998 resultados para Gestão e coordenação de obra
O presente trabalho busca fazer uma leitura teolgica da literatura, no caso especfico do livro ―A via crucis do corpo‖ de Clarice Lispector. O pressuposto teolgico que se usa para fazer tal anlise o da teologia de Paul Tillich, tanto a partir de sua Teologia da cultura quanto de seu conceito de coragem de ser. Para tal intento foi necessrio seguir vrios passos, sendo que o primeiro retratar a discusso sobre o que e como deve ser uma pesquisa que englobe teologia e literatura. Em segundo lugar foram expostas narrativas biogrficas tanto de Clarice Lispector quanto de Paul Tillich que fossem iluminadoras da temtica. Subseqentemente o livro ―A via crucis do corpo‖ foi apresentado juntamente com a obra geral de Clarice Lispector, e os pontos tericos bsicos da teologia de Paul Tillich utilizadas no trabalho foram discutidos. Por ltimo, a teologia estudada de Tillich foi aplicada nos contos do livro ―A via crucis do corpo, surgindo assim uma leitura teolgico-existencial da obra e propondo uma forma existencial de se analisar a literatura.
Este estudo sobre a Gestão de Relacionamento com a Mdia em universidades privadas pretende avaliar como esta rea da Comunicao Empresarial tem sido conduzida pelas seguintes Instituies de Ensino Superior de So Paulo: a Univ. Ibirapuera, a Univ. de Santo Amaro, a Univ. Cidade de So Paulo e a Universidade Paulista, corpus definido com base em pesquisa exploratria prvia. Buscamos demonstrar neste estudo, o papel fundamental da GRM, sendo considerada como parte da inteligncia estratgica das IES. Sendo assim, entendemos que esta rea da Comunicao Empresarial pode contribuir, por meio das relaes de poder simblico que se estabelecem na mdia, para o reconhecimento e a valorizao dessas instituies no cenrio educacional brasileiro atual. Este estudo tem como objetivos, verificar as contribuies da GRM na construo de uma imagem e reputao de credibilidade das IES; Buscamos tambm refletir sobre a teoria e prtica Comunicao Empresarial no setor por meio de pesquisa emprica, observando sua estrutura de comunicao e aes realizadas e relacionando as anlises aos conceitos encontrados nas referncias bibliogrficas sobre o tema. Tcnicas e instrumentos metodolgicos diversos foram utilizados para alcanar os objetivos propostos neste estudo, entre eles, a anlise documental, a pesquisa bibliogrfica, entrevistas semiestruturadas e a anlise de contedo. Observamos por meio deste estudo que a prtica da GRM se mantm insipiente nessas instituies, onde o foco principal do pensamento e planejamento estratgico de comunicao est nas aes publicitrias mercadolgicas, em polticas de comunicao interna e aes bsicas, quando no pontuais de assessoria de imprensa.
This paper analyzed the relation between participation and school autonomy, observing Director actions and School Council actions and if school has pedagogic, administrative and financial autonomy. This is a descriptive search, with quantitative approach, realized in 47 state schools in Rio Grande do Norte, and composed by 292 participants, divided in 3 groups (Direction, Coordination and School Council). The instrument to catch data was a questionnaire and the data treatment realized by way descriptive statistic and inferences using X 2 test. The results show that school administration is composed in great part by women with specialization grade. All schools have School Council and Financial Council, but have not Parents and Masters Association and just one of them has Student Guild. The direction choose process is, in 83% of the schools, by elective way. The indicators show that the relation involving family, society and school stays weak, but Directors, Coordinators and School Council members develop their functions with coherence. About autonomy, it is limited and presents correlation with participation, but the educational system stays rigid and centralizer
A obra, intitulada Gestão Educacional Democrtica: avaliao e prticas, organizada pelas professoras Luciane Terra dos Santos Garcia e Alessandra Cardoso de Freitas, reuniu textos que investigam vrios aspectos das polticas educacionais relacionadas diretamente com o ttulo do livro, integrando trs eixos temticos: o primeiro focado na gestão educacional democrtica; o segundo, na avaliao institucional, nos sistemas e nas escolas; e o terceiro enfatiza a gestão e as prticas de interveno. Trata-se de um esforo das Linhas de Pesquisa Poltica e Prxis de Educao do Programa de Ps-Graduao em Educao da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, que vem contribuindo por meio das suas publicaes para a sistematizao do conhecimento na rea das polticas educacionais. Os textos, na sua maioria, resultam de pesquisas realizadas por professores e alunos do Programa de Ps-Graduao dessa instituio, como tambm conta com a participao de pesquisadores da temtica de outras instituies nacionais.
