596 resultados para Mozambique


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Cassava root is the main staple for 70% of the population in Mozambique, particularly in inaccessible rural areas, but is known to be low in iron. Anaemia is a public health problem in mothers and preschool children in Mozambique and up to 40% of these cases are probably due to dietary iron deficiency. The World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recognize the fortification of foodstuff as an effective method to remedy dietary deficiencies of micronutrients, including iron. Cassava mahewu, a non-alcoholic fermented beverage is prepared at subsistence level from cassava roots using indigenous procedures. The aim of the study was to standardize mahewu fermentation and investigate if the type of cassava fermented, or the iron compound used for fortification affected the final product. Roots of sweet and bitter varieties of cassava from four districts (Rapale, Meconta, Alto Molocue and Zavala) in Mozambique, were peeled, dried and pounded to prepare flour. Cassava flour was cooked and fermented under controlled conditions (45°C for 24 h). The fermentation period and temperature were set, based on the findings of a pilot study which showed that an end-point pH of about 4.5 was regularly reached after 24 h at 45°C. Cassava mahewu was fortified with ferrous sulfate (FeSO4.7H2O) or ferrous fumarate (C4H2FeO4) at the beginning (time zero) and at the end of fermentation (24 h). The amount of iron added to the mahewu was based on the average of the approved range of iron used for the fortification of maize meal. The mean pH at the endpoint was 4.5, with 0.29% titratable acidity. The pH and acidity were different to those reported in previous studies on maize mahewu, whereas the solid extract of 9.65% was found to be similar. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast growth were not significantly different in mahewu fortified with either of the iron compounds. There was no significant difference between cassava mahewu made from bitter or sweet varieties. A standard method for preparation and iron fortification of cassava mahewu was developed. It is recommended that fortification occurs at the end of fermentation when done at household level.


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Resettlement associated with development projects results in a variety of negative impacts. This dissertation uses the resettlement context to frame the dynamic relationships formed between peoples and places experiencing development. Two case studies contribute: (a) the border zone of Mozambique’s Limpopo National Park where residents contend with changes to land access and use; and (b) Bairro Chipanga in Moatize, Mozambique where a resettled population struggles to form place attachment and transform the post-resettlement site into a “good” place. Through analysis of data collected at these sites between 2009 and 2015, this dissertation investigates how changing environments impact person-place relationships before and after resettlement occurs. Changing environments create conditions leading to disemplacement—feeling like one no longer belongs—that reduces the environment’s ability to foster place attachment. Research findings indicate that responses taken by individuals living in the changing environment depend heavily upon whether resettlement has already occurred. In a pre-resettlement context, residents adjust their daily lives to diminish the effects of a changing environment and re-create the conditions to which they initially formed an attachment. They accept impoverishing conditions, including a narrowing of the spaces in which they live their daily lives, because it is preferred to the anxiety that accompanies being forced to resettle. In a post-resettlement context, resettlement disrupts the formation of place attachment and resettled peoples become a placeless population. When the resettlement has not resulted in anticipated outcomes, the aspiration for social justice—seeking conditions residents had reason to expect—negatively influences residents’ perspectives about the place. The post-resettlement site becomes a bad place with a future unchanged from the present. At best, this results in a population in which more members are willing to move away from the post-resettlement site, and, at worse, complete disengagement of other members from trying to improve the community. Resettlement thus has the potential to launch a cycle of movement- displacement-movement that prevents an entire generation from establishing place attachment and realizing its benefits. At the very least, resettlement impedes the formation of place attachment to new places. Thus, this dissertation draws attention to the unseen and uncompensated losses of resettlement.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Serviço Social, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social, 2016.


