844 resultados para Advertising newspaper
Thematization is recognized as a fundamental phenomenon in the construction of messages and texts by di erent linguistic schools. This location within a text privileges the elements that guide the reader in the orientation and interpretation of discourse at di erent levels. Thematizing a linguistic unit by locating it in the rst-initial position of a clause, paragraph, or text, confers upon it a special status: a signal of the organizational strategy which characterizes di erent text types playing a role as a variable in the distinction of registers, text types and genres. However, in spite of the importance of the study of thematization for message and textual structuring, to date there are no linguistic studies that have undertook the task of validating its aspects in a comparative manner, either for linguistic or computational purposes. This study, therefore, lls a research gap by implementing a methodology based on contrastive corpus annotation, which allows to empirically validate aspects of the phenomenon of Thematization in English and Spanish, it also seeks to develop a bilingual English-Spanish comparable corpus of newspaper texts automatically annotated with thematic features at clausal and discourse levels. The empirically validated categories (Thematic Field and its elements: Textual Theme, Interpersonal Theme, PreHead and Head) are used to annotate a larger corpus of three newspaper genres news reports, editorials and letters to the editor in terms of thematic choices. This characterization, reveals interesting results, such as the use of genre-speci c strategies in thematic position. In addition, the thesis investigates the possibility to automate the annotation of thematic features in the bilingual corpus through the development of a set of JAVA rules implemented in GATE. It also shows the e cacy of this method in comparison with the manual annotation results...
La diffusione di smartphone e dispostivi mobili a cui si è assistito nell’ultima decade ha portato con sé lo sviluppo di nuovi sistemi e tecnologie basate sulla localizzazione. Questi sistemi vengono chiamati Location Based Systems (LBS) ed il loro successo è stato reso possibile dai sensori come GPS, antenna WiFi e accelerometro che hanno permesso agli sviluppatori di creare contenuti e servizi basati sulla posizione dell’utente. Una delle tecnologie su cui si basano i LBS è chiamata Geofencing e consiste nella creazione di aree virtuali (dette geofence) per delimitare luoghi di interesse (Point of Interests) e notificare l’utente quando entra, esce o si trova nelle vicinanze di una delle aree delimitate. Questa caratteristica viene utilizzata soprattutto per realizzare applicazioni che ricordano all’utente di svolgere delle azioni, per esempio un’app di promemoria che ricorda all’utente di comprare il latte quando si trova vicino ad un supermercato. Dal punto di vista economico, uno degli utilizzi piu` promettenti `e il co- siddetto Context Aware Advertising: i possessori di dispositivi mobili che si trovano a camminare nelle vicinanze di un negozio o un centro commer- ciale possono essere considerati possibili clienti e ricevere delle notifiche con pubblicit`a o questionari. Nel seguente lavoro verrà analizzato nel dettaglio cos’è il Geofencing, le sue applicazioni e le tecnologie sulla quale si basa. Verranno presi in considerazione alcuni problemi relativi all’utilizzo delle tecnologie di posizionamento, con particolare attenzione ai consumi di batteria. Verrà inoltre descritta la progettazione e l’implementazione di una piattaforma che permette ai possessori di attività commerciali di creare e gestire dei POI nonché di monitorare gli spostamenti dei possibili clienti. Dopo aver installato l’applicazione mobile sul proprio smartphone, i clienti potranno ricevere notifiche una volta oltrepassati i confini di un geofence.
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit ist es zu überprüfen in wie weit Werbung und Videospiele miteinander vereinbar sind und ob Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz im Zusammenhang stehen (in Bezug auf In-Game-Advertising). Zunächst erfolgt eine Recherche der theoretischen Grundlagen über In-Game-Advertising. Hierbei werden als erstes Begriffe und Rahmenbedingungen definiert und erklärt. Weiter wird die Geschichte der Videospielindustrie erläutert. Anschließend wird das aktuelle Nutzungsverhalten von Videospielen behandelt und die Zielgruppe analysiert. Danach erfolgt eine Analyse des Marktes. Dabei werden Daten verwendet, welche sich auf die Vergangenheit und Gegenwart beziehen. Eine kurze Prognose ist auch enthalten. Das Potenzial in der Videospielbranche wird kurz geklärt. Die Begrifflichkeiten Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz werden im Anschluss erläutert. Bevor am Ende die Kernhypothese überprüft werden kann, wird In-Game-Advertising anhand von zwei Videospielen beschrieben. Diese bilden die Grundlage für die empirische Analyse. Der letzte Teil beschäftigt sich mit dieser empirischen Analyse. Anhand der Antworten eines Onlinefragebogens werden die Hypothesen, welche sich unter anderen aus der Recherche ergeben haben, erörtert. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz im Zusammenhang stehen, aber nicht so stark wie angenommen. In-Game-Advertising hat eine Zukunft, wenn bestimmte Rahmenbedingungen im Vorfeld der Implementierung beachtet und eingehalten werden. Am Ende der Arbeit erfolgt ein Fazit, in dem die Arbeit kurz zusammengefasst wird, mit einer kurzen Prognose in Sachen In-Game-Advertising.
