724 resultados para Whatu metaphor


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O presente trabalho investiga a implantação do regime de progressão continuada nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo em 1998, de modo que tem como eixo de pesquisa e reflexões a política pública progressão continuada e seu processo de implantação e implementação. Houve o uso de duas linhas de pesquisa: pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa e análise do discurso oficial, não somente aquele que implanta o regime citado, mas também a gradação das leis e suas características. O suporte central de pesquisa apoia-se em duas consagradas obras: “A estrutura das revoluções científicas” e “A origem das espécies”, de Thomas Kuhn e Charles Darwin, respectivamente. As obras citadas farão jus ao título desse trabalho, a qual utiliza das discussões propostas por Kuhn sobre ‘crise’, tendo esta como uma das linhas mestras para analisar os períodos pré e pós implantação do regime combinado ao darwinismo, que aqui se denomina darwinismo pedagógico. Para estabelecer uma conexão entre o objeto central de pesquisa e as obras acima citadas, houve a necessidade de pesquisar e discutir temáticas diretamente relacionadas, como ‘um rio e seus afluentes’. Os ‘afluentes’ pesquisados e discutidos foram: pedagogia e ciência, regime de seriação, darwinismo, metáfora, políticas públicas, gradação das leis, identidade, resistência e desistência. Os ‘afluentes’ não ficaram restritos a pesquisa bibliográfica, houve a necessidade de também no discurso oficial realizar esta linha metodológica. A pesquisa revelou que a partir das contribuições de Kuhn, a implantação do regime de progressão continuada nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo apenas fez com que a educação no estado saísse de uma crise e entrasse em outra. Além disso, revelou também que o darwinismo pedagógico que imperava no regime de seriação, muda de face no regime de progressão continuada, porém continua ativo, agora afetando diretamente os docentes, que resistem ativamente ou em oposição, ou desistem, seja de forma anunciada ou velada.


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The annual Janet Doe Lecture was established in l966 to honor Janet Doe, emerita librarian of the New York Academy of Medicine. The lecture focuses on either the history or philosophy of health sciences librarianship. This lecture addresses three fundamental values of the field, highlighting basic beliefs of the profession that are at risk: privacy, intellectual property rights, and access to quality information. It calls upon readers to make the everyday choices required to keep the value system of health sciences librarianship in place. Robert Frost's poignant poem ”The Road Not Taken” provides the metaphor for examining choices in an information economy.


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The article addresses the analysis of time images furnished by a qualitative research made in Spain on the relations of working time and family/personal time. The analysis focuses on three widespread time metaphors used in day-to-day speeches by social agents. The first one is the metaphor of time as resource for action. Its value is equally economical, moral and political. Used in different context of action, it may mean something that can be either invested, donated generously to others, appropriated for caring for oneself, or spent without purpose with others. The second metaphor represents time as an external environment to which action must adapt. This metaphor shows many variants that represent time as a dynamic/static, repetitive/innovative, ordered/chaotic environment. In this external environment, the agents must resolve the problems of temporal embeddedness, hierarchy and synchronization of their actions. The third metaphor shows time as a horizon of action intentionality where the agents try to construct the meaning of their action and identity. Within this horizon the construction of a significant narrative connecting past and present experiences with future expectations is possible.


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Madrid has been the center of Spanish musical scene and industry since the 80s, when “la movida” becomes the metaphor for the new colorful, young and cosmopolitan country established with the arrival of democracy. The city, in this way, is basically a place. But this sense of place started to crash with the arrival of digital music. In the new paradigm, intermediaries were supposed to disappear and music was something contained in networks and computers. The question now is how to integrate digital music, a nonphysical, individual experience, with the way in which the city of Madrid is lived through in musical terms. With the advent of digital music, concerts became the primary source of income for musicians. The centrality of the gig can be understood as the confirmation that we are living in an economy of experience. This centrality also reorganized the way in which music is produced and consumed: now, records are produced in order to create the opportunity of a musical event (band promote their tour as presentation of their latest recordings) that can be promoted in social networks and media; concerts are the places where musicians construct their fans’ communities and are the places were records are sold, not a way to know the band but to demonstrate both the support for the band and the status of the listeners. To study the place of music in the process of metropolization in Madrid we need to understand music as a field of tension


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A collection of poems with critical preface. The author expresses concern for responsibilities and obligations resulting from utterance and offers a means of reading poetry in light of such concerns. Lyric theory and the legacy of Language poetry with regards to the lyric are loci in a discussion of contemporary poetics. It analyzes the work of poets Tomaz Salamun and Lyn Hejinian, in relation to theorists Theodor Adorno and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, to articulate a poetics specific to the poems in the collection. The poetics is described via the literary and anthropological uses of metaphor, which are employed to unify text, writer, and reader. The phenomenology of ritual and ritual theory address these contingents to conclude the preface. The collection of poems is divided into three sections, each a distinct, interrelated collection of poetic modes.


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Proyecto emergente centrado en la detección e interpretación de metáforas con métodos no supervisados. Se presenta la caracterización del problema metafórico en Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, los fundamentos teóricos del proyecto y los primeros resultados.


