962 resultados para measurement errors


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There are a variety of guidelines and methods available to measure and assess survey quality. Most of these are based on qualitative descriptions. In practice, they are not easy to implement and it is very difficult to make comparisons between surveys. Hence there is a theoretical and pragmatic demand to develop a mainly quantitative based survey assessment tool. This research aimed to meet this need and make contributions to the evaluation and improvement of survey quality. Acknowledging the critical importance of measurement issues in survey research, this thesis starts with a comprehensive introduction to measurement theory and identifies the types of measurement errors associated with measurement procedures through three experiments. Then it moves on to describe concepts, guidelines and methods available for measuring and assessing survey quality. Combining these with measurement principles leads to the development of a quantitative based statistical holistic tool to measure and assess survey quality. The criteria, weights and subweights for the assessment tool are determined using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) and a survey questionnaire based on the Delphi method. Finally the model is applied to a database of surveys which was constructed to develop methods of classification, assessment and improvement of survey quality. The model developed in this thesis enables survey researchers and/or commissioners to make a holistic assessment of the value of the particular survey(s). This model is an Excel based audit which takes a holistic approach, following all stages of the survey from inception, to design, construction, execution, analysis and dissemination. At each stage a set of criteria are applied to assess quality. Scores attained against these assessments are weighted by the importance of the criteria and summed to give an overall assessment of the stage. The total score for a survey can be obtained by a combination of the scores for every stage weighted again by the importance of each stage. The advantage of this is to construct a means of survey assessment which can be used in a diagnostic manner to assess and improve survey quality.


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1. A first step in the analysis of complex movement data often involves discretisation of the path into a series of step-lengths and turns, for example in the analysis of specialised random walks, such as Lévy flights. However, the identification of turning points, and therefore step-lengths, in a tortuous path is dependent on ad-hoc parameter choices. Consequently, studies testing for movement patterns in these data, such as Lévy flights, have generated debate. However, studies focusing on one-dimensional (1D) data, as in the vertical displacements of marine pelagic predators, where turning points can be identified unambiguously have provided strong support for Lévy flight movement patterns. 2. Here, we investigate how step-length distributions in 3D movement patterns would be interpreted by tags recording in 1D (i.e. depth) and demonstrate the dimensional symmetry previously shown mathematically for Lévy-flight movements. We test the veracity of this symmetry by simulating several measurement errors common in empirical datasets and find Lévy patterns and exponents to be robust to low-quality movement data. 3. We then consider exponential and composite Brownian random walks and show that these also project into 1D with sufficient symmetry to be clearly identifiable as such. 4. By extending the symmetry paradigm, we propose a new methodology for step-length identification in 2D or 3D movement data. The methodology is successfully demonstrated in a re-analysis of wandering albatross Global Positioning System (GPS) location data previously analysed using a complex methodology to determine bird-landing locations as turning points in a Lévy walk. For this high-resolution GPS data, we show that there is strong evidence for albatross foraging patterns approximated by truncated Lévy flights spanning over 3·5 orders of magnitude. 5. Our simple methodology and freely available software can be used with any 2D or 3D movement data at any scale or resolution and are robust to common empirical measurement errors. The method should find wide applicability in the field of movement ecology spanning the study of motile cells to humans.


