739 resultados para work-related assessment


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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This thesis examines the regulatory and legislative approach taken in the United Kingdom to deal with deaths arising from work related activities and, in particular, deaths that can be directly attributed to the behaviour of corporations and other organisations. Workplace health and safety has traditionally been seen in the United Kingdom as a regulatory function which can be traced to the very earliest days of the Industrial Revolution. With an emphasis on preventing workplace accidents and ill-health through guidance, advice and support, the health and safety legislation and enforcement regime which had evolved over the best part of two centuries was considered inadequate to effectively punish corporations considered responsible for deaths caused by their activities following a series of disasters in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. To address this apparent inadequacy, the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 was introduced creating the offence of corporate manslaughter and corporate homicide. Based on a gross breach of a relevant duty of care resulting in the death of a person, the Act effectively changed what had previously considered a matter of regulation, an approach that had obvious weaknesses and shortcomings, to one of crime and criminal law. Whether this is the best approach to dealing with deaths caused by an organisation is challenged in this thesis and the apparent distinction between ‘criminal’ and ‘regulatory’ offences is also examined. It was found that an amended Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 to include a specific offence of corporate killing, in conjunction with the Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008 would almost certainly have resulted in a more effective approach to dealing with organisations responsible for causing deaths as consequence of their activities. It was also found that there was no substantive difference between ‘regulatory’ and ‘criminal’ law other than the stigma associated with the latter, and that distinction would almost certainly disappear, at least in the context of worker safety, as a consequence of the penalties available following the introduction of the Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 18 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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As an effect of marketisation, the importance of workplace learning in Germany has increased. The article follows up on the long-standing discourse around the question of how economic and pedagogical ideals interact in this context. In order to develop a theoretical framework for empirical research, three major positions of the discipline of business ethics are introduced. Business ethics in more abstract ways deals with the very same question, namely how do ideas such as profit orientation interact with other norms and values? The new perspectives show that the discourse has been hitherto based on a specific understanding of economy. In order to derive an empirical answer to the research question, the question is re-formulated as follows: Which values are inherent in the decisions taken? Consequently, it suggests using the concept of ‘rationalities of justification’ for empirical research. The article shows how this concept can be applied by conducting a test run. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Since the emergence of software engineering in the late 1960's as a response to the software crisis, researchers throughout the world are trying to give theoretical support to this discipline. Several points of view have to be reviewed in order to complete this task. In the middle 70's Frederick Brooks Jr. coined the term "silver bullet" suggesting the solution to several problems rela-ted to software engineering and, hence, we adopted such a metaphor as a symbol for this book. Methods, modeling, and teaching are the insights reviewed in this book. Some work related to these topies is presented by software engineering researchers, led by Ivar Jacobson, one of the most remarkable researchers in this area. We hope our work will contribute to advance in giving the theoretieal support that software engineering needs.


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A presente dissertação apresenta a análise da eficácia de regimes de proteção, nomeadamente fisioterapia e alterações no posto de trabalho, aplicados a operadores que sofrem ou sofreram de lesões músculo-esqueléticas relacionadas com o trabalho, do membro superior, numa amostra de operadores de uma empresa da indústria, composta por 41 homens e 14 mulheres, com idades compreendidas entre os 28 e os 53 anos. Ao longo do estudo foi aplicada uma compilação de questionários que avaliavam a perceção dos operadores no que diz respeito à incapacidade do membro superior e à prática de atividade física. No final da análise verificou-se que houve uma melhoria na capacidade funcional dos operadores após terem sido sujeitos a regimes de proteção, no entanto não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas quando comparada com as variáveis sociodemográficas. Foi recolhido o score de risco dos postos avaliados e na sua maioria, o nível de risco identificado era baixo, com algumas exceções. Ao longo do estudo, a adesão dos operadores foi muito positiva, mas alguns mostraram desânimo pois sentiam que os seus problemas não estavam a ser tratados convenientemente, segundo os seus pontos de vista. No final da dissertação são apresentadas as limitações do estudo e algumas propostas futuras.


