Voces verbales en el español de Argentina

Autoria(s): Vinokur Jeinson, Anahí

Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Facultat de Traducció i Interpretació

Atienza Cerezo, Encarna




El objetivo del trabajo es determinar si el uso de un grupo de verbos es propio del español de Argentina o si, por el contrario, se extiende a otros países hispanohablantes. Para ello, se analizan el proceso de derivación verbal, la semántica y el carácter neológico de las voces.

When a language comprises more than one country, or even more than one continent, a translator should be ready to acknowledge all the differences between its varieties. This paper focuses on some of the verbal uses typical for Argentinean Spanish. In particular, its purpose is to determine whether these verbs are only limited to Argentina or if, they are used in other Spanish-speaking countries. After obtaining a number of verbal voices from web pages and native informants, a group of these verbs—selected according to various morphological and lexicographic criteria—were documented in dictionaries and linguistic corpora. This information was then introduced on verbal cards made ad hoc, and, by comparing them, each verb was analyzed in terms of verbal derivation, semantics, and neology. Findings show that most of the meanings documented are not used in Spain, and that some of the verbs may not even be confined to Argentinean Spanish. Moreover, usage contexts lead to think that the verbs are mainly used in colloquial situations, both oral and written. Regarding neology, it is argued that some of the verbs could have been recently created in Spanish, whereas some others, instead, are likely to belong to the Argentinean lunfardo vocabulary. In order to properly ascertain if they are new verbal voices, future research is needed. Finally, since many of the derivational word stems from which verbs are created are also verbs, it is suggested that future studies describing the main derivational morphology features of deverbal verbs are required.








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Palavras-Chave #Castellà -- Amèrica Llatina #Neologismes #Traducció -- Espanya #81 - Lingüística i llengües
