999 resultados para Geología-Castelló


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La formació deis futurs mestres és una tasca complexa amb diferents implicacions. El rol que juguen els ensenyants en la nostra societat es troba en un procés de canvi. La responsabilitat que se'ls exigeix és diferent de la de fa pocs anys. Se'ls demana major autonomia i major implicació en la tasca educativa, a vegades sense rebre suport per part de les institucions o la comunitat a la qual pertanyen. Les diferents propostes lligades al nou sistema d'ensenyament obligatori no estan prou pa'ides i assimilades. Arreu del món, les qüestions relacionades amb l'ambit escolar es revisen, es critiquen, es canvien ...


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This paper describes a new species of arcturidean isopod, Arcturella poorei, from the Atlantic seaboard of Cadiz (Spain). A diagnosis and description of the species is presented, and a comparison with other species of the genus from the area.


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This paper summarizes the results of a taxonomic study of the isopods collected during the 'Antártida 1986-11' expedition. A total of 123 specimens were studied, of which 99 were in the adult or juvenile phases and 24 were in the postmanca phase. The specimens were attributed to 11 species, 9 genera, 5 families and 4 suborders. The most abundant species were Glyptonotus antarcticus and Ceratoserolis trilobitoides. Several records are reported for the first time from the archipelagos of the Scotia Arc.


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A total of 42 isopod species from the Strait of Gibraltar and nearby areas were found, including the first record of Munna fabricii, Monodanthura maroccana, Campecopea hirsute, and Natatolana gallica from the Mediterranean; Synisoma nadejda and Uromunna petiti from the Atlantic; and Munna fabricii, Uromunna petiti, Monodanthura maroccana, Stellanthura cryptobia and Natatolana gallica from the Iberian waters. This article includes the previous records from the Iberian waters for all the species. The greatest number of species were found in Tarifa (16 species), located in the transition zone between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. According to depth, the distribution of species was as follows: 18 species were collected in the intertidal zone, mostly Dynamene edwardsi and Ischyromene lacazei; 33 species were found between 1 and 10 m, 13 species were found between 11 and 20 m, and 6 species were found between 21 and 28 m, mostly Janira maculosa. According to habitat, 16 species were collected on soft bottoms, 2 species on Zostera, and 22 species on algae substrata, mostly Halopteris, Asparagopsis and Cystoseira. The most diverse genus was Cymodoce (5 species). This paper contributes to the taxonomic, faunistic and biogeographical knowledge of the benthic communities from the Strait of Gibraltar and nearby areas.


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A new species of janiridean isopod, Austrofilius mediterraneus sp. nov., from the Columbretes Islands (Castellón de la Plana), Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, is described, given it is the first record of the genus in the Northern Hemisphere. It is mainly distinguished from the other two species of the genus by the male pleopod 1, which is wider at the apex and with hooked lateral lobes, curved and nearly surpassing medial lobes. Furthermore, the female operculum shows only four distolateral setae. The rostrum of Austrofilius mediterraneus sp. nov. is extended into single frontolateral tips but is shorter than in A. furcatus Hodgson, 1910.


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En este artículo se presentan los resultados acerca de la construcción del modelo científico precursor (MCP) de flotación basado en la naturaleza del material de los objetos por parte de niños de Educación infantil, a partir del uso de habilidades científicas procedimentales y comunicativas, en un contexto dialógico de instrucción. El estudio exploratorio siguió un enfoque cualitativo en la recogida y el análisis de los datos y se llevó a término en tres fases: pre-test, proceso de instrucción y post-test. Los resultados muestran que, después del periodo de instrucción, varios menores fueron capaces de construir el modelo precursor de flotación, y que, en general, todos mostraron mejorar cualitativamente su razonamiento al describir el fenómeno en términos del acontecimiento mismo y al cambiar la forma de explicarlo en términos más científicos. En base a estos resultados asumimos que las actividades fueron efectivas y que, en el contexto de la educación infantil, el enfoque que se propone puede contribuir a mejorar la comprensión de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las ciencias en la educación infantil, con el objetivo de promover una alfabetización científica desde edades tempranas.