The cell phone has become a means of finding persuasive content, making friends and accessing information. For this reason it is of great interest in analyzing is use by young people during their formative years. Regarding this point, the objectives of the research are: to obtain percentage data on the distraction call phones cause among students; to define their habits re fun activities and their study responsibility in their personal and academic lives; and to identify leisure-expressive and referential trends. It was decided to analyze the Spanish discourse found on Twitter. To do so, a quantitative and qualitative methodology was used, with a linguistic pattern extraction tool which allows us to obtain categories of meaning. The sample was 10,000 tweets in Spanish, with key words such as “cell” and “study” and all possible derivatives. The data were gathered between 30 May and the 6 June 2014, which coincides with the start of the exam period in Spain. Finally, the potential applications of the research to the specific field of publicity and advertising is discussed as a possible solution to the current needs of the brands, which have to find participative formats taking into account the students’ leisure trends.
Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al consumo de bebidas azucaradas en una población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en 8136 niños y adolescentes en edad escolar entre 9 y 17 años de Bogotá, Colombia. El peso, la estatura, el índice de masa corporal (IMC), la circunferencia de cintura y el porcentaje de grasa, se recogieron como marcadores antropométricos y de composición corporal. El consumo de bebidas azucaradas (bebidas carbonatadas, jugos ultra-procesados y/o Té), y los factores asociados (sexo, edad, obesidad abdominal, clasificación del IMC, grado de estudios de la madre/padre, y nivel nutricional por cuestionario “Krece plus”), se recogieron por encuesta estructurada. Se establecieron asociaciones mediante la construcción de modelos de regresión logística simple. Resultados: De la población general, el 58,4% eran mujeres. En función al sexo, los varones acusaron la mayor ingesta de “bebidas carbonatadas” con una frecuencia semanal y diaria de 70,9% y 21,0%, respectivamente, seguido de “jugos ultra- procesados” (64,4% semanal vs. 11,3% diario). En ambos sexos, la prevalencia de obesidad abdominal fue mayor en los escolares que respondieron consumir diariamente “bebidas carbonatadas” (23,3%), “jugos ultra-procesados” (13,2%) y “bebidas Té” (9,7%). La edad, el grado de educación de los padres y el nivel nutricional, se asociaron como factores predisponentes al consumo diario de “bebidas carbonatadas”. Conclusión: El consumo de bebidas azucaradas cambia por los factores analizados. Se recomiendan intervenciones integrales en las que estén involucrados los componentes nutricional y educativo entre los niños y adolescentes de Bogotá, Colombia.
This paper investigates the effectiveness of virtual product placement as a marketing tool by examining the relationship between brand recall and recognition and virtual product placement. It also aims to address a gap in the existing academic literature by focusing on the impact of product placement on recall and recognition of new brands. The growing importance of product placement is discussed and a review of previous research on product placement and virtual product placement is provided. The research methodology used to study the recall and recognition effects of virtual product placement are described and key findings presented. Finally, implications are discussed and recommendations for future research provided.
Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were incorporated in polymer nanocomposites based on poly(3-octylthiophene) (P3OT), thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) or a blend of them. Thermogravimetry demonstrated the success of the purification procedure employed in the chemical treatment of SWNTs prior to composite preparation. Stable dispersions of SWNTs in chloroform were obtained by non-covalent interactions with the dissolved polymers. Composites exhibited glass transitions, melting temperatures and heat of fusion which changed in relation to pure polymers. This behavior is discussed as associated to interactions between nanotubes and polymers. The conductivity at room temperature of the blend (TPU-P3OT) with SWNT is higher than the P3OT/SWNT composite.