931 resultados para risk-adjusted return


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää osinkosuhteen, osinkotuoton ja omavaraisuusasteen vaikutus osakkeesta saatavaan kokonaistuottoon Suomenosakemarkkinoilla vuosina 2002–2013. Muuttujien kausaliteettisuhde kokonaistuottoon selvitetään regressioanalyysilla. Portfolioanalyysin avulla tutkitaan valittujen tunnuslukujen toimivuutta sijoitusstrategiana. Tutkimuksessa muodostetaan myös osinkosuhteen ja osinkotuoton yhdistelmänä tunnusluku, jolla pyritään maksimoimaan sijoittajan saama tuotto. Empiiriset tulokset osoittivat, että sijoittaja pystyy saavuttamaan ylituottoja hyödyntämällä edellä mainittuja tunnuslukuja osakevalinnassa. Osinkotuoton ja osakkeen kokonaistuoton välillä havaittiin positiivinen lineaarinen korrelaatio. Portfolioanalyysin perusteella sekä omavaraisuusasteen että osinkosuhteen osalta vaikutus sijoittajan saamaan riskisuhteutettuun kokonaistuottoon on ei-lineaarinen. Valittuja tunnuslukuja ja menetelmiä hyödyntäen sijoittaja saa parhaimman riskisuhteutetun tuoton valitsemalla sijoitussalkkuunsa osakkeita, joiden osinkosuhteen arvo sijoittuu toiseksi ylimpään kvartiiliin sekä osakkeita, joiden osinkotuotto on korkea ja omavaraisuusaste on samanaikaisesti alhainen.


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The thesis examines the risk-adjusted performance of European small cap equity funds between 2008 and 2013. The performance is measured using several measures including Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Modigliani measure, Jensen alpha, 3-factor alpha and 4-factor alpha. The thesis also addresses the issue of persistence in mutual fund performance. Thirdly, the relationship between the activity of fund managers and fund performance is investigated. The managerial activity is measured using tracking error and R-squared obtained from a 4-factor asset pricing model. The issues are investigated using Spearman rank correlation test, cross-sectional regression analysis and ranked portfolio tests. Monthly return data was provided by Morningstar and consists of 88 mutual funds. Results show that small cap funds earn back a significant amount of their expenses, but on average loose to their benchmark index. The evidence of performance persistence over 12-month time period is weak. Managerial activity is shown to positively contribute to fund performance


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Financial industry has recently encountered many changes in the business environment. Increased regulation together with growing competition is forcing commercial banks to rethink their business models. In order to maintain profitability in the new environment, banks are focusing more into activities that yield noninterest income. This is a shift away from the traditional intermediation function of banks. This study aims to answer the question if the shift from traditional income yielding activities to more innovative noninterest activities is logical in terms of profitability and risk in Nordics. This study also aims to answer the question if diversification within the noninterest income categories has impact on profitability and risk and if there are certain categories of noninterest income that are better than others in terms of profitability and risk in Nordics. Results show that diversification between interest and noninterest activities and increase in the share of noninterest income have a negative impact on the risk adjusted returns and risk profile. Results also show that further diversification within the noninterest income categories has negative impact on risk adjusted profitability and risk while an increase of the share of commission and fee income category of total noninterest income has a positive impact on risk adjusted profitability and risk. Results are logical and in line with previous research (De Young & Roland, 2001; Stiroh, 2004). Results provide useful information to banks and help them better evaluate outcomes of different income diversification strategies.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää esiintyykö Suomen osakemarkkinoilla alhaisen volatiliteetin anomaliaa. Tutkielman tavoitteeseen vastataan työn empiirisessä osassa analysoimalla Suomen osakemarkkinoilla listattujen osakkeiden tuottoaikasarjoja. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan myös finanssikriisin vaikutusta anomalian ilmenemiseen. Tutkimus sijoittuu aikavälille tammikuusta 2001 tammikuuhun 2015. Tutkielmassa muodostetaan portfolioita osakkeiden historiallisen volatiliteetin mukaan. Näiden portfolioiden menestymistä suhteessa markkinoihin arvioidaan absoluuttisten tuottojen, Sharpen luvun sekä Jensenin alfan avulla. Markkinaindekseinä käytetään OMXH CAP -indeksiä sekä tutkimusaineiston pohjalta muodostettua markkinaportfoliota. Kaikkein parhaimman absoluuttisen tuoton on saanut vuodesta 2001 vuoteen 2015 sijoittamalla keskiverron volatiliteetin osakkeisiin. Parhaan riskikorjatun tuoton on kuitenkin saavuttanut sijoittamalla alhaisen volatiliteetin osakkeisiin. Tutkielmassa löydetään todisteita alhaisen volatiliteetin anomalian esiintymisestä Suomen osakemarkkinoilla koko tutkimusaineisto huomioon ottaen. Tutkielman ehkä mielenkiintoisin löydös on kuitenkin huomio alhaisen volatiliteetin anomalian häviämisestä Suomen osakemarkkinoilta finanssikriisin jälkeen. Ennen finanssikriisiä esiintynyt erittäin vahva alhaisen volatiliteetin osakkeiden ylisuoriutuminen hävisi täysin finanssikriisin jälkeen. Toisin sanoen riskin ja tuoton suhde on kääntynyt päälaelleen finanssikriisin jälkeen, eikä alhaisen volatiliteetin anomaliaa voida enää sanoa esiintyvän.


