638 resultados para recepção


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This study has investigated texts written by students from two high school- 3 rd grade classrooms, a public school in Natal- RN, and their teachers in order to reveal the nature and relevance of the knowledge that has oriented the teacher in the process of evaluation of argumentative text, set in the genre, opinion article, produced in the school setting. The corpus analyzed is compound with a total of sixteen texts, four of them corresponding to the production of two teachers (two productions per teacher) and twelve on the production of six students (two productions per student, with three students per class). All material on the production of these subjects was collected throughout the 2008 school year, with special attention for students’ productions, which were collected only after being subjected to teacher evaluation. Working knowledge of text linguistics, discourse analysis, the theory of enunciation and the aesthetics of reception, we proceeded to the analysis of production, which in according to the methodological proposal, it was held in two stages: at first, the student and faculty productions were analyzed, separately, in order to verify what knowledge about the object these subjects revealed to have already assimilated. Secondly, two sets were compared (each teacher's texts with the texts of their students). The intention was to unravel the existence (or not) of a connection between the underlying knowledge to the textual production of these teachers and their knowledge manifested in the evaluative act when the interventions made on the productions of the learner. It was found that there is a close correlation between the knowledge revealed in this action and those evidenced in their written productions, which constitutes a strong argument to validate the thesis that teachers also have been shown little proficient in performing their role as producers and evaluators of texts.


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The conflict of borderlines unfolds itself as a natural path in history of human thought. It becomes clear only through an explicit cultural clash, which conveys distinct conceptual formatting. Thinking this conflict might enlighten the bindings responsible for development of contemporary way of thought. This thesis intent to analyse, in a first moment, the history of thought as Metaphysics, presenting a diagnostic towards the way through which the West impinges its categorical logic. Thereafter, presents the tradition of Negativity, showing a thinking beyond Classic Ontology through a Henology and a Meontology in Neoplatonism and Medieval Mysticism. At the end, exposes the Far Eastern thought as possibility of contemporary reception of Negativity and escape from the Westernizer formatting of contemporary philosophy


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This research aims to analyze the punitive pathway taken by youth for committing acts of offense in Fortaleza, capital city of Ceará, in Brazil. Therefore, we focus the analysis in institutions that mark the beginning of punitive “institutionalization” of youth in the city, such as the Child and Adolescent Specialized Police Precinct, the Luis Barros Montenegro Shelter Unit, the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Childhood and Youth, and the Child and Youth Court. Ethnography and semi-structured interviews were used as methodological tools to approach the research subjects and relevant places for the research, seeking to highlight their punitive perspective. As a result, we find that the punishment and control imposed in such loci are an extension of the punishment and control used against these same youths in society. Considering that the analyzed institutions exist in society and are composed by its members, they do not surpass the perspective of repression, control and punishment carried out towards a segment of the population, especially towards those that Souza (2011; 2012) called “subcitizens”.


