646 resultados para Jazz musicians.
Noise seems to stand for a lack of aesthetic grace, to alienate or distract rather than enrapture. And yet the drones of psychedelia, the racket of garage rock and punk, the thudding of rave, the feedback of shoegaze and post-rock, the bombast of thrash and metal, the clatter of jungle and the stuttering of electronica, together with notable examples of avant-garde noise art, have all found a place in the history of contemporary musics, and are recognised as representing key evolutionary moments. Noise therefore is the untold story of contemporary popular music, and in a critical exploration of noise lies the possibility of a new narrative – one that is wide-ranging, connects the popular to the underground and avant-garde, fully posits the studio as a musical instrument, and demands new critical and theoretical paradigms of those seeking to write about music. Resonances is a compelling collection of new essays by scholars, writers and musicians – all seeking to explore and enlighten this field of study.
The richness of dance comes from the need to work with an individual body. Still, the body of the dancer belongs to plural context, crossed by artistic and social traditions, which locate the artists in a given field. We claim that role conflict is an essential component of the structure of collective artistic creativity. We address the production of discourse in a British dance company, with data that spawns from the ethnography ‘Dance and Cognition’, directed by David Kirsh at the University of California, together with WayneMcGregor-Random Dance. Our Critical Discourse Analysis is based on multiple interviews to the dancers and choreographer. Our findings show how creativity in dance seems to be empirically observable, and thus embodied and distributed shaped by the dance habitus of the particular social context.
This article argues that The Toughest Indian in the World (2000) by Native-American author Sherman Alexie combines elements of his tribal (oral) tradition with others coming from the Western (literary) short-story form. Like other Native writers — such as Momaday, Silko or Vizenor — , Alexie is seen to bring into his short fiction characteristics of his people’s oral storytelling that make it much more dialogical and participatory. Among the author’s narrative techniques reminiscent of the oral tradition, aggregative repetitions of patterned thoughts and strategically-placed indeterminacies play a major role in encouraging his readers to engage in intellectual and emotional exchanges with the stories. Assisted by the ideas of theorists such as Ong (1988), Evers and Toelken (2001), and Teuton (2008), this article shows how Alexie’s short fiction is enriched and revitalized by the incorporation of oral elements. The essay also claims that new methods of analysis and assessment may be needed for this type of bicultural artistic forms. Despite the differences between the two modes of communication, Alexie succeeds in blending features and techniques from both traditions, thus creating a new hybrid short-story form that suitably conveys the trying experiences faced by his characters.
A case, initiated by two composers, Johann Christian Bach and Karl Friedrich Abel, concerning whether or not printed music fell within the protection of the Statute of Anne 1710 (uk_1710). Lord Mansfield holds that published music is protected as ‘writing' within the terms of the legislation.
The commentary explores attitudes to the protection of music throughout the eighteenth century on the part of publishers, composers and musicians, and in particular the use of the printing privilege by some composers to secure the right to publish their work, and the efforts of the music publishers to secure legislative protection in the mid-eighteenth century.
L’imagerie musicale involontaire (IMIN) est un phénomène mental extrêmement commun. Il peut être défini en tant que type d’imagerie mentale musicale qui devient consciente sans effort ou intentionnalité et qui n’est pas pathologique. La forme la plus connue d’IMIN est le « ver d’oreille », qui se présente généralement comme un court extrait musical tournant en boucle en tête et dont on se débarrasse difficilement. L’objectif principal de la présente thèse est d’investiguer les mécanismes cognitifs sous-tendant le phénomène puisque, malgré l’intérêt répandu dans les médias populaires, son étude expérimentale est récente et un modèle intégré n’a pas encore été proposé. Dans la première étude, l’induction expérimentale a été tentée et les caractéristiques des images mentales d’épisodes d’IMIN ont été investiguées. Dans le laboratoire, des chansons accrocheuses (versus des proverbes) ont été présentées répétitivement aux participants qui devaient ensuite les chanter le plus fidèlement possible. Ils ont par après quitté le laboratoire, une enregistreuse numérique en mains, avec la consigne d’enregistrer une reproduction vocale la plus fidèle possible de ce qu’ils avaient en tête lors de tous leurs épisodes d’IMIN sur une période de quatre jours, ainsi que de décrire leur timbre. L’expérience a été répétée deux semaines plus tard. Douze des dix-huit participants du groupe expérimental ont rapporté des pièces induites comme épisodes d’IMIN, ce qui confirme l’efficacité de la procédure d’induction. La tonalité et le tempo des productions ont ensuite été analysés et comparés à ceux des pièces originales. Similairement pour les épisodes d’IMIN