977 resultados para quantum chemistry, Mukherjee multireference coupled-cluster, analytic gradients, parallelization, biradicals


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Die vorliegende Dissertation beinhaltet Anwendungen der Quantenchemie und methodische Entwicklungen im Bereich der "Coupled-Cluster"-Theorie zu den folgenden Themen: 1.) Die Bestimmung von Geometrieparametern in wasserstoffverbrückten Komplexen mit Pikometer-Genauigkeit durch Kopplung von NMR-Experimenten und quantenchemischen Rechnungen wird an zwei Beispielen dargelegt. 2.) Die hierin auftretenden Unterschiede in Theorie und Experiment werden diskutiert. Hierzu wurde die Schwingungsmittelung des Dipolkopplungstensors implementiert, um Nullpunkt-Effekte betrachten zu können. 3.) Ein weiterer Aspekt der Arbeit behandelt die Strukturaufklärung an diskotischen Flüssigkristallen. Die quantenchemische Modellbildung und das Zusammenspiel mit experimentellen Methoden, vor allem der Festkörper-NMR, wird vorgestellt. 4.) Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wurde mit der Parallelisierung des Quantenchemiepaketes ACESII begonnen. Die grundlegende Strategie und erste Ergebnisse werden vorgestellt. 5.) Zur Skalenreduktion des CCCSD(T)-Verfahrens durch Faktorisierung wurden verschiedene Zerlegungen des Energienenners getestet. Ein sich hieraus ergebendes Verfahren zur Berechnung der CCSD(T)-Energie wurde implementiert. 6.) Die Reaktionsaufklärung der Bildung von HSOH aus di-tert-Butyl-Sulfoxid wird vorgestellt. Dazu wurde die Thermodynamik der Reaktionsschritte mit Methoden der Quantenchemie berechnet.


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Die Themengebiete dieser Arbeit umfassen sowohl methodische Weiterentwicklungen im Rahmen der ab initio zweiter Ordnungsmethoden CC2 und ADC(2) als auch Anwendungen dieser Weiterentwick-lungen auf aktuelle Fragestellungen. Die methodischen Erweiterungen stehen dabei hauptsächlich im Zusammenhang mit Übergangsmomenten zwischen angeregten Zuständen. Durch die Implementie-rung der selbigen ist nun die Berechnung transienter Absorptionsspektren möglich. Die Anwendungen behandeln vorwiegend das Feld der organischen Halbleiter und deren photo-elektronische Eigen-schaften. Dabei spielen die bislang wenig erforschten Triplett-Excimere eine zentrale Rolle.rnDie Übergangsmomente zwischen angeregten Zuständen wurden in das Programmpaket TUR-BOMOLE implementiert. Dadurch wurde die Berechnung der Übergangsmomente zwischen Zustän-den gleicher Multiplizität (d.h. sowohl Singulett-Singulett- als auch Triplett-Triplett-Übergänge) und unterschiedlicher Multiplizität (also Singulett-Triplett-Übergänge) möglich. Als Erweiterung wurde durch ein Interface zum ORCA Programm die Berechnung von Spin-Orbit-Matrixelementen (SOMEs) implementiert. Des Weiteren kann man mit dieser Implementierung auch Übergänge in offenschaligen Systemen berechnen. Um den Speicherbedarf und die Rechenzeit möglichst gering zu halten wurde die resolution-of-the-identity (RI-) Näherung benutzt. Damit lässt sich der Speicherbedarf von O(N4) auf O(N3) reduzieren, da die mit O(N4) skalierenden Größen (z. B. die T2-Amplituden) sehr effizient aus RI-Intermediaten berechnet werden können und daher nicht abgespeichert werden müssen. Dadurch wird eine Berechnung für mittelgroße Moleküle (ca. 20-50 Atome) mit einer angemessenen Basis möglich.rnDie Genauigkeit der Übergangsmomente zwischen angeregten Zuständen wurde für einen Testsatz kleiner Moleküle sowie für ausgewählte größere organische Moleküle getestet. Dabei stellte sich her-aus, dass der Fehler der RI-Näherung sehr klein ist. Die Vorhersage der transienten Spektren mit CC2 bzw. ADC(2) birgt allerdings ein Problem, da diese Methoden solche Zustände nur sehr unzureichend beschreiben, welche hauptsächlich durch zweifach-Anregungen bezüglich der Referenzdeterminante erzeugt werden. Dies ist für die Spektren aus dem angeregten Zustand relevant, da Übergänge zu diesen Zuständen energetisch zugänglich und erlaubt sein können. Ein Beispiel dafür wird anhand eines Singulett-Singulett-Spektrums in der vorliegenden Arbeit diskutiert. Für die Übergänge zwischen Triplettzuständen ist dies allerdings weniger problematisch, da die energetisch niedrigsten Doppelan-regungen geschlossenschalig sind und daher für Tripletts nicht auftreten.rnVon besonderem Interesse für diese Arbeit ist die Bildung von Excimeren im angeregten Triplettzu-stand. Diese können aufgrund starker Wechselwirkungen zwischen den π-Elektronensystemen großer organischer Moleküle auftreten, wie sie zum Beispiel als organische Halbleiter in organischen Leucht-dioden eingesetzt werden. Dabei können die Excimere die photo-elktronischen Eigenschaften dieser Substanzen signifikant beeinflussen. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurden daher zwei solcher Sys-teme untersucht, [3.3](4,4’)Biphenylophan und das Naphthalin-Dimer. Hierzu wurden die transienten Anregungsspektren aus dem ersten angeregten Triplettzustand berechnet und diese Ergebnisse für die Interpretation der experimentellen Spektren herangezogen. Aufgrund der guten Übereinstimmung zwischen den berechneten und den experimentellen Spektren konnte gezeigt werden, dass es für eine koplanare Anordnung der beiden Monomere zu einer starken Kopplung zwischen lokal angereg-ten und charge-transfer Zuständen kommt. Diese Kopplung resultiert in einer signifikanten energeti-schen Absenkung des ersten angeregten Zustandes und zu einem sehr geringen Abstand zwischen den Monomereinheiten. Dabei ist der angeregte Zustand über beide Monomere delokalisiert. Die star-ke Kopplung tritt bei einem intermolekularen Abstand ≤4 Å auf, was einem typischen Abstand in orga-nischen Halbleitern entspricht. In diesem Bereich kann man zur Berechnung dieser Systeme nicht auf die Förster-Dexter-Theorie zurückgreifen, da diese nur für den Grenzfall der schwachen Kopplung gültig ist.


