874 resultados para knowledge-based decisions


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O presente relatório transparece o progresso de aprendizagem e reflexão realizado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Educação Pré-Escolar e no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Neste, evidenciou-se uma reflexão da prática educativa que teve como finalidade compreender de que maneira se poderão potenciar as aprendizagens das Ciências Naturais nas crianças. Para tal, destacam-se alguns objetivos que estiveram bastante presentes na dimensão investigativa, tais como a promoção de ambientes de aprendizagem na área das ciências físico-naturais tornando as crianças observadores ativos com competências para investigar, experimentar e aprender; a promoção de contextos de aprendizagem participativa e ativa, desafiadoras e motivantes; o conhecimento e compreensão dos conhecimentos prévios destas, refutando assim a sua expressão e dúvida através do questionamento; e por fim, a promoção de atitudes, competências de ação, competências metodológicas e competências de comunicação nas crianças em relação à aprendizagem de acontecimentos naturais. Assim sendo, a principal finalidade desta investigação-ação nos contextos onde se realizou foi compreender processos associados à (re)construção de conhecimentos com base nos saberes que as crianças já tinham, construindo eu própria saberes profissionais, através da minha própria ação, registada, analisada e fundamentada; ABSTRACT: The following report transpires the progress of learning and reflection that was accomplished within the Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool Education and in Primary Education. In this, it showed a reflection of educational practice that aimed to understand how it may enhance the learning of Natural Sciences in children. For such, we highlighted a few goals that were very present in the research dimension, such as, promoting learning environments in the area of physical and natural sciences, making children active observers with powers to investigate, experiment and learn; promoting ways of participation and active learning, challenging and motivating; knowledge and understanding of prior knowledge of these, thus disproving your expression and doubt through questioning; and finally, the promotion of attitudes, action skills, methodological skills and communication skills in children with regard to the learning of natural events. Therefore, the main purpose of this research-action, in ways where it was accomplished, was the reconstruction of knowledge based on the awareness that children already contained, building my own professional knowledge, through my own action that were recorded, analyzed and justified.


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Part 7: Cyber-Physical Systems


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O presente estudo decorreu no serviço de urgência do Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora – EPE, de Setembro de 2015 a Janeiro de 2016 e enquadra-se na área da prestação de cuidados especializados em enfermagem de reabilitação. É um estudo de caso, em que objeto de estudo é “A Intervenção do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Reabilitação no doente com Patologia Respiratória Crónica”. A abordagem metodológica é mista pois trata-se de um caso de estudo que não é puramente qualitativo. A utilização de metodologia quantitativa com indicadores quantitativos permitirá uma melhor compreensão e visão global do caso apresentado. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza descritiva, transversal e não experimental pois tem como objetivo a recolha de dados observáveis e quantificáveis, num determinado período de tempo e não o controlo de fenómenos. População alvo: todos os utentes com Patologia Respiratória Crónica internados no Serviço de Observação no período de tempo referido anteriormente. Amostra: 4 utentes com média de idades de 78,0 anos dos quais 75% eram do sexo masculino e 25% do sexo feminino. Foram implementadas intervenções de enfermagem de reabilitação, nomeadamente, reabilitação funcional respiratória e motora, que demonstraram ser eficazes tendo-se obtido saturações periféricas de O2 de 96%, em média. Estes resultados traduzem-se em ganhos ao nível da capacidade respiratória permitindo o desenvolvimento de atividades de vida diária normais. Também foi possível a manutenção e potenciação das capacidades de mobilidade nestes utentes com uma média etária elevada e com algumas limitações físicas e/ou cognitivas o que, só por si, também traduz ganhos em saúde no que concerne à sua independência e melhoria da qualidade de vida. O Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Reabilitação é claramente uma mais-valia no serviço de urgência pois ao colocar em prática uma dinâmica de desempenho voltado para os conhecimentos especializados adquiridos, criando ferramentas que permitam um desempenho estruturado dos cuidados, a promoção da sua continuidade, a sua avaliação e a produção de conhecimento científico baseado na evidência contribui para a redução do tempo de internamento o que se repercute na maior eficácia na Gestão de Unidades de Saúde.


