978 resultados para teacher learning


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Le Programme de formation de l’école québécoise situe l’élève au cœur de ses apprentissages. L’enseignant peut faciliter le développement des compétences en offrant une rétroaction permettant à l’élève de progresser dans ses apprentissages. Il est difficile pour les enseignants de faire des annotations pertinentes et efficaces en mathématique, car l’accent est mis sur le concept travaillé et non sur la démarche mathématique. C’est pourquoi, nous avons porté notre regard sur l’incidence que peut avoir l’enseignement explicite des stratégies ainsi que sur les annotations faites par l’enseignant sur les copies des élèves en ce qui a trait au développement de leurs compétences à résoudre des problèmes complexes en mathématique. Nous avons opté pour une recherche qualitative et collaborative pour vivre un échange avec l’enseignant et vivre une interinfluence entre le praticien et le chercheur. La qualité des sujets a été favorisée. La technique d’échantillonnage retenue pour le choix de l’enseignant a été celle de cas exemplaires, tandis que celle que nous avons choisie pour les élèves était l’échantillonnage intentionnel critérié. La recherche a duré du mois de novembre au mois de mai de l’année scolaire 2008-2009. Comme instruments de cueillette de données, nous avons opté pour des entrevues avec l’enseignant et des mini-entrevues avec les élèves à deux moments de la recherche. Nous avons consulté les travaux corrigés des élèves dans leur portfolio. Notre étude fait ressortir l’apport de l’enseignement stratégique de la démarche mathématique. Les résultats précisent que les annotations de type méthodologique ont été celles qui ont été les plus utilisées et ont permis une meilleure compréhension chez l’élève. De plus, elles favorisent le transfert d’une situation à l’autre et permettent à l’élève d’obtenir de meilleurs résultats.


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Guía práctica sobre lenguaje y alfabetización para profesores en formación (nivel bachillerato). Les permite identificar y desarrollar sus propias habilidades lingüísticas y de alfabetización y al mismo tiempo apoyar la evolución de los alumnos. Contiene todas las áreas claves de conocimiento, compresión y habilidades personales, además de analizar en un contexto amplio cómo el lenguaje y la alfabetización se adquieren y se desarrollan a nivel personal, social y cultural. El contenido está adaptado para la obtención de los certificados QTLS (Qualified Teacher, Learning and Skills) y ATLS (Associate Teacher, Learning and Skills).


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Guía práctica sobre tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para profesores en formación (nivel bachillerato). Les permite identificar y desarrollar sus propias habilidades tecnológicas aplicadas a la enseñanza y al mismo tiempo apoyar la evolución de los alumnos. Contiene todas las áreas claves de conocimiento, compresión y habilidades personales, además de analizar en un contexto amplio cómo las habilidades tecnológicas en información y comunicación se adquieren y se desarrollan a nivel personal, social y cultural. El contenido está adaptado para la obtención de los certificados QTLS (Qualified Teacher, Learning and Skills) y ATLS (Associate Teacher, Learning and Skills).


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O presente trabalho procurou abordar as práticas de leitura desenvolvidas no ensino médio nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa na rede pública estadual de Quipapá-PE, tendo como questão norteadora: a origem do insucesso da formação leitora está focalizada nos educandos ou n ausência de uma ação potencializadora de um educador leitor? Nessa perspectiva, no decorrer deste estudo, são debatidas algumas concepções teóricas e metodológicas que propõem uma reflexão sobre as relações que estruturam as práticas pedagógicas, sugerindo o redimensionamento dos saberes docentes dos professores de Língua Portuguesa e das práticas de leitura. Apontando multiplicidade de fatores envolvidos que dificultam, mas não impossibilitam a necessária adesão à perspectiva de linguagem textual- interacionista como subsídio na libertação do professor de Língua Portuguesa do seu aprisionamento à tradição metodológica do ensino de gramática, em detrimento as atividades de leitura no cotidiano escolar. Posto que a escola como espaço privilegiado para formação de leitores, não tem correspondido às demandas sociais, nem esta tem estado, tem sido priorizada na ação educativa. Visto que a esses profissionais, por vezes, falta clareza a respeito da concepção de linguagem que norteia seu fazer pedagógico, derivado das lacunas em sua formação acadêmica, que resultam em contradições, conflitos, rupturas e permanências, contribuindo para uma visão contraditória das concepções construídas a respeito do seu papel como professor de língua materna. Usamos como aporte teórico as contribuições advindas da linguística aplicada, com base na perspectiva sócio interacionista da linguagem. Do ponto de vista metodológico, optamos pela pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa com aplicação de questionários aos alunos, itens apresentados sob a modalidade Likert, bem como entrevistas aos professores. Contudo, com a análise, nos veio à confirmação de que no modelo de ensino vigente, a leitura como processo de interação e sentido, não está totalmente efetivada na ação docente, pois as atividades de gramática têm predominado; relegando ao segundo plano a formação do leitor crítico. Em razão disso, coloca-se a questão da aprendizagem do professor que, enquanto sujeito singular que possui uma história de vida, aprende e reconstrói seus saberes na experiência, podendo a partir de novos conhecimentos, para os quais intentamos contribuir, aderir a essa perspectiva teórica. Diante desse contexto apresentado, acreditamos que essa pesquisa pode trazer uma importante contribuição para despertar estes profissionais sobre o tratamento que deve ser dado a leitura por todos os professores, dada a importância decisiva para a formação e o exercício efetivo da cidadania.