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UVES interstellar observations from the Paranal Observatory Project are presented for early-type stars located in the line of sight to the nearby open clusters IC 2391 (Omni Vel) and NGC 6475 (M7), with spectroscopic resolution R similar to 80 000 and signal-to-noise ratios in the Ti II (3383 angstrom), Ca II K, CH+ (4232 angstrom), Na I D and K I (7698 angstrom) lines of several hundred. The sightlines are a mixture of cluster and non-cluster objects. A total of 22 early-type stars (A and B type) are present in our sample towards IC 2391, with 21 towards NGC 6475/M7, and enable us to probe for differences in column density on scales from similar to 0.07 to 7.3 and similar to 0.05 to 4.9 pc in the respective clusters. Additionally, towards Praesepe the Na I D interstellar variation only is probed towards 13 sightlines and transverse scales of similar to 0.16-10.7 pc at R = 70 000. Towards IC 2391 variations are found in Ti II, Ca II K and Na I D column density in different sightlines of up to 0.7, 1.0 and 1.8 dex (excluding one star), respectively. This kind of variability correlates well with the Hipparcos parallax of the objects, and probes structure within the Local Bubble. For cluster-only objects the variations are 0.3, 0.3 and 0.5 dex, respectively. For the field of view towards NGC6475 the corresponding maximum variations are somewhat smaller, being 0.5, 0.3, 0.8 and 1.0 dex for Ti II, Ca II K, Na I and K I, respectively, for all objects and 0.4, 0.2, 0.6 and 0.7 dex for the cluster-only objects. These are uncorrelated with parallax, and again demonstrate that Ca II K tends to be more smoothly distributed than Na I D. A few likely cluster sightlines show evidence for CH+ and variations in this molecular species of a factor of 10 in equivalent width over sub-pc scales. Towards Praesepe variation in interstellar Na I D is small, being a maximum of only similar to 0.4 dex (including measurement errors), but with fewer sightlines studied. Overall, the scatter in the data is similar for the singly ionized species Ti II and Ca II, lending more support to the hypothesis that these two species sample similar parts of the interstellar medium (ISM). This also appears to be the case for the neutral species Na I D and K I in the one cluster studied. Finally, multiple-epoch observations from a variety of archive sources are used to search for astronomical unit (au) scale structure in the ISM towards 46 sightlines. There are tentative indications of structure on scales of tens to thousands of au for three sightlines. Future observations will confirm the veracity or otherwise of the time-variable components and others presented.


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The close proximity of short-period hot-Jupiters to their parent star means they are subject to extreme tidal forces. This has a profound effect on their structure and, as a result, density measurements that assume that the planet is spherical can be incorrect. We have simulated the tidally distorted surface for 34 known short-period hot-Jupiters, assuming surfaces of constant gravitational equipotential for the planet, and the resulting densities have been calculated based only on observed parameters of the exoplanet systems. Comparing these results to the density values, assuming the planets are spherical, shows that there is an appreciable change in the measured density for planets with very short periods (typically less than two days). For one of the shortest-period systems, WASP-19b, we determine a decrease in bulk density of 12% from the spherical case and, for the majority of systems in this study, this value is in the range of 1%-5%. On the other hand, we also find cases where the distortion is negligible (relative to the measurement errors on the planetary parameters) even in the cases of some very short period systems, depending on the mass ratio and planetary radius. For high-density gas planets requiring apparently anomalously large core masses, density corrections due to tidal deformation could become important for the shortest-period systems.


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The main populating and depopulating mechanisms of the excited energy levels of ions in plasmas with densities <1023-1024 m-3 are electron collisional excitation from the ion's ground state and radiative decay, respectively, with the majority of the electron population being in the ground state of the ionization stage. Electron collisional ionization is predominately expected to take place from one ground state to that of the next higher ionization stage. However, the question arises as to whether, in some cases, ionization can also affect the excited level populations. This would apply particularly to those cases involving transient events such as impurity influxes in a laboratory plasma. An analysis of the importance of ionization in populating the excited levels of ions in plasmas typical of those found in the edge of tokamaks is undertaken for the C IV and C V ionization stages. The emphasis is on those energy levels giving rise to transitions of most use for diagnostic purposes (n ≤ 5). Carbon is chosen since it is an important contaminant of JET plasmas; it was the dominant low Z impurity before the installation of the ITER-like wall and is still present in the plasma after its installation. Direct electron collisional ionization both from and to excited levels is considered. Distorted-wave flexible atomic code calculations are performed to generate the required ionization cross sections, due to a lack of atomic data in the literature. Employing these data, ionization from excited level populations is not found to be significant in comparison with radiative decay. However, for some energy levels, ionization terminating in the excited level has an effect in the steady-state of the order of the measurement errors (±10%). During transient events, ionization to excited levels will be of more importance and must be taken into account in the calculation of excited level populations. More accurate atomic data, including possible resonance contributions to the cross sections, would tend to increase further the importance of these effects. 