This study aims to investigate the process of implementation of Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola, PNBE, and the reader's training on Childhood Education level in Natal. The promotion of literary reading is the opportunity of inclusion in a world that is connected to citizenship, to human rights and social justice, because the reading is the way which gives meaning to the life and, therefore, it is a right for everybody. The study is characterized as a qualitative research with evaluative approach. The methodological procedure that constitutes this corpus took place in three stages: the first one was about the analysis of laws and documents of national public policies for the reading promotion; questionnaires were applied by Managing Committee - Natal/RN to CMEIs and the available websites from MEC that provide distribution of the acquis; in the second stage, we adopted the semi-structured interview as a methodological procedure elaborated with open questions that focus on the program management and to the acquis of PNBE; and in the third step we visited the 21 centers of childhood education in Natal for interviewing and to do the exploratory observation in places of reading. The Informant actors in this research are: the advisors of SME - Natal and FNDE, managers and teachers in Municipal Childhood Education Centers who totalize 30 informants. This theoretical and methodological framework follows the studies of Amarilha (1993; 1994; 2002; 2006; 2010; 2012), Bardin (2001), Bogdan; Biklen (1994), Castro (2007; 2008; 2012), Demo (2000; 2006; 2008), Fischer (2006), Moreira; Caleffe (2008), Paiva (2008; 2012), Secchi (2010; 2012), Soares (2003; 2008) and Zilberman (2001; 2003; 2008). The analysis indicates that decentralization strategy which is adopted in public management model will transfer responsibilities and assumption of the PNBE, exempting the actors to planning actions ensuring the efficiency and efficacy implementation on reading policy to national and municipal levels. The qualified acquis that is distributed by MEC reaches every Childhood Education center and does not depend on teacher's desire or it action, only a few of them know about it and they do not have information about the PNBE, neither receive specific training in order to articulate it to the practice of reading with children from Childhood Education. The reading project implemented by private education system in Natal overlaps the PNBE, making it invisible. The reading places that are available for that schooling stage are summarized to the reading corners. In some CMEI, books remain stored in boxes or they are locked in the closet, out of use to the teachers and students. Thus, care for the acquisition, selecting acquis, and a preoccupation to the supply of the reading and books for this education level are lost into volumes of closed boxes, teachers are jettisoned to this process and children do not have any enchantment to the reading or books. In this context, this paper draws attention to how much we should still investigate in order to understanding the perspectives, stresses and challenges from public policies for the reading promotion in our country. We hope that the research will help to improve the management model of the PNBE, ensuring the reading democratization and therefore the reader's training in early Childhood Education.
This study aims to investigate the process of implementation of Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola, PNBE, and the reader's training on Childhood Education level in Natal. The promotion of literary reading is the opportunity of inclusion in a world that is connected to citizenship, to human rights and social justice, because the reading is the way which gives meaning to the life and, therefore, it is a right for everybody. The study is characterized as a qualitative research with evaluative approach. The methodological procedure that constitutes this corpus took place in three stages: the first one was about the analysis of laws and documents of national public policies for the reading promotion; questionnaires were applied by Managing Committee - Natal/RN to CMEIs and the available websites from MEC that provide distribution of the acquis; in the second stage, we adopted the semi-structured interview as a methodological procedure elaborated with open questions that focus on the program management and to the acquis of PNBE; and in the third step we visited the 21 centers of childhood education in Natal for interviewing and to do the exploratory observation in places of reading. The Informant actors in this research are: the advisors of SME - Natal and FNDE, managers and teachers in Municipal Childhood Education Centers who totalize 30 informants. This theoretical and methodological framework follows the studies of Amarilha (1993; 1994; 2002; 2006; 2010; 2012), Bardin (2001), Bogdan; Biklen (1994), Castro (2007; 2008; 2012), Demo (2000; 2006; 2008), Fischer (2006), Moreira; Caleffe (2008), Paiva (2008; 2012), Secchi (2010; 2012), Soares (2003; 2008) and Zilberman (2001; 2003; 2008). The analysis indicates that decentralization strategy which is adopted in public management model will transfer responsibilities and assumption of the PNBE, exempting the actors to planning actions ensuring the efficiency and efficacy implementation on reading policy to national and municipal levels. The qualified acquis that is distributed by MEC reaches every Childhood Education center and does not depend on teacher's desire or it action, only a few of them know about it and they do not have information about the PNBE, neither receive specific training in order to articulate it to the practice of reading with children from Childhood Education. The reading project implemented by private education system in Natal overlaps the PNBE, making it invisible. The reading places that are available for that schooling stage are summarized to the reading corners. In some CMEI, books remain stored in boxes or they are locked in the closet, out of use to the teachers and students. Thus, care for the acquisition, selecting acquis, and a preoccupation to the supply of the reading and books for this education level are lost into volumes of closed boxes, teachers are jettisoned to this process and children do not have any enchantment to the reading or books. In this context, this paper draws attention to how much we should still investigate in order to understanding the perspectives, stresses and challenges from public policies for the reading promotion in our country. We hope that the research will help to improve the management model of the PNBE, ensuring the reading democratization and therefore the reader's training in early Childhood Education.
