925 resultados para cost share
Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat IFRS 2 - standardin mukaisen osakeperusteisen palkitsemisen käyttöön ja sen yleisyyteen sekä mitkä tekijät selittävät IFRS 2 -standardin mukaisen osakeperusteisen palkitsemisen osuutta koko henkilöstökuluista tutkimuksessa esiintyvissä OMX-Nordic pörssin listatuissa Suomen ja Ruotsin large cap - yrityksissä. Työn empiirinen tutkimus toteutetaan laadullisella tutkimuksella, jossa lisäksi käytetään hyväksi regressioanalyysin tuloksia vahvistamaan tutkimuksessa muodostettuja ennakko-oletuksia. Tutkimuksesta kävi ilmi, että IFRS 2 -standardin mukaisen osakeperusteisen palkitsemisen käyttöä selittävät toimitusjohtajan ikä, yrityksen koko sekä yrityksen tutkimus- ja kehitystoiminta. Osakeperusteisen palkitsemisen osuutta yrityksen koko henkilöstökuluista puolestaan selittävät yrityksen velkaantuneisuus, palkitsemistapa sekä toimialan riskisyys.
Turun seudun turvallisen ja kestävän liikkumisen suunnitelma on laadittu seudun kuntien ja Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskuksen yhteistyönä. Suunnitelmassa on selvitetty liikenneturvallisuuden, liikkumisen, toimintaympäristön ja liikennejärjestelmän nykytilaa sekä kartoitettu liikenneturvallisuusongelmia erilaisten analyysien ja kyselyiden avulla. Nykytila-analyysin pohjalta on asetettu liikenneturvallisuustyön visio ja tavoitteet sekä määritetty toimenpide-ehdotukset. Tavoitteisiin pääsemistä tukevat liikenneympäristön parantamistoimenpiteiden ohjelma, liikkumisen ohjauksen toimintaohjelma sekä hallintokuntien liikenneturvallisuustyön toimenpiteistä kootut toimintasuunnitelmat. Onnettomuusanalyysin perusteella liikenneturvallisuuden tila oli Turun seudulla hieman koko Suomen keskiarvoa heikompi. Seudulla tapahtui vuosina 2001-2010 henkilövahinkoon johtaneita onnettomuuksia keskimäärin 132 / 100 000 asukasta, kun vastaava luku oli 126 koko maan osalta. Kuolemaan johtaneita onnettomuuksia tapahtui seudulla vähemmän, mutta loukkaantumiseen johtaneita onnettomuuksia koko maan keskiarvoa enemmän. Onnettomuuksissa kuoli tai loukkaantui koko maan keskiarvoa enemmän jalankulkijoita ja polkupyöräilijöitä. Lukumäärällisesti eniten onnettomuuksia tapahtui 18–19-vuotiaille, mutta henkilövahinkoon johtaneita onnettomuuksia tapahtui selvästi eniten 15–16-vuotiaille. Seudulla tapahtuneista liikenneonnettomuuksista aiheutui vuosittain keskimäärin 127,2 miljoonan euron kustannukset, josta kuntien osuus oli vuosittain noin 22,3 miljoonaa euroa. Asukkaille suunnatun kyselyn mukaan sekä työmatkat että lyhyet vapaa-ajan matkat tehtiin useimmiten henkilöautolla. Koululaisia pidettiin turvattomimpana tienkäyttäjäryhmänä, ja kävelyä sekä pyöräilyä turvattomimpina kulkutapoina. Välinpitämättömyyttä pidettiin merkittävimpänä syynä erilaisiin liikennerikkomuksiin ja tärkeimmäksi kehittämistarpeeksi nousi liikennekäyttäytyminen. Yhdyskuntarakenteen ja toimintaympäristön analyysin perusteella seudulla on hyvät edellytykset kestävien kulkumuotojen kuten joukkoliikenteen houkuttelevuuden lisäämiselle sekä kävelyn ja pyöräilyn verkoston kehittämiselle. Onnettomuusanalyysin ja valtakunnallisten tavoitteiden pohjalta Turun seudulle asetettiin liikenneturvallisuustyön tavoitteet. Tavoitelaskelman mukaan liikennekuolemien ja loukkaantuneiden määrä tulee puolittaa vuosien 2006-2010 keskiarvosta vuoteen 2020 mennessä. Tavoitteen mukaan liikenteessä kuolee enintään 6 (lähtötaso 12) ja loukkaantuu 236 (lähtötaso 471) vuonna 2020. Vaikutusarvion perusteella voidaan arvioida päästävän tavoitteeseen suunnitelmakauden aikana. Tavoitteiden saavuttaminen on kuitenkin haasteellista ja edellyttää tehokasta yhteistyötä eri tahojen välillä. Tavoitteeseen tulee pyrkiä laajaa keinovalikoimaa käyttäen. Suunnitelmatyön aikana aktivoitiin kuntien turvallisen ja kestävän liikkumisen ryhmät, joiden toiminnan tueksi laadittiin toimintasuunnitelmat sekä vuosikello työn eri vaiheista. Ryhmät vastaavat suunnitelman toteuttamisesta, toteutumisen seurannasta ja tarvittaessa päivittämisestä.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the improper use of antimicrobials during the postoperative period and its economic impact.METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study by collecting data from medical records of 237 patients operated on between 01/11/08 and 31/12/08.RESULTS: from the 237 patients with the information collected, 217 (91.56%) received antimicrobials. During the postoperative period, 125 (57.7%) patients received more than two antimicrobials. On average, 1.7 ± 0.6 antimicrobials were prescribed to patients, the most commonly prescribed antibiotic being cephalothin, in 41.5% (154) of cases. The direct cost of antimicrobial therapy accounted for 63.78% of all drug therapy, this large percentage being attributed in part to the extended antimicrobial prophylaxis. In the case of clean operations, where there was a mean duration of 5.2 days of antibiotics, antimicrobials represented 44.3% of the total therapy cost.CONCLUSION: The data illustrate the impact of overuse of antimicrobials, with questionable indications, creating situations that compromise patient safety and increasing costs in the assessed hospital.