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The ejected mass distribution of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) directly probes progenitor evolutionary history and explosion mechanisms, with implications for their use as cosmological probes. Although the Chandrasekhar mass is a natural mass scale for the explosion of white dwarfs as SNe Ia, models allowing SNe Ia to explode at other masses have attracted much recent attention. Using an empirical relation between the ejected mass and the light-curve width, we derive ejected masses Mej and 56Ni masses MNi for a sample of 337 SNe Ia with redshifts z <0.7 used in recent cosmological analyses. We use hierarchical Bayesian inference to reconstruct the joint Mej-MNi distribution, accounting for measurement errors. The inferred marginal distribution of Mej has a long tail towards sub-Chandrasekhar masses, but cuts off sharply above 1.4 M⊙. Our results imply that 25-50 per cent of normal SNe Ia are inconsistent with Chandrasekhar-mass explosions, with almost all of these being sub-Chandrasekhar mass; super-Chandrasekhar-mass explosions make up no more than 1 per cent of all spectroscopically normal SNe Ia. We interpret the SN Ia width-luminosity relation as an underlying relation between Mej and MNi, and show that the inferred relation is not naturally explained by the predictions of any single known explosion mechanism.


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This paper employs the one-sector Real Business Cycle model as a testing ground for four different procedures to estimate Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models. The procedures are: 1 ) Maximum Likelihood, with and without measurement errors and incorporating Bayesian priors, 2) Generalized Method of Moments, 3) Simulated Method of Moments, and 4) Indirect Inference. Monte Carlo analysis indicates that all procedures deliver reasonably good estimates under the null hypothesis. However, there are substantial differences in statistical and computational efficiency in the small samples currently available to estimate DSGE models. GMM and SMM appear to be more robust to misspecification than the alternative procedures. The implications of the stochastic singularity of DSGE models for each estimation method are fully discussed.


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Problématique : La majorité des études publiées sur la réhabilitation par mise en charge immédiate de deux implants non jumelés avec une prothèse totale mandibulaire de recouvrement n’ont rapporté que des mesures cliniques objectives et très peu ont évalué les mesures centrées sur le patient, et ce, avec des erreurs de mesure. Aucune étude n’a évalué les attentes des patients vis-à-vis d'un tel protocole. Objectifs : Évaluer les attentes, le niveau de satisfaction ainsi que la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire des édentés complets suite à un protocole de mise en charge immédiate. Méthodologie : Cet essai clinique de phase 1 utilise un design pré-post afin d’évaluer les mesures centrées sur le patient. Dix-huit individus, complètement édentés et âgés en moyenne de 62,39 ± 7,65 ans, ont reçu une prothèse totale mandibulaire de recouvrement sur deux implants non jumelés suite à un protocole de mise en charge immédiate, conjointement à une prothèse totale conventionnelle maxillaire. Un instrument adapté pour mesurer leurs attentes à l’aide d’échelles visuelles analogues, le questionnaire « McGill Denture Satisfaction Instrument » ainsi que le questionnaire OHIP-20 ont été remis aux patients avant de procéder aux traitements (T0), ainsi qu’aux rendez-vous de suivi à 2 semaines (T1), 1 mois (T2) et 4 mois (T3). De plus, l’inventaire de personnalité révisé (NÉO PI-R) ainsi qu’un questionnaire sociodémographique ont été remplis par les participants. Les « change scores » ont été calculés puis des tests non paramétriques et des analyses de variances en mesures répétées suivies de comparaisons par paires ont été utilisés afin d’analyser les données recueillies. La taille d’effet a été estimée. Résultats : Les participants avaient différentes attentes par rapport à la mise en charge immédiate. Certains s’attendaient à un effet positif à court terme par rapport à leur apparence esthétique (83,3 %) et à leur vie sociale (55,7 %), alors que d’autres avaient des craintes envers leur confort (5,6 %), leur habileté à mastiquer (11,1 %) et à nettoyer leur prothèse inférieure (11,1 %). À 4 mois, le protocole de mise en charge immédiate avait rencontré la majorité des attentes des patients par rapport à l’esthétique (94.4 %), la mastication (83.3 %), la phonétique (61.1 %), le confort (94.4 %), l’hygiène (88.9 %) et leur vie sociale (88.9 %). Une amélioration statistiquement significative de la satisfaction en générale, du confort, de l’esthétique, de la stabilité de la prothèse inférieure et de l’habileté à mastiquer a été notée à 2 semaines (p<0,001). Également, les comparaisons par paires ont révélé une diminution statistiquement significative du score total de l’OHIP-20 (p < 0,001) de même que la majorité des domaines de l’OHIP (p < 0.01), sauf pour l’handicap social qui n’a diminué significativement qu’après 1 mois (p = 0.01). Ces changements (pour la satisfaction et la qualité de vie) sont restés stables au cours des suivis subséquents. Indépendamment des traits de personnalité et des variables sociodémographiques, le protocole immédiat a satisfait 94,4 % des participants et a amélioré leur qualité de vie avec une large magnitude d’effet (d = 1.9; p < 0.001). Bien que deux patients aient perdu des implants au cours du traitement, 100 % des participants étaient d’accord pour recommander cette procédure à leurs pairs. Conclusions: Le protocole de mise en charge immédiate semble satisfaire les patients quelles que soient leurs attentes. Le protocole MCI peut améliorer, à court terme, la qualité de vie des patients totalement édentés. Les résultats prometteurs de la phase 1 devraient être corroborés lors de la 2e phase de cette étude.