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Mestrado em Ciências Empresariais


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Thesis (Master, Environmental Studies) -- Queen's University, 2016-09-09 11:52:31.446


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I takt med att digitala medier har utvecklats under de senaste åren har köpresan för-ändrats till att kunder idag i ett mycket senare skede släpper in leverantörer i dialogen. Marketing Automation adresserar den problembilden och har växt fram som en brygga mellan sälj- och marknadsprocessen. Systemet ger möjlighet att effektivt och automatiserat utveckla leads (potentiell kund). Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur Marketing Automation påverkar sälj- och marknadsprocesserna. Vilka förutsättningar krävs för en implementation? Ökar lönsamheten? Vi har därför valt att i det teoretiska ramverket beskriva Marketing Automation och bland annat undersöka om ett införande av Marketing Automation medför att sälj- och marknadsorganisationerna slås samman till en organisatorisk enhet. I studien har vi dessutom kartlagt och beskrivit den moderna köpresan och det som ibland kallas intäktsorganisationen. Vi har funnit att Marketing Automation är relativt outforskat i en svensk kontext. För att utröna om teorin, som i stor utsträckning bygger på internationell litteratur och internationella undersökningar, går att överföra till en svensk kontext har vi valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie i form av en fallstudie av leverantörer av produkter och tjänster inom området samt företag, med den gemensamma nämnaren att de re-presenterar ett kunskapsintensivt erbjudande och har implementerat lösningar för Marketing Automation. I vår analys finns en samsyn mellan leverantörer och kunder i förutsättningar för ett införande, men vi kan även se hur resultaten divergerar och pekar på implikationer, inte minst avseende måluppfyllnad och samverkan mellan sälj- och marknadsorgani-sationerna. Vår slutsats visar bland annat att Marketing Automation kan leda till uppfyllnad av mjuka värden i företaget men har inte bevisats leda till ökad lönsamhet per automatik. Vi ser lönsamhet och Return on Investment (ROI) som ett område som bör utforskas vidare.


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En la sociedad actual del conocimiento las universidades tienen la responsabilidad de generar conocimiento e innovaciones para ofrecer soluciones a problemas de comunidades de interés. Para lograrlo las universidades deben enfocarse en su activo más importante, su capital intelectual. Hasta ahora las investigaciones relacionadas con el capital intelectual y la innovación en las universidades, son limitadas a pesar de ser un elemento estratégico para la dirección de estas organizaciones, ya que estos aspectos le representan valor en el tiempo, por tanto esta investigación busca establecer cuál es la relación que existe entre el capital intelectual y la innovación en la Universidad CES. El objetivo de esta investigación era identificar el grado de relación entre capital intelectual e innovación en la Universidad CES. La metodología del estudio, es un estudio cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo explicativo, con un diseño transversal, que permitió establecer el efecto del capital intelectual sobre la innovación de la Universidad CES. La población del fueron los directivos, líderes de los grupos de investigación y los coordinadores de investigación de la Universidad CES. Según los resultados obtenidos, este estudio determinó que el capital intelectual no tiene una relación estadísticamente significativa con la innovación personal de la Universidad CES y se determinó también que las tres dimensiones del capital intelectual tienen una relación estadísticamente significativa con los resultados de la innovación en la Universidad CES. El principal aporte de este estudio fue ofrecer evidencias sobre el capital intelectual como una de las principales fuentes de innovación para la Universidad.


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El Boletín Tendencia Editorial es un proyecto que nació en 2010 con motivo de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá para construir y hacer visibles diferentes saberes desde la academia y la edición. Para 2014, el cambio de periodicidad coincidió con uno de los eventos más importantes para la edición universitaria, la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara donde anualmente se realiza el encuentro de Editores Universitarios Latinoamericanos, el proyecto pasó de su fase nacional a ser pensado en red. Las líneas temáticas traspasan fronteras locales y convocan, en un mismo espacio, las voces de los gestores y especialistas, cuya labor y experiencia permiten cada día mejorar la edición universitaria, lo que posibilita acabar con el mito que concibe a la Universidad como ente ajeno a la sociedad, cuando en realidad esta es la forjadora de líderes, investigadores y emprendedores.


