647 resultados para Eyewitness Testimony


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Assertion is a speech act that stands at the intersection of the philosophy of language and social epistemology. It is a phenomenon that bears on such wide-ranging topics as testimony, truth, meaning, knowledge and trust. It is thus no surprise that analytic philosophers have devoted innumerable pages to assertion, trying to give the norms that govern it, its role in the transmission of knowledge, and most importantly, what assertion is, or how assertion is to be defined. In this thesis I attempt to show that all previous answers to the question “What is assertion?” are flawed. There are four major traditions in the literature: constitutive norm theories of assertion, accounts that treat assertion as the expression of speaker attitudes, accounts that treat assertion as a proposal to add some proposition to the common ground, and accounts that treat assertion as the taking of responsibility for some claim. Each tradition is explored here, the leading theories within the tradition developed, and then placed under scrutiny to demonstrate flaws within the positions surveyed. I follow the work of G.E. Moore and William P. Alston, whilst drawing on the work of Robert Brandom in order to give a new bipartite theory of assertion. I argue that assertion consists in the explicit presentation of a proposition, along with a taking of responsibility for that proposition. Taking Alston's explicit presentation condition and repairing it in order to deal with problems it faces, whilst combining it with Brandom's responsibility condition, provides, I believe, the best account of assertion.


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Private law courts in the UK have maintained the de minimis threshold as a condition precedent for a successful claim for the infliction of mental harm. This de minimis threshold necessitates the presence of a ‘recognised psychiatric illness’ as opposed to ‘mere emotion’. This standard has also been adopted by the criminal law courts when reading the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 to include non-physical injury. In determining the cut-off point between psychiatric injury and mere emotion, the courts have adopted a generally passive acceptance of expert testimony and the guidelines used by mental health professionals to make diagnoses. Yet these guidelines were developed for use in a clinical setting, not a legal one. This article examines the difficulty inherent in utilising the ‘dimensional’ diagnostic criteria used by mental health professionals to answer ‘categorical’ legal questions. This is of particular concern following publication of the new diagnostic manual, DSM-V in 2013, which will further exacerbate concerns about compatibility. It is argued that a new set of diagnostic guidelines, tailored specifically for use in a legal context, is now a necessity.


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This dissertation examines a process of indigenous accumulation among Tonga farmers in Zambia’s Southern Province. In the 1970s multiple authors concluded that capitalist farmers had emerged among Tonga agro-pastoralists, predominantly within private titled holdings. Relying on archival research, newspapers, secondary sources and extensive oral testimony this thesis fills a 35-year gap on the topic, providing insights into the social and environmental impacts of neoliberal policy among African peasants and capitalist farmers. In contrast to dominant narratives of the post-independence period, this study argues that Zambia did experience a developmental process post-independence, which saw significant achievements made in the agricultural sector, including the doubling of national cattle stocks. The data reveals a painful process of disarticulation beginning in the late 1980s. Following neoliberal adjustment, we observe significant heterogeneity in production systems, some regional specialization, and processes of migration. Most importantly, the thesis uncovers processes of overwhelming ecosystemic change that contributed to livestock epidemics of severe scale and scope. Amazingly, this went largely undocumented because of the simultaneous crisis of the state, which left the national statistics office and other state bodies incapable of functioning from the late 1980s into the 2000s. In response, the Zambian state has introduced a number of neodevelopmental initiatives in the sector, yet the lack of animal traction remained up to 2008 and agricultural production declined, while more capitalized farmers (largely white, and/or with foreign direct investment) have become more significant players in the country. This thesis provides compelling evidence to challenge dominant economic thinking of the Washington institutions as well as many of the common Marxian formulations.