rates in the Brazilian cities, which time there is an inexistent theoretical reflection about public policy statement adding the way of Urban Solid Waste (USW) and tailing integrated management plans in the majorly Brazilian cities. The unappropriated solid waste disposal and final pollution result in a strong socioenvironmental problems and material extravagancies that should be used to recycling and reusing waste material, besides bringing immense challenges for the thematic Strategy Urban and Environmental Management it considers the Sustainable City Model. Moreover, this labor projects a discussion about USW problematic through legally and environmentally point of view, including the public environmental policy and the social technologies as resolution tactics. At that time, it reports rights, scientific articles, documents and Environmental Law Doctrine on findings thematic studies, also the propose displays an interdisciplinary research methodology which combines bibliographic method - focusing theory aspects of the legally environmentally guiding principle, public policy and social technologies. Those are theorist features very important to create a Municipal Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (PMGIRS) - modus operandi of the Federal Law n. 12.305/2010 (National Solid Waste Policy - PNRS). That policy is interesting to receive financial resources from federal government (Cities Ministry; idem, Federal Decree n. 7.404/2010 and Federal Law n. 10.257/2001) helping the preservation of the environment, regional development, generation of jobs and income (art. 6), in addition broadening spreadings private companies dedicated to waste management. Consequently, the PNRS contains a set of guidelines and general procedures; it should be an operation of this legal policy contextualized by Social Technologies theory (TS) into social issues, legal, economic and environmental aspects. Therefore, this research notes the possibility of public policy statement implementation over and done with the PNRS by the terms of development and sustainability in the urban space.
The main purpose of this thesis was to analyze educational management of Municipal Departments of Education (SEMEDs) of cities in Maranho inserted in the Plan of Articulated Actions (2007- 2011). We evidence the role of Union in that public policy. The leading argument is that Brazilian federal government is not demos constraining in relation to its national sub-governments, what makes the central government to enforce, primarily, educational politics like PAR. This kind of politics interferes in the educational management by national sub-governments, turning them into mere executors. By turning them into mere executors, PAR limits their autonomy and over imposes the results-based management as a parameter to improve the education quality. In order to develop the hypothesis, we adopted Political Science as theoretical basis, represented by Federalism Theory as pact which premise is the cooperative pattern of federalism as being the best form of government because it allows a joint decision-making process from the idea of no centralization of power. The methodology was historical materialism, which assumes the totality and contradiction as a form to understand the phenomenon that does not express in direct way its existence, but can be analyzed from such categories that made possible to interpret the reality. So, we used as tools the semistructured interview and documental analyses with triangulation of data. The empirical basis of the research is 04 (four) cities in Maranho that obey the following criteria: 1. The municipality has to be assigned on the FNDE Resolution n 29/2007; 2. To present the lowest educational management indexes from the diagnosis made in loco by PAR; 3. To present the lowest financial management indexes based on the diagnosis in loco by PAR. The results suggest that PAR does not effect a resultbased management which are proposed in its legal rules neither the SEMEDs can propose their conception of educational management. That situation creates a hybridism that sometimes turns to managerialism and performativity, sometimes to bureaucracy, sometimes to a total uncoordinated and unarticulated action. In relation to SEMEDs management, this thesis shows that these institutions have no own conception about educational management and end up acting in an uncoordinated and unarticulated way. The thesis concludes that PAR is an over imposition by federal government towards national sub-governments that conflicts with management patterns of those institutions that are used to a less managerial logic. This over imposition makes the Central government to be the center of Brazilian federalism, which is in reality an incomplete pact.
