800 resultados para attitude of the teacher
The purpose of this study was to determine the approval to disapproval ratios of feedback given by music and classroom teachers to first, second and third grades. Eight teachers from a South Florida Elementary School were selected for this study. Twelve 20-minute videos were taken for further examination. Analyses of data using percentage formulas were used to determine the ratio of each of the teacher reinforcement. Classroom teachers gave 2.3% social approval feedback, 59% academic approval feedback, 22% social disapproval feedback, 16.5% academic disapproval feedback, and 0% errors. Music teachers gave .7% social approval feedback, 67% academic approval feedback, 22% social disapproval feedback, 10% academic disapproval feedback, and 0% errors. Today's teachers are 8% more academically approving than thirty years ago. Results also show that today's music teachers are still more approving than classroom teachers.
This qualitative study was aimed at investigating foreign language teachers’ attitudes toward use of information and communication technology (ICT) in their instruction. The insight was gained through the reported experience of ICT implementation by teachers, in what way and for which purpose they refer to use of technology, what kind of support and training they are provided with, and what beliefs they express about the influence of ICT implementation. This case study took place in one of the training schools in Finland. Five teachers participated in semi-structured interviews through a face-to-face approach. The findings demonstrated positive attitudes of teachers toward integration of ICT. The teachers shared their opinions about positive influence that ICT implementation has on both teaching and learning processes. However, they also pointed out the negative sides of ICT use: distraction of the students from usage of technology and technical problems causing frustration to the teachers. In addition, the responses revealed that the teachers are provided with adequate training aimed at enhancing their qualification which is provided with well-timed technology support and colleagues’ collaboration facilitating an efficient and smooth pace of the teaching process. According to the teachers’ opinions ICT integration in education appeared to have changed the role of the teacher. Due to different alterations in the field of ICT development teachers are required to upgrade their skills. The paper concludes with the limitations of the study and the recommendations for conducting further research.
This qualitative study was aimed at investigating foreign language teachers’ attitudes toward use of information and communication technology (ICT) in their instruction. The insight was gained through the reported experience of ICT implementation by teachers, in what way and for which purpose they refer to use of technology, what kind of support and training they are provided with, and what beliefs they express about the influence of ICT implementation. This case study took place in one of the training schools in Finland. Five teachers participated in semi-structured interviews through a face-to-face approach. The findings demonstrated positive attitudes of teachers toward integration of ICT. The teachers shared their opinions about positive influence that ICT implementation has on both teaching and learning processes. However, they also pointed out the negative sides of ICT use: distraction of the students from usage of technology and technical problems causing frustration to the teachers. In addition, the responses revealed that the teachers are provided with adequate training aimed at enhancing their qualification which is provided with well-timed technology support and colleagues’ collaboration facilitating an efficient and smooth pace of the teaching process. According to the teachers’ opinions ICT integration in education appeared to have changed the role of the teacher. Due to different alterations in the field of ICT development teachers are required to upgrade their skills. The paper concludes with the limitations of the study and the recommendations for conducting further research.