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El estudio investiga los saberes literários del profesores del Enseño Fundamental de las series iniciales sobre la literatura. Cuando se piensa en la influencia del profesor como aquel que tiene papel decisivo en la enseñanza de la lectura y reconocimiento de la función y formación del mediador profesional, buscamos compreender que conocimiento tiene sobre la literatura. Optamos por los profesores que trabajan en los años iniciales del Enseño Fundamental basadas en el entendimiento de la educación básica, es de suma importância en la formación del lector literário. El estudio se caracteriza por ser un enfoque cualitativo. Adoptamos como procedimientos metodológicos, la entrevista semiestructurada, elaborada com preguntas abiertas que se centran en eventos de lectura de las practicas em família, en la escuela, en la educación superiory en el ejercicio de enseãnza grabadas en audio, además de elevar um diário de campo. La investigación lleva a cabo en cuatro escuelas de la ciudad de Natal – Rn, con dicinueve profesores que trabajan con alumnos de 1º a 5º año del Enseñanza Fundamental. El corpus de la entrevista constituye el análisis de los profesores y es analizado tomando como referencia los princípios de análisis de contenido, especificado por Laurence Bardin (1997). Se tomó como referencial sobre la lectura, la literatura y práctica pedagógica los estudios teóricos de Amarilha (1991, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2013); Cosson (2011); Lajolo (2006); Larrossa (1996, 2003); Morin (2010); Yunes (2003, 2010). Sobre la teoría literaria, Candido (2002, 2012); Zilberman (1993); Culler (1999). Acerca de la estética recepción, Eco (1994); Iser (1996); Jauss (2002). Sobre los saberes docentes, Nóvoa (1992, 1997, 2002); Perrenoud (1999, 2002), Tardif (1991, 2000, 2002, 2005). Sobre los saberes literários, Paulino (2004, 2007), dentre outros. El análisis señala que los profesores dominan vários conocimientos sobre la literatura que son transportados a la formación a través del diálogo con otras lecturas, con otros espacios interactivos, en convivência con otros lectores. Cabe destacar el saber que la literatura es humanizar el fator, por lo tanto, la necesidad de escolarizá que a través de las prácticas literárias que involucran estudiantes, professores y comunidad escola. El studio también revela que en la escuela recital literário es necesario para la enseñanza de valores, para enseñar a leer, para inculcar el amor por la lectura. En este contexto, destacamos la importancia de la mediación del profesor como formador de lectores que domina los conocimientos necesarios para satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes, desarrollando los letctores conocimientos para fomentar el gusto por el texto literário


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The objective of this research is to present a reading of the novel Macau (1934), authoring of Aurélio Pinheiro, situated in the context of Brazilian literature produced in the 30s of the last century and analyze the settings of language that reveal individual and social conflicts related to tensions arising of the modernization of a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte, in view of the applicability of this knowledge in the educational context. The discussions on the teaching of literature led to an internship experience in the higher education, with the guiding literary reading of the novel Macau. In this sense, this research, bibliographic, analytical and empirical, is in discussions between literature and education that allow us, in addition to a critical reading about Macau romance, a look both in basic education and in teacher training, which justifies linking this thesis in the research line “Reading of the literary text and teaching”. The objectives were met from literary readings of the text, brief study of the author, analysis of the tensions expressed by language, literature defense as a universal right, panoramic review of research on the teaching of literature, reading official documents governing the Brazilian education, discussion of teacher training, training in higher education with application of a didactic sequence, receipt of that novel by teachers in training directed to the applicability in basic education. For this, the research was the theoretical framework primarily the studies of Antonio Candido (1976; 1995), Luís Bueno (2006), Walter Benjamin (1985), Mikhail Bakhtin (2010), Hans Robert Jauss (1994), Theodor Adorno (2006), Antoine Compagnon (2009), and Rildo Cosson (2009).


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Ce travail a comme point de départ l’oeuvre Les lauriers sont coupés, de l’écrivain Edouard Dujardin. Le livre, écrit en 1887, n’est devenu connu qu’en 1924, lorsque James Joyce a déclaré s’inspirer de cette œuvre pour écrire le monologue de Molly Bloom, personnage d’Ulysse, en utilisant une technique nommée monologue intérieur, qu’aucun écrivain n’avait jusqu’alors utilisée. Dujardin s’est proposé d’écrire un livre où le personnage dévoile sa pensée avant même de subir une quelconque censure. Ecrit à la fin du siècle, Les lauriers sont coupés présente des caractéristiques du symbolisme: la synesthésie, la musicalité, le jeu de mots et la subtitution du sentiment, propre aux romantiques, par les sens. Pour une génération d’écrivains ayant vécu à Paris à la fin du siècle, la métaphore est remplacée par la métonymie. Dans ce sens, notre auteur se trouve inséré dans son temps, c’est-à-dire, à la fin du XIXe siècle, subissant l’influence de Mallarmé et de Wagner dans l’écriture de son oeuvre. A Canção dos Loureiros, titre de la traduction en portugais d’Élide Valarini (1989), de l’oeuvre Les lauriers sont coupés, a été analysée, en essayant à la fois d’identifier les éléments du Symbolisme et de montrer que l’auteur, en écrivant cette œuvre, suppose que le lecteur, partage la pensée du personnage principal en employant la technique du monologue intérieur. Outre cette analyse, nous faisons la traduction en portugais d’un essai de Dujardin, qui n’avait pas été traduit jusqu’à présent et où il a pu lui-même revoir son œuvre et où il explique comment il a eu l’idée de travailler la technique adoptée ainsi que la réception de cette œuvre auprès de ses contemporains.