Objective: to describe and evaluate the acceptance of a low-cost chest tube insertion porcine model in a medical education project in the southwest of Paraná, Brazil. Methods: we developed a low-cost and low technology porcine model for teaching chest tube insertion and used it in a teaching project. Medical trainees - students and residents - received theoretical instructions about the procedure and performed thoracic drainage in this porcine model. After performing the procedure, the participants filled a feedback questionnaire about the proposed experimental model. This study presents the model and analyzes the questionnaire responses. Results: seventy-nine medical trainees used and evaluated the model. The anatomical correlation between the porcine model and human anatomy was considered high and averaged 8.1±1.0 among trainees. All study participants approved the low-cost porcine model for chest tube insertion. Conclusion: the presented low-cost porcine model for chest tube insertion training was feasible and had good acceptability among trainees. This model has potential use as a teaching tool in medical education.
In the middle of the hustle and bustle of a city, you may find a city meadow. A city meadow refers to a green area situated in an urban setting, the management of which aims at maintaining meadow species and facilitating outdoor recreation for city residents. Some of these green areas situated in cities are managed in a detailed and planned manner, while others have been left untended and are now wild, overgrown and in some cases impenetrable. However, all these meadows share one similarity: they play an important role in producing ecosystem services. What, then, is meant by ecosystem services? The multitude of flowers that bloom during summer, recreational opportunities, maintaining nature’s diversity, as well as filtering urban runoff are some of the everyday “services” that city meadows provide for the urban environment and its residents. This publication covers several different points of view by numerous experts on the importance of green areas in cities. The message is clear: management of city meadows improves both natural and cultural environments in a cost-effective manner. City meadows also help improve the health and enjoyment of city residents. When a green area is well-managed, the reputation and image of the surrounding properties and neighbourhood will also improve, as will their financial value!
In this work the implementation of the active magnetic bearing control system in a single FPGA is studied. Requirements for the full magnetic bearing control system are reviewed. Different control methods for active magnetic bearings are described shortly. Flux and the current base controllers are implemented in a FPGA. Suitability of the con-trollers for a low-cost magnetic bearing application is studied. Floating-point arithmetic’s are used in the controllers to ease designing burden and improve calculation precision. Per-formance of the flux controller is verified with simulations.
The target organization of this study, otherwise South-Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) provides health, senior, family and social welfare services. South Karelia Central Hospital provides special health care and offers health services from all of the most important medical specialties. Eksote has in use 15D instrument to measure the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of their patients before and after their interventions for observing the health effects of the medical care. Furthermore, 15D allows measuring the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of health care when comparing these before and after results of the 15D measurements and adding the costs of the interventions into this research. The main purposes of this study were to analyze the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of medical care in South Karelia Central Hospital by using the gathered 15D data to calculate effectiveness and cost-effectiveness ratios and to analyze the reliability and availability of the data. Study has been conducted using literature review and quantitative research methods. The results indicate that from the patients within the eight units selected to this study the 15D change information was available from the 52 %, the 15D change and the cost information from 38 % and the information of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) produced and the cost information from 35 %. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of medical care were greatest at the units of Pain Outpatient Clinic and Rheumatic Diseases Outpatient Clinic. The most effective medical care is given in the unit where the average price of one produced QALY is the highest (Orthopedics). However, the calculated standard deviations pointed out that there are great variances in the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness within the units also.