A presente pesquisa se prope a analisar o contexto histrico, poltico, social, econmico e ideolgico em que surge a pedagogia crtica de Paulo Freire e posteriormente a Teologia da Libertao, visando encontrar influncias deste peculiar contexto na gnese do pensamento freireano e nas concepes dos telogos Rubem Alves e Gustavo Gutirrez, que foram os primeiros publicar obras sobre Teologia da Libertao, corrente teolgica considerada genuinamente latino-americana. Ainda procura observar em que medida as concepes pedaggicas de Freire podem ter sido acolhidas pelos telogos Alves e Gutirrez em suas obras aqui analisadas. Em ambos os pensamentos encontramos a viso de valorizao do ser humano e de uma prxis que busca sua libertao de sistemas opressores. Tanto em Paulo Freire como nos fundamentos desta corrente teolgica se apresentam princpios humanistas e elementos da tradio crist. A partir da ferramenta metodolgica de anlise do materialismo histrico dialtico marxista, procura identificar temas comuns que so abordados pelos autores em suas obras surgidas entre as dcadas de 1950 a 1970, detendo-se ao estudo de alguns temas subjacentes a esse contexto histrico, a saber: prxis, histria, humanismo e libertao.
As empresas com mltiplos projetos de internacionalizao apresentam como mais-valia notria a experincia acumulada pelas sucessivas equipas e profissionais que neles participam, quer seja na fase de planeamento, execuo, coordenação ou controlo. No caso particular das empresas de prestao de servios tcnicos so desenvolvidos projetos de internacionalizao consecutivos que assentam em processos de planeamento muitas vezes similares. No entanto, nem sempre existem mecanismos de avaliao e recolha de informao que assegurem a aquisio desse conhecimento e que constituam uma mais-valia pela sua adoo como verdadeira ferramenta de gestão de conhecimento. Nesse sentido, foi desenvolvido medida e implementado, na EST, um sistema de lies aprendidas para os seus projetos internacionais. Esse sistema composto por vrias ferramentas de recolha da informao gerada por cada projeto que permita no final dessa obra constituir um processo que cumulativamente sirva como mecanismo de acompanhamento e controlo e como ferramenta de avaliao de cada projeto, coligindo um esplio de Lies Aprendidas, inserido no sistema de gestão integrado da empresa e posto disposio de toda a estrutura da EST, atravs do ERP. Este trabalho procura atingir duas finalidades bvias, por um lado produzir algum contedo acadmico sobre a temtica da gestão do conhecimento e da experincia adquirida nos projetos de internacionalizao e, por outro lado, dotar a empresa hospedeira de uma ferramenta vlida de acompanhamento, avaliao e controlo dos projetos atravs da recolha sistemtica e da anlise cuidada da informao disponvel sobre esse projeto que, mais tarde, constitua uma ferramenta de base para ajudar a afinar o planeamento de projetos futuros utilizando esse esplio de lies aprendidas. A metodologia utilizada consistiu no envolvimento direto do autor nas atividades de planeamento e gestão da EST, numa modalidade usualmente designada como embedded, o que permitiu uma abordagem direta permanente a todos os responsveis de departamentos ou servios e o desenvolvimento de um sistema por medida. Todas as ferramentas foram testadas e validadas em ambiente real de trabalho e validadas pela empresa destinatria.
