955 resultados para historical perspective


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Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylalgia (LE) is a challenging musculoskeletal condition to treat. This is largely due to the lack of research-based evidence of the clinical efficacy of the myriad of treatment approaches espoused in the literature. In view of this, successful rehabilitation of LE is based on choosing treatments that address the physical impairments found during clinical examination. The primary physical impairment in LE is a deficit in grip strength predominately due to pain and its consequences on motor function. Hence the mainstay of successful management of this condition is therapeutic exercise, providing it is not pain provocative. Adjunctive procedures such as manipulative therapy and sports taping techniques have recently been shown to provide substantial initial pain relief. Early relief of pain in the rehabilitation program helps accelerate recovery and most importantly motivates the client to persist with the therapeutic exercise program. The manipulative therapy and taping treatments presented in this masterclass warrant consideration in the clinical best practice management of LE, and serve as a model for other similar musculoskeletal conditions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We use a new molecular phylogeny, developed from small and large subunit ribosomal RNA genes, to explore evolution of the digenean life cycle. Our approach is to map character states on the phylogeny and then use parsimony to infer how the character evolved. We conclude that, plesiomorphically, digenean miracidia hatched from eggs and penetrated gastropod first intermediate hosts externally. Fork-tailed cercariae were produced in rediae and emerged from the snail to be eaten directly by the teleost definitive host. These plesiomorphic characters are seen in extant Bivesiculidae. We infer that external encystment and the use of second intermediate hosts are derived from this behaviour and that second intermediate hosts have been adopted repeatedly. Tetrapod definitive hosts have also been adopted repeatedly. The new phylogeny proposes a basal dichotomy between 'Diplostomida' (Diplostomoidea, Schistosomatoidea and Brachylaimoidea) and 'Plagiorchiida' (all other digeneans). There is no evidence for coevolution between these clades and groups of gastropods. The most primitive life cycles are seen in basal Plagiorchiida. Basal Diplostomida have three-host life cycles and are associated with tetrapods. The blood flukes (Schistosomatoidea) are inferred to have derived their two-host life cycles by abbreviating three-host cycles. Diplostomida have no adult stages in fishes except by life cycle abbreviation. We present and test a radical hypothesis that the blood-fluke cycle is plesiomorphic within the Diplostomida.


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The encounter of East and West has initiated a period of reforms in Muslim societies. Some of the legal reforms enacted by premodern and modem Muslim states have been hailed as victories for women's rights in Islam. A historical and comparative perspective on the issue reveals that this is far from being true. Reforms constitute a far more complex issue. In many Muslim countries, Islamic law remained the main reference in matters pertaining to family and personal laws. To this day, women's rights remain a sensitive issue. A look at some modem Muslim legislations regarding divorce and polygamy illustrates both the tension that exists between the duties of modem states to uphold women's rights and their alleged Islamic principles and the tension that exists between state and religion. Paradoxically, recent developments in Iran illustrate aptly that some sort of reforms of family laws may be envisioned within the strictures of an Islamic society where Islamic law rules. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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On 2 November 2001, the General Assembly of the United Nations Scientific, Economic and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) adopted the convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. Among the many complex issues addressed in the convention is the legal status of sunken state-owned vessels, including warships. Prior to the adoption of this convention, no conventional or customary international law existed with regards to the question of abandonment of state-owned vessels or the application of the principle of sovereign immunity to sunken state vessels. While difficulties between coastal states and maritime and former colonial powers resulted in a regime that does not comprehensively address the issues, the convention does provide some guidance in this regard and may provide a basis for further development.


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This article reviews the progress of a personal endeavour to develop chromatography as a quantitative procedure for the determination of reaction stoichiometries and equilibrium constants governing protein interactions. As well as affording insight into an aspect of chromatography with which many protein chemists are unfamiliar, it shows the way in which minor adaptations of conventional chromatographic practices have rendered the technique one of the most powerful methods available for the characterization of interactions. That pathway towards quantification is followed from the introduction of frontal gel filtration for the study of protein self-association to the characterization of ligand binding by the biosensor variant of quantitative affinity chromatography.