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This article proposes a reflection on what the historian Saul Friedlander called “the limits of representation” of the massacres and genocides, in order to provide evidence to help settle the old debate about the Holocaust unrepresentability. To achieve this, we will carry out a textual analysis of five of the most painful images that the American photographer Lee Miller realized in the Nazi concentration camps of Buchenwald and Dachau, in April 1945. The war correspondent, who had been Man Ray’s assistant photographer, muse and lover, witnessed the horror, and if she knew how to represent it, that was, in a great extent, thanks to its surreal look.


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It is thought that Lysias’ speech XXIII, Against Pancleon, was delivered in a paragraphe or ‘counter-indictment process’, called antigraphe in an initial phase. However a review of these concepts and, in general, of some aspects of Athenian judicial procedure has allowed us to conclude that the mentioned speech was made by the plaintiff, client of the logographer, against the defendant in a ‘action for false testimony’, dike pseudomartyrion.


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La dynastie des Flaviens est souvent mal connue et appréciée en raison de sa situation chronologique, « coincée » entre la famille des descendants de César et d’Auguste et celle allant de Trajan à Marc Aurèle. Elle passe parfois pour une simple dynastie de « transition » qui aurait uniquement servi de passerelle entre deux familles considérées comme plus brillantes qui ont par ailleurs laissé un souvenir plus durable. En un peu plus d’un quart de siècle (69-96), Vespasien, Titus et Domitien ont pourtant davantage fait pour la stabilité de Rome et de l’Empire que certains de leurs prédécesseurs ou successeurs. Sorti vainqueur des troubles civils de l’année des quatre empereurs (68-69), Vespasien ramena la paix en Orient et en Italie en plus de s’attacher à stabiliser les institutions et de reconstituer les finances de l’État, passablement écornées par les dernières années du Principat de Néron (54-68) et la guerre civile elle-même. Plus que la paix et la stabilité à l’intérieur et aux frontières de l’Empire, il fit cependant en sorte de refonder les bases institutionnelles du Principat en assumant sa transformation en un régime monarchique et héréditaire. Un principe parfaitement admis puisque ses deux fils adultes, Titus et Domitien, lui succédèrent sans difficulté. Davantage peut-être que les récits laissés par les sources littéraires anciennes, les inscriptions romaines et italiennes ainsi que les monnaies émises par l’atelier de Rome sont probablement le meilleur témoignage permettant de saisir le plus précisément et le plus profondément l’idée que les Flaviens se faisaient d’eux-mêmes et du pouvoir dont ils étaient investis. Le contenu de leur titulature officielle comme leurs choix iconographiques permettent ainsi de dégager leurs différents thèmes de propagande qui laissent finalement apparaitre une vraie continuité dans leur idéologie du pouvoir et leur manière de gouverner. Vespasien a ainsi posé des fondations idéologiques et politiques que ses fils ont globalement poursuivies et respectées, ce qui renforce l’idée selon laquelle les Flaviens ont effectivement suivi un « programme » qui les distinguait de leurs prédécesseurs et de leurs successeurs. Malgré des différences parfois importantes dans leurs pratiques, les inscriptions et l’iconographie monétaire permettent ainsi de mettre en lumière le fait que Titus et Domitien ont finalement moins cherché à faire preuve d’originalité qu’à s’inscrire dans la continuité de l’œuvre de leur père afin de garantir le maintien de la paix et avec elle la prospérité et la stabilité de l’État, et avec elles la satisfaction et la tranquillité de l’ensemble de la société.


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The nature of religion on the domestic front in Britain during the Second World War has, hitherto, been relatively unexplored. This study focuses on Birmingham and describes wartime popular religion, primarily as recounted in oral testimony. The difference the War made to people’s faith, and the consolation wrought by prayer and a religious outlook are explored, as are the religious language and concepts utilised by the wartime popular media of cinema and wireless. Clerical rhetoric about the War and concerns to spiritualise the war effort are dealt with by an analysis of locally published sources, especially parish magazines and other religious ephemera, which set the War on the spiritual as much as the military plane. A final section of the study is devoted to measuring the extent of the influence of the churches in the creation of a vision for post-war Britain and Birmingham.