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El interés de esta monografía es analizar la influencia de la globalización como proceso mundial y el neoliberalismo como política económica frente a la definición de políticas educativas. Tiene como objetivo analizar la manera en que se han modificado los conceptos de autonomía y democracia universitaria en la universidad pública colombiana, en el marco de la globalización y a través de la educación por competencias desde 1992 hasta el 2013. Con base en una aproximación conceptual de los términos de autonomía y democracia universitaria a través de elementos teóricos e históricos, se analizará como el actual sistema educativo colombiano y la educación por competencias ha modificado los conceptos de autonomía y democracia universitaria en la universidad pública colombiana.


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In 2017, Chronic Respiratory Diseases accounted for almost four million deaths worldwide. Unfortunately, current treatments are not definitive for such diseases. This unmet medical need forces the scientific community to increase efforts in the identification of new therapeutic solutions. PI3K delta plays a key role in mechanisms that promote airway chronic inflammation underlying Asthma and COPD. The first part of this project was dedicated to the identification of novel PI3K delta inhibitors. A first SAR expansion of a Hit, previously identified by a HTS campaign, was carried out. A library of 43 analogues was synthesised taking advantage of an efficient synthetic approach. This allowed the identification of an improved Hit of nanomolar enzymatic potency and moderate selectivity for PI3K delta over other PI3K isoforms. However, this compound exhibited low potency in cell-based assays. Low cellular potency was related to sub optimal phys-chem and ADME properties. The analysis of the X-ray crystal structure of this compound in human PI3K delta guided a second tailored SAR expansion that led to improved cellular potency and solubility. The second part of the thesis was focused on the rational design and synthesis of new macrocyclic Rho-associated protein kinases (ROCKs) inhibitors. Inhibition of these kinases has been associated with vasodilating effects. Therefore, ROCKs could represent attractive targets for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Known ROCK inhibitors suffer from low selectivity across the kinome. The design of macrocyclic inhibitors was considered a promising strategy to obtain improved selectivity. Known inhibitors from literature were evaluated for opportunities of macrocyclization using a knowledge-based approach supported by Computer Aided Drug Design (CADD). The identification of a macrocyclic ROCK inhibitor with enzymatic activity in the low micro molar range against ROCK II represented a promising result that validated this innovative approach in the design of new ROCKs inhibitors.


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In recent years, IoT technology has radically transformed many crucial industrial and service sectors such as healthcare. The multi-facets heterogeneity of the devices and the collected information provides important opportunities to develop innovative systems and services. However, the ubiquitous presence of data silos and the poor semantic interoperability in the IoT landscape constitute a significant obstacle in the pursuit of this goal. Moreover, achieving actionable knowledge from the collected data requires IoT information sources to be analysed using appropriate artificial intelligence techniques such as automated reasoning. In this thesis work, Semantic Web technologies have been investigated as an approach to address both the data integration and reasoning aspect in modern IoT systems. In particular, the contributions presented in this thesis are the following: (1) the IoT Fitness Ontology, an OWL ontology that has been developed in order to overcome the issue of data silos and enable semantic interoperability in the IoT fitness domain; (2) a Linked Open Data web portal for collecting and sharing IoT health datasets with the research community; (3) a novel methodology for embedding knowledge in rule-defined IoT smart home scenarios; and (4) a knowledge-based IoT home automation system that supports a seamless integration of heterogeneous devices and data sources.


