936 resultados para Italic languages and dialects.
[EUS] Gure gaur egungo gizarte globalizatuak, internazionalki komunikatzeko beharra areagotu du, eta horregatik atzerriko hizkuntzak ikastea ezinbestekoa bihurtu da. Eskola errealitatearen isla denez, behar horri aurre egiteko, gero eta gehiago dira irakaskuntza eleaniztuna garatzeko ikuspegi metodologikoak. Ikuspegi metodologiko hauen artean, CLIL/HEBI eta HTB dira garrantzitsuenetarikoak. HEBIk hizkuntzak eta edukiak batera ikasteari egiten dio erreferentzia, eta HTBk curriculumeko hizkuntzen programazio adostuari. Lan honetan metodologia hauen nondik norakoak aztertzen dira, baita hauek ikastetxe batean nolako ibilbidea izan duten eta nola lantzen diren ere. Azken honetan ikastetxearen eta ikasleen aldetik HEBIrekiko dagoen jarrera aztertzen da, galdetegi batzuen bitartez.
[EN] This article presents a detailed study of the present-day use of the Basque discourse marker "erran/esan nahi baita" (‘that is to say’). This is an explanatory reformulator by means of which the speaker presents a reformulation of something said in the previous utterance (either a clause that forms part of the current sentence, or the preceding sentence) in order to express it more clearly or explain it. In the article I will examine the marker’s values; literary tradition; form and origin; present-day variants; equivalent expressions; position; punctuation; syntax; frequency, medium (written or spoken), register and text type; equivalents in other languages; and discourse value.
A presente investigação se volta para a expressão de objeto direto anafórico (ODA) na produção de dados espontâneos de aquisição bilíngue simultânea (BFLA Bilingual First Language Acquisition) de Português Brasileiro (PB) e de inglês. A literatura em BFLA tem assumido que as duas línguas são adquiridas de maneira independente (DE HOUWER, 1990, 2005; PARADIS; GENESEE, 1996), porém indica que pode haver momentos de interação entre os dois sistemas linguísticos, resultando em transferência entre propriedades paramétricas das línguas (HULK; MÜLLER, 2000; MÜLLER; HULK, 2001; PÉREZ-LEROUX, et al 2009 ; STRIK; PÉREZ-LEROUX, 2011; SORACE, 2011). Essa investigação é conduzida com base na teoria de Princípios & Parâmetros (CHOMSKY, 1981) do Gerativismo, reformulada com o Programa Minimalista (CHOMSKY, 1995). PB e inglês se diferenciam em relação à marcação paramétrica para ODA: o PB admite objeto nulo anafórico (ON) e o inglês não. A hipótese de trabalho adotada é de que haverá transferência do PB para o inglês. Dois tipos de categorias nulas são observados: objetos nulos dêitico (Odeit) e anafórico (ON). Assume-se que a manifestação do primeiro tipo indica um estágio default universal, que constituiria uma estratégia facilitadora (RIZZI, 2005). A possibilidade de uso de ONs agramaticais no inglês é concebida como resultado da presença de dados ambíguos, que reforçariam essa possibilidade equivocadamente no inglês, em consonância com o defendido em Hulk & Müller (2000) e Müller & Hulk (2001). Assume-se, ademais, que as restrições semânticas que regem a distribuição das formas possíveis para ODA no PB (CYRINO, 2006; LOPES, 2009) só poderiam ser detectadas em uma faixa etária mais alta. São analisados dados espontâneos de três bilíngues simultâneos (N, L e A) em interação com seus pais. N foi acompanhado dos 2;1,18 aos 3;8,24 anos de idade, enquanto L foi acompanhada dos 2;5,30 aos 3;1,1 anos e A foi acompanhado dos 3;2,6 aos 3;8,26 anos. As manifestações de ODA foram identificadas e classificadas em DP, pronome, ON e ODeit. Comparando os bilíngues, constatou-se que cada criança parece estar em um momento de aquisição: N apresenta instâncias de ODeit em contextos imperativos e pronomes aparecem apenas no inglês aos 2;5,2 anos. L tem preferência por DPs nas duas línguas e usa pronomes apenas na língua inglesa. Aos 2;6,22 anos, surgem instâncias de ON com mais frequência no PB, mas também no inglês. A criança A apresenta todos os tipos de preenchimento de ODA e ONs aparecem nas duas línguas. Os dados indicam que ONs agramaticais estão presentes no inglês, sugerindo que há transferência do PB para o inglês
