976 resultados para vagina mucosa


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High protein dairy beverages are considered to be mouth drying. The drying sensation may be due to the product protein content; however the mechanism of this mouth drying is uncertain. This study investigated the potential adhesion of milk proteins to porcine oral mucosal tissues and their resistance to wash out with simulated saliva was monitored using fluorescence microscopy. Cadein was found to be more adhesive to porcine mucosa then lactogloubulin. Some investigation into the reason for this difference in mucoadhesion was conducted by thiol-content analysis, rheology and zeta-potential measurements. The higher viscosity of casein solution and smaller zeta-potential is believed to be responsible for its better retention on mucosal surfaces. These findings suggest that casein and whey protein are both capable of binding and eliciting mouth drying in high protein dairy beverages.


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Glycopolymer hydrogels capable of mimicking mucosal tissue in mucoadhesion testing have been designed. Liquid formulations containing mucoadhesive polymers were found to be retained on these tissues to the same extent as ex vivo gastric mucosa, when using a dynamic method of assessing mucoadhesion.


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Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the effects of a dietary regimen (suckling or early weaning) and feeding status (fed or fasted) on the distribution of transforming growth factor-beta 3 (TGF-beta 3) and TGF receptor-I (T beta RI) in the gastric epithelium of pups Methods: Wistar rats were used At 15 d, half of the pups were separated from dams and fed with hydrated powered chow On day 17, suckling and early weanling rats were subjected to fasting (17 h). Four different conditions were established. suckling fed and fasted and early weanling fed and fasted At 18 d stomachs were collected under anesthesia and were fixed in 4% formaldehyde for immunohistochemistry The number of immunostained epithelial cells per microscopic field was determined for TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI in longitudinal sections from the gastric mucosa Results: We found that during suckling, fasting reduced the number of immunolabeled cells per field of both molecules when compared with the fed group (P < 0.05), whereas in early weaning, food restriction increased TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI distributions (P < 0.05) We also observed that TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI were more concentrated in parietal cells in the upper gland in suckling pups, whereas after early weaning these were displaced to parietal and chief cells at the bottom of the gland Conclusion: Suckling and early weaning directly influence TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI distributions in the gastric epithelium in response to fasting, such that early weaning anticipates the effects observed in adult rats. Furthermore, the differential concentrations of TGF-beta 3 and T beta RI indicate that they might be important for cell proliferation events in growth control (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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The development of the gastric mucosa is controlled by hormones, growth factors and feeding behavior. Early weaning (EW), which means the abrupt interruption of suckling, increases proliferation and differentiation in the rat gastric epithelium. Transforming growth factor alpha(TGF alpha) is secreted in the stomach, binds to the epidermal growth factor receptor( EGFR) and may control cell proliferation, differentiation and migration. Here, we investigated the influence of suckling-weaning transition on the differentiation of mucous neck cells in the stomach and its association to the expression of TGF alpha and EGFR. Fifteen-day-old Wistar rats were divided into two groups: suckling( control), in which pups were kept with the dam, and early weaning( EW), in which rats were separated from their mother and fed with hydrated powdered chow. TGF alpha and EGFR levels were increased at 18 days in EW animals compared to control ones (p<0.05). Histochemical reactions with Periodic Acid-Schiff reagent+Alcian Blue or Bandeiraea simplicifolia II lectin were used to stain the mucous