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Daniel Bromley argues against Oran Young’s FIT model as a basis for environmental governance, on the grounds that humans cannot manage nature and that attempts to do so are based on a scientistic, modernist conceit. At issue is the role of natural and social scientists in adjudicating questions about what we ought to do to close governance gaps and address unsustainable behaviors. If Bromley is right, then the lessons of the American pragmatist tradition recommend against attempts to “fit” social institutions to the natural world. The first objective of this paper is to argue that Bromley’s view is not in keeping with the pragmatism of C. S. Peirce and John Dewey, which actually places a high value on natural and social scientific modes of inquiry in the service of social ends. I argue that Young’s proposal is in fact a development of the pragmatist idea that social institutions must be fit in the sense of fitness, i.e., resilient and able to navigate uncertainty. Social institutions must also evolve to accommodate the emerging values of the agents who operate within them. The second objective of this paper is to examine the role of social science expertise in the design of social policies. Governance institutions typically rely on the testimony of natural scientists, at least in part, to understand the natural systems they operate within. However, natural systems are also social systems, so it seems pertinent to ask whether there is a role for social systems experts to play in helping to design environmental governance institutions. I argue that social scientists can make a unique contribution as experts on social institutions, and as such, are necessary to bring about a transformation of the unsustainable institutions that are preventing us from achieving stated sustainable development goals.


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The search for a sustainable urban mobility, has recast the public policy of transport and movement for all, in order to contribute to the welfare economic, social and environmental. Within this context, has as its main objective review here in the city of Natal in the state of Rio Grande Norte, the deployment of the new road infrastructure of the transport corridor of Bernardo Vieira Avenue and checking at least with regard to urban areas and environmental chosen here, as will indicators to assess sustainable urban mobility, that the theory has been well constructed, but in practice little way to apply the proposed guidelines for sustainability. To achieve this result, is initially a literature review with the principal investigators of the matter, since the concepts of indicators of sustainable urban mobility. And a second time, participating in to the case study, using the methodology of environmental awareness, through analysis photographs, notes and testimony in the study area ace to reach conclusions


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El privilegio contra la auto incriminación es una garantía constitucional que protege a todo procesado de ser compelido a declarar en contra de sí mismo en una causa penal; la mencionada garantía hace necesario realizar un análisis en torno a los límites y alcances de dicho privilegio de cara a la posibilidad de que judicialmente se dé la autorización, previa solicitud motivada de la policía judicial o de la Fiscalía General de la Nación, de obtener muestras para cotejo que involucren al imputado aun cuando éste se niegue a dar su consentimiento para ello. Las posiciones respecto a los límites y alcances que pueda tener éste privilegio no son pacíficas y van desde considerar que únicamente aplica para el caso del testimonio del acusado o coacusado hasta afirmar que, además del testimonio o declaración, comprende la prohibición absoluta de usar el cuerpo humano como medio de obtención de evidencia probatoria que pueda llegar a desvirtuar la presunción de inocencia y causar que sea el mismo procesado quien se incrimine. Es por lo anterior que nuestra Corte Constitucional fincó su posición en considerar que el privilegio comprende únicamente la prohibición de obligar al procesado a declarar en su contra; dejando por fuera de su órbita de protección la posibilidad de suplir la voluntad del indiciado, imputado o acusado con una orden judicial dada por el Juez de Control de Garantías para la toma de muestras con fines de cotejo aun cuando dicha evidencia tienda a incriminarlo. El privilegio contra la auto incriminación es una garantía constitucional que protege a todo procesado de ser compelido a declarar en contra de sí mismo en una causa penal; la mencionada garantía hace necesario realizar un análisis en torno a los límites y alcances de dicho privilegio de cara a la posibilidad de que judicialmente se dé la autorización, previa solicitud motivada de la policía judicial o de la Fiscalía General de la Nación, de obtener muestras para cotejo que involucren al imputado aun cuando éste se niegue a dar su consentimiento para ello. Las posiciones respecto a los límites y alcances que pueda tener éste privilegio no son pacíficas y van desde considerar que únicamente aplica para el caso del testimonio del acusado o coacusado hasta afirmar que, además del testimonio o declaración, comprende la prohibición absoluta de usar el cuerpo humano como medio de obtención de evidencia probatoria que pueda llegar a desvirtuar la presunción de inocencia y causar que sea el mismo procesado quien se incrimine. Es por lo anterior que nuestra Corte Constitucional fincó su posición en considerar que el privilegio comprende únicamente la prohibición de obligar al procesado a declarar en su contra; dejando por fuera de su órbita de protección la posibilidad de suplir la voluntad del indiciado, imputado o acusado con una orden judicial dada por el Juez de Control de Garantías para la toma de muestras con fines de cotejo aun cuando dicha evidencia tienda a incriminarlo.


