779 resultados para pharmacy business management
Measures of impact of Higher Education have often neglected the Chinese student view, despite the importance of these students to the UK and Chinese economy. This research paper details the findings of a quantitative survey that was purposively distributed to Chinese graduates who enrolled at the University of Worcester on the Business Management degree between 2004-2011 (n=49). Analysis has been conducted on their skill development throughout their degree, their skill usage in different employment contexts, the value of their degree, and gender differences in skill development and usage. Discrepancies between skill development and usage, between males and females, and with previous research findings are discussed. Future research directions are also specified.
In this paper we have used the case of BYD to examine firm innovation in the China context. From a historical perspective, with its strategic diversification from battery to mobile phone manufacturing to automobile manufacturing, we find that BYD has been innovative in its production method, vertical integration strategy, and design of product for local customers. The effective understanding and leveraging of local contextual factors including supply of labor (especially low cost-highly skilled labor), growing middle class, and local industry environments have played important roles for BYD’s innovation in China.
Due to globalisation, the emergence and expansion of new overseas markets, extensive use of information and communication technologies in global trade and growing competition between multinational companies, international Human Resource Management (HRM) is an increasingly attractive and popular area of study. However, much of our knowledge is built on an Anglo-Saxon/ European base and there is a paucity of research that considers the transfer of modern (western) principles of HRM to developing countries, particularly in the Middle East. Arguably, Jordan is one country that may benefit from the promise of quality, equality and profitability offered by the systemic approach to managing people. Thus, this paper introduces a PhD research project, currently in its first year, that considers the transfer of western recruitment and selection frameworks into Jordanian culture.
This paper‟s starting point was the objective of understanding the relation between the reasons pointed out by small businesses owners for the continuity or shutdown of their businesses, and the reasons presented by the Environmental Theories. The paper discusses the Environmental Theories understand that it is supported by a systemic metaphor speech, discussing the theme in terms of organizational survival and mortality . The text reviews the literature showing the changes in the administrative thinking regarding the organization versus environment relation, and presenting general ideas about the micro and small businesses. In methodological terms, the qualitative approach was used in the research. Regarding the data collection technique, an in-depth thematic interview was used. It was carried out considering the elements of the techniques of life history and oral history, always giving priority to real world related narratives told by the interviewed subjects. The empirical corpus of the research was made up of seven owners of small retail businesses in two Potiguar cities: Natal and Mossoró. The interpretative and analytical process focused, at first, on the reflexive dialogue with each one of the owners‟ professional life history and business management experience, constituting the first level of analysis: reflections on individual narratives; and, afterwards, the interpretative process was developed through the analysis of all the subjects‟ statements, identifying the recurring themes and constituting the second level of analysis: reflection on the totalizing narrative. The themes identified in the totalizing narrative, that refer to the continuity of the businesses are: evolution, control, fidelity, liking what one does for a living. The themes that came up as reasons for shutdown are: lack of empathy with the business, lack of evolution, competition problems, suppliers and the government. The text synthesizes its comprehensions affirming that the reasons associated with continuity and shutdown of small markets, for this group of owners specifically, come up as a permanent tension between the volunteerism (quite human) and the determinism (systemic). The tension is shown in testimonies that at the same time evoke the organicist systemic logic through the themes evolution/no evolution, and also counterpoints with themes related to the interested human action, based on desires, feelings and personal convictions such as: liking what one does/ lack of empathy. As for the reflexive dialogue between the postulates of the Environmental Theories and the narratives, the results make it possible to affirm that, differently from the tension expressed by the subjects while talking about their reasons, the reasons associated with survival and mortality of businesses according to the Environmental Theories are theoretically polarized, seeming to preach options that are stagnated and shaping towards the subjects involved in the organization-environment relation
Abstract : Since at least the 1980's, a growing number of companies have set up an ethics or a compliance program within their organization. However, in the field of study of business management, there is a paucity of research studies concerning these management systems. This observation warranted the present investigation of one company's compliance program. Compliance programs are set up so that individuals working within an organization observe the laws and regulations which pertain to their work. This study used a constructivist grounded theory methodology to examine the process by which a specific compliance program, that of Siemens Canada Limited, was implemented throughout its organization. In conformity with this methodology, instead of proceeding with the investigation in accordance to a particular theoretical framework, the study established a number of theoretical constructs used strictly as reference points. The study's research question was stated as: what are the characteristics of the process by which Siemens' compliance program integrated itself into the existing organizational structure and gained employee acceptance? Data consisted of documents produced by the company and of interviews done with twenty-four managers working for Siemens Canada Limited. The researcher used QSR-Nvivo computer assisted software to code transcripts and to help with analyzing interviews and documents. Triangulation was done by using a number of analysis techniques and by constantly comparing findings with extant theory. A descriptive model of the implementation process grounded in the experience of participants and in the contents of the documents emerged from the data. The process was called "Remolding"; remolding being the core category having emerged. This main process consisted of two sub-processes identified as "embedding" and "appraising." The investigation was able to provide a detailed account of the appraising process. It identified that employees appraised the compliance program according to three facets: the impact of the program on the employee's daily activities, the relationship employees have with the local compliance organization, and the relationship employees have with the corporate ethics identity. The study suggests that a company who is entertaining the idea of implementing a compliance program should consider all three facets. In particular, it suggests that any company interested in designing and implementing a compliance program should pay particular attention to its corporate ethics identity. This is because employee's acceptance of the program is influenced by their comparison of the company's ethics identity to their local ethics identity. Implications of the study suggest that personnel responsible for the development and organizational support of a compliance program should understand the appraisal process by which employees build their relationship with the program. The originality of this study is that it points emphatically that companies must pay special attention in developing a corporate ethics identify which is coherent, well documented and well explained.