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Literature suggests that CEOs of technology firms earn higher pay than CEOs of non-technology firms. I investigate whether compensation risk explains the difference in compensation between technology firms and non-technology firms. Controlling for firm size and performance, I find that CEOs in technology firms have higher pay, but also have much higher compensation risk compared to non-technology firms. Compensation risk explains the major part of the difference in CEO pay. My study is consistent with the labor market economics view that CEOs earn competitive risk-adjusted total compensation.


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Emerging markets have received wide attention from investors around the globe because of their return potential and risk diversification. This research examines the selection and timing performance of Canadian mutual funds which invest in fixed-income and equity securities in emerging markets. We use (un)conditional two- and five-factor benchmark models that accommodate the dynamics of returns in emerging markets. We also adopt the cross-sectional bootstrap methodology to distinguish between ‘skill’ and ‘luck’ for individual funds. All the tests are conducted using a comprehensive data set of bond and equity emerging funds over the period of 1989-2011. The risk-adjusted measures of performance are estimated using the least squares method with the Newey-West adjustment for standard errors that are robust to conditional heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. The performance statistics of the emerging funds before (after) management-related costs are insignificantly positive (significantly negative). They are sensitive to the chosen benchmark model and conditional information improves selection performance. The timing statistics are largely insignificant throughout the sample period and are not sensitive to the benchmark model. Evidence of timing and selecting abilities is obtained in a small number of funds which is not sensitive to the fees structure. We also find evidence that a majority of individual funds provide zero (very few provide positive) abnormal return before fees and a significantly negative return after fees. At the negative end of the tail of performance distribution, our resampling tests fail to reject the role of bad luck in the poor performance of funds and we conclude that most of them are merely ‘unlucky’.


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As an alternative to the present system of intermediation of the German savings surplus, this paper suggests that the risk-adjusted rate of return could be improved by creating a sovereign wealth fund for Germany (designated DESWF), which could invest excess German savings globally. Such a DESWF would offer German savers a secure vehicle paying a guaranteed positive minimum real interest rate, with a top-up when real investment returns allowed. The vehicle would invest the funds in a portfolio that is highly diversified by geography and asset classes. Positive real returns can be expected in the long run based on positive real global growth. Since, in this case, a significant amount of funds would flow outside the euro area, the euro would depreciate, which would help crisis countries presently struggling to revive growth through exports and to close their external deficits so as to recoup their international credit-worthiness. Target imbalances would gradually disappear and German claims abroad would move from nominal claims on the ECB to diversified real and nominal claims on various private and public foreign entities in a variety of asset classes.