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Indigenous studies (also referred to as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies) has a double identity in the Australian education system, consisting of the education of Indigenous students and education of all students about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories. Through explanations of the history of the inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musics in Australian music education, this article critiques ways in which these musics have been positioned in relation to a number of agendas. These include definitions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musics as types of Australian music, as ethnomusicological objects, as examples of postcolonial discourse, and as empowerment for Indigenous students. The site of discussion is the work of the Australian Society for Music Education, as representative of trends in Australian school-based music education, and the Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music at the University of Adelaide, as an example of a tertiary music program for Indigenous students.


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O artigo trata da quest??o da meritocracia e da avalia????o de desempenho no setor p??blico brasileiro e na sociedade sob uma perspectiva mais ampla, enfatizando a diferen??a entre a exist??ncia de sistemas meritocr??ticos formais e sua legitimidade social. Para a autora, o cerne desta discuss??o passa pelo entendimento da diferen??a entre sistemas meritocr??ticos e ideologia da meritocracia e pela compreens??o dos pressupostos culturais que est??o informando este debate. O artigo situa a quest??o da meritocracia em contextos mais amplos, como a teoria da administra????o, a perspectiva intercultural e a ??tica hist??ricosociol??gica, sem perder de vista as especificidades da sociedade brasileira.


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O artigo estuda um aspecto da reforma do Estado que, segundo o autor, tem sido sistematicamente negligenciado pelas atuais propostas que focalizam o modelo da administra????o gerencial. Trata-se das fun????es vitais do governo de tomar decis??es cr??ticas e adotar pol??ticas diante das mudan??as provocadas pela revolu????o global. Segundo Dror, as tarefas de alto comando (high-order tasks) de definir trajet??rias e as novas formas de governan??a exigem um ajuste significativo do governo central. Este ajuste refere-se, principalmente, ?? concep????o e ao desenvolvimento de um novo padr??o de funcion??rios do primeiro escal??o p??blico, o qual contribuiria com conhecimento e perspectivas para enfrentar as tarefas de alto comando. O autor estabelece uma tipologia para caraterizar a evolu????o do perfil do servi??o p??blico, marcando suas fases hist??ricas: a) tipo alpha (status atribu??do, fus??o de pap??is pol??ticos e administrativos); b) tipo beta (compra de cargos governamentais) e c) tipo gamma (quase profissionalismo). O novo funcion??rio s??nior, do tipo delta, se concentraria nas quest??es de ordem estrat??gica, deixando as fun????es gerenciais para servidores do tipo gamma e para os servi??os t??cnicos. Ap??s uma breve an??lise, Dror conclui que o funcionalismo p??blico de primeiro escal??o, na maioria dos pa??ses (com exce????o de alguns pa??ses do Sudeste Asi??tico), encontra-se obsoleto, com base profissional inadequada e capacidade insuficiente para lidar com escolhas cr??ticas.


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A partir da perspectiva do New Public Financial Management, o artigo traz os aspectos t??cnicos e pol??ticos que permearam o desenvolvimento do sistema de planejamento e or??amento brasileiro. Considerando os condicionantes dos momentos hist??ricos que interferiram em seu desenvolvimento, s??o identificadas caracter??sticas pol??ticas, t??cnicas e metodol??gicas incidentes no controle financeiro, nas melhorias administrativas, no planejamento e, finalmente, na tend??ncia participativa decorrente da amplia????o de espa??os democr??ticos. Em seguida, s??o apresentados o tratamento constitucional dado ao Plano Plurianual e o aperfei??oamento do sistema de planejamento e or??amento trazido pela Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. S??o destacadas, para o caso municipal, as inova????es contidas no Estatuto da Cidade, com reflexos no Plano Plurianual Municipal. Ressalta-se a import??ncia do processo de planejamento e or??amento na execu????o das pol??ticas p??blicas, enfatizando as dificuldades ainda existentes quanto ?? regula????o do sistema de planejamento e or??amento para permitir o imbricamento dessas pol??ticas entre as tr??s esferas federativas.