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The magnitude of the cervical cancer problem, coupled with the potential for prevention with recent technological advances, made it imperative to step back and reassess strategic options for dealing with cervical cancer screening in Kenya. The purpose of this qualitative study was: 1) to explore the extent to which the Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology and the Scenario Based Planning (SBP) method, with the application of analytics, could enable strategic, consequential, informed decision making, and 2) to determine how influential Kenyan decision makers could apply SBP with analytic tools and techniques to make strategic, consequential decisions regarding the implementation of a Cervical Self Sampling Program (CSSP) in both urban and rural settings. The theoretical paradigm for this study was action research; it was experiential, practical, and action oriented, and resulted in co-created knowledge that influenced study participants’ decision making. Action Africa Help International (AAHI) and Brock University collaborated with Local Decision Influencing Participants (LDIP’s) to develop innovative strategies on how to implement the CSSP. SBP tools, along with traditional approaches to data collection and analysis, were applied to collect, visualize and analyze predominately qualitative data. Outputs from the study included: a) a generic implementation scenario for a CSSP (along with scenarios unique to urban and rural settings), and b) 10 strategic directions and 22 supporting implementation strategies that address the variables of: 1) technical viability, 2) political support, 3) affordability, 4) logistical feasibility, 5) social acceptability, and 6) transformation/sustainability. In addition, study participants’ capacity to effectively engage in predictive/prescriptive strategic decision making was strengthened.


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During the selection, implementation and stabilization phases, as well as the operations and optimization phase of an ERP system (ERP-lifecycle), numerous companies consider to utilize the support of an external service provider. This paper analyses how different categories of knowledge influence the sourcing decision of crucial tasks within the ERP lifecycle. Based on a review of the IS outsourcing literature, essential knowledge-related determinants for the IS outsourcing decision are presented and aggregated in a structural model. It will be hypothesized that internal deficits in technological knowledge in comparison to external vendors as well as the specificity of the synthesis of special technological and specific business knowledge have a profound impact on the outsourcing decision. Then, a classification framework will be developed which facilitates the assignment of various tasks within the ERP lifecycle to their respective knowledge categories and knowledge carriers which might be internal or external stakeholders. The configuaration task will be used as an example to illustrate how the structural model and the classification framework may be applied to evaluate the outsourcing of tasks within the ERP lifecycle.


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Recent disasters have shown that having clearly defined preventive procedures and decisions is a critical component that minimizes evacuation hazards and ensures a rapid and successful evolution of evacuation plans. In this context, we present our Situation-Aware System for enhancing Evacuation Plans (SASEP) system, which allows creating end-user business rules that technically support the specific events, conditions and actions related to evacuation plans. An experimental validation was carried out where 32 people faced a simulated emergency situation, 16 of them using SASEP and the other 16 using a legacy system based on static signs. From the results obtained, we compare both techniques and discuss in which situations SASEP offers a better evacuation route option, confirming that it is highly valuable when there is a threat in the evacuation route. In addition, a study about user satisfaction using both systems is presented showing in which cases the systems are assessed as satisfactory, relevant and not frustrating.


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This thesis objective is to discover “How are informal decisions reached by screeners when filtering out undesirable job applications?” Grounded theory techniques were employed in the field to observe and analyse informal decisions at the source by screeners in three distinct empirical studies. Whilst grounded theory provided the method for case and cross-case analysis, literature from academic and non-academic sources was evaluated and integrated to strengthen this research and create a foundation for understanding informal decisions. As informal decisions in early hiring processes have been under researched, this thesis contributes to current knowledge in several ways. First, it locates the Cycle of Employment which enhances Robertson and Smith’s (1993) Selection Paradigm through the integration of stages that individuals occupy whilst seeking employment. Secondly, a general depiction of the Workflow of General Hiring Processes provides a template for practitioners to map and further develop their organisational processes. Finally, it highlights the emergence of the Locality Effect, which is a geographically driven heuristic and bias that can significantly impact recruitment and informal decisions. Although screeners make informal decisions using multiple variables, informal decisions are made in stages as evidence in the Cycle of Employment. Moreover, informal decisions can be erroneous as a result of a majority and minority influence, the weighting of information, the injection of inappropriate information and criteria, and the influence of an assessor. This thesis considers these faults and develops a basic framework of understanding informal decisions to which future research can be launched.