningún tipo de alergia. Mediante un análisis con un sistema basado en tecnología de cámara Scheimpflug se pudo detectar un encurvamiento de la cara posterior del cristalino, confirmando el diagnóstico de lenticono posterior. La pérdida visual puede ser debida a que el lenticono se encuentra en la zona paracentral del cristalino, pudiendo también contribuir la opacidad congénita del cristalino. En conclusión, el ópticooptometrista, como primer eslabón en la atención visual primaria, puede pensar en el potencial diagnóstico de lenticono cuando no existe una pérdida de agudeza visual sin causa corneal, retiniana o refractiva que lo justifique, siendo la tecnología de cámara Scheimpflug muy útil para la confirmación del diagnóstico.


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Purpose: To define a range of normality for the vectorial parameters Ocular Residual Astigmatism (ORA) and topography disparity (TD) and to evaluate their relationship with visual, refractive, anterior and posterior corneal curvature, pachymetric and corneal volume data in normal healthy eyes. Methods: This study comprised a total of 101 consecutive normal healthy eyes of 101 patients ranging in age from 15 to 64 years old. In all cases, a complete corneal analysis was performed using a Scheimpflug photography-based topography system (Pentacam system Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH). Anterior corneal topographic data were imported from the Pentacam system to the iASSORT software (ASSORT Pty. Ltd.), which allowed the calculation of the ocular residual astigmatism (ORA) and topography disparity (TD). Linear regression analysis was used for obtaining a linear expression relating ORA and posterior corneal astigmatism (PCA). Results: Mean magnitude of ORA was 0.79 D (SD: 0.43), with a normality range from 0 to 1.63 D. 90 eyes (89.1%) showed against-the-rule ORA. A weak although statistically significant correlation was found between the magnitudes of posterior corneal astigmatism and ORA (r = 0.34, p < 0.01). Regression analysis showed the presence of a linear relationship between these two variables, although with a very limited predictability (R2: 0.08). Mean magnitude of TD was 0.89 D (SD: 0.50), with a normality range from 0 to 1.87 D. Conclusion: The magnitude of the vector parameters ORA and TD is lower than 1.9 D in the healthy human eye.


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Background To evaluate the intraocular lens (IOL) position by analyzing the postoperative axis of internal astigmatism as well as the higher-order aberration (HOA) profile after cataract surgery following the implantation of a diffractive multifocal toric IOL. Methods Prospective study including 51 eyes with corneal astigmatism of 1.25D or higher of 29 patients with ages ranging between 20 and 61 years old. All cases underwent uneventful cataract surgery with implantation of the AT LISA 909 M toric IOL (Zeiss). Visual, refractive and corneal topograpy changes were evaluated during a 12-month follow-up. In addition, the axis of internal astigmatism as well as ocular, corneal, and internal HOA (5-mm pupil) were evaluated postoperatively by means of an integrated aberrometer (OPD Scan II, Nidek). Results A significant improvement in uncorrected distance and near visual acuities (p < 0.01) was found, which was consistent with a significant correction of manifest astigmatism (p < 0.01). No significant changes were observed in corneal astigmatism (p = 0.32). With regard to IOL alignment, the difference between the axes of postoperative internal and preoperative corneal astigmatisms was close to perpendicularity (12 months, 87.16° ± 7.14), without significant changes during the first 6 months (p ≥ 0.46). Small but significant changes were detected afterwards (p = 0.01). Additionally, this angular difference correlated with the postoperative magnitude of manifest cylinder (r = 0.31, p = 0.03). Minimal contribution of intraocular optics to the global magnitude of HOA was observed. Conclusions The diffractive multifocal toric IOL evaluated is able to provide a predictable astigmatic correction with apparent excellent levels of optical quality during the first year after implantation.


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Implantation of phakic intraocular lenses (pIOLs) is a reversible refractive procedure, preserving the patient’s accommodative function with minimal induction of higher order aberrations compared with corneal photoablative procedures. Despite this, as an intraocular procedure, it has potential risks such as cataracts, chronic uveitis, pupil ovalization, corneal endothelial cell loss, pigmentary dispersion syndrome, pupillary block glaucoma, astigmatism, or endophthalmitis. Currently, only two models of posterior chamber pIOLs are commercially available, the implantable collammer lens (STAAR Surgical Co.) and the phakic refractive lens (PRL; Zeiss Meditec). The number of published reports on the latter is very low, and some concerns still remain about its long-term safety. The present article reviews the published literature on the outcomes after PRL implantation in order to provide a general overview and evaluate its real potential as a surgical refractive option.