A gestão porturia em Cabo Verde ao longo dos anos vem-se desenvolvendo com a rpida evoluo dos recursos tecnolgicos. Prova disso so os investimentos feitos nos portos atravs de infraestruturas e equipamentos porturios para um bom funcionamento. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a gestão dos portos em funo das suas infraestruturas, associada a melhoria da produtividade dos estivadores do Porto Grande. Nesse mbito pretendemos propor ideias chaves nomeadamente a reformulao dos ternos de estiva, numa reduo do numero de estivadores por terno, contribuindo deste modo para a eficincia e eficcia da empresa, manifestando-se numa diminuio das despesas correntes, promovendo a competitividade e a possibilidade de negociar a desvinculao da mo-de-obra excedente, respeitando sempre os princpios de ressarcimento para todos os que forem contemplados no programa.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral estudar a gestão de recursos humanos (GRH) no terceiro setor, focando-se especificamente nas Instituies Particulares de Solidariedade Social (IPSS). Estas organizaes tm vindo a demonstrar um papel cada vez mais relevante nas comunidades em que se inserem, pela sua misso em prestar servios de cariz social e pela atual relevncia como entidades empregadoras. A diversidade presente nas IPSS ao nvel da estrutura, funcionamento, dimenso, organizao e dinmicas internas, proporciona o estudo e reflexo das especificidades na GRH. Para isso, abordam-se um conjunto de aspetos: i) diferenas entre meio empresarial e terceiro setor na GRH; ii) implicaes da diversidade de respostas sociais e suas especificidades na gestão de pessoas; iii) o papel do Instituto de Segurana Social e as implicaes legais na gestão de pessoas; iv) a localizao geogrfica e acesso a recursos humanos qualificados; v) a perspetiva das IPSS sobre os recursos humanos; vi) o perfil profissional dos colaboradores das IPSS; vii) prticas quotidianas na gestão de recursos humanos nas IPSS; viii) caractersticas da GRH nas IPSS (administrativa ou estratgica); ix) responsveis pela GRH nas IPSS; x) o papel dos rgos sociais na GRH; xi) profissionalizao versus voluntariado; xii) a GRH, certificao e qualidade; xiii) as tendncias do terceiro setor na gestão de pessoas. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa e aplicada a tcnica de entrevista para recolher o conhecimento, experincias e perspetivas de diferentes interlocutores do terceiro setor, dirigentes, tcnicos superiores, diretores de servio, investigadores e representantes nacionais e distritais das IPSS. Da sistematizao e anlise dos dados recolhidos retiraram-se vrias concluses. As pessoas so consideradas o recurso mais importante para estas organizaes, pela natureza social e humana das atividades desenvolvidas, prestadas por pessoas e destinadas a pessoas. Neste sentido, demonstrada a importncia do potencial humano aquando do recrutamento e seleo, pela primazia de requisitos como o relacionamento interpessoal em detrimento das qualificaes. O perfil profissional caracterstico das IPSS reconhece a importncia da polivalncia, disponibilidade, comprometimento, confiana, proximidade afetiva, voluntarismo e sentido de misso dos colaboradores, os quais tendem a ser so vistos como investimento tanto quanto renam estes aspetos; caso contrrio podem ser encarados como custo. Quanto acessibilidade a recursos humanos, surgem diferentes modalidades, consoante fatores de localizao, dimenso, formao e estrutura organizacional, bem como o fenmeno da fuga de mo de obra, indcio da dificuldade em captar e reter recursos humanos. O modelo de GRH nas IPSS de cariz tradicional, caracterizado por uma gestão porimproviso com diferentes nveis de sensibilidade e capacidade das IPSS, no que concerne implementao de processos de GRH, tais como sistemas de progresso na carreira, recrutamento interno e sistemas de avaliao de desempenho. Quanto aos aspetos da motivao e satisfao profissional, assumida a importncia da proximidade e apoio aos colaboradores, indicativos de um sistema de recompensas informal. percetvel a resistncia na aplicao de tcnicas de desenvolvimento organizacional, comprovada pela limitao na formao dos quadros de colaboradores. No entanto as IPSS so confrontadas com a rigidez dos instrumentos legais. A responsabilidade pela GRH mais ou menos partilhada entre a direo tcnica e os rgos sociais, condicionada pelo estilo de liderana e relao de confiana entre si, em norma, pouco clara quanto aos papis e funes desempenhadas. Por fim, percebida a necessidade de coexistncia de uma gestão profissionalizada e de direes voluntrias mais capacitadas e sensibilizadas para o desenvolvimento de metodologias e estratgias de gestão de pessoas, adaptadas s especificidades das IPSS. Este trabalho pretende contribuir com um espao de reflexo para a elaborao de respostas mais eficazes e inovadoras que proporcionem o desenvolvimento organizacional, face s necessidades e transformaes do terceiro setor. / This work main objective is the study of human resource management (HRM) in the third sector. It is focused specifically on Instituies Particulares de Solidariedade Social [Private Institutions for Social Solidarity] (IPSS). These kind of organizations have demonstrated an increased value in the communities they are inserted in, by providing social care services and by generating new jobs in the local communities. The study and reflection of HRM specificities is based on the variety in the structure, the purpose, the size, the internal organization and the dynamics of the different IPSS. For this purpose we explored the following aspects : i) the differences between business community and the third sector in HRM; ii) the implications of social responses diversity in people management; iii) the role of the National Insurance Institute and the legal impact on people management; iv) the geographic location and the IPSS access to skilled human resources; v) the understanding of IPSS on human resources; vi) the professional profile of IPSS employees; vii) the daily practices in human resource management on the IPSS; viii) the characteristics of HRM in IPSS (managerial or strategic); ix) who is responsible for