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This paper draws on outcomes of a case study which explored changes in teachers' literacy pedagogies as a result of their participation in a purpose-driven teacher professional learning project. The teachers sought to develop classroom responses which were cognisant of multimodal shifts resulting from an increasingly digitised, networked communications environment. Recognising the powerful influence of the teacher on student outcomes, the study sought to investigate teacher learning as a means for influencing print-based literacy pedagogies to incorporate multimodality literacy practices. Four teachers engaged in participatory action research, researching their literacy pedagogies in light of the New London Group's multiliteracies theory (1996; 2000). Schemas derived from multiliteracies theory acted as stimuli for expanding teachers' multimodality pedagogies, consequently addressing disjunctures between multimodal and print-based literacies. Patterns in teachers' pedagogical choices are illustrated through the analytical use of the 'multimodal schema'.


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Teaching and researching through art opens multiple, distinct and/or overlapping understandings with positionings that shift according to the angle of repose of the percipient. The performance of teaching includes both technical skills and professional knowledge that pervade the literature of teacher education and teacher learning. These are strongly linked to the weight of attention teachers give to standards and assessment. Teaching, however, is more than this twodimensional technicist construction. Seventy years ago Dewey (1934) identified the distinction between an assessment based education with narrowly defined objectives, and active, open ended constructivist approaches best exemplified in the arts.


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Across Australia and internationally, the vexed problem of staffing rural school remains a major issue affecting the educational outcomes of many rural students and their families. TERRAnova, (New Ground’ in Teacher Education for Rural and Regional Australia), is the name of a large Australian Research Council funded (2008-2010) project involving: a national study of pre-service preparation and rural incentive schemes offered by both University and State government agencies, a longitudinal study of beginning teachers who take up rural appointments and a study of communities where teacher retention is high. In 2008 calls for nominations for rural schools with high rates of retaining beginning teachers were sought (over three years), and twenty-four of nearly fifty nominated schools were selected as case studies. Each case study has involved researchers from the TERRAnova team travelling and staying as close to the community nominated as possible. Numerous teaching staff, parents and community members were invited to be interviewed and their recordings were transcribed. Five of these case studies have now been completed, and this paper examines common themes derived from the strategies that support beginning teachers in these rural communities. Key factors emerging to date from the data relate to particular models of rural school leadership, ongoing teacher learning and mentoring, and school support and innovative community practices.


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The main purpose of this study was to investigate the instructional interactive multimedia (IMI) production processes of adult novice multimedia production course. The study aimed at discovering whether a constructivistic teacher-learning environment facilitated these multimedia novice designer / producers to further develop metacognitivestates of higher-order thinking like schema formation, problem-solving and cognitive construction when producing their interactive multimedia project. To achieve this study examined the facilitative and limiting activities in planning, design and development that have assisted or hindered the NMDPs during their multimedia production work This research utilises a qualitative paradigm and makes extensive use of multiple data sources such as the participants’ proposals, planning aids, logs and final projects for single as well as cross-case analyses and discussion. Three cases were selected for in-depth analysis in the study because they provided interviews and more complete documentation and "thick descriptions" of their multimedia production activities. Findings about the NMDPs multimedia production endeavours showed that they learnt best about multimedia technology for teacing and learning by producing an interactive multimedia project themselves. Factors that enabled some of the NMDPs to flourish in a constructivistic environment included their ability to utilise their new and extended schemata to problem solve, their self regulation and a creative and positive attitude to demanding multimedia work NMDPs who utilised facilitative planning aids and design strategies produced impressive work. The study further indicates that the NMDPs’ holistic multimedia production experience made them aware of the levels of complexity involved and boosted their confidence about multimedia production for educational purposes. Suggestions for further research include examining the production styles of adult multimedia novices and young novices and investigating the implications of designing multimedia for large audience presentation rather than for single or small group learner usage.