O presente relatório destina-se a refletir o trabalho levado a cabo aquando da realização do Estágio Curricular na empresa Camino Barcelona, Escola de Espanhol em Barcelona. Este estágio foi realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Línguas e Relações Empresariais da Universidade de Aveiro. Em primeira instância, começar-se-á por apresentar a empresa e sua história, serviços oferecidos pela mesma, estrutura organizacional, entre outros. Em seguida falar-se-á das atividades desenvolvidas ao longo do estágio e outras particularidades da empresa. Passar-se-á então a abordagem de temas de marketing de serviços que se verificam postos em prática nesta instituição, rematando com temas como recomendações à empresa, dificuldades encontradas e como foram ultrapassadas e a influência de tópicos abordados ao longo do percurso académico e como influenciaram a realização do estágio.
O planejamento estratégico é o processo através do qual as empresas identificam recursos potenciais, reconhecem fraquezas, avaliam oportunidades e ameaças no ambiente que atuam e formulam as estratégias para obter vantagens competitivas sobre a concorrência, assegurando o sucesso dos resultados planejados. Esse trabalho desenvolveu-se com o objetivo de aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre o processo de planejamento estratégico e adaptá-lo à realidade das empresas de pequeno porte, através de um caso prático, com a elaboração do plano de negócios de uma pequena empresa de prestação de serviços no segmento de educação especial, o caso “Mundo Novo Educação Especial”. Com relação à metodologia adotada, podemos descrevê-la como uma abordagem qualitativa, com design exploratório através de pesquisa bibliográfica para a fundamentação teórica sobre o processo de planejamento estratégico, seguida de estudo de caso aplicado ao planejamento estratégico da empresa Mundo Novo Educação Especial, com levantamento de dados secundários internos e externos, e dados primários qualitativos. Dentre as conclusões do estudo foi possível identificar a existência de uma grande lacuna de conhecimento sobre os processos de gestão empresarial no ambiente da empresa pesquisada, e que esse despreparo e a falta de planejamento podem torna-la mais vulnerável aos riscos do mercado e contribuir para o seu insucesso. Isso reforça a importância do processo de planejamento estratégico como uma ferramenta de apoio que amplia o conhecimento sobre o ambiente de negócios, desenvolve habilidades de gestão e que pode ser adequado a todos os tipos de empresas, inclusive às empresas de pequeno porte, como no caso estudado.
This chapter examines lean implementation in higher education (HE) institutions. There is evidence of lean initiatives beginning in HE in the US in the early 2000s; there is also some evidence of business process improvement activity before this time (Moore et al., 2004; Waterbury et al., 2011). Today, many universities and other HE institutions are pursuing lean thinking.
ISA Training based in south Wales is taking steps to upskill its staff and learners in digital literacies in order to make most effective use of technology in delivery and assessment of courses in hairdressing, beauty therapy and business management. To increase the flexibility and efficiency of its provision, the company has adopted the Learning Assistant e-portfolio system.
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The job security issue is crucial for the development of construction due to the need to ensure the health of workers, which is done by means of laws and production management. Thus, among various other laws, was enacted NR-18, in order to ensure the worker's minimum conditions for the development work. Despite legislative developments on the subject, they have become ineffective against the excessive number of accidents in the construction industry, bringing the company to greater in ensuring the health and safety of its workers. In view of this need for improvement of working environment in a general appearance, both for purposes of ensuring the law obedience as comfort for workers and quality of the organization, the System Health Management and Safety (OHSMS) is a valid tool demonstrates the evolution of business management, as well as OHSAS 18001 which proposes to ensure the efficiency and integration of a system geared to safety and health at work by means of implements and adaptations of it, in order to bring significant improvements to conditions of work, especially in the form of a new culture to be adopted by the company. Addressing the problem, this paper aims to develop a management system by OHSAS 18001 which is consistent with the terms of NR-18 as it is this integration of OHSMS Management System of the company as a usual practice of that aims at an improvement of work safety in the business of Buildings.