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The “case for property” in the mixed-asset portfolio is a topic of continuing interest to practitioners and academics. Such an analysis typically is performed over a fixed period of time and the optimum allocation to property inferred from the weight assigned to property through the use of mean-variance analysis. It is well known, however, that the parameters used in the portfolio analysis problem are unstable through time. Thus, the weight proposed for property in one period is unlikely to be that found in another. Consequently, in order to assess the case for property more thoroughly, the impact of property in the mixed-asset portfolio is evaluated on a rolling basis over a long period of time. In this way we test whether the inclusion of property significantly improves the performance of an existing equity/bond portfolio all of the time. The main findings are that the inclusion of direct property into an existing equity/bond portfolio leads to increase or decreases in return, depending on the relative performance of property compared with the other asset classes. However, including property in the mixed-asset portfolio always leads to reductions in portfolio risk. Consequently, adding property into an equity/bond portfolio can lead to significant increases in risk-adjusted performance. Thus, if the decision to include direct property in the mixed-asset portfolio is based upon its diversification benefits the answer is yes, there is a “case for property” all the time!


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This paper seeks to increase the understanding of the performance implications for investors who choose to combine an unlisted real estate portfolio (in this case German Spezialfonds) with a (global) listed real estate element. We call this a “blended” approach to real estate allocations. For the avoidance of doubt, in this paper we are dealing purely with real estate equity (listed and unlisted) allocations, and do not incorporate real estate debt (listed or unlisted) or direct property into the process. A previous paper (Moss and Farrelly 2014) showed the benefits of the blended approach as it applied to UK Defined Contribution Pension Schemes. The catalyst for this paper has been the recent attention focused on German pension fund allocations, which have a relatively low (real estate) equity content, and a high bond content. We have used the MSCI Spezialfonds Index as a proxy for domestic German institutional real estate allocations, and the EPRA Global Developed Index as a proxy for a global listed real estate allocation. We also examine whether a rules based trading strategy, in this case Trend Following, can improve the risk adjusted returns above those of a simple buy and hold strategy for our sample period 2004-2015. Our findings are that by blending a 30% global listed portfolio with a 70% allocation (as opposed to a typical 100% weighting) to Spezialfonds, the real estate allocation returns increase from 2.88% p.a. to 5.42% pa. Volatility increases, but only to 6.53%., but there is a noticeable impact on maximum drawdown which increases to 19.4%. By using a Trend Following strategy raw returns are improved from 2.88% to 6.94% p.a. , The Sharpe Ratio increases from 1.05 to 1.49 and the Maximum Drawdown ratio is now only 1.83% compared to 19.4% using a buy and hold strategy . Finally, adding this (9%) real estate allocation to a mixed asset portfolio allocation typical for German pension funds there is an improvement in both the raw return (from 7.66% to 8.28%) and the Sharpe Ratio (from 0.91 to 0.98).


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Este trabalho estuda o impacto causado no fluxo de investimento em fundos multimercado por variáveis como o retorno dos fundos, o retorno do benchmark, a volatilidade de mercado, o fluxo de investimento de estrangeiros na Bolsa de Valores do Estado de São Paulo e o desempenho dos fundos ajustados pelo risco.


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Esse trabalho mostra que o retorno das ações de empresas que possuem como CEO ou Chairman o próprio fundador da empresa supera o retorno do S&P 500 no período de 1995 a 2011. É realizada também uma análise utilizando-se o Modelo de 4 Fatores de Fama-French e o resultado obtido indica que a carteira possui um retorno anualizado em excesso ajustado pelo risco de 5,79% com alta significância estatística e econômica. O trabalho também propõe mais duas análises: uma decomposição setorial da carteira, onde se verifica que o setor de tecnologia é o que mais contribui com o resultado acumulado da carteira; e um estudo sobre o múltiplo P/E (preço sobre lucro) da carteira, que surpreende ao mostrar que o P/E da carteira é sistematicamente superior ao P/E do S&P 500 no período analisado.