HRM in IPSS; x) the role of executive board in HRM; xi) professionalization versus voluntary work; xii) HRM, quality and certification; xiii) the third sector trends in people management. The qualitative method and the interview technique were applied in order to gather knowledge, experiences and perspectives from several sources such as, different partners of the third sector, managers, service directors, technicians, researchers and national and local IPSS representatives. The results indicate several conclusions. Firstly the human resources are the most important resource of IPSS organizations due to the social nature of the services provided by them but also the importance of, the individual and social, skills required for these activities that are provided by people and are directed to people. This demonstrates the importance of interpersonal skills over professional qualifications during recruitment and selection. The IPSS recognize in their professionals the importance of versatility, availability, commitment, confidence, emotional proximity, voluntarism and sense of mission. If an employee fulfills these requirements, is considered an investment; otherwise might be seen as a cost. Regarding the accessibility of IPSS to qualified human resources, we consider different models, depending on location, size and training and organizational structure as well as the phenomenon run of hand labor, defined as the index of difficulty in capturing and retaining human resources. The model of HRM in IPSS is traditional in its nature and is characterized by management based on improvisation at different levels, regarding the implementation ofHRM processes such as career advancement systems, internal recruitment and performance evaluation. In regards to motivation and job satisfaction, it is valued the proximity and the support to the employees, showing therefore an informal system of rewards. There is a noticeable resistance to the application of organizational techniques which is demonstrated by controlling the formation of employees. However the IPSS are required to face the rigidity of legal instruments. The responsibility for HRM is shared between the technical direction and the management bodies, which depends on leadership style and mutual trust, and is generally unclear about the roles and duties performed. Finally, it becomes evident the need for coexistence between a professional management and a voluntary management, more capable and more sensible to the development of methods and strategies for people management, specifically adapted to each IPSS. This paper aims to contribute with space for reflection in the development of more effective and innovative responses for the organizational development, given the needs and transformations of the third sector.
The object of this study is the organizational management, particularly the relational processenvironment organization focused on the survival of the space Department of the Arts and Crafts Mestre Raimundo Cardoso linked to the structural arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri.. Aimed to understand the ways of organizational survival, from the actors' perception of the Center for Arts Career Workshops and Lais Aderne, with investments that discuss the theoretical models of management, institutional theory, cultural organization and institutionalization of public education requirement of the municipal light LDB. (1996) used a qualitative approach with a view to RICHARDSON (1985). The data generated were analyzed based on the technique of content analysis, the thematic type [categorical] Bardin (1977). The results indicate that the institutionalization of the arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri emerges meet the legal requirement of the autonomy of municipal educational administration under the aegis of sustainable development, quality of life and basic education from the municipal Hlio Gueiros (1993-1996 ). More specifically the Center for Arts and Crafts Las Aderne, the unit of analysis, the subjects said that this space is designed as a link between the demands of school and community searching through interdisciplinary activities educate and train manpower mainly potter. They did mention the existence of institutional factors (history, culture, habits, values) represent a strong socio-cultural element to the actors belonging to the core that guides behavior and actions of these individuals, fueled by a sense of hope, inclusion of future artisans in culture ceramist. It made a shared management, the existence of a unique work through cultural revival. However, over the course of time, the core is faced with dilemmas of managing transitions mainly regarding governmental, technological beyond endurance by the craftsmen for the optimization of their work. The conclusion - that the paths chosen for the organizational survival of the core meaning and guiding their actions in the systematization of conduct, representations, memories and traditions through habits and choices of consensus, the viewpoint of the actors
This research aimed at relating coordination and control forms to organizational performance. The multicase study was applied in two public high schools: Centro Federal de Educao Tecnolgica do Rio Grande do Norte and Floriano Cavalcanti. In order to accomplish these objectives, it was developed a qualitative analysis and considered coordination and control forms of several authors. Also was considered Sanders (1984) model of organizational performance. The mentioned model considers two criteria to analyze organizational performance: one instrumental (efficiency and efficacy) and other substantive (effectiveness e relevance). The research attempts to show the importance of balancing these criteria in a way that effectiveness and relevance becomes more important at schools. It was proven that the use of bureaucratic coordination forms has the power to influence the evaluation on the instrumental technique. At the same time, it was observed that the use of mechanisms based on the autonomy of the school is related to efficiency and efficacy. The object of this research can be considered successful