induits et les autres, les tempi produits et, dans une moindre mesure pour les non-musiciens, les tonalités étaient proches des originaux. Le timbre décrit était généralement une version simplifiée de l’original (un instrument et/ou une voix). Trois études se sont ensuite intéressées au lien entre le potentiel d’IMIN et la mémorabilité. Dans une étude préliminaire, 150 chansons du palmarès francophone radiophonique ont été évaluées en ligne par 164 participants, sur leur niveau de familiarité, d’appréciation et de potentiel d’IMIN. Les pièces ont ensuite été divisées en groupes de stimuli à faible et à fort potentiel d’IMIN, qui ont été utilisés dans une tâche typique de rappel libre/reconnaissance, premièrement avec des francophones (pour qui les pièces étaient familières) et ensuite avec des non-francophones (pour qui les pièces étaient non-familières). Globalement, les pièces à fort potentiel d’IMIN étaient mieux rappelées et reconnues que les pièces à faible potentiel. Une dernière étude a investigué l’impact de la variabilité inter-stimulus du timbre sur les résultats précédents, en demandant à une chanteuse d’enregistrer les lignes vocales des pièces et en répétant l’expérience avec ces nouveaux stimuli. La différence précédemment observée entre les stimuli à fort et à faible potentiel d’IMIN dans la tâche de reconnaissance a ainsi disparu, ce qui suggère que le timbre est une caractéristique importante pour le potentiel d’IMIN. En guise de conclusion, nous suggérons que les phénomènes mentaux et les mécanismes cognitifs jouant un rôle dans les autres types de souvenirs involontaires peuvent aussi s’appliquer à l’IMIN. Dépendamment du contexte, la récupération mnésique des pièces peut résulter de la répétition en mémoire à court terme, de l’amorçage à court et long terme ou de l’indiçage provenant de stimuli dans l’environnement ou les pensées. Une des plus importantes différences observables entre l’IMIN et les autres souvenirs involontaires est la répétition. Nous proposons que la nature même de la musique, qui est définie par la répétition à un niveau micro- et macro-structurel en est responsable.
Hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is a key feature of human language and can be identified theoretically in most pieces of tonal music. However, previous studies have argued against the perception of such structures in music. Here, we show processing of nonlocal dependencies in music. We presented chorales by J. S. Bach and modified versions inwhich the hierarchical structure was rendered irregular whereas the local structure was kept intact. Brain electric responses differed between regular and irregular hierarchical structures, in both musicians and nonmusicians. This finding indicates that, when listening to music, humans apply cognitive processes that are capable of dealing with longdistance dependencies resulting from hierarchically organized syntactic structures. Our results reveal that a brain mechanism fundamental for syntactic processing is engaged during the perception of music, indicating that processing of hierarchical structure with nested nonlocal dependencies is not just a key component of human language, but a multidomain capacity of human cognition.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Análisis de la tragedia legendaria en tres actos publicada en 1962 por el dramaturgo francés Jean Geschwin, en la que, a partir de una original recreación del mito de Progne y Filomela, se expresa la preocupación y el desasosiego provocados por las dos décadas de sangrientos conflictos bélicos casi ininterrumpidos que estaban desgarrando a Francia.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
This paper describes research carried out as part of a wider doctoral study on ‘the biography of music teachers, their understanding of musicality and the implications for secondary music education’. Music teachers will come from a range of diverse backgrounds, though research data would suggest that most seem to have been educated as ‘classical’ music performers which will have an affect on what they perceive to be central competencies in the development of young musicians. In turn, this will determine, to some extent, what is taught and learned in the secondary music classroom. This study explores the impact of the biography of secondary music teachers as they seek to develop the musicianship of their pupils and present the activities in which the young people will be expected to participate. A mixed methods approach has been taken, including surveys, observation and interviews. Surveys amongst a sample of experienced and trainee teachers have produced a range of quantitative data on respondents’ experience of and values related to music education; whilst qualitative data in the form of lesson observation notes and transcription of semi-structured interviews have been the result of working with a small sub-set of participants. The outcomes of study have suggested a clear link between biography and classroom practice but that there are also other potential tensions which arise, such as in the subject knowledge development of practitioners as they move from musician to teacher. Implications for a variety of stakeholders in secondary music education include a consideration of the development of subject knowledge together with potential review of national and local education policy, the nature of undergraduate music study and the ‘shape’ of initial teacher training in England.