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This case study identifies the elements that compose the Quality of Life (QofL) of individuals who were 75 years old or older and receive care at home. The study's sample was composed of individuals 75 years or older cared for by a home health care service in the primary health care unit in Vilafranca del Penedès, Spain (n=26). The variables included: a) socio-demographic data; b) concept of QofL; c) perception of QofL; d) reasons for their perception; d) satisfaction with life and related aspects; and f) feeling of happiness. Face to face interviews were conducted. A total of 76.9% of the individuals reported a good perception of QofL and the main reasons related to it were: health, family and social relationships, and the ability to adapt. Role Theory and Disengagement Theory explain the adaptation process of these individuals at this point in life.


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In this article, Rosa Cabré discusses Marçal¿s novel and illustrates how, according to the author, the desire of love, which is a source of pleasure often accompanied by guilt and distress, can lead to the creation or the illusion of an absolute beauty, like poetry. She explains in what way the mirror and the mask, recurring motifs in Marçal¿s work, symbolise identity and ¿otherness¿ and how these unite the real and the symbolic level. The novel contains an infinite number of mirrors, both external and internal ones, which enable the characters to see themselves reflected. This reflection is linked to feminity and to the possibilities of discovering one¿s own identity.


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Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been reported to exert beneficial physiological effects on body composition and the immune system. However, little information is available on the influence of CLA on immune function during early life periods. The present study evaluates the effect of feeding an 80:20 mixture of cis-9,trans-11- and trans-10,cis-12-CLA isomers duringgestation, suckling and early infancy on the systemic and mucosal immune responses of Wistar rats at three different time points: at the end of the suckling period (21-day-old rats), in early infancy (28-day-old rats), and later in life (adulthood). Cis-9,trans-11- and trans-10,cis-12-CLA isomers were detected in the milk of CLA-fed dams and in the plasma of all CLA-supplemented pups, and the highest content was achieved in those rats supplemented over the longest period. Dietary supplementation with that CLA mix enhances the systemic production of the main in vivo and ex vivo immunoglobulin (Ig) isotypes in 21- and 28-day-old rats. Moreover, CLA supplementation during suckling and early infancy also enhances the humoral immune defenses at intestinal level, by means of mucosal IgA increase, whereas down-regulates thesystemic lymphoproliferative response. Finally, we described herein how feeding a diet enriched with the same isomer mix of cis9,trans11- and trans10,cis12-CLA from gestation to adulthood improves the capacity of adult rats to achieve a specific systemic and mucosal immune responses. All these data support the immunomodulatory effects of dietary supplementation of CLA, particularly of the cis9,trans11-CLA isomer, during early stages of life on immune system development, as well as the long-term effects on the specific immune response in adult age.


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The aim of this brief article is to demonstrate and analyze the influence of Heraclitus’s thought on some of the poems written by Miguel de Unamuno, in particular ‘La elegía eterna’ and ‘La flor tronchada’. At times –as in ‘La elegía eterna’– Heraclitus merely serves as a sort of a walking stick, an aid to his efforts to poetically reveal his anxieties. On other occasions –as in ‘La flor tronchada’– he genuinely needs Heraclitus’s philosophy to illustrate his view of human life and its relation to God as unending warfare.


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S'estudien les diferents parts de l'aparell vocal i com interactuen per a produir la veu normal.


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En este trabajo se estudia cómo el periódico El Tiempo representó la toma de la embajada de la República Dominicana ocurrida en Bogotá en 1980. Siguiendo la propuesta del Análisis Crítico del Discurso se analizó cómo El Tiempo diferencia entre Nosotros y Ellos para determinar las características de estos actores y las acciones que realizan. Posteriormente se realizó un análisis de las macroestructuras semánticas para establecer los temas más importantes para el periódico. Finalmente, se realizó un análisis de las estrategias de legitimación discursiva que utilizó el periódico para legitimar su discurso. De esta forma se pudo establecer que: a) el periódico representa positivamente a Nosotros y negativamente a Ellos; b) que El Tiempo utiliza la toma de la embajada para introducir otros problemas de la agenda pública como la votación; y c) que el periódico legitima discursivamente el discurso de Nosotros y deslegitima el de Ellos.


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El objetivo del trabajo es determinar si el uso de un grupo de verbos es propio del español de Argentina o si, por el contrario, se extiende a otros países hispanohablantes. Para ello, se analizan el proceso de derivación verbal, la semántica y el carácter neológico de las voces.


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En este trabajo se estudia la relación entre la morfología y la lexicografía mediante el análisis de seis verbos prefijados con re-. Se comparan sus definiciones en tres diccionarios y se proponen nuevas definiciones siguiendo el modelo de entrada lexicográfica del Diccionario de Aprendizaje de Español como Lengua Extranjera.