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Purpose: To evaluate in keratoconus eyes the intrasubject repeatability of anterior and posterior corneal curvature and of other anterior segment anatomic measurements obtained with a new topography system combining Scheimpflug-photography and Placido-disk technology. Setting: Vissum Corporation, Alicante, Spain. Design: Evaluation of technology. Methods: All keratoconus eyes had a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination including analysis with the Sirius system. Three consecutive measurements were obtained to assess the intrasubject repeatability of the following parameters: anterior and posterior corneal curvature and shape factor, white-to-white (WTW) corneal diameter, central and minimum corneal thickness, and anterior chamber depth (ACD). The within-subject standard deviation (Sw) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were calculated. Results: This study comprised 61 eyes of 61 patients ranging in age from 14 to 64 years. For anterior and posterior corneal curvatures and power vector components, the Sw was 0.29 mm or less in all cases. The ICC was above 0.990 in all cases except the flattest curvature of the posterior corneal surface at 3.0 mm, which was 0.840 (moderate agreement), and the posterior power vector J0, which was 0.665 (poor agreement), 0.752, and 0.758 (moderate agreement) for 3.0 mm, 5.0 mm, and 7.0 mm, respectively. In shape factor measurements, the Sw was 0.12 or less in all cases and the ICC ranged between 0.989 and 0.999. Pachymetry, ACD, and WTW had ICC values very close to 1. Conclusion: The new topography system provided repeatable measurements of corneal shape and other anatomic parameters in eyes with keratoconus.


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Purpose. To evaluate theoretically in normal eyes the influence on IOL power (PIOL) calculation of the use of a keratometric index (nk) and to analyze and validate preliminarily the use of an adjusted keratometric index (nkadj) in the IOL power calculation (PIOLadj). Methods. A model of variable keratometric index (nkadj) for corneal power calculation (Pc) was used for IOL power calculation (named PIOLadj). Theoretical differences ($PIOL) between the new proposed formula (PIOLadj) and which is obtained through Gaussian optics (PIOL Gauss) were determined using Gullstrand and Le Grand eye models. The proposed new formula for IOL power calculation (PIOLadj) was prevalidated clinically in 81 eyes of 81 candidates for corneal refractive surgery and compared with Haigis, HofferQ, Holladay, and SRK/T formulas. Results. A theoretical PIOL underestimation greater than 0.5 diopters was present in most of the cases when nk = 1.3375 was used. If nkadj was used for Pc calculation, a maximal calculated error in $PIOL of T0.5 diopters at corneal vertex in most cases was observed independently from the eye model, r1c, and the desired postoperative refraction. The use of nkadj in IOL power calculation (PIOLadj) could be valid with effective lens position optimization nondependent of the corneal power. Conclusions. The use of a single value of nk for Pc calculation can lead to significant errors in PIOL calculation that may explain some IOL power overestimations with conventional formulas. These inaccuracies can be minimized by using the new PIOLadj based on the algorithm of nkadj.


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Purpose: To report the successful outcome obtained after fitting a new hybrid contact lens in a cornea with an area of donor-host misalignment and significant levels of irregular astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP). Materials and methods: A 41-year-old female with bilateral asymmetric keratoconus underwent PKP in her left eye due to the advanced status of the disease. One year after surgery, the patient referred a poor visual acuity and quality in this eye. The fitting of different types of rigid gas permeable contact lenses was performed, but with an unsuccessful outcome due to contact lens stability problems and uncomfortable wear. Scheimpflug imaging evaluation revealed that a donor-host misalignment was present at the nasal area. Contact lens fitting with a reverse geometry hybrid contact lens (Clearkone, SynergEyes Carlsbad) was then fitted. Visual, refractive, and ocular aberrometric outcomes were evaluated during a 1-year period after the fitting. Results: Uncorrected distance visual acuity improved from a prefitting value of 20/200 to a best corrected postfitting value of 20/20. Prefitting manifest refraction was +5.00 sphere and -5.50 cylinder at 75°, with a corrected distance visual acuity of 20/30. Higher order root mean square (RMS) for a 5 mm pupil changed from a prefitting value of 6.83 µm to a postfitting value of 1.57 µm (5 mm pupil). The contact lens wearing was referred as comfortable, with no anterior segment alterations. Conclusion: The SynergEyes Clearkone contact lens seems to be another potentially useful option for the visual rehabilitation after PKP, especially in cases of donor-host misalignment.


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Presentamos un caso de ambliopía unilateral en una paciente de 7 años, no existiendo alteraciones refractivas, corneales o retinianas que lo justifiquen. La exploración mediante tecnología de cámara Scheimpflug permitió el diagnóstico de un Ienticono posterior asociado a una pequeña catarata congénita polar posterior. El estudio aberrométrico reveló la importancia óptica de dicha condición como causante de la ambliopía en este caso.


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Actualmente, la adaptación de lentes de contacto nos ofrece una buena solución óptica para anisometropías, ya que se consigue igualar el tamaño de las imágenes retinianas, astigmatismos irregulares, consiguiendo regularizar la superficie corneal anterior, en miopías medias y elevadas, porque se logra un mayor tamaño de imagen retiniana respecto a la lente oftálmica, en casos de hipermetropías altas o afaquias, al conseguir un aumento del campo visual, y en nistagmus, ya que la lente acompaña al movimiento del ojo. A continuación, presentamos un caso de rehabilitación visual completa con la adaptación de una lente de contacto híbrida de geometría inversa en una córnea operada de cirugía LASIK miópica fallida, que tuvo como consecuencia una inducción muy significativa de irregularidad corneal.