The aim of this work was to propose, apply and evaluate a methodical approach to select welding processes in a productive environment based on market requirements of Quality and Costs. A case study was used. The welds were carried out in laboratory, simulating the joint conditions of a manufacturer and using several welding processes: SMAW, GTAW, pulsed GTAW, GMAW with CO2 and Ar based shielding gases and pulsed GMAW. For Quality analysis geometrical aspects of the beads were considered and for Cost analysis, welding parameters and consumable prices. Quantitative indices were proposed and evaluated. After that, evaluation of both Quality and Costs was done, showing to be possible to select the most suitable welding process to a specific application, taking into account the market conditions of a company.
Frontier and Emerging economies have implemented policies with the objective of liberalizing their equity markets. Equity market liberalization opens the domestic equity market to foreign investors and as well paves the way for domestic investors to invest in foreign equity securities. Among other things, equity market liberalization results in diversification benefits. Moreover, equity market liberalization leads to low cost of equity capital resulting from the lower rate of return by investors. Additionally, foreign and local investors share any potential risks. Liberalized equity markets also become liquid considering that there are more investors to trade. Equity market liberalization results in financial integration which explains the movement of two markets. In crisis period, increased volatility and co-movement between two markets may result in what is termed contagion effects. In Africa, major moves toward financial liberalization generally started in the late 1980s with South Africa as the pioneer. Over the years, researchers have studied the impact of financial liberalization on Africa’s economic development with diverse results; some being positive, others negative and still others being mixed. The objective of this study is to establish whether African stock-markets are integrated into the United States (US) and World market. Furthermore, the study helps to see if there are international linkages between the Africa, US and the world markets. A Bivariate- VAR- GARCH- BEKK model is employed in the study. In the study, the effect of thin trading is removed through series of econometric data purification. This is because thin trading, also known as non-trading or inconsistency of trading, is a main feature of African markets and may trigger inconsistency and biased results. The study confirmed the widely established results that the South Africa and Egypt stock markets are highly integrated with the US and World market. Interestingly, the study adds to knowledge in this research area by establishing the fact that Kenya is very integrated with the US and World markets and that it receives and exports past innovations as well as shocks to and from the US and World market.
Maritime safety is an issue that has gained a lot of attention in the Baltic Sea area due to the dense maritime traffic and transportation of oil in the area. Lots of effort has been paid to enhance maritime safety in the area. The risk exists that excessive legislation and other requirements mean more costs for limited benefit. In order to utilize both public and private resources efficiently, awareness is required of what kind of costs maritime safety policy instruments cause and whether the costs are in relation to benefits. The aim of this report is to present an overview of the cost-effectiveness of maritime safety policy instruments focusing on the cost aspect: what kind of costs maritime safety policy causes, to whom, what affects the cost-effectiveness and how cost-effectiveness is studied. The study is based on a literature review and on the interviews of Finnish maritime experts. The results of this study imply that cost-effectiveness is a complicated issue to evaluate. There are no uniform practices for which costs and benefits should be included in the evaluation and how they should be valued. One of the challenges is how to measure costs and benefits during the course of a longer time period. Often a lack of data erodes the reliability of evaluation. In the prevention of maritime accidents, costs typically include investments in ship structures or equipment, as well as maintenance and labor costs. Also large investments may be justifiable if they respectively provide significant improvements to maritime safety. Measures are cost-effective only if they are implemented properly. Costeffectiveness is decreased if a measure causes overlapping or repetitious work. Costeffectiveness is also decreased if the technology isn’t user-friendly or if it is soon replaced with a new technology or another new appliance. In future studies on the cost-effectiveness of maritime safety policy, it is important to acknowledge the dependency between different policy instruments and the uncertainty of the factors affecting cost-effectiveness. The costs of a single measure are rarely relatively significant and the effect of each measure on safety tends to be positive. The challenge is to rank the measures and to find the most effective combination of different policy instruments. The greatest potential offered for the analysis of cost-effectiveness of individual measures is their implementation in clearly defined risk situations, in which different measures are truly alternative to each other. Overall, maritime safety measures do not seem to be considered burdening for the shipping industry in Finland at the moment. Generally actors in the Finnish shipping industry seem to find maintaining a high safety level important and act accordingly.
