909 resultados para marketing na Internet
A indústria criativa de moda está sendo impactada pela ação de consumidores que utilizam novos meios de comunicação como forma de interação, tais como blogs, Instagram e Twitter. Os consumidores que, nesse contexto, assumiram o papel de empreendedores, não estavam insatisfeitos com o mercado, apenas queriam compartilhar suas ideias e aquisições com outros usuários da rede. Com o decorrer do tempo, no entanto, essa ação, inicialmente despretensiosa, alcançou popularidade e captou a atenção de leitores e de empresas do setor, ganhando escala (DIAMANDIS & KOTLER, 2015) e visibilidade. Sendo assim, a pesquisa terá como objetivo identificar e analisar as estratégias discursivas que conduziram consumidores, que apenas desejavam se comunicar e trocar suas ideias em torno de um tema que lhes interessava, à categoria de empreendedores institucionais (ANSARI & PHILLIPS, 2011; DOLBEC & FISCHER, 2015). A pergunta de pesquisa respondida foi: Quais são as estratégias discursivas utilizadas por consumidores que se tornaram empreendedores institucionais? Para tal foi realizado um estudo exploratório, na forma de estudo de caso, com a blogger Camila Coutinho, do blog Garotas Estúpidas. Foram analisadas as estratégias discursivas da empreendedora, compiladas principalmente por meio de postagens do blog, materiais divulgados na mídia e entrevistas. Os dados foram analisados pelo método de análise de discurso (VAN DIJK, 1997; PHILLIPS & HARDY, 2002). Esta pesquisa contribui para a teoria de empreendedorismo institucional ao identificar e analisar as estratégias discursivas usadas por um empreendedor institucional. Além disso, contribui para a prática gerencial ao identificar as mudanças geradas por empreendedores no campo de mídia virtual.
This paper aims to propose a communication plan to Internet media that explores interaction, expanding “Agência Propagação” institutional communication and of its principal product, the social propaganda messages named “Minuto Consciente”. This study will be based on the concepts of Convergence Culture (JENKINS, 2009), Digital Marketing (TORRES, 2009), Integrated Communication (KUNSCH, 2003) and Computer Mediated Interaction (PRIMO, 2007) to understand the communication an interaction phenomenon in digital era and select the strategies to establish a continuous communication flow in different medias. Therefore, this paper will use exploratory and empirical methodology
The study about the celebrity endorsement has relevance for both the academia and businesses seeking to retain and attract customers through marketing communications. However, most researches conducted analyzes celebrities from the artistic or sports, and study the endorsement in print media or on TV. Few studies analyze the endorsement of influencers in social media. Observing this gap, the aim of this study is to verify if the endorsement of fashion bloggers influence on purchase intention of Brazilian consumers. In addition, other factors were analyzed for better understanding of the fashion consumer behavior: evaluation of the product, brand awareness, brand loyalty, product quality, involvement with fashion, and credibility of the endorser. Therefore, it held two studies. The first consisted of a qualitative exploratory research, which used focus groups to identify and understand how social media affect the behavior of consumers of fashion products. Among the main results of this study, we highlight the Instagram appointed unanimously as the main social media used by respondents for information on fashion, and the mention of blogger Thássia Naves as the main source of fashion reference in social media. In the second study was undertaken an experiment in which half of the sample had access to the image of a dress used by the blogger Thássia Naves on her Instagram, while the other half had access to dress image disclosed at the online store website of the product brand. The number of valid responses considered for the study was 465. To test the hypotheses of the study, we applied the t test for independent samples and ANOVA test for more than two groups. The survey results supported 5 of 8 hypotheses proposed. which were: The endorsement of the fashion blogger has a positive effect on purchase intention of the endorsed product (H1); The endorsement of the fashion blogger has a positive effect on the evaluation of the endorsed product (H2); The credibility of the fashion blogger has a positive effect on purchase intention of the endorsed product (H3); The credibility of the fashion blogger has a positive effect on the evaluation of the endorsed product (H4); and the credibility of the fashion blogger has a positive effect on brand awareness (H5). The other hypotheses have been disproved: The credibility of the fashion blogger has a positive effect on brand loyalty (H6); The credibility of the fashion blogger has a positive effect on the perception of quality (H7); and the credibility of the fashion blogger has a positive effect on involvement with fashion (H8).Within the scope of further analysis, it was found that involvement with fashion positively interfere in purchase intent, the evaluation of the product, brand awareness, loyalty to the brand, the pursuit of product quality and credibility of the endorser. Moreover, it was found that the frequency of access to Instagram for fashion information positively affects the purchase intention, in evaluating the product, the brand awareness in brand loyalty, involvement with fashion, and credibility endorser.