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This article focuses on introducing Web 2.0 technologies and possible uses for student and teacher learning and collaboration. Many of these tools are already used in social and business contexts. These new and emerging applications are also gaining popularity in classrooms across all education levels. Various applications are introduced to raise awareness and encourage educators to explore these new avenues for teaching and learning.


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The study has investigated the pedagogy of teachers with litle or no training in computer use. The value of a self-taught approach to teacher learning about teaching with computers was scrutinised, and a range of practical implications for the professional development of such teachers was identified.


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Teachers’ and students’ classroom work is increasingly described as knowledge work conducted in a in a rapidly changing globalised, digital world. To enable teachers to effectively support students in the shifting contexts created by constantly emerging new technologies, teacher professional learning has gained prominence as a priority area in education (Yates, 2007). This paper reports on research into teacher and student learning of digital literacies within the context of a project undertaken by a university and an educational authority. The professional learning project was designed to enable practising teachers to engage their students with digital literacies.The project seeks to offer innovative, differentiated professional learning by combining the concept of a collaborative learning community with structures of distributed leadership and processes of inquiry learning. The mixed methods research explored teacher and student learning through online surveys and case studies. Initial findings indicate that teacher agency, knowledge creation and commitment to sustained pedagogical change were fostered through inter- and intra-school communities of inquiry. Purposeful development of digital tools, within the context of teacher inquiry, collaboration and distributed leadership, led to increased and discerning use of these tools by teachers. As a result students had greater school-based access to digital tools and teachers and students worked collaboratively to develop their digital literacies.


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This study reports about teacher learning and in particular, teachers who have extensive teaching experience but limited ICT knowledge and skills. The Digital Immigrant Teachers (DITs) grew up before digital technologies; they are not frequently confident or comfortable with ICT. Like all immigrants, they have to learn new and creative ways to enhance their survival in the third millennium, where the acceleration of knowledge has allowed communication and application of information to be rapidly disseminated. In order to fully participate in the technologically rich society DITs must actively engage in the construction of authentic and purposeful learning. This research came about as a result of the digital immigrants' struggles to construct and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to teach in the Knowledge Economy and the Information Age. The experienced present day teachers, as digital immigrants are trying to teach digital natives (Prensky, 2001 & 2003). And in order to assist these teachers in their learning ICT struggle, it is imperative to understand the teacher learning process, and the learning style through which they acquire the knowledge and skills for this new milieu.


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O presente trabalho foi desencadeado a partir do seguinte problema de investigação: os professores que assumem cargos de gestão na universidade são previamente preparados para tal? Como? Por quê? Por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram ouvidos, entre os meses de agosto e outubro de 2009, 16 professores-gestores de duas instituições de ensino superior localizadas na cidade de Belém-PA, uma pública e a outra privada. Os sujeitos da pesquisa ocupavam, à época da entrevista, cargos de diretoria de centro de ensino, pró-reitoria, vicereitoria e reitoria nas IES. As respostas às entrevistas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo e cinco foram as categorias de análise, todas baseadas no referencial teórico utilizado: habilidades interpessoais; conhecimento do ambiente; atividades cotidianas; aprendizagem gerencial do gestor universitário e competências do gestor universitário. Concluiu-se que os professores-gestores não haviam sido preparados para assumir os cargos de gestão nas universidades, o que confirmou a suposição da pesquisa. O aprendizado gerencial ocorreu, principalmente, por meio de interações sociais no ambiente de trabalho e, segundo os entrevistados, as características pessoais são mais importantes do que a titulação do professor ao se escolher um gestor universitário.


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With the development of cognition studies and the awareness that teachers’ previous experiences, knowledge acquired in language teacher education programs and classroom experiences in different contexts shape the ways teachers think and construct their teaching practices, teacher education programs start to understand, from a sociocultural perspective, teachers’ learning as a dialogic process of knowledge co-construction, which is situated and emerges from practices and sociocultural contexts. Considering the relevance of this new perception, this article aims at presenting such theoretical perspective as well as its contributions to language teacher education research and teaching.