Esta dissertação analisa as obras do autor, quadrinista, teatrólogo e ator Lourenço Mutarelli, principalmente, os romances O cheiro do ralo, O natimorto, Jesus Kid e as narrativas gráficas Caixa de Areia, Mundo Pet, Réquiem e Quando meu pai encontrou o e.t. fazia um dia quente, a partir de duas perspectivas presentes na escrita contemporânea: o hibridismo entre diversas linguagens e os novos modos da escrita de si. Quanto ao primeiro aspecto, privilegia-se o dialogismo entre cinema e literatura, com importantes questionamentos e discussões acerca de quanto a literatura, por ser a obra original, é de fato superior em relação à sétima arte. A fim de analisar algumas questões essenciais que advêm da intertextualidade entre cinema e literatura − como originalidade, hierarquia e fidelidade −, este trabalho propõe abordagens que buscam explicitar que, ao se adaptar um texto literário, o cinema cria uma outra obra, híbrida, dotada de novas perspectivas, já contextualizadas no momento presente ao da adaptação, ou seja, trazendo para o texto literário um olhar suplementar, a partir de experiências, ideias e vivências do diretor. Em relação à segunda tendência observada na atualidade, a exposição da intimidade através de diferentes meios − blogs, portais da internet, reality shows, entre outros − vem alterando a forma de o autor lidar com a própria obra e com o público leitor. O escritor parece criar uma persona, tornando-se, muitas vezes, personagem de seu texto e fazendo uso da autoficção, com a mescla de elementos biográficos e ficcionais. Essa nova forma de escrita de si para além dos tradicionais diários, cartas e autobiografias resgata o autor da morte anunciada por Barthes e o traz novamente como objeto de análise do texto literário
O futuro verbal caracteriza-se por uma conformação cognitiva e semântica bastante distinta da verificada nos demais tempos verbais, distintos do tempo cronológico. Tal fato apresenta-se abrangente nas línguas e traz consequências morfossintáticas apreciáveis na constituição de tal tempo verbal em português, tanto em perspectiva sincrônica quanto em diacrônica. Hoje, em língua portuguesa, presenciamos uma nova mudança na manifestação desse futuro verbal, com a crescente difusão da forma perifrástica composta por ir e infinitivo, como gramaticalização da expressão de futuro. Tal processo de mudança ainda se encontra em curso na língua, fato atestável em vários usos. Objetivamos aqui a descrição dos tempos verbais futuros da língua portuguesa, que não se confundem com a simples expressão de futuridade, bem como o estabelecimento de um estudo comparativo entre três variedades do português, a brasileira, a europeia e a moçambicana, quanto a usos e valores do futuro do presente, tempo verbal prototípico dos futuros
Tradicionalmente, teóricos dos estudos literários têm dado pouco enfoque aos textos orais por acreditarem na escritura como única fonte teorizadora dos textos artísticos desmerecendo, assim, o valor histórico e o caráter próprio da literatura oral. O mesmo ocorre com a literatura voltada para o público infantojuvenil, que, apesar de ter conquistado o mercado editorial, ainda encontra dificuldades em entrar para o rol dos livros aceitos pelo cânone literário. Por meio de adaptações e traduções, tem-se oportunizado a aproximação dos jovens leitores das obras clássicas, cujas linguagens e distância cronológica e social configuram fator de impedimento de sua leitura. O que se pretendeu neste trabalho foi discutir como se deu a passagem da literatura popular/oral para a literatura canônica, tendo como exemplo o caso do Rei dos Elfos e a constituição de um mito literário com base no oral/popular: do Faustbuch ao Fausto de Goethe. Buscou-se fazer uma reflexão acerca do próprio processo de literarização, a partir de histórias contadas através da transmissão e transformadas em literatura para, por fim, ser possível analisar as múltiplas adaptações de Fausto para a literatura infantojuvenil contemporânea.