What qualities, skills, and knowledge produce quality teachers? Many stake-holders in education argue that teacher quality should be measured by student achievement. This qualitative study shows that good teachers are multi-dimensional; their effectiveness cannot be represented by students’ test scores alone. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of quality in teaching by examining the lived experiences of 10 winners or finalists of the Teacher of the Year (ToY) Award. Phenomenology describes individuals’ daily experiences of phenomena, examines how these experiences are structured, and focuses analysis on the perspectives of the persons having the experience (Moustakas, 1994). This inquiry asked two questions: (a) How is teaching experienced by recognized as outstanding Teachers of the Year? and (b) How do ToYs feelings and perceptions about being good teachers provide insight, if any, about concepts such as pedagogical tact, teacher selfhood, and professional dispositions? Ten participants formed the purposive sample; the major data collection tool was semi-structured interviews (Patton, 1990; Seidman, 2006). Sixty to 90-minute interviews were conducted with each participant. Data also included the participants’ ToY application essays. Data analysis included a three-phase process: description, reduction, interpretation. Findings revealed that the ToYs are dedicated, hard-working individuals. They exhibit behaviors, such as working beyond the school day, engaging in lifelong learning, and assisting colleagues to improve their practice. Working as teachers is their life’s compass, guiding and wrapping them into meaningful and purposeful lives. Pedagogical tact, teacher selfhood, and professional dispositions were shown to be relevant, offering important insights into good teaching. Results indicate that for these ToYs, good teaching is experienced by getting through to students using effective and moral means; they are emotionally open, have a sense of the sacred, and they operate from a sense of intentionality. The essence of the ToYs teaching experience was their being properly engaged in their craft, embodying logical, psychological, and moral realms. Findings challenge current teacher effectiveness process-product orthodoxy which makes a causal connection between effective teaching and student test scores, and which assumes that effective teaching arises solely from and because of the actions of the teacher.
ABSTRACT: This text reports an analysis of teaching activity with basis in the category of human activity. Refers to a theoretical research that focuses the essential nexus generators of objectification of educational practice both in the material aspect as the ideal. It is assumed that this practice, in dialectical unity between those aspects, constitutes in the material relations of social life, is structured and institutionalized as universal model of education (ideally) and becomes the main determinant of teacher performance. Methodologically, this study analyzes the educational practice in the totality of its relations.Therefore, the actions and operations of teaching, as well as, the reason and purposes that moved and guide this activity are determined by the objective conditions current of the school and the effects generated by the position of the teacher in these relations as an active subject. The guiding worry of this research focuses on the characterization of teaching activity in educational performance: in its accomplishment. When to investigate the evidence of these connections is necessary to reflect on the correlative links between the structural elements of the teaching activity and the natural practice of teachers under the determinations derived from the first. This reflection, arise the need to investigate the process of appropriation of the activity by the teacher. Thereby, concludes that the teacher not only appropriates the specific knowledge of the disciplines that teaches and the means of education which is available in their educational practice, but also the elements that structure their activity. This evinced the importance of investigations that worry with: the significance of the purpose of education for the teacher; the necessities that move in your performance; the meaning of your activity; among others. In addition to the responses of teachers is necessary to analyze what the content and the origin of appropriation. KEYWORDS: Teacher; Teaching activity; Educational practice.
Teachers, as professionals, carry out an essential role in the process of the social change. For this purpose, the process of teachers’ formation are deserving highlighted in the research field of Applied Linguistics, aiming to enhance the work of language professionals. In this term, the current paper seeks to investigate the previous knowledge of the students of Letters Course at Unioeste, subjects of this study, about teaching career and professor’s identity constitution. Simultaneously, it is discussed some implications between the educational trajectory and these students’ Professional choice, considering that it is found in the initial stage of this formative process. The adopted methodology consists of a qualitative approach from memorials, seeking to stand out the conceptions and representations of those subjects about constitution of the teacher. Among some characteristics that stand out in the narratives regarding teacher identity, are the complexity of teaching, like the profession, as well as the diverse teaching practices and 'transgressive'.