O Brasil ocupa as posições de maior produtor e exportador mundial de carne bovina, com a região Centro-Oeste respondendo por 35% do abate nacional, em 2010. Entretanto, faz-se necessário valorizar o planejamento, o controle e a gestão empresarial nas propriedades produtoras, visando ao lucro na atividade. O presente estudo objetivou analisar e avaliar a viabilidade econômica da produção de bovinos de corte, em Camapuã (MS), a fim de identificar os itens relevantes aos custos da atividade. Como direcionador dos custos variáveis, no custo operacional efetivo, o suplemento mineral fornecido aos animais e a mão de obra mostraram-se relevantes para a gestão do sistema de produção, representando, aproximadamente, 71% dos custos. Com base nos resultados apresentados, pôde-se concluir que a propriedade apresenta boa lucratividade (superior a 20%). Verificou-se, ainda, com base no fluxo de caixa, taxa interna de retorno de 13,13% e capital inicial investido retornando em, aproximadamente, 7 anos, com resultados atrativos para o investimento, neste segmento agropecuário. O estudo proporcionou um parâmetro de custo para o produtor pecuarista, podendo contribuir para um melhor planejamento de atividades, em que, apesar dos altos investimentos iniciais, possivelmente, poderá reduzir seus custos, com o manejo racional no sistema produtivo, o que seria mais atrativo para o mercado, tornando mais viáveis as suas atividades de produção e comercialização do produto.
This paper‟s starting point was the objective of understanding the relation between the reasons pointed out by small businesses owners for the continuity or shutdown of their businesses, and the reasons presented by the Environmental Theories. The paper discusses the Environmental Theories understand that it is supported by a systemic metaphor speech, discussing the theme in terms of organizational survival and mortality . The text reviews the literature showing the changes in the administrative thinking regarding the organization versus environment relation, and presenting general ideas about the micro and small businesses. In methodological terms, the qualitative approach was used in the research. Regarding the data collection technique, an in-depth thematic interview was used. It was carried out considering the elements of the techniques of life history and oral history, always giving priority to real world related narratives told by the interviewed subjects. The empirical corpus of the research was made up of seven owners of small retail businesses in two Potiguar cities: Natal and Mossoró. The interpretative and analytical process focused, at first, on the reflexive dialogue with each one of the owners‟ professional life history and business management experience, constituting the first level of analysis: reflections on individual narratives; and, afterwards, the interpretative process was developed through the analysis of all the subjects‟ statements, identifying the recurring themes and constituting the second level of analysis: reflection on the totalizing narrative. The themes identified in the totalizing narrative, that refer to the continuity of the businesses are: evolution, control, fidelity, liking what one does for a living. The themes that came up as reasons for shutdown are: lack of empathy with the business, lack of evolution, competition problems, suppliers and the government. The text synthesizes its comprehensions affirming that the reasons associated with continuity and shutdown of small markets, for this group of owners specifically, come up as a permanent tension between the volunteerism (quite human) and the determinism (systemic). The tension is shown in testimonies that at the same time evoke the organicist systemic logic through the themes evolution/no evolution, and also counterpoints with themes related to the interested human action, based on desires, feelings and personal convictions such as: liking what one does/ lack of empathy. As for the reflexive dialogue between the postulates of the Environmental Theories and the narratives, the results make it possible to affirm that, differently from the tension expressed by the subjects while talking about their reasons, the reasons associated with survival and mortality of businesses according to the Environmental Theories are theoretically polarized, seeming to preach options that are stagnated and shaping towards the subjects involved in the organization-environment relation
Entender a la organización de la empresa como un conjunto de procesos interrelacionados que se gestionan sistemáticamente y que son la base del mejoramiento continuo es imprescindible para obtener el mejor desempeño de los recursos. En base a lo dicho anteriormente, el propósito del presente trabajo de tesis es diseñar un sistema de gestión basado en procesos para la Dirección de Negocios de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito CREA Ltda. con el fin de lograr una mejorcoordinación entre los diferentes procesos que se realizan en el área de negocios en lo que se refiere tanto a la captaciones de ahorros y las colocaciones de crédito, mediante la estandarización de dichos procesos, logrando una efectiva comunicación entre los involucrados, estableciendo indicadores de gestión para los procesos objeto de estudio.