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The aim of this thesis is to investigate the nature of quantum computation and the question of the quantum speed-up over classical computation by comparing two different quantum computational frameworks, the traditional quantum circuit model and the cluster-state quantum computer. After an introductory survey of the theoretical and epistemological questions concerning quantum computation, the first part of this thesis provides a presentation of cluster-state computation suitable for a philosophical audience. In spite of the computational equivalence between the two frameworks, their differences can be considered as structural. Entanglement is shown to play a fundamental role in both quantum circuits and cluster-state computers; this supports, from a new perspective, the argument that entanglement can reasonably explain the quantum speed-up over classical computation. However, quantum circuits and cluster-state computers diverge with regard to one of the explanations of quantum computation that actually accords a central role to entanglement, i.e. the Everett interpretation. It is argued that, while cluster-state quantum computation does not show an Everettian failure in accounting for the computational processes, it threatens that interpretation of being not-explanatory. This analysis presented here should be integrated in a more general work in order to include also further frameworks of quantum computation, e.g. topological quantum computation. However, what is revealed by this work is that the speed-up question does not capture all that is at stake: both quantum circuits and cluster-state computers achieve the speed-up, but the challenges that they posit go besides that specific question. Then, the existence of alternative equivalent quantum computational models suggests that the ultimate question should be moved from the speed-up to a sort of “representation theorem” for quantum computation, to be meant as the general goal of identifying the physical features underlying these alternative frameworks that allow for labelling those frameworks as “quantum computation”.


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Do polyacenes, circumacenes, periacenes, nanographenes, and graphene nanoribbons show a spin polarized ground state? In this work, we present monodeterminantal (Hartree–Fock (HF) and density functional theory (DFT) types), and multideterminantal calculations (Møller–Plesset and Coupled Cluster), for several families of unsaturated organic molecules (n-Acenes, n-Periacenes and n-Circumacenes). All HF calculations and many DFT show a spin-polarized (antiferromagnetic) ground state, in agreement with previous calculations. Nevertheless, the multideterminantal calculations, carried out with perturbative and variational wavefunctions, show that the more stable state is obtained starting from the unpolarized HF wavefunction. The trend of the stabilization of wavefunctions (polarized or unpolarized) with respect to exchange and correlation potentials, and to the number of benzene rings, has been analyzed. A study of the spin (〈Ŝ2〉) and the spin density on the carbon atoms has also been carried out.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This article is a short introduction to and review of the cluster-state model of quantum computation, in which coherent quantum information processing is accomplished via a sequence of single-qubit measurements applied to a fixed quantum state known as a cluster state. We also discuss a few novel properties of the model, including a proof that the cluster state cannot occur as the exact ground state of any naturally occurring physical system, and a proof that measurements on any quantum state which is linearly prepared in one dimension can be efficiently simulated on a classical computer, and thus are not candidates for use as a substrate for quantum computation.