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O presente projeto de investigação, propõe compreender a cultura visual contemporânea do design do selo postal português, de 2001 a 2013, considerando os avanços e os novos meios tecnológicos digitais. Para isso, partiu-se da história do selo postal como objeto de testemunho histórico, cultural e visual repleto de valores duradouros e possuidores de uma linguagem gráfica distinta. A esse conjunto de caraterísticas que determinam o selo postal, as mesmas, representam um grau de importância associados à história e à cultura de um país, evidenciando uma linguagem característica da vida social e da época que se encontra, que ao longo dos anos possuem valores de importância e sentimento para a humanidade. Primeiramente, procedeu-se a uma pesquisa exaustiva sobre os principais designers e ateliers portugueses, quer realizada em livros de coleções dos CTT, quer na internet em motores de busca. Seguidamente, realizou-se uma análise geral sobre a sintaxe da linguagem visual, baseada no trabalho de Donis A. Dondis (2003), declinada sobre a comunicação visual no design, para este caso, nos selos postais. Partindo dessa análise, posteriormente, efetuou-se a criação de uma emissão de selos postais juntamente com a tecnologia da realidade aumentada, tendo como base a temática centrada na cidade do Porto e que pode ser repercutida em diferentes cidades do país “Uma visita portuguesa com certeza”. Com este projeto conseguiu-se demonstrar e implementar uma tecnologia digital a um artefacto de cariz físico, usualmente, apresentado em suporte papel. O estudo pretende assim, contribuir para a inovação ao nível do design filatélico e histórico do selo postal português, tendo como base o uso dessa tecnologia.


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Para celebrar el 40º aniversario de la publicación del emblemático dosier «Une autre Belgique», donde se lanzó el neologismo belgitude, analizamos su impacto en el contexto de búsqueda de legitimación por parte de los escritores francófonos de Bélgica. Queriendo destacar el interés de textos menos citados, articulamos los numerosos discursos teóricos a partir del sintomático testimonio autobiográfico de Anne-Marie La Fère, titulado «Confession d’une Belge honteuse» (1980). Examinar las mutaciones entre 1950 y los 80 en la paradigmática evolución literaria de Jean Muno –que se proclama habitante de «Malaise»– permite ilustrar el proceso de afirmación identitaria en la periferia del Hexágono.


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Projeto de investigação no âmbito da Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial – Domínio Cognitivo e Motor, da Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação – Especialização em Educação Especial


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Los Tarantos, película española dirigida por Francisco Rovira Beleta, fue nominada al Oscar a mejor película de habla no inglesa en 1963. Su interés proviene no sólo por ser un magnífico testimonio documental de la ciudad de Barcelona y de la cultura gitana en España, o su valor como musical, sino que además destaca por ser una interesante adaptación de la obra teatral de Alfredo Mañas Historia de los Tarantos. Este trabajo pretende analizar y destacar los aspectos más relevantes que unen y separan la película y el texto teatral, así como relacionar ambas obras con su primer referente, el Romeo y Julieta de Shakespeare.