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Las investigaciones que tratan de establecer cuáles son las estructuras formales de las metáforas visuales en publicidad gráfica distinguen básicamente tres tipos. Un primer tipo donde dos objetos se fusionan en una imagen híbrida, un segundo tipo donde aparece un objeto y el otro se sugiere de algún modo por el contexto y un tercer tipo donde aparecen, al menos, dos objetos alineados y simétricos. En este artículo, indagamos el origen cognitivo de estas estructuras aplicando la Teoría Integrada de la Metáfora Primaria.


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Las teorías cognitivas han demostrado que el pensamiento humano se encuentra corporeizado; es decir, que accedemos a la realidad mediante nuestros sentidos y no podemos huir de ellos. Para entender y manejar conceptos abstractos utilizamos proyecciones metafóricas basadas en sensaciones corporales. De ahí la ubicuidad de la metáfora en el lenguaje cotidiano. Aunque esta afirmación ha sido ampliamente probada con el análisis del corpus verbal en distintas lenguas, apenas existen investigaciones en el corpus audiovisual. Si las metáforas primarias forman parte de nuestro inconsciente cognitivo, son inherentes al ser humano y consecuencia de la naturaleza del cerebro, deben generar también metáforas visuales. En este artículo, se analizan y discuten una serie de ejemplos para comprobarlo.


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El presente artículo estudia la traducción de las colocaciones formadas a partir del término crise, aparecidas en un corpus especializado. Tras reseñar algunos trabajos previos sobre lenguaje económico y metáfora en tiempos de crisis, se clasifican las colocaciones originales identificadas en el corpus según diversos conceptos metafóricos. Por último, se analizan las estrategias de traducción y se valoran con el apoyo de un corpus comparable ad hoc. El análisis revela, por una parte, que las metáforas identificadas pueden asociarse a conceptos como, entre otros, alimentos, catástrofes, enfermedades, objetos o pozos, y, por otra parte, que existe una clara tendencia a la traducción literal, especialmente en el caso de las expresiones asociadas a las enfermedades, si bien también se dan en menor medida otras estrategias de traducción. Los resultados del estudio son de utilidad para la enseñanza de la traducción y el lenguaje económico o en la elaboración de repertorios fraseológicos.


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Grady distinguishes two main types of metaphor in order to provide a solution in the controversies stemming from the conceptual theory of metaphor: correlation-based metaphors and resemblance metaphors. In “correlation-based metaphors”, the source domain is sensory-motor, while the target domain is not. On the contrary, “resemblance metaphors” are originated by a physical or conceptual perception which is common in both domains, by the association of concepts with common features. Primary metaphors are the minimal units of correlation-based metaphors; they are inherent in human nature and the result of the nature of our brain, our body and the world that we inhabit. We acquire them automatically and we cannot avoid them. Furthermore, as corporal experiences are universal, so are primary metaphors. In this paper, I will argue that primary metaphors manifest themselves visually through scene-setting techniques such as composition, framing, camera movement or lighting. Film-makers can use the different aspects of mise-en-scène metaphorically in order to express abstract notions like evil, importance, control, relationship or confusion. Such visual manifestations, as also occurs with their verbal equivalents, frequently go unnoticed or have been used so often that they have become clichés. But the important thing to bear in mind is that their origin lies in a primary metaphor and due to this origin these kinds of film-making strategies have been so expressively successful.


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Ideologies use for their conservation and propagation persuasive methods of communication: rhetoric. Rhetoric is analyzed from the semiotic and logical-mathematical points of view. The following hypotheses are established: (1) language L is a self-explanatory system, mediated by a successive series of systems of cultural conventions, (2) connotative significances of an ideological advertising rhetoric must be known, and (3) the notion of ideological information is a neutral notion that does not imply the valuation of ideology or its conditions of veracity or falsification. Rhetorical figures like metonymy, metaphor, parable analogy, and allegory are defined as relations. Metaphor and parable are order relations. Operations of metonymic and metaphoric substitution are defined and several theorems derived from these operations have been deduced.


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Terminologists’ interest in studying the role of metaphor and metaphorical terms in specialized communication has proliferated since the first papers addressing this issue appeared in the 1990s. However, we believe that some facets of terminological meaning still remain overlooked or merit further analysis. This paper attempts to contribute to the study of one of these facets: the figurative meaning of some compound terms used in the domain of luxury marketing and business. In order to present a systematized view of this phenomenon we will adopt some theoretical tools from the Conventional Figurative Language Theory, in order to confirm the validity of some of its postulates for compound term analysis. Next, a contrastive approach between English, Spanish and Russian compound terms will put the theoretical ideas into practice with the aim of illustrating their applied and metalinguistic potential. Some basic conclusions will be offered at the end of the paper.


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Este artículo es una contribución al entendimiento del dibujo como aprehensión de su objeto, en general, y de la arquitectura, en particular, es decir, como definición de lo tangible que luego se materializará en la obra. Para ello, tomamos como referencia algunos dibujos de Luis Borobio (1924-2005), arquitecto y catedrático de Estética, poeta y caricaturista, que ilustran sus libros y cuyo valor, como apuntes a mano alzada, es el de dar a entender, de manera sencilla y eficaz, aquello que representan. De este estudio se desprende su capacidad para la transmisión de conocimiento, el sentido del boceto como metáfora y de la caricatura como crítica, herramientas con las que la mano llega a conocer y dar a conocer su objeto. Se añade una reflexión final sobre Mi árbol, verdadero manual de expresión gráfica, idóneo para contribuir a esclarecer la dialéctica entre masa y espacio que es propia de toda arquitectura.