Análisis de los verbos prefijados con re- y su aplicación a la lexicografía

Autoria(s): Casamor Vidal, Maria



En este trabajo se estudia la relación entre la morfología y la lexicografía mediante el análisis de seis verbos prefijados con re-. Se comparan sus definiciones en tres diccionarios y se proponen nuevas definiciones siguiendo el modelo de entrada lexicográfica del Diccionario de Aprendizaje de Español como Lengua Extranjera.

Dictionaries are an essential tool in the process of learning a foreign language and they must meet the needs of its users. However, it happens too often that they do not include actualized and current information. The aim of this paper is to observe the relation between morphology and lexicography by analyzing a group of verbs prefixed by re- and its subsequent application to the Spanish learner‟s dictionary DAELE (Diccionario de Aprendizaje de Español como Lengua Extranjera). Four procedures are followed to achieve it: the summary of the syntactic, morphologic, and semantic information of re- prefix that appears in Spanish grammars; the analysis by different corpora of six verbs, chosen from the index of entries of this dictionary; the comparison of the existing definitions in three monolingual Spanish dictionaries and the proposal of a lexicographical entry for each analyzed verb. Using corpora enables the observation of the gaps between existing definitions in the dictionaries and the real and current use of the verb. Re- prefix has multiple meanings and affects the lexical base in a lot of different ways; however, these nuances are not always showed on dictionaries‟ definitions.





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Palavras-Chave #Lexicografia -- Diccionaris #Castellà -- Morfologia