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We present transport measurements on a system of two lateral quantum dots in a perpendicular magnetic field. Due to edge channel formation in an open conducting region, the quantum dots are chirally coupled. When both quantum dots are tuned into the Kondo regime simultaneously, we observe a change in the temperature dependence of the differential conductance. This is explained by the RKKY exchange interaction between the two dots. As a function of bias the differential conductance shows a splitting of the Kondo resonance which changes in the presence of RKKY interaction.


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The main goal of the research presented in this work is to provide some important insights about computational modeling of open-shell species. Such projects are: the investigation of the size-extensivity error in Equation-of-Motion Coupled Cluster methods, the analysis of the Long-Range corrected scheme in predicting UV-Vis spectra of Cu(II) complexes with the 4-imidazole acetate and its ethylated derivative, and the exploration of the importance of choosing a proper basis set for the description of systems such as the lithium monoxide anion. The most significant findings of this research are: (i) The contribution of the left operator to the size-extensivity error of the CR-EOMCC(2,3) approach, (ii) The cause of d-d shifts when varying the range-separation parameter and the amount of the exact exchange arising from the imbalanced treatment of localized vs. delocalized orbitals via the "tuned" CAM-B3LYP* functional, (iii) The proper acidity trend of the first-row hydrides and their lithiated analogs that may be reversed if the basis sets are not correctly selected.


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Nucleation is the first step of the process by which gas molecules in the atmosphere condense to form liquid or solid particles. Despite the importance of atmospheric new-particle formation for both climate and health-related issues, little information exists on its precise molecular-level mechanisms. In this thesis, potential nucleation mechanisms involving sulfuric acid together with either water and ammonia or reactive biogenic molecules are studied using quantum chemical methods. Quantum chemistry calculations are based on the numerical solution of Schrödinger's equation for a system of atoms and electrons subject to various sets of approximations, the precise details of which give rise to a large number of model chemistries. A comparison of several different model chemistries indicates that the computational method must be chosen with care if accurate results for sulfuric acid - water - ammonia clusters are desired. Specifically, binding energies are incorrectly predicted by some popular density functionals, and vibrational anharmonicity must be accounted for if quantitatively reliable formation free energies are desired. The calculations reported in this thesis show that a combination of different high-level energy corrections and advanced thermochemical analysis can quantitatively replicate experimental results concerning the hydration of sulfuric acid. The role of ammonia in sulfuric acid - water nucleation was revealed by a series of calculations on molecular clusters of increasing size with respect to all three co-ordinates; sulfuric acid, water and ammonia. As indicated by experimental measurements, ammonia significantly assists the growth of clusters in the sulfuric acid - co-ordinate. The calculations presented in this thesis predict that in atmospheric conditions, this effect becomes important as the number of acid molecules increases from two to three. On the other hand, small molecular clusters are unlikely to contain more than one ammonia molecule per sulfuric acid. This implies that the average NH3:H2SO4 mole ratio of small molecular clusters in atmospheric conditions is likely to be between 1:3 and 1:1. Calculations on charged clusters confirm the experimental result that the HSO4- ion is much more strongly hydrated than neutral sulfuric acid. Preliminary calculations on HSO4- NH3 clusters indicate that ammonia is likely to play at most a minor role in ion-induced nucleation in the sulfuric acid - water system. Calculations of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters for the reaction of stabilized Criegee Intermediates with sulfuric acid demonstrate that quantum chemistry is a powerful tool for investigating chemically complicated nucleation mechanisms. The calculations indicate that if the biogenic Criegee Intermediates have sufficiently long lifetimes in atmospheric conditions, the studied reaction may be an important source of nucleation precursors.


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Coupled substitution of Nb(V) and Si(IV) for Ti(IV) and P(V)/As(V) in KTiOP04 (KTP) and KTiOAsO4 (KTA) giving new series of nonlinear optical materials, KTi1-xNbxOX1-xSixO4 (X=P,As), has been investigated. Substitution up to x = 0.40 readily occurs, the members retaining the orthorhombic (Pna2(1)) structure of KTP. The second harmonic generation (SHG) property of the parent KTP and KTA is not adversely affected by the coupled substitution. SHG intensity of the powder samples of the X = P series shows a slight increase with x up to x = 0.15; for 0.15 < x less-than-or-equal-to 0.40, there is a decrease in SHG intensity as compared to that for KTP. A similar trend in SHG intensity is seen for the arsenic analogs.