Flow experience, a holistic sensation of total involvement in an activity, seems to have positive influences on musical performance activities. Although its main requirements (balance between challenges and skills, clear goals and unequivocal feedback) are inherent elements of musical practice, there is a lack of research about flow occurrences in the context of musical practice and on how specific practice behaviours affect the experience of flow and its particular dimensions. The aims of this thesis were to investigate advanced performersʼ dispositions to flow in musical practice, and to investigate whether the frequency of these experiences of holistic engagement with practice are associated with self-regulatory practice behaviours. 168 advanced classicallytrained performers (male = 50.0%; female = 50.0%), ranging in age from 18 to 74 years (m = 34.41, SD = 12.39), answered a survey that included two measures: the Dispositional Short Flow Scale, assessing performersʼ flow dispositions, and the Self-Regulated Practice Behaviours Questionnaire, developed specifically for the present research. The overall results of the survey suggested that advanced musicians have high dispositions to flow in musical practice, but not associated with the participantsʼ demographic characteristics. Three of the individual flow indicators were less experienced, suggesting that the most intense flow experiences are rare in musical practice. However, the results point to the existence of another relevant experience, named optimal practice experience. Practice engagement levels were positively associated with knowledge of oneʼs own personal resources and a capacity for practice organization, but not with inclusion/use of external resources. A capacity for setting optimal practice goals was related to self-regulation and to immersion aspects of flow. Current findings offer new clues about the assessment of flow dispositions in performers, helping to clarify how daily practice can heighten positive affective responses in musicians who are vulnerable to the requirements and difficulties of deliberate practice, as well as to other negative practice outcomes. The current research questions issues pertaining to the optimization and sustaining of flow in daily practice, suggesting future directions in the study of the affective subjective functioning of engagement with deliberate practice.
Since the middle 80 s from the 20th century, some musical genres associated to the Brazilian Northeastern region notably the forró, coco de embolada and repente de viola have been gradually incorporated to the musical production of south France linked to the occitanista trend, currently linking many musicians and groups from those regions in both countries. This paper is engaged in reflecting on the particular experience of the groups formed by the Escambiar Association, located on the city of Toulouse, and specially the duet Fabulous Trobadors, whose compositions are mostly made in the coco de embolada form. Watching the motivations and the processes that led to the creation of the groups from this association and it s current operation, this study investigates the transcultural phenomenon, that allow to cross two symbolic universes through rationalizing speeches about music, considering the locality s production in the midst of a political debate that involve questions about cultural identity and tradition
Musicians, rhetoricians and crossbowmen, all of them employed by the city of Brussels, acted, sang and played instruments during the "Ommegang" procession in the 15th century in the main square, some of them during other processions, too. In Bruges, instrumentalists and singers took part in the representation of biblical scenes on street corners, which were part of the entry of Philip III the Good, Duke of Burgundy, into the city around the year 1440. The members of the clergy who knew music sang plainchant in all of these three roles, and independent musicians probably participated, too, even though the documents don't name them or describe their function. Except for the disabled, who marched in a procession on their own, the "common people" were only spectators of these events, which were planned in advance. The evidence that remains indicates that the voices of the "common people" remained hidden in these events, which were intended to promote civic unity.
Esta dissertação baseia-se no estudo da introdução da música contemporânea portuguesa de viola d’arco num grupo de alunos de viola d’arco da Casa Pia de Lisboa, através de composições encomendadas a nove compositores portugueses. Incide também na análise das atitudes em relação à música contemporânea portuguesa por parte de professores de viola d’arco portugueses. Procurou-se ampliar o repertório da viola d’arco através da encomenda de obras didáticas, e o repertório expressivo dos alunos envolvidos. Verificou-se que a introdução tardia da música contemporânea no ensino da música e a desatualização dos programas podem condicionar a atitude dos músicos em relação à mesma, sendo importante uma mudança de paradigma. Parecem não existir dificuldades técnicas na abordagem a estas obras por parte dos alunos. Houve também uma aceitação por parte dos professores em introduzir estes conceitos, tendo existido igualmente uma abertura por parte dos compositores contemporâneos envolvidos, em criar obras didáticas para viola d’arco.