In this study, bibliometric method was usded in the investigation of 2274 papers concerning child developmental and educational psychology, which were published during the ten years of 1979-1988, in 14 psychological journals and 97 other scientific journals. According to the quantitative and qualitative analyses, the results are as follows: 1979-1988 saw the rapid development and prosperous period in China's child developmental and educational psychology, During which more papers were published and more fields couched than in the psvious thirty years. The number of literature publications increased and went to the peak in 1983 and 1984, and came down since 1985. The trend was found to result from the decrease in popular science introductions of psychology, which reflected that a heat of psychology had appeared in 1983 and started to cool in 1985. At the mean time, the number of research reports had been holding a steady increase by 1987 and decreased obviously in 1988, especially in the fields of cognitive and social development. There could be several possible explanations of this phenonemon: Piagetian studies are becoming fewer and the eakening of Piaget's influence might predict a period of standstill in the field of developmental psychology in China; As researches become more and more difficult, researchers have turned to be more cautious in lay out their reports; the cutdown of fees and staff could also be one of reasons for less publication in 1988. As the factors mentioned above still exist and their influences last, the number of papers are not expected to increase in the near future. The field of thinking and menory is closely connected with that of artificial intelligence. The downhill situations in these two fileds should be taken seriously. 2. The types of research work are divided on the bases of their problem raising. The trends show that the deepening studies, which represent a comaratively higher level of exploration, are waving fewer, while repeated studies and creative studies are becoming more as the years go along. This fact is worth being further analysed. Big progress could be seen from research methods. The methods currently used are mainly experiment, psychological measurement and assessment, and theoretical reasoning. There is a rapid increase of research by using scales. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Binet Scale and Baley Scale have been revised andstandardized. Chinese researchers have also developed several good scales of their own, some of which are valuable and need to be standardized. In the papers investigated, the amount of citation is significantly lower than the world average level as well as the average citation number of whole China's scientific literature. Among the papers cited, most are of Chinese and English languages, and only a small rate were published in resently five years. The renewal of literature cited seems to stay at a low level in the ten years. Tremendous work could be reflected by the number of subjects used the research work in those ten years: 362665. A lot of studies piled on the period of 4-16 year olds. Compared with the previous thirty years, the age range was much enlarged and there were quite a few studies about preschool, school and adolescent periods. The study of newborn of 0-3 has been a weak point so far and it is a field to which chinese developmental psychologists should pay more attention. The progress in using statistics is one of the most obvious part in the development in the research work of child developmental and educational psychology. The one tendency that should be awared and avoid is to put the cart before the horse: seeking for more sophisticated statistic method while neglecting the meanings of research problems. 3. Citation analysis was used in selecting scholars who had great influence in the field of child developmental and educational psychology. Among the often cited and famous scholars, 31 are Chinese researchers and 12 are Western psychologists. The authoritative journal for child developmental psychology and educational psychology is Acta Psychologica Sinica.