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Objective To determine overall, test–retest and inter-rater reliability of posture indices among persons with idiopathic scoliosis. Design A reliability study using two raters and two test sessions. Setting Tertiary care paediatric centre. Participants Seventy participants aged between 10 and 20 years with different types of idiopathic scoliosis (Cobb angle 15 to 60°) were recruited from the scoliosis clinic. Main outcome measures Based on the XY co-ordinates of natural reference points (e.g. eyes) as well as markers placed on several anatomical landmarks, 32 angular and linear posture indices taken from digital photographs in the standing position were calculated from a specially developed software program. Generalisability theory served to estimate the reliability and standard error of measurement (SEM) for the overall, test–retest and inter-rater designs. Bland and Altman's method was also used to document agreement between sessions and raters. Results In the random design, dependability coefficients demonstrated a moderate level of reliability for six posture indices (ϕ = 0.51 to 0.72) and a good level of reliability for 26 posture indices out of 32 (ϕ ≥ 0.79). Error attributable to marker placement was negligible for most indices. Limits of agreement and SEM values were larger for shoulder protraction, trunk list, Q angle, cervical lordosis and scoliosis angles. The most reproducible indices were waist angles and knee valgus and varus. Conclusions Posture can be assessed in a global fashion from photographs in persons with idiopathic scoliosis. Despite the good reliability of marker placement, other studies are needed to minimise measurement errors in order to provide a suitable tool for monitoring change in posture over time.


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Underwater target localization and tracking attracts tremendous research interest due to various impediments to the estimation task caused by the noisy ocean environment. This thesis envisages the implementation of a prototype automated system for underwater target localization, tracking and classification using passive listening buoy systems and target identification techniques. An autonomous three buoy system has been developed and field trials have been conducted successfully. Inaccuracies in the localization results, due to changes in the environmental parameters, measurement errors and theoretical approximations are refined using the Kalman filter approach. Simulation studies have been conducted for the tracking of targets with different scenarios even under maneuvering situations. This system can as well be used for classifying the unknown targets by extracting the features of the noise emanations from the targets.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit berichtet über ein neuartiges, kombiniertes Messverfahren zur gleichzeitigen Erfassung von Form und Material einer glänzenden Probenoberfläche. Die Materialerkennung erfolgt über die polarisationsoptische Brechzahlbestimmung im Messpunkt mit Mikroellipsometrie. Die Mikroellipsometrie ist ein fokussierendes Ellipsometer, das aus der Polarisationsänderung, bedingt durch die Wechselwirkung Licht – Materie, die materialcharakteristische komplexe Brechzahl eines reflektierenden Materials ermitteln kann. Bei der fokussierenden Ellipsometrie ist die Anordnung der fokussierenden Optiken von Bedeutung. Die hier vorgestellte ellipsometerexterne Fokussierung vermeidet Messfehler durch optische Anisotropien und ermöglicht die multispektrale ellipsometrische Messung. Für die ellipsometrische Brechzahlbestimmung ist zwingend die Kenntnis des Einfallswinkels des Messstrahls und die räumliche Orientierung der Oberflächenneigung zum Koordinatensystem des Ellipsometers notwendig. Die Oberflächenneigung wird mit einem Deflektometer ermittelt, das speziell für den Einsatz in Kombination mit der Ellipsometrie entwickelt wurde. Aus der lokalen Oberflächenneigung kann die Topographie einer Probe rekonstruiert werden. Der Einfallswinkel ist ebenfalls aus den Oberflächenneigungen ableitbar. Die Arbeit stellt die Systemtheorie der beiden kombinierten Messverfahren vor, außerdem werden Beiträge zu Messunsicherheiten diskutiert. Der experimentelle Teil der Arbeit beinhaltet die separate Untersuchung zur Leistungsfähigkeit der beiden zu kombinierenden Messverfahren. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse erlauben die Schlussfolgerung, dass ein Mikro-Deflexions-Ellipsometer erfolgreich realisierbar ist.