Con el crecimiento de la globalización, es imprescindible saber dos o más idiomas para cualquier ámbito de los negocios como las finanzas, gestión empresarial, marketing, educación, internet, turismo entre otros. El inglés se ha transformado en el idioma de comunicación por excelencia, se emplea en casi todas las áreas del conocimiento y desarrollo humano, puede considerarse que se trata de la lengua de mayor comunicación a nivel global. Es esencial para las relaciones internacionales políticas, comerciales, económicas, culturales etc. debido a todo esto se presenta un Estudio de Factibilidad para la Creación de un Centro de Enseñanza de Idiomas en la Facultad de Ciencias Económica de la Universidad de El Salvador, mostrando la viabilidad comercial que implica la ejecución de un proyecto como este, beneficiando a la comunidad universitaria, con estudios y capacidades que complementan la formación académica de un profesional. La Universidad de El Salvador, como una de las instituciones principales en la formación superior de la población, debe de incorporar profesionales competentes a la sociedad, con formación de calidad y completa para que estos sepan desempeñarse de manera eficiente y eficaz en sus diferentes lugares de trabajo. Por tanto se presentan en tres capítulos una investigación sobres Marketing de servicios, centros de enseñanza de idiomas, proyectos de inversión, normativa interna y del ministerio de educación; luego la investigación de campo que es uno de los capítulos de mayor importancia; este obtenemos datos relevantes acerca del sujeto de estudio y que se utilizaron para poder realizar una propuesta. En el capítulo tres; se plasman las ideas para dar a conocer el centro de enseñanza por medio de un estudio de mercado y específicamente con la herramienta de la promoción. En conclusión este hace referencia a lo que se debería de realizar al momento de la creación del centro de idiomas.
Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Programa de Doctorado en Economía y Empresa
Previous studies show that the Internet positively influences firms’ export activities from developed markets. However, the literature is vague as to whether the Internet has an impact on the export performance of firms from emerging markets. This study tests a conceptual model that includes the effect of Internet marketing capabilities on export market growth in an emerging market. Drawing on a cross-national sample of 204 export firms from a Latin American country (Chile), findings indicate that Internet marketing capabilities positively influence the availability of export information, which in turn impacts the development of business network relationships and export market growth.
The Internet has been shown to positively enhance internationalisation for SMEs, but scant empirical testing limits our understanding of the explicit impact of the Internet on firm internationalisation. This paper highlights key areas where the integration of the Internet can be leveraged through Internet-related capabilities within the internationalisation of the firm. Specifically, this study investigates how Internet marketing capabilities play a role in altering international information availability, international strategic orientation, and international business network relationships. This study provides evidence, indicating that these key relationships may vary between countries. To examine these key relationships this study utilises draws from data small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in three export intensive markets; Australia (215 international SMEs), Chile (204 international SMEs) and Taiwan (130 international SMEs); and tests a conceptual model through structural equation modelling. Results from the data show the impact of Internet marketing capabilities in positively impacting traditional internationalisation elements, which varies between countries. That is, our findings highlight the international business network relationships in Australia and Taiwan are directly impacted by Internet marketing capabilities, but not in Chile. We offer some insight into why we see variance across comparative exporting countries in how they leverage new technological capabilities for internationalisation and firm performance.
The Internet has been shown to facilitate elements of internationalisation such as information accumulation and network opportunities. However, there is limited understanding of how the Internet combined with marketing capabilities drives international market growth. This study, based on a sample of 224 Australian firms, develops and tests, using structural equation modelling (SEM), a conceptual model of Internet marketing capabilities and international market growth. Results indicate that firms deploying Internet marketing capabilities will benefit due to the reduction of information uncertainty and increased capacity to develop international network capabilities. Moreover, Internet marketing capabilities indirectly lead to international market growth when the firm has a high level of international strategic orientation and international network capabilities. Overall, Internet marketing capabilities enhance the firm's ability to generate other internal capabilities within the firm, which in turn have a positive impact on the international market growth of the firm.
Nowadays, enterprises, and especially SMEs, are immersed in a very difficult economic situation. Therefore, they need new and innovative tools to compete in that environment. Integration of the internet 2.0 and social networks in marketing strategies of companies could be the key to success. If social networks are well managed, they can bring a lot to enterprise plans. Moreover, social networks are very attractive from an economic point of view as companies can find most of their customers on it.
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