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Background: Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has increased as the initial revascularization strategy in chronic coronary artery disease. Consequently, more patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) have history of coronary stent. Objective: Evaluate the impact of previous PCI on in-hospital mortality after CABG in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease. Methods: Between May/2007 and June/2009, 1099 consecutive patients underwent CABG on cardiopulmonary bypass. Patients with no PCI (n=938, 85.3%) were compared with patients with previous PCI (n=161, 14.6%). Logistic regression models and propensity score matching analysis were used to assess the risk-adjusted impact of previous PCI on in-hospital mortality. Results: Both groups were similar, except for the fact that patients with previous PCI were more likely to have unstable angina (16.1% x 9.9%, p=0.019). In-hospital mortality after CABG was higher in patients with previous PCI (9.3% x 5.1%, p=0.034) and it was comparable with EuroSCORE and 2000 Bernstein-Parsonnet risk score. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, previous PCI emerged as an independent predictor of postoperative in-hospital mortality (odds ratio 1.94, 95% CI 1.02-3.68, p=0.044) as strong as diabetes (odds ratio 1.86, 95% CI 1.07-3.24, p=0.028). After computed propensity score matching based on preoperative risk factors, in-hospital mortality remained higher among patients with previous PCI (odds ratio 3.46, 95% CI 1.10-10.93, p=0.034). Conclusions: Previous PCI in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease is an independent risk factor for in-hospital mortality after CABG. This fact must be considered when PCI is indicated as initial alternative in patients with more severe coronary artery disease. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(1):586-595)


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BACKGROUND The objective of the present investigation is to assess the baseline mortality-adjusted 10-year survival of rectal cancer patients. METHODS Ten-year survival was analyzed in 771 consecutive American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) stage I-IV rectal cancer patients undergoing open resection between 1991 and 2008 using risk-adjusted Cox proportional hazard regression models adjusting for population-based baseline mortality. RESULTS The median follow-up of patients alive was 8.8 years. The 10-year relative, overall, and cancer-specific survival were 66.5% [95% confidence interval (CI) 61.3-72.1], 48.7% (95% CI 44.9-52.8), and 66.4% (95% CI 62.5-70.5), respectively. In the entire patient sample (stage I-IV) 47.3% and in patients with stage I-III 33.6 % of all deaths were related to rectal cancer during the 10-year period. For patients with AJCC stage I rectal cancer, the 10-year overall survival was 96% and did not significantly differ from an average population after matching for gender, age, and calendar year (p = 0.151). For the more advanced tumor stages, however, survival was significantly impaired (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS Retrospective investigations of survival after rectal cancer resection should adjust for baseline mortality because a large fraction of deaths is not cancer related. Stage I rectal cancer patients, compared to patients with more advanced disease stages, have a relative survival close to 100% and can thus be considered cured. Using this relative-survival approach, the real public health burden caused by rectal cancer can reliably be analyzed and reported.


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OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study was to investigate the survival effects of inferior vena cava filters in patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) who had a significant bleeding risk. BACKGROUND The effectiveness of inferior vena cava filter use among patients with acute symptomatic VTE and known significant bleeding risk remains unclear. METHODS In this prospective cohort study of patients with acute VTE identified from the RIETE (Computerized Registry of Patients With Venous Thromboembolism), we assessed the association between inferior vena cava filter insertion for known significant bleeding risk and the outcomes of all-cause mortality, pulmonary embolism (PE)-related mortality, and VTE rates through 30 days after the initiation of VTE treatment. Propensity score matching was used to adjust for the likelihood of receiving a filter. RESULTS Of the 40,142 eligible patients who had acute symptomatic VTE, 371 underwent filter placement because of known significant bleeding risk. A total of 344 patients treated with a filter were matched with 344 patients treated without a filter. Propensity score-matched pairs showed a nonsignificant trend toward lower risk of all-cause death for filter insertion compared with no insertion (6.6% vs. 10.2%; p = 0.12). The risk-adjusted PE-related mortality rate was lower for filter insertion than no insertion (1.7% vs. 4.9%; p = 0.03). Risk-adjusted recurrent VTE rates were higher for filter insertion than for no insertion (6.1% vs. 0.6%; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS In patients presenting with VTE and with a significant bleeding risk, inferior vena cava filter insertion compared with anticoagulant therapy was associated with a lower risk of PE-related death and a higher risk of recurrent VTE. However, study design limitations do not imply a causal relationship between filter insertion and outcome.