neck cells and showed an increase in this cell population throughout EW, which was more pronounced at 17 days when compared to suckling pups (p<0.05). These morphological results were confirmed by RT-PCR for mucin 6. The levels of mucin 6 mRNA were higher in EW animals from the 16th to the 18th day(1-3 days post-weaning) when compared to the respective control group. Inhibition of EGFR through AG1478 administration to EW animals prevented the expansion of mucous neck cell population induced by EW (p<0.05). Therefore, early weaning up regulated TGF alpha/EGFR expression and induced differentiation of mucous neck cells. Moreover, we showed that EGFR takes part in the maturation of this cell population. We conclude that regular suckling-weaning transition is crucial to guarantee the development of the gastric mucosa. (C) 2009 International Society of Differentiation. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ogias D, de Andrade Sa ER, Kasai A, Moisan M, Alvares EP, Gama P. Fasting differentially regulates plasma corticosterone-binding globulin, glucocorticoid receptor, and cell cycle in the gastric mucosa of pups and adult rats. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 298: G117-G125, 2010. First published October 15, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00245.2009.-The nutritional status influences gastric growth, and interestingly, whereas cell proliferation is stimulated by fasting in suckling rats, it is inhibited in adult animals. Corticosterone takes part in the mechanisms that govern development, and its effects are regulated in particular by corticosterone-binding globulin (CBG) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR). To investigate whether corticosterone activity responds to fasting and how possible changes might control gastric epithelial cell cycle, we evaluated different parameters during the progression of fasting in 18- and 40-day-old rats. Food restriction induced higher corticosterone plasma concentration at both ages, but only in pups did CBG binding increase after short-and long-term treatments. Fasting also increased gastric GR at transcriptional and protein levels, but the effect was more pronounced in 40-day-old animals. Moreover, in pups, GR was observed in the cytoplasm, whereas, in adults, it accumulated in the nucleus after the onset of fasting. Heat shock protein (HSP) 70 and HSP 90 were differentially regulated and might contribute to the stability of GR and to the high cytoplasmic levels in pups and elevated shuttling in adult rats. As for gastric epithelial cell cycle, whereas cyclin D1 and p21 increased during fasting in pups, in adults, cyclin E slowly decreased, concomitant with higher p27. In summary, we demonstrated that corticosterone function is differentially regulated by fasting in 18-and 40-day-old rats, and such variation might attenuate any possible suppressive effects during postnatal development. We suggest that this mechanism could ultimately increase cell proliferation and allow regular gastric growth during adverse nutritional conditions.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic effects of X-rays on epithelial gingival cells during panoramic dental radiography using a differentiated protocol for the micronucleus test. Methods: 40 healthy individuals who underwent this procedure for diagnostic purposes on request from their dentists agreed to participate in this study. All of them answered a questionnaire before the examination. Epithelial gingival cells were obtained from the keratinized mucosa of the upper dental arcade by gentle scraping with a cervical brush immediately before exposure and 10 days later. Cytological preparations were stained according to the Feulgen-Rossenbeck reaction, counterstained with fast green 1% for 1 min and analysed under a light microscope. Micronuclei, nuclear projections (broken eggs) and degenerative nuclear alterations (pyknosis, karyolysis, karyorrhexis and condensed chromatin) were scored. Results: The frequency of micronuclei was significantly higher after exposure (P < 0.05), as were frequencies of nuclear alterations indicate of apoptosis (P < 0.001). Conclusions: These results indicate that X-ray radiation emitted during panoramic dental radiography induces a genotoxic effect on epithelial gingival cells that increases the frequency of chromosomal damage and nuclear alterations indicative of apoptosis.