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This research seeks to reflect on the dynamics of television reception, studying the Brazilian TV miniseries Hoje é Dia de Maria, produced by Globo Television Network, and aims to generally promote inferences in the process of image reading, mainly for aesthetic reading in school context, aiming at the formation of visual proficient readers. The research was conducted with students from the third grade of a state high school, geographically located in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The theoretical framework comes from the assumptions of cognitive social interactionism to understand language, and it is also based on the ideas of Bakhtin (1992) and Vygotsky (1998), which enabled us to understand the social interaction and the Theory of Aesthetics Reception and Aesthetic Effect with Jauss (1979) and Iser (1999), which provided a better understanding of aesthetic experience, aesthetic effects and production of meaning. The methodological approach assumes a qualitative nature and an interpretive bias, accomplished through interviews, observation, questionnaire and application of a set of investigative activities, such as introductory exposition of themes, handing out of images and mediation process. This research is the result of a research-action process in a pedagogical intervention in a state school. The results indicate that the interactional linguistic resources used by the speakers demonstrated lack of prior knowledge and repertoire regarding image reading, which initially led them to do a cursory reading. It was evident that the respondents were unaware of the initial proposal. However, throughout the meetings, it was possible to realize their transformation, because the pre-established concepts were analyzed with the help of mediation, so that the group felt more autonomous and safe to read images at the end. The survey also showed significant data, so that the school could develop new methods of teaching televisual reading.


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This re search analyzes the talks dynamics about policy established in YouTube symbolic space. We are interested in examining the way in which the commentators of the video " Globo e os Protestos " articulated in the field intended for comments, a public space directed to the dissemination and circulation of meanings about policy issues. The video studied was published by PC Siqueira and Diego Quint eiro , during the June 2013 protests in Br azil, to direct the political understanding of the movement lived in that period. According to them, the protests had left political position and therefore the protesters should reject the coverage by TV Globo (a comunication vehicle with ideals of right) and allow the participation of political parties linked to the ideological left spectrum. This narrative generated empathy and controversy betwe en commentators, which produced in the comments, an intense argumentative process about these theses (right and left). To understand the phenomenon, we conducted an exploratory qualitative research, the main methodological procedure was a ethnomethodological discourse analysis. We seek the observation of the ways in which the commentators es tablished talks about politics in the comments space, for, thereafter , organize categories of analysis based on identified discursive recurrences. The empirical reflections are supported from discussions about the YouTube potential, while digital media com prising massive strategies and while articulating space in the engagement of individuals in political issues; also confront the aspects involved in the conversation practices that results in sociability dynamics and , especially , in conflict, on the socio - t echnical networks; and finally, we propose a reflection about the circuit actuation in which the people take ownership and realize new readings about the products received. Concluding that the use of digital media , such as YouTube, has caused significant c hanges in the forms of production and reception of symbolic products and ways in which people participate in political issues concerning life in society.