The aim of this study was to find out how the technique of knotless netting is perceived by the craftsperson of the twenty first century. In this study the craftspeople are represented by the researcher herself, seven craftspeople and teachers (3) teaching knotless netting as well as their students (21). The main interests of this study are the mental pictures and relationship to knotless netting that craftspeople have in the twenty first century. Points of focus are also the specific characteristics of knotless netting, as well as experimenting with new and different materials. The aim of these experiments has been to find new and unusual uses for knotless netting. Preserving knotless netting as a craft and technique are also questions dealt with in this study. The methodology of this study is a qualitative and phenomenographic study of several cases. The data collected are interviews of the teachers, observations in two knotless netting courses, questionnaires answered by the students in these courses and experimental samples made by the author and evaluated by other craftspeople. These samples were made during the years 2005-2008. The interviews, questionnaires and evaluations were conducted under winter and spring 2008. The reference literature is comprised from publications in several different fields. In this study ethnography is the most dominant field of reference due to the fact that knotless netting is so strongly linked to history and antiquity. In the past the technique of knotless netting has been passed down from generation to generation in whatever form the teacher has known. There are many different ways of stitching and binding in knotless netting. This technique is closely connected to traditional knotless netting mittens even today. Nowadays knotless knitting is taught in craft schools, evening classes and in other recreational courses. The concrete understanding of knotless netting by means of two-dimensional instructions is challenging. Craftspeople often require somebody to actually demonstrate the correct way to make the stitches and hold the work before they can proceed with the technique. The way knotless netting is perceived by craftspeople is linked to their backgrounds and preconstructed mental images concerning the technique. An etnographer approaches knotless netting in a different way from a crafts-scientist or a person in an evening class wishing to master the technique. The attitude of the teacher is passed on to students and also affects the way the student perceives knotless netting and its possibilities as a technique. A craftsperson has mixed feelings toward knotted netting. On the other hand the surfaces produced by this rare technique are intriguing but the costs due to the slow manufacturing process are seen as an encumbrance.
[eus] Bernard Aucouturier pedagogoak sortutako praktika psikomotorrak, bide motrizetik abiatuta, haurraren heltze psikologikoa helburu duen metodoa da. Haurra bere garapenean ulertu eta lagundu ahal izateko psikomotrizitatearen beharraz kontziente izanik eta Aucouturier metodologia abiapuntutzat hartuta, lan honetan, hezitzaile bakoitzari bere praktika hobetzeko eta horren inguruan hausnartzeko erreferentzia markoa eskainiko zaio. Horretarako, bi urteko gela bateko irakaslearen esku hartzearen analisiaren bidez, jardunaren egokitasuna ebaluatzearekin batera, esku hartzea hobetzeko proposamena eskainiko da. Izan ere, hezitzailearen oinarrizko funtzioa praktika psikomotorrean modu ez zuzentzailean esku hartzeko egoerak sortzea da, horretarako formakuntza pertsonal eta profesional sendo eta zorrotza ezinbestekoa izanik.
Afirmando-se como uma necessidade premente, a qualidade da formação contínua de professores tem evoluído nos últimos anos. Esta urgência surge a partir das exigências que cada vez mais se sentem, quer a nível nacional, quer internacional, de um ensino e aprendizagem que acompanhe as mudanças sociais, tecnológicas e multiculturais. O Programa Nacional de Ensino do Português (PNEP), que surgiu pela necessidade de aumentar os níveis de literacia dos alunos portugueses, foi o objeto de estudo desta investigação. Nesta perspetiva, pretendeu-se identificar de que forma a formação de professores se articula com as dinâmicas da formação centrada nas escolas, no âmbito do PNEP, no desenvolvimento de competências de leitura dos alunos do 1.