Tämä työ tehtiin Kone Industrial Oy:lle Major Projects yksikköön, laatuosastolle. Kone Major Projects yksikkö keskittyy erikoisiin ja suuriin hissi- ja liukuporras projekteihin. Työn tavoitteena oli luoda harmonisoitu prosessi hissikomponenttien laaduntarkkailua varten sekä tarkastella ja vertailla kustannussäästöjä, jota tällä uudella prosessilla voidaan saavuttaa. Tavoitteena oli saavuttaa 80-prosentin kustannussäästöt laatukustannuksissa uuden laatuprosessin avulla. Työn taustana ja tutkimusongelmana ovat lisääntyneet erikoisprojektit ja niiden myötä lisääntynyt laaduntarkkailun tarve. Ongelmana laaduntarkkailussa voitiin pitää harmonisoidun ja selkeän prosessin puuttumista C-prosessikomponenttien valmistuksessa. Lisäksi kehitysprosessin aikana luotiin vanhojen työkalujen pohjalta keskeinen laaduntarkkailutyökalu, CTQ-työkalu. Työssä käsitellään ensin Konetta yhtiönä ja selvitetään Koneen keskeisimmät prosessit työn taustaksi. Teoria osuudessa käsitellään prosessin kehitykseen liittyviä teorioita sekä yleisiä laatukäsitteitä ja esitetään teorioita laadun asemasta nykypäivänä. Lopuksi käsitellään COQ eli laatukustannusten teoriaa ja esitellään teoria PAF-analyysille, jota käytetään työssä laatukustannusten vertailuun case esimerkin avulla. Työssä kuvataan CTQ prosessin luominen alusta loppuun ja case esimerkin avulla testataan uutta CTQ prosessia pilottihankkeessa. Tässä case esimerkissä projektin bracket eli johdekiinnitysklipsi tuotetaan uuden laatuprosessin avulla sekä tehdään kustannusvertailu saman projektin toisen bracketin kanssa, joka on tuotettu ennen uuden laatuprosessin implementoimista. Työn lopputuloksena CTQ prosessi saatiin luotua ja sitä pystyttiin testaamaan käytännössä case esimerkin avulla. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että CTQ prosessin käyttö vähentää laatukustannuksia huomattavasti ja helpottaa laadunhallintaa C-prosessikomponenttien tuotannossa.
In today's logistics environment, there is a tremendous need for accurate cost information and cost allocation. Companies searching for the proper solution often come across with activity-based costing (ABC) or one of its variations which utilizes cost drivers to allocate the costs of activities to cost objects. In order to allocate the costs accurately and reliably, the selection of appropriate cost drivers is essential in order to get the benefits of the costing system. The purpose of this study is to validate the transportation cost drivers of a Finnish wholesaler company and ultimately select the best possible driver alternatives for the company. The use of cost driver combinations as an alternative is also studied. The study is conducted as a part of case company's applied ABC-project using the statistical research as the main research method supported by a theoretical, literature based method. The main research tools featured in the study include simple and multiple regression analyses, which together with the literature and observations based practicality analysis forms the basis for the advanced methods. The results suggest that the most appropriate cost driver alternatives are the delivery drops and internal delivery weight. The possibility of using cost driver combinations is not suggested as their use doesn't provide substantially better results while increasing the measurement costs, complexity and load of use at the same time. The use of internal freight cost drivers is also questionable as the results indicate weakening trend in the cost allocation capabilities towards the end of the period. Therefore more research towards internal freight cost drivers should be conducted before taking them in use.
This study is a qualitative action research by its nature with elements of personal design in the form of a tangible model implementation framework construction. Utilized empirical data has been gathered via two questionnaires in relation to the arranged four workshop events with twelve individual participants. Five of them represented maintenance customers, three maintenance service providers and four equipment providers respectively. Further, there are two main research objectives in proportion to the two complementary focusing areas of this thesis. Firstly, the value-based life-cycle model, which first version has already been developed prior to this thesis, requires updating in order to increase its real-life applicability as an inter-firm decision-making tool in industrial maintenance. This first research objective is fulfilled by improving appearance, intelligibility and usability of the above-mentioned model. In addition, certain new features are also added. The workshop participants from the collaborating companies were reasonably pleased with made changes, although further attention will be required in future on the model’s intelligibility in particular as main results, charts and values were all reckoned as slightly hard to understand. Moreover, upgraded model’s appearance and added new features satisfied them the most. Secondly and more importantly, the premises of the model’s possible inter-firm implementation process need to be considered. This second research objective is delivered in two consecutive steps. At first, a bipartite open-books supported implementation framework is created and its different characteristics discussed in theory. Afterwards, the prerequisites and the pitfalls of increasing inter-organizational information transparency are studied in empirical context. One of the main findings was that the organizations are not yet prepared for network-wide information disclosure as dyadic collaboration was favored instead. However, they would be willing to share information bilaterally at least. Another major result was that the present state of companies’ cost accounting systems will definitely need implementation-wise enhancing in future since accurate and sufficiently detailed maintenance data is not available. Further, it will also be crucial to create supporting and mutually agreed network infrastructure. There are hardly any collaborative models, methods or tools currently in usage. Lastly, the essential questions about mutual trust and predominant purchasing strategies are cooperation-wise important. If inter-organizational activities are expanded, a more relational approach should be favored in this regard. Mutual trust was also recognized as a significant cooperation factor, but it is hard to measure in reality.