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O presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito do mestrado em ensino da educação física nos ensinos básico e secundário da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. Este relatório finaliza assim o processo de formação inicial, sendo o estágio pedagógico realizado na escola secundária de Mem Martins, em Rio de Mouro, concelho de Sintra. O contexto, nos seus diferentes níveis, torna-se essencial para a caracterização de qualquer profissão, introduzindo a reflexão critica nas quatro áreas de intervenção do estágio i.e., organização e gestão do ensino e da aprendizagem, investigação e inovação pedagógica, participação na escola e relação com a comunidade. O acompanhamento de uma turma do 9º ano permitiu o desenvolvimento de trabalhos de acompanhamento da direção de turma, planeamento, condução do ensino e avaliação. Foi ainda desenvolvida uma investigação sobre a motivação dos alunos do ensino secundário nas aulas de educação física. Num contexto de participação na escola, foram realizadas atividades no seio do grupo disciplinar, havendo ainda lugar para tarefas como o acompanhamento do desporto escolar e a integração num projeto de rastreio, acompanhamento e sessões educacionais com vista a melhoria da condição física dos alunos. O contacto com a realidade escolar, numa disciplina prática como a educação física, é fundamental na formação de professores de qualidade, sendo que este se verificou fundamental para o desenvolvimento profissional, que se revelou importante para a evolução do professor.


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O presente relatório de estágio é uma análise reflexiva do processo de estágio pedagógico, inserido no Mestrado de Ensino de Educação Física dos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, pertencente à Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. Este estágio decorre na Escola Secundária Braamcamp Freire (ESBF), tendo como linhas orientadoras o Guia de Estágio Pedagógico de 2015/2016. Este explica as competências a adquirir ao longo do processo nas quatro áreas de intervenção. Na área 1 – Organização e Gestão do Ensino e Aprendizagem, Relação entre Planeamento, Condução e Avaliação. Na área 2 – Inovação e Investigação Pedagógica, está a ser desenvolvido um projeto de formação de professores relacionado com os critérios de avaliação utilizados na Área das Atividades Físicas, e a validade e fiabilidade da observação entre professores. Na área 3 – Participação na Escola, colaboração com o Núcleo de Voleibol que apesar de ser feminino e masculino em simultâneo, o meu foco será no núcleo masculino, e ainda na organização e colaboração de todas as atividades desenvolvidas pelos professores da Área Disciplinar de Educação Física. Na área 4 – Relação com a comunidade, trabalho conjunto com a Diretora de Turma no que diz respeito a todas as tarefas inerentes à função e ainda na coadjuvação e planeamento da disciplina de Cidadania. Em cada uma das áreas será feita uma descrição e reflexão sobre as minhas ações e práticas, as dificuldades com que me deparei e as soluções encontradas para ultrapassar os obstáculos que foram surgindo. No final, realizarei um balanço reflexivo sobre todo o meu processo de estágio referindo o contributo do mesmo para a minha formação e quais as bases criadas para o contínuo desenvolvimento que pretendo levar a cabo no futuro.


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Objective: The term grief, from the French term grever, which means “to burden, to oppress”, can be deined as the process through which a person must go due to the loss of a loved one. We present a case of grief elaboration in a patient and his family that face a terminal illness. Clinical case: The patient is a 51-year-old man diagnosed with stage T4a N2b M1 colon adenocarcinoma. He came to the Department of Psycho-Oncology presenting depressive symptoms, marital and family issues associated with a medical condition, and work related issues. Conclusions: The patient was diagnosed with a secondary major depressive disorder episode in reaction to his medical condition. He was prescribed anti-depressive treatment, and family psychotherapy was recommended for grief elaboration.


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Numerous scholars have accumulated evidence on the positive effects that employees' organizational justice perceptions exert on work-related outcomes such as affective commitment. However, research still lacks understanding of the underlying mechanisms connecting the two constructs. In this article we aim to narrow this gap by examining the concept of psychological ownership as a possible mediator between organizational justice perceptions and affective commitment. Investigating a sample of 619 employees, we find distributive justice to be positively related to psychological ownership, and observe psychological ownership as a full mediator of the distributive justice and affective commitment relationship. These insights offer a new explanation in understanding the justice-commitment connection, contributing to both organizational justice and psychological ownership literature and opening up ways for promising future research