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Primary sensory afferent neurons modulate the hyperdynamic circulation in Cirrhotic rats with portal hypertension.The stomach of cirrhotic rats is prone to damage induced by ethanol, a phenomenon associated with reduced gastric hyperemic response to acid-back diffusion. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of ablation of capsaicin-sensitive neurons and the tachykinin NK(1) receptor antagonist A5330 on the susceptibility of the portal hypertensive gastric mucosa, to ethanol-induced injury and its effects on gastric cyclooxygenase (COX) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) mRNA expression. Capsaicin was administered to neonatal, male, Wistar rats and the animals were allowed to grow. Cirrhosis was then induced by bile duct ligation in adult rats while controls had sham operation. Ethanol-induced gastric damage was assessed using ex vivo gastric chamber experiments. Gastric blood flow was measured as well as COX/NOS mRNA expression. Topical application of ethanol produced significant gastric damage in cirrhotic rats compared to controls, which was reversed in capsaicin- and A5330-treated animals. Mean arterial and portal pressure was normalized in capsaicin-treated cirrhotic rats. Capsaicin and A5330 administration restored gastric blood flow responses to topical application of ethanol followed by acid in cirrhotic rats. Differential COX and NOS mRNA expression was noted in bile duct ligated rats relative to controls. Capsaicin treatment significantly modified gastric eNOS/iNOS/COX-2 mRNA expression in cirrhotic rats. Capsaicin-sensitive neurons modulate the susceptibility of the portal hypertensive gastric mucosa to injury induced by ethanol via tachykinin NK(1) receptors and signalling of prostaglandin and NO production/release. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate Ki-67 and Bcl-2 protein expression in the normal colorectal mucosa adjacent to adenomatous polyps in women with breast cancer. A cross-sectional, controlled study was conducted in 35 women with and without breast cancer who had adenomatous colorectal polyps. The patients were divided into two groups: Group A (a control group of women without breast cancer, n = 18) and Group B (a study group of women with breast cancer, n = 17). A sample of normal colonic mucosa was collected at a distance of 5 cm from the polypoid lesion to evaluate immunchistochemical expression of the Ki-67 and Bcl-2 proteins. Student`s t-test and the chi-square test were used to analyse Ki-67 and Bcl-2 expression, respectively. Statistical significance was established at p < 0.05. The mean percentage of Ki-67-stained nuclei in Groups A and B was 25.12 +/- 2.08 and 41.50 +/- 1.85, respectively (p < 0.001), whereas the percentage of cases with cells expressing Bcl-2 in Groups A and B was 17.6% and 82.4%, respectively (p < 0.003). In the present study, greater proliferative activity and greater expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 was found in the normal colorectal mucosa of women with breast cancer. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Most studies describing vaginal Candida spp. in pregnancy focus on symptomatic vaginitis, rather than asymptomatic colonisation, and solely utilise microbiological culture. The extent to which asymptomatic vaginal carriage may represent a reservoir for infant oral colonisation has been highly debated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study formed part of the Candida and Staphylococcus Transmission Longitudinal Evaluation (CASTLE) study, in Melbourne, Australia, from 2009 to 2011 and used culture and molecular methods to examine vaginal swabs collected late in the third trimester of pregnancy for Candida spp. Oral swabs from infants were also examined using culture methods. RESULTS: Overall, 80 of 356 (22%) women were positive for Candida spp; the majority being Candida albicans (83%). Candida glabrata and other Candida spp. were also identified, but in much lower numbers. Molecular analysis identified numerous positive samples not detected by culture, including 13 cases of C. albicans. In addition, some positive samples only recorded to genus level by culture were accurately identified as either C. albicans or C. glabrata following molecular analyses. Eighteen infants recorded positive Candida spp. cultures, predominantly C. albicans. However, there were only four (25%) mother/infant dyads where C. albicans was detected. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides valuable data on asymptomatic colonisation rates of Candida spp. within an asymptomatic population of women late in pregnancy. The utilisation of molecular methods improved the rate of detection and provided a more accurate means for identification of non-albicans Candida spp. The low mother/infant colonisation rate suggests that non-maternal sources are likely involved in determining infant oral colonisation status.