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The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger 1815) is the biggest canid in South America and it is considered a “near threatened” species by IUCN. Because of its nocturnal, territorial and solitary habits, there are still many understudied aspects of their behavior in natural environments, including acoustic communication. In its vocal repertoire, the wolf presents a longdistance call named “roar-bark” which, according to literature, functions for spacing maintenance between individuals and/or communication between members of the reproductive pair inside the territory. In this context, this study aimed: 1) to compare four methods for detecting maned wolf’s roar-barks in recordings made in a natural environment, in order to elect the most efficient one for our project; 2) to understand the night emission pattern of these vocalizations, verifying possible weather and moon phases influences in roarbark’s emission rates; and 3) to test Passive Acoustic Monitoring as a tool to identify the presence of maned wolves in a natural environment. The study area was the Serra da Canastra National Park (Minas Gerais, Brazil), where autonomous recorders were used for sound acquisition, recording all night (from 06pm to 06am) during five days in December/2013 and every day from April to July/2014. Roar-barks’ detection methods were tested and compared regarding time needed to analyze files, number of false positives and number of correctly identified calls. The mixed method (XBAT + manual) was the most efficient one, finding 100% of vocalizations in almost half of the time the manual method did, being chosen for our data analysis. By studying roarbarks’ temporal variation we verified that the wolves vocalize more in the early hours of the evening, suggesting an important social function for those calls at the beginning of its period of most intense activity. Average wind speed negatively influenced vocalization rate, which may indicate lower sound reception of recorders or a change in behavioral patterns of wolves in high speed wind conditions. A better understanding of seasonal variation of maned wolves’ vocal activity is required, but our study already shows that it is possible to detect behavioral patterns of wild animals only by sound, validating PAM as a tool in this species’ conservation.


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Estudo sobre a Rádio Comunitária Boa Nova FM do município de Senhora de Oliveira-MG, no que se refere às suas configurações e as relações com a comunidade local. Os objetivos são identificar o sistema de funcionamento da rádio comunitária como forma de compreender até que ponto ela se insere no cotidiano oliveirense e articula a movimentação local, sobretudo em períodos eleitorais; averiguar o tipo de informação veiculada; observar o sentimento dos ouvintes em relação à mesma. O estudo se baseia em pesquisa bibliográfica para tecer as teorias e nortear todo o processo de pesquisa e no estudo de caso por meio de procedimentos metodológicos como a pesquisa documental, a pesquisa participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas, além de uma pesquisa de recepção junto aos ouvintes. Conclui-se que a rádio Boa Nova, que convive harmoniosamente com a comunicação comunitária estabelecida também pelo alto falante, articula de forma simplória a informação e a cultura local em suas práticas, pois há reprodução de conteúdo da mídia convencional, além de não haver uma participação ampla da associação comunitária que é sua mantenedora. Apesar da falta de conhecimento técnico da maioria dos locutores e da relação político partidária presente na emissora, há compatibilidade entre o que a rádio veicula e o interesse dos ouvintes


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Vivemos um período de transformações políticas, econômicas, sociais e culturais que, a todo instante, nos impõe desafios. Neste contexto, nas últimas décadas, o uso da tecnologia tem sido ampliado na realização de diversas atividades cotidianas, na divulgação de informações, na comunicação, como forma de expressão e organização da sociedade. A escola, enquanto instituição social, precisa reconhecer esta nova realidade, esta diferente possibilidade de aquisição e transformação de saber, para que possa intervir, ressignificar e redirecionar sua ação, a fim de atender as demandas de seu tempo. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa, a partir da apresentação e análise de experiências realizadas com o uso de Tecnologias da Informação e Conhecimento, é o de refletir sobre como inserir estas ferramentas no processo de ensinar e aprender na escola a partir da visão de professores e alunos, visando a formação integral do educando. Deste modo, no desenvolvimento, entendemos como necessário conhecer e considerar o contexto histórico, bem como as perspectivas relacionadas a escola e seus protagonistas (professores e estudantes) na chamada Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento. Ressaltamos a importância do docente (sua formação) e seu papel de mediador nos processos de aprendizagem, assim como a recepção à tecnologia, observando função e espaço de atuação desta. Destacamos experiências com a utilização de TDIC, realizada por professores e alunos, como a produção de game, revistas científicas, escrita de histórias, produções artísticas, blogs, vlogs, discussões em grupos presentes em redes sociais. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa é qualitativa, na modalidade de pesquisa-ação e narrativa, em função do envolvimento com o grupo e com as atividades desenvolvidas, nas quais os participantes compartilham com o pesquisador suas histórias pessoais e de aprendizagem relacionadas às ações ou às atividades que realiza, fornecendo informações e indícios relevantes sobre o seu processo de formação ao longo do tempo. A revisão de literatura foi realizada por meio de análise bibliográfica e documental em livros, teses, dissertações, periódicos específicos sobre o assunto, além de artigos publicados na Internet. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de conversas informais, entrevistas semiestruturadas e filmagem dos relatos. A análise foi realizada a partir da abordagem hermenêutico-fenomenológica, que busca descrever e interpretar fenômenos da experiência humana, a fim de investigar a essência por meio da identificação de temas. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade e possibilidade da ampliação da utilização de TDIC como recurso no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, por meio de formação, diálogo, interação, intencionalidade, expectativas, esperança e seus desdobramentos.