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This dissertation consists of four studies examining two constructs related to time orientation in organizations: polychronicity and multitasking. The first study investigates the internal structure of polychronicity and its external correlates in a sample of undergraduate students (N = 732). Results converge to support a one-factor model and finds measures of polychronicity to be significantly related to extraversion, agreeableness, and openness to experience. The second study quantitatively reviews the existing research examining the relationship between polychronicity and the Big Five factors of personality. Results reveal a significant relationship between extraversion and openness to experience across studies. Studies three and four examine the usefulness of multitasking ability in the prediction of work related criteria using two organizational samples (N = 175 and 119, respectively). Multitasking ability demonstrated predictive validity, however the incremental validity over that of traditional predictors (i.e., cognitive ability and the Big Five factors of personality) was minimal. The relationships between multitasking ability, polychronicity, and other individual differences were also investigated. Polychronicity and multitasking ability proved to be distinct constructs demonstrating differential relationships with cognitive ability, personality, and performance. Results provided support for multitasking performance as a mediator in the relationship between multitasking ability and overall job performance. Additionally, polychronicity moderated the relationship between multitasking ability and both ratings of multitasking performance and overall job performance in Study four. Clarification of the factor structure of polychronicity and its correlates will facilitate future research in the time orientation literature. Results from two organizational samples point to work related measures of multitasking ability as a worthwhile tool for predicting the performance of job applicants.


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Technological Education is a subject where students acquire knowledge and technical skills, which will enable them to analyse and resolve specific situations and will prepare them for an increasingly technological world. This course requires students to gain knowledge and know-how such that motivation and commitment are crucial for the development of classroom projects and activities. It is in this context that traditional toys come up in this study as catalysts for motivation and student interest. Thus, the aim of the research performed is to understand whether the units of work related to traditional toys promote the students’ motivation and commitment on Technological Education. In terms of methodology, we carried out an exploratory research of qualitative nature, based on semi-structured interviews with teachers and students in the 2nd cycle of basic education at five schools in the municipality of Viseu, Portugal. Nine teachers and forty-five Technological Education students, aged between 10 and 12 years, attending the 5th and 6th years of schooling participated. Content analysis of the answers revealed that the implementation of units of work involving the construction of traditional toys are conducive to students’ motivation and commitment, constituting an added value in Technological Education. As this is a classroom project, it allows students to apply technical knowledge they have acquired. Thus, starting from a first idea, it allows them to experience all of the stages of toy building, from conception to completion, contributing to greater student satisfaction in the teaching-learning process.


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Dans certains milieux syndicaux québécois, des initiatives porteuses destinées à prévenir les problèmes de santé mentale au travail ont vu le jour. Des représentants syndicaux pionniers ont mis en place des structures d’entraide opérantes, obtenu des jurisprudences importantes et développé des approches innovantes pour corriger ou bonifier l’organisation du travail, et ce depuis plus de trois décennies. Alors que la montée de l’idéologie néolibérale et les principes d’organisation du travail qu’elle sous-tend engendrent une intensification du travail qui fragilise la psyché des travailleurs et que le rapport de force des syndicats s’effrite, il apparaît porteur d’interroger l’expérience de ces représentants syndicaux pour mieux comprendre comment se structure l’action syndicale en santé mentale au travail. Cette thèse fait l’étude de réalisations syndicales québécoises en matière de santé mentale au travail visant à prévenir et à corriger les problèmes de détresse psychologique, d’épuisement professionnel, de harcèlement, de dépression, de violence, de suicides reliés au travail, etc. Pour ce faire, un cadre théorique mixte a été utilisé. D’une part, une perspective large a été adoptée pour comprendre les enjeux entourant les rapports humains au travail et l’action. Pour ce faire, quatre auteurs influents de la philosophie des Lumières et de la philosophie contemporaine ont été sélectionnés, soit Thomas Hobbes, Adam Smith, Karl Marx et Hannah Arendt. Dégager ces différentes perspectives du monde, de l’action et du lien social avait pour objectif de mettre en place une grille d’analyse susceptible de relier l’expérience de représentants syndicaux à ces visions du monde. Il est apparu essentiel de mieux saisir les bases idéologiques sur lesquelles ces derniers ont construit leur action pour comprendre comment elles ont influencé leur démarche singulière et collective. D’autre part, la théorie de l’expérience sociale a été retenue (Dubet, 2009; 1994) pour analyser plus finement le travail des représentant syndicaux. Celle-ci distingue trois logiques d’action complémentaires et en tension avec lesquelles doivent composer les acteurs sociaux : une logique d’intégration, une logique stratégique et logique appuyée sur la subjectivation. La coexistence de ces trois logiques signifie que l’expérience que les individus font du monde n’est pas une simple reproduction de déterminismes qui les précèdent. Les acteurs sont aussi sujets de leur expérience et capables de prendre une distance du social pour comprendre les significations de leur agir; ils s’inscrivent dans le monde dans une dialectique critique. Cette théorie apporte un éclairage permettant de dégager à la fois ce qui freine et ce qui facilite l’action individuelle et collective en matière de santé mentale au travail et de décrire comment des représentants syndicaux se mobilisent pour répondre aux nombreuses attentes des membres. Cette recherche qualitative s’est appuyée sur une méthodologie de récit de vie (Rhéaume 2008; Bertaux 2006). Vingt représentants syndicaux ont témoigné de la souffrance au travail (Dejours, 2008) vécue par leurs membres et ont présenté des actions déployées pour leur venir en aide. Les réalités décrites par les participants montrent comment certains éléments de l’organisation du travail sont associés à des expériences de domination (Martuccelli, 2004): les méfaits du productivisme et de l’hyperflexibilité, les accidents de travail, les maladies professionnelles et les situations d’horreur au travail, les rapports sociaux au travail devenus délétères et les utilisations abusives de l’appareil judiciaire. L’étude démontre aussi à quel point des initiatives portées par des représentants syndicaux contribuent à une résolution de problèmes dans une perspective d’interdépendance, de développement du pouvoir d’agir, de justice sociale et de lutte pour la dignité. Quatre catégories d’initiatives ont été retenues : l’entretien du lien social dans l’entraide au quotidien, la défense juridique et légale des membres, les clauses de convention collective et les actions sur l’organisation du travail. Enfin, la recherche dégage trois profils de représentants syndicaux : la militance qui tente de former un nous, la professionnalisation qui tente de faire reconnaitre son utilité et sa compétence, et l’entraide qui cherche à développer une action engageant le Je. Leur rencontre laisse entrevoir le développement d’une praxis syndicale qui vise à promouvoir et protéger la dignité du travail et des travailleurs.