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Doutoramento em Engenharia dos Biossistemas - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Internacional


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O presente documento, criado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Atividade de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais, do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora, apresenta o trabalho desenvolvido no Centro de Reabilitação Psicossocial, das Irmãs Hospitaleiras em Maputo – Moçambique. O processo de intervenção psicomotora foi desenvolvido com jovens/adultos com Dificuldades Intelectuais e Desenvolvimentais e crianças com Paralisia Cerebral ou Atraso Global do Desenvolvimento, durante 8 meses. A intervenção concretizou-se em sessões de grupo e individuais em contexto de atividade motora, terapias expressivas, desenvolvimento pessoal e social com os jovens/adultos e em contexto de promoção do desenvolvimento psicomotor, atividades psicopedagógicas e terapias expressivas com as crianças, com objetivo de promoção de bem-estar, qualidade de vida, funcionalidade e autonomia dos utentes, tendo em conta o contexto cultural, familiar e as potencialidades, dificuldades e interesses. No processo de intervenção estiveram presentes as fases próprias da prática terapêutica, observação, conhecimento e criação de relação empática com os utentes, avaliação inicial, processo de intervenção planeado, avaliação final e comparação dos resultados com avaliação inicial e reflexão sobre o mesmo. É ainda apresentado um projeto de investigação centrado no estudo das atitudes da comunidade do Bairro das Mahotas perante a população com Dificuldade Intelectual e Desenvolvimental.


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We have identified a clonal complex of Mycobacterium bovis isolated at high frequency from cattle in Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. We have named this related group of M. bovis strains the African 2 (Af2) clonal complex of M. bovis. Af2 strains are defined by a specific chromosomal deletion (RDAf2) and can be identified by the absence of spacers 3 to 7 in their spoligotype patterns. Deletion analysis of M. bovis isolates from Algeria, Mali, Chad, Nigeria, Cameroon, South Africa, and Mozambique did not identify any strains of the Af2 clonal complex, suggesting that this clonal complex of M. bovis is localized in East Africa. The specific spoligotype pattern of the Af2 clonal complex was rarely identified among isolates from outside Africa, and the few isolates that were found and tested were intact at the RDAf2 locus. We conclude that the Af2 clonal complex is localized to cattle in East Africa. We found that strains of the Af2 clonal complex of M. bovis have, in general, four or more copies of the insertion sequence IS6110, in contrast to the majority of M. bovis strains isolated from cattle, which are thought to carry only one or a few copies.


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1 – Resumo: a questão da pena de morte é tratada de modo muito diverso no mundo. Existem nomeadamente grandes diferenças no que concerne ao Oriente e Ocidente mundiais. Esta pesquisa compara um típico país da União Europeia, Portugal, bem como outros países da lusofonia, Brasil, Angola, Moçambique, Guiné-Bissau, Cabo Verde, S. Tomé e Princípe e Timor Leste com três exemplos asiáticos: a China, o Japão e a Coréia do Sul. Vê-se que não só as leis são bastante diferentes, mas que o que talvez mais difira a nível mundial seja a sua aplicação prática. § 1.1 Abstract: the issue of death penalty is treated very differently in the world. In particular, there are large differences between the Eastern and the Western hemispheres. This study compares a typical country of the European Union, Portugal, as well as other Lusophone countries, i.e. Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe and East Timor, with three Asian examples: China, Japan and South Korea. It is shown that not only the laws are quite different, but that what possibly differs the most on a global level is their practical application.


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La región de África Austral emerge como un nuevo escenario geopolítico complejo, en el que la lucha por la adquisición de los derechos de exploración, extracción y distribución de minerales estratégicos ha intensificado la presencia del número de actores estratégicos en esta zona. En este sentido, es interesante analizar el juego de poder que se desarrolla entre Estados Unidos y China con el fin de neutralizar la debilidad estratégica que representa la carencia de estos recursos naturales, esenciales para el desarrollo de sus industrias, así como también la oportunidad que representan como mecanismo para ampliar las esferas de influencia extra continental. Así pues, la presente investigación analiza a partir de la explotación de los minerales como recursos estratégicos, los efectos de la geoestrategia reciente de estos dos jugadores activos del sistema internacional contemporáneo en la relación con los Estados que conforman la región meridional del continente africano, durante el periodo 2000-2010.