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Using Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) and meta-GGA density functional methods, structures, binding energies and harmonic vibrational frequencies for the clusters O-4(+), O-6(+), O-8(+) and O-10(+) have been calculated. The stable structures of O-4(+), O-6(+), O-8(+) and O-10(+) have point groups D-2h, D-3h, D-4h, and D-5h optimized on the quartet, sextet, octet and dectet potential energy surfaces, respectively. Rectangular (D-2h) O-4(+) has been found to be more stable compared to trans-planar (C-2h) on the quartet potential energy surface. Cyclic structure (D-3h) of CA cluster ion has been calculated to be more stable than other structures. Binding energy (B.E.) of the cyclic O-6(+) is in good agreement with experimental measurement. The zero-point corrected B.E. of O-8(+) with D4h symmetry on the octet potential energy surface and zero-point corrected B.E. of O-10(+) with D-5h symmetry on the dectet potential energy surface are also in good agreement with experimental values. The B.E. value for O-4(+) is close to the experimental value when single point energy is calculated by Brueckner coupled-cluster method, BD(T). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel integratable and high speed InGaAsP multi-quantum well (MQW) complex-coupled distributed feedback (DFB) laser is successfully fabricated on a semi-insulating substrate. The fabricated ridge DFB laser exhibits a threshold current of 26 mA, a slope efficiency of 0.14 W.A(-1) and a side mode suppression ratio of 40 dB together with a 3 dB bandwidth of more than 8 GHz. The device is suitable for 10 Gbit/s optical fiber communication.


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Decoherence properties of two Josephson charge qubits coupled via the sigma(x)sigma(x) type are investigated. Considering the special structure of this new design, the dissipative effects arising from the circuit impedance providing the fluxes for the qubits' superconducting quantum interference device loops coupled to the sigma(x) qubit variables are considered. The results show that the overall decoherence effects are significantly strong in this qubit design. It is found that the dissipative effects are stronger in the case of coupling to two uncorrelated baths than are found in the case of one common bath.


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LaC3n+ (n = 0, 1, 2) clusters have been studied using B3LYP (Becke 3-parameter-Lee-Yang-Parr) density functional method. The basis set is Dunning/ Huzinaga valence double zeta for carbon and [2s2p2d] for lanthanum, denoted LANL1DZ. Four isomers are presented for each cluster; two of them are edge binding isomers with C-2 upsilon symmetry, the other two are Linear chains with C-infinity upsilon symmetry. Meanwhile, two spin states for each isomer, that is, singlet and triplet for LaC3+, doublet and quartet for LaC3 and LaC32+, respectively, are also considered. Geometries, vibrational frequencies, infrared intensities, and other quantities are reported and discussed. The results indicate that at some spin states; the C-2 upsilon symmetry isomers are the dominant structures, while for the other spin states, linear isomers are energetically favored. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The inhibition effect of metal-free phthalocyanine (H2Pc), copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) and copper phthalocyanine tetrasulfuric tetrasodium salt (CuPc center dot S(4)center dot Na-4) on mild steel in I mol/l HCl in the concentration range of 1.0 X 10(-5) to 1.0 X 10(-3) mol/l was investigated by electrochemical test, scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM/EDS) and quantum chemical method. The potentiodynamic polarization curves of mild steel in hydrochloric acid containing these compounds showed both cathodic and anodic processes of steel corrosion were suppressed, and the Nyquist plots of impedance expressed mainly as a capacitive loop with different compounds and concentrations. For all these phthalocyanines, the inhibition efficiency increased with the increase in inhibitor concentration, while the inhibition efficiencies for these three phthalocyanines with the same concentration decreased in the order Of CuPc center dot S(4)center dot Na-4 > CuPc > H2Pc according to the electrochemical measurement results. The SEM/EDS analysis indicated that there are more lightly corroded and oxidative steel surface for the specimens after immersion in acid solution containing 1.0 x 10(-3) mol/l phthalocyanines than that in blank. The quantum chemical calculation results showed that the inhibition efficiency of these phthalocyanines increased with decrease in molecule's LUMO energy, which was different from the micro-cyclic compounds. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.