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This thesis explores the fiction of American author Richard Yates to propose that his work provides an insistent questioning and alternative vision of postwar American culture. Such an approach is informed by a revisionist account of four distinct yet interconnected areas of postwar culture: the role of the non-heroic soldier stepping in and out of World War II; suburbanisation and fashioning of anti-suburban performance; demarcation of gender roles and unraveling of sexual conservatism in the 1950s; consideration of what constituted the normative within postwar discourse and representations of mental illness in Yates’ work. These four spheres of interest form the backbone to this study in its combined aim of reclaiming Yates’ fiction in line with a more progressive historical framework while shaping a new critical appreciation of his fiction. Such analysis will be primed by an opening discussion that illustrates how Yates’ fiction has frequently been ensconced in a limited interpretative lens: an approach, that I argue, has kept Yates on the periphery of the canon and ultimately resulted in the neglect of an author who provided a rich, progressive and historically significant dialogue of postwar American life. This PhD arrives at a point when Yatesian scholarship is finally gaining momentum after the cumulative impact of a comprehensive biography, a faithful film adaptation of his seminal text Revolutionary Road (1961), plus the recent re-issue of his catalogue of work. An assessment as to why he remained on the margins of success for the duration of his career is therefore of pressing interest in light of this recent critical and commercial recognition.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el Síndrome de Burnout y la Calidad de Vida Laboral en el personal asistencial en una institución de salud de segundo nivel ubicada en Bogotá, y observar si existe relación entre estos constructos. Se aplicó el Inventario de Burnout de Maslach [MBI] y el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida Profesional [CVP-35] a 62 participantes, pertenecientes a distintos campos del área de la salud. Los resultados indicaron que el 38,7% de los participantes presentaron severidad alta y moderada del síndrome, no obstante, con un nivel de realización personal alto, que unido a la fuerte motivación intrínseca encontrada, constituye un factor protector ante la alta carga laboral y el escaso apoyo directivo. El cansancio emocional correlacionó directamente con la carga laboral e inversamente con la motivación intrínseca. Se resalta la importancia de una eficiente gestión en las organizaciones de salud y la necesidad de una dirección más centrada en las personas a fin de garantizar su bienestar, lo que redundará en su calidad de vida y en la atención ofrecida.