The actor message-passing model of concurrent computation has inspired new ideas in the areas of knowledge-based systems, programming languages and their semantics, and computer systems architecture. The model itself grew out of computer languages such as Planner, Smalltalk, and Simula, and out of the use of continuations to interpret imperative constructs within A-calculus. The mathematical content of the model has been developed by Carl Hewitt, Irene Greif, Henry Baker, and Giuseppe Attardi. This thesis extends and unifies their work through the following observations. The ordering laws postulated by Hewitt and Baker can be proved using a notion of global time. The most general ordering laws are in fact equivalent to an axiom of realizability in global time. Independence results suggest that some notion of global time is essential to any model of concurrent computation. Since nondeterministic concurrency is more fundamental than deterministic sequential computation, there may be no need to take fixed points in the underlying domain of a power domain. Power domains built from incomplete domains can solve the problem of providing a fixed point semantics for a class of nondeterministic programming languages in which a fair merge can be written. The event diagrams of Greif's behavioral semantics, augmented by Baker's pending events, form an incomplete domain. Its power domain is the semantic domain in which programs written in actor-based languages are assigned meanings. This denotational semantics is compatible with behavioral semantics. The locality laws postulated by Hewitt and Baker may be proved for the semantics of an actor-based language. Altering the semantics slightly can falsify the locality laws. The locality laws thus constrain what counts as an actor semantics.
The article is an introduction to the discussion about the linguistic and psychodidactic concepts justifying the thesis that the senior language learners are able to learn foreign languages and that they can achieve educational success in the process of foreign language learning.
Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej
Wydział Neofilologii:Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej
The piano's role in art song repertoire has evolved from a modest one during its formative years to the versatility, complexity and creativity found in the twentieth-century. The art song repertoire of the twentieth century is vast and has secured the reputation for being the most diverse, innovative, illustrative, atmospheric and colorful in all of art song literature. Within this time period, there are compositions that reach back to the romantic works of nineteenth century, others which combine old and new traditions, and finally those which adopt new means and new ends. In choosing the material for this project, I have focused on compositions with uniquely challenging and unusual piano accompaniments in order to achieve a balance between well- known and rarely performed works, as well as those pieces that combine various languages and styles. Selections range from Claude Debussy, Richard Strauss, Sergey Rachmaninoff, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Roger Quilter, Francis Poulenc, Fernando Obradors, and Joaquin Rodrigo to composers such as Samuel Barber, Marc Blitzstein, Dominick Argento, William Bolcom, and John Duke, including arrangements of traditional spirituals by Harry T. Burleigh and Florence B. Price, all of which helped to establish the American Art Song. My objective is to trace the development of the twentieth-century art song from the late Romantic Period through nationalistitrends to works which show the influences of jazz and folk elements. The two CD's for this dissertation recording project are available on compact discs which can be found in the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM). The performers were Daniel Armstrong, baritone, Giles Herman, baritone, Thomas Glenn, tenor, Valerie Yinzant, soprano, Aaron Odom, tenor, Jennifer Royal, soprano, Kenneth Harmon, tenor, Karen Sorenson, soprano and Maxim Ivanov, baritone.
From a multilingual corpus composed of institutional websites published by the Euroregions, this article attempts to explore the discursive indications which tend to legitimize the notion of Euroregional space. The lexicometric and qualitative observations lead to a compliance to the normative objectives of the European politics and to the standardization of the euroregional representations, in spite of languages and issuing cross-border areas.
For seizing the potential of serious games, the RAGE project - funded by the Horizon-2020 Programme of the European Commission - will make available an interoperable set of advanced technology components (software assets) that support game studios at serious game development. This paper describes the overall software architecture and design conditions that are needed for the easy integration and reuse of such software assets in existing game platforms. Based on the component-based software engineering paradigm the RAGE architecture takes into account the portability of assets to different operating systems, different programming languages and different game engines. It avoids dependencies on external software frameworks and minimizes code that may hinder integration with game engine code. Furthermore it relies on a limited set of standard software patterns and well-established coding practices. The RAGE architecture has been successfully validated by implementing and testing basic software assets in four major programming languages (C#, C++, Java and Typescript/JavaScript, respectively). A demonstrator implementation of asset integration with an existing game engine was created and validated. The presented RAGE architecture paves the way for large scale development and application of cross-engine reusable software assets for enhancing the quality and diversity of serious gaming.