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Objetivos: Testar a hipótese de que a mucosa do intestino delgado proximal de crianças com diarréia persistente apresenta alterações morfométricas e estereológicas proporcionais ao estado nutricional. Métodos: estudo transversal, incluindo 65 pacientes pediátricos internados no período de maio de 1989 a novembro de 1991, com idade entre 4 meses e 5 anos , com diarréia de mais de 14 dias de duração, que necessitaram realizar biópsia de intestino delgado como parte do protocolo de investigação. A avaliação nutricional foi realizada pelos métodos de Gomez, Waterlow e pelos escores z para peso/ idade (P/I), peso/estatura (P/E) e estatura/idade (E/I), divididos em: eutróficos = z ≥ 2 DP e desnutridos z < -2dp; eutróficos = z ≥ 2 DP, risco nutricional = z < -1DP e desnutridos = z < -2DP; e de maneira contínua em ordem decrescente, utilizando-se as tabelas do NCHS. A captura e análise das imagens por programa de computador foi efetuada com o auxílio do patologista. Nos fragmentos de mucosa do intestino delgado, foram medidas a altura dos vilos, a profundidade das criptas, a espessura da mucosa, a espessura total da mucosa e a relação vilo/cripta, com aumento de 100 vezes. Com aumento de 500 vezes, foram medidas a altura do enterócito, a altura do núcleo e do bordo em escova. O programa computadorizado utilizado foi o Scion Image. A análise estereológica, foi feita com o uso de arcos ciclóides. Resultados: Para os escores z P/I, P/E e E/I, divididos em duas categorias de estado nutricional, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante quanto às medidas da altura dos vilos, profundidade das criptas, espessura da mucosa, espessura total da mucosa e relação vilo/cripta. A altura do enterócito foi a característica que apresentou maior diferença entre os grupos eutrófico e desnutrido, para os índices P/I e P/E, em 500 aumentos, sem atingir significância estatística. Quando os escores z foram divididos em 3 categorias de estado nutricional, a análise morfométrica digitalizada mostrou diferença estatisticamente significante para a relação vilo/cripta entre eutróficos e desnutridos leves e entre eutróficos e desnutridos moderados e graves (p=0,048). A relação vilo/cripta foi maior nos eutróficos. A avaliação nutricional pelos critérios de Waterlow e a análise estereológica não mostraram associação com o estado nutricional. Pelo método de Gomez, houve diferença estatisticamente significante para a altura do enterócito entre eutróficos e desnutridos de Grau III: quanto maior o grau de desnutrição, menor a altura do enterócito (r= -.3330; p = 0,005). As variáveis altura do enterócito, altura do núcleo do enterócito e do bordo em escova apresentaram uma clara associação com os índices P/I (r=0,25;p=0,038), P/E (r=0,029;p=0,019) e com o critério de avaliação nutricional de Gomez (r=-0,33;p=0,007), quando foram avaliadas pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. A altura do núcleo mostrou associação com o índice P/I (r=0,24;p=0,054). A altura do bordo em escova mostrou associação com o índice P/I (r=0,26;p=0,032) e a avaliação nutricional de Gomez (r=-0,28;p=0,020). Conclusões: As associações encontradas entre o estado nutricional - avaliado de acordo com Gomez e os índices P/I e P/E - e as variáveis da mucosa do intestino delgado mostraram relação com o peso dos pacientes. Embora estas associações tenham sido de magnitude fraca a moderada, há uma tendência à diminuição do tamanho do enterócito, seu núcleo e seu bordo em escova à medida que aumenta o grau de desnutrição.


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A citopatologia bucal é um método de diagnóstico baseado em células obtidas por raspagem. Com a finalidade de constatar quantitativamente as alterações celulares ocasionadas pelo fumo em mucosa bucal clinicamente normal, durante a Campanha de Combate ao Câncer de Novo Hamburgo/RS de 2000, foram selecionados todos os indivíduos homens, fumantes e não-fumantes, acima de 40 anos e sem lesão bucal aparente. O processo de seleção resultou em um total de 13 fumantes e 9 não-fumantes. Os sítios bucais estudados foram: vermelhão do lábio inferior, porção anterior do soalho bucal e borda da língua. De cada sítio estudado foram obtidos dois esfregaços, sendo o primeiro submetido à técnica de impregnação pela prata (AgNORs) para avaliação quantitativa via IMAGELAB® e o segundo ao método de Papanicolaou Modificado para confirmação de normalidade. Através do teste estatístico Mann-Whitney (p=0,05) foram obtidos os seguintes resultados: (1) em soalho, o número de AgNORs por núcleo foi superior em fumantes comparado ao grupo não-fumantes; (2) em língua, a relação núcleo/citoplasma em fumantes é maior em comparação aos não-fumantes; (3) em lábio, o grupo com média acima de 3 AgNORs/núcleo apresentou área nuclear maior. Considerando que cada sítio possui comportamento específico frente às injúrias ocasionadas pelo fumo, concluímos que as referências quantitativas de relação núcleo/citoplasma e número de AgNORs/núcleo são eficazes para o controle de alterações celulares prévias à lesão bucal visível.