º CEB. Embora a aprendizagem do português padrão passe pelo ensino e aprendizagem de vários domínios, focalizou-se o estudo na relação entre a atitude reflexiva do professor e o desenvolvimento das capacidades leitoras dos alunos, através do ensino explícito de estratégias de compreensão de textos. O estudo empírico sustentou-se em autores como Alarcão (2002), Colomer & Camps (2008), García (1992), Lomas (2003), Pawlas, & Oliva, (2007), Sim-Sim (2007), entre outros. No estudo optou-se por uma metodologia mista, qualitativa e quantitativa. O caso em estudo, sobre o PNEP e a sua influência na formação docente, concretizou-se em contexto escolar e circunscreveu-se ao cenário profissional da investigadora. Durante o ano letivo 2009/10 sete professoras/formandas, sob a supervisão da investigadora/formadora, desenvolveram a sua prática pedagógica, num Agrupamento de Escolas na área de Gondomar. Assim, foram analisadas as reflexões contidas nos portefólios formativos das docentes. Em extensão, foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário, a cento e vinte e um professores dos Núcleos Regionais do Porto e Minho. Segundo os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que a frequência do PNEP contribuiu para formar professores reflexivos que, ao mudarem práticas, potenciaram o desenvolvimento da competência de leitura dos alunos do 1.º CEB, o que se refletiu na melhoria dos resultados escolares, em todas as áreas do saber.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O sistema educacional vem sofrendo influência direta das modificações ocorridas na sociedade, que está cada vez mais exposta a uma gama de informações que nem sempre são transformadas em conhecimento. Essas transformações vão desde uma nova postura do professor em sala de aula até a própria função social da escola, que ainda não responde às necessidades da sociedade. Nesse novo cenário faz-se imprescindível um professor mais preparado para orientar o aluno, ajudando-o a interagir com o outro, a selecionar as informações a que está exposto e a transformá-las em conhecimento, bem como a interagir com seus semelhantes. É importante considerar que aprendizagem do aluno está diretamente relacionada aos métodos de ensino aos quais está submetido. E, para garantir tal aprendizagem é necessário haver uma equipe mais preparada, mais coesa, ciente do trabalho que está desenvolvendo. Por isso a parceria do trabalho entre a coordenação pedagógica e os professores se torna indispensável. Mas será que o coordenador tem esse olhar? Para saber como o coordenador pedagógico atua na formação continuada dos professores, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com uma parte teórica e uma parte prática. No referencial teórico estão Álvaro Marchesi, Vitor Henrique Paro e José Carlos Libâneo, por sua grande contribuição na área da gestão; Antônio Nóvoa, Cleide Terzi, Laurinda Almeida e Vera Placco, por seus trabalhos sobre formação de professores e de coordenadores pedagógicos, além de dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado sobre o tema. Na parte prática a pesquisa se organiza na perspectiva da metodologia quali/quantitativa, com entrevistas com nove coordenadores pedagógicos. Como a ênfase da dissertação está na construção do perfil desse profissional, foram entrevistados coordenadores de diversos segmentos (Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio) de diferentes escolas (rede particular e pública). No aspecto quantitativo da pesquisa, foi aplicado um questionário a dezesseis professores, para saber da atuação do coordenador pedagógico no aspecto formador. Os resultados mostraram que o coordenador pedagógico também precisa de formação. Ele desempenha tarefas específicas e que não são tratadas nem nas universidades nem nos cursos de especialização; precisa haver a parceria entre o coordenador pedagógico e o diretor pedagógico, para juntos decidirem os caminhos a serem seguidos dentro da escola; precisa haver um olhar mais direcionado para a formação da equipe, com reuniões, encontros, leituras e atividades planejadas, intencionais; há necessidade de devolutivas aos professores com mais frequência, estar mais perto, mais atuante; o coordenador pedagógico precisa repensar o trabalho coletivo, dar a seus professores autonomia para atuarem, dentro do que for possível. Mesmo os coordenadores pedagógicos que não têm autonomia dentro da escola podem fazer algo para deixar o trabalho com a marca do seu direcionamento; somente com um trabalho de parceria será possível resolver os conflitos e as tensões existentes e fortalecer a liderança, a confiança de seus pares, o trabalho em equipe. Dessa forma, as limitações do trabalho pedagógico com certeza diminuirão.
This paper presents an evaluation of an instrument to measure teachers’ attitudes towards reporting child sexual abuse and discusses the instrument’s merit for research into reporting practice. Based on responses from 444 Australian teachers, the Teachers’ Reporting Attitude Scale for Child Sexual Abuse (TRAS - CSA) was evaluated using exploratory factor analysis. The scale isolated three dimensions: commitment to the reporting role; confidence in the system’s response to reports; and concerns about reporting. These three factors accounted for 37.5% of the variance in the 14-item measure. Alpha coefficients for the subscales were 0.769 (commitment), 0.617 (confidence), and 0.661 (concerns). The findings provide insights into the complexity of studying teachers’ attitudes towards reporting of child sexual abuse, and have implications for future research.