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Tendo como pano de fundo a confessionalidade da rede adventista de educação presente de maneira marcante no espaço escolar e a intensa diversidade religiosa discente, esta pesquisa analisa a relação de possíveis tensões entre a confessionalidade escolar e a diversidade religiosa presente neste espaço. Leva em consideração o processo de modernidade causadora de importantes transformações na educação, na religião e na forma dos dois institutos se relacionarem. Levou-se em consideração o perfil socioeconômico e religioso dos alunos e possíveis tensões na recepção do religioso no espaço escolar adventista por parte dos discentes, inclusive por aqueles que se declaram adventistas. O espaço escolhido para esta pesquisa foi o de colégios adventistas localizadas no contexto do ABCD Paulista, que ofertam o Ensino Médio. Estas unidades escolares estão situadas nas cidades de Diadema, Santo André e São Caetano do Sul, cidades localizadas na mesma microrregião, mas com distintas realidades socioeconômicas.


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A partir del trabajo interdisciplinario en el análisis de las traducciones rioplatenses de las obras de Simone de Beauvoir -en especial Le deuxième sexe- abordamos el problema de la incidencia de los contextos, tanto en la traducción como en la recepción teórico-conceptual, tangible como marcas de época, particularmente en torno a la enunciación de identidades generizadas. Nos referimos, en particular al término "invertida", ya sea en su traducción literal, en relación con la obra en francés, como las transformaciones que se suscitan en la lengua meta. Asimismo, reconocemos la relevancia categorial que cobran algunas de estas fluctuaciones lexicales en el horizonte de la recepción del pensamiento beauvoiriano, especialmente al tener en cuenta las producciones locales de las traductoras-escritoras. En el marco de las investigaciones en Traductología y Filosofía, nuestro trabajo indaga la vinculación entre ideología, lengua y traducción, desde el punto de vista de género


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A partir del trabajo interdisciplinario en el análisis de las traducciones rioplatenses de las obras de Simone de Beauvoir -en especial Le deuxième sexe- abordamos el problema de la incidencia de los contextos, tanto en la traducción como en la recepción teórico-conceptual, tangible como marcas de época, particularmente en torno a la enunciación de identidades generizadas. Nos referimos, en particular al término "invertida", ya sea en su traducción literal, en relación con la obra en francés, como las transformaciones que se suscitan en la lengua meta. Asimismo, reconocemos la relevancia categorial que cobran algunas de estas fluctuaciones lexicales en el horizonte de la recepción del pensamiento beauvoiriano, especialmente al tener en cuenta las producciones locales de las traductoras-escritoras. En el marco de las investigaciones en Traductología y Filosofía, nuestro trabajo indaga la vinculación entre ideología, lengua y traducción, desde el punto de vista de género


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A partir del trabajo interdisciplinario en el análisis de las traducciones rioplatenses de las obras de Simone de Beauvoir -en especial Le deuxième sexe- abordamos el problema de la incidencia de los contextos, tanto en la traducción como en la recepción teórico-conceptual, tangible como marcas de época, particularmente en torno a la enunciación de identidades generizadas. Nos referimos, en particular al término "invertida", ya sea en su traducción literal, en relación con la obra en francés, como las transformaciones que se suscitan en la lengua meta. Asimismo, reconocemos la relevancia categorial que cobran algunas de estas fluctuaciones lexicales en el horizonte de la recepción del pensamiento beauvoiriano, especialmente al tener en cuenta las producciones locales de las traductoras-escritoras. En el marco de las investigaciones en Traductología y Filosofía, nuestro trabajo indaga la vinculación entre ideología, lengua y traducción, desde el punto de vista de género