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A Ramsey-type interferometer is suggested, employing a cold trapped ion and two time-delayed offresonant femtosecond laser pulses. The laser light couples to the molecular polarization anisotropy, inducing rotational wavepacket dynamics. An interferogram is obtained from the delay dependent populations of the final field-free rotational states. Current experimental capabilities for cooling and preparation of the initial state are found to yield an interferogram visibility of more than 80%. The interferograms can be used to determine the polarizability anisotropy with an accuracy of about ±2%, respectively ±5%, provided the uncertainty in the initial populations and measurement errors are confined to within the same limits.


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Our essay aims at studying suitable statistical methods for the clustering of compositional data in situations where observations are constituted by trajectories of compositional data, that is, by sequences of composition measurements along a domain. Observed trajectories are known as “functional data” and several methods have been proposed for their analysis. In particular, methods for clustering functional data, known as Functional Cluster Analysis (FCA), have been applied by practitioners and scientists in many fields. To our knowledge, FCA techniques have not been extended to cope with the problem of clustering compositional data trajectories. In order to extend FCA techniques to the analysis of compositional data, FCA clustering techniques have to be adapted by using a suitable compositional algebra. The present work centres on the following question: given a sample of compositional data trajectories, how can we formulate a segmentation procedure giving homogeneous classes? To address this problem we follow the steps described below. First of all we adapt the well-known spline smoothing techniques in order to cope with the smoothing of compositional data trajectories. In fact, an observed curve can be thought of as the sum of a smooth part plus some noise due to measurement errors. Spline smoothing techniques are used to isolate the smooth part of the trajectory: clustering algorithms are then applied to these smooth curves. The second step consists in building suitable metrics for measuring the dissimilarity between trajectories: we propose a metric that accounts for difference in both shape and level, and a metric accounting for differences in shape only. A simulation study is performed in order to evaluate the proposed methodologies, using both hierarchical and partitional clustering algorithm. The quality of the obtained results is assessed by means of several indices


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Introducción: En Colombia la investigación sobre condiciones de trabajo y salud en minería carbonífera es escasa y no considera la percepción de la población expuesta y sus comportamientos frente a los riesgos inherentes. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre las condiciones de trabajo y morbilidad percibidas entre trabajadores de minas de carbón en Guachetá, Cundinamarca. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con 154 trabajadores seleccionados aleatoriamente del total registrado en la alcaldía municipal. Se indagó sobre características sociodemográficas, condiciones de trabajo y salud en las minas. Se estimaron prevalencias de los trastornos respiratorios, osteomusculares y auditivos, y se exploraron las asociaciones entre algunas condiciones de trabajo y los eventos con prevalencia superior a 30% de forma bivariada y múltiple, con regresiones Poisson con varianza robusta. Resultados: Los trabajadores fueron en su mayoría hombres, con edades entre 18 y 77 años de edad. Los problemas de salud más frecuentemente reportados fueron dolor lumbar (46,10%), dolor del miembro superior (40,26%), dolor del miembro inferior (34,42%), trastornos respiratorios (17,53%) y problemas auditivos (13,64%). Existen diferencias importantes en la percepción dependiendo de la antigüedad laboral y las condiciones subterráneas o no del trabajo. Conclusión: Los riesgos más reconocidos por los trabajadores son los relacionados con trastornos osteomusculares, al parecer por ser más evidentes en su cotidianidad. Las acciones en salud ocupacional podrán considerar estos hallazgos en sus planes de prevención de la enfermedad en las minas del carbón colombianas.