Current views of the nature of knowledge and of learning suggest that instructional approaches in science education pay closer attention to how students learn rather than on teaching. This study examined the use of approaches to teaching science based on two contrasting perspectives in learning, social constructivist and traditional, and the effects they have on students' attitudes and achievement. Four categories of attitudes were measured using the Upper Secondary Attitude Questionnaire: Attitude towards school, towards the importance of science, towards science as a career, and towards science as a subject in school. Achievement was measured by average class grades and also with a researcher/teacher constructed 30-item test that involved three sub-scales of items based on knowledge, and applications involving near-transfer and far-transfer of concepts. The sample consisted of 202 students in nine intact classrooms in chemistry at a large high school in Miami, Florida, and involved two teachers. Results were analyzed using a two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with a pretest in attitude as the covariate for attitudes and prior achievement as the covariate for achievement. A comparison of the adjusted mean scores was made between the two groups and between females and males. ^ With constructivist-based teaching, students showed more favorable attitude towards science as a subject, obtained significantly higher scores in class achievement, total achievement and achievement on the knowledge sub-scale of the knowledge and application test. Students in the traditional group showed more favorable attitude towards school. Females showed significantly more positive attitude towards the importance of science and obtained significantly higher scores in class achievement. No significant interaction effects were obtained for method of instruction by gender. ^ This study lends some support to the view that constructivist-based approaches to teaching science is a viable alternative to traditional modes of teaching. It is suggested that in science education, more consideration be given to those aspects of classroom teaching that foster closer coordination between social influences and individual learning. ^
Culturally responsive instruction refers to the identification of relevant cultural aspects of students' lives and infusion of these into the curriculum. This instructional approach assumes that a culturally appropriate curriculum can potentially motivate, engage, and lead students to higher rates of achievement. This quasi-experimental study (N=44) investigated the relationship of culturally responsive instruction and the reading comprehension and attitude of struggling urban adolescent readers. The study incorporated the use of culturally responsive instruction using culturally relevant literature (CRL), the Bluford Series Novels, as authentic texts of instruction. Participants were seventh grade reading students at a Title I middle school in South Florida. After a baseline period, two different classes were taught for 8 weeks using different methods. One class formed the experimental group ( n=22) and the other class formed the comparison group (n =22). The CRI curriculum for the experimental group embraced the socio-cultural perspective through the use of small discussion groups in which students read and constructed meaning with peers through interaction with the Bluford Series Novels; gave written responses to multiple strategies according to SCRAP - Summarize, Connect, Reflect, Ask Questions, Predict; responded to literal and inferential questions, while at the same time validating their responses through evidence from the text. The Read XL (basal reader) curriculum of the comparison group utilized a traditional form of instruction which incorporated the reading of passages followed by responses to comprehension questions, and teacher-led whole group discussion. The main sources of data were collected from the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests, the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR), and the Rhody Secondary Reading Attitude Assessment. Statistical analyses were performed using Repeated Measures ANOVAs. Findings from the study revealed that the experimental participants' reading attitudes and FAIR comprehension scores increased when compared to the comparison group. Overall, the results from the study revealed that culturally responsive instruction can potentially foster reading comprehension and a more positive attitude towards reading. However, a replication of this study in other settings with a larger, more randomized sample size and a greater ethnic variation is needed in order to make full generalizations.
The aim of art, as transformer of the individual, has numerous sides which give the human beings a sense of enhancement and growth. It is considered by university the need for our students to take part of this process of social transformation in which they feel the need of helping the community when its members are at risk of social exclusion. Art is considered to be a means, a tool and a purpose for an artis-pedagogue to be used as a guide for the renewal. And the university is also considered as a focus of commitment by means of the development of good practices as well as adopting an open and innovative attitude to any changes aimed at living harmoniously within a more just society.