786 resultados para Value-added tax
This article introduces a new approach to measure corporate contributions to sustainability called Sustainable Value Added. Existing approaches to measure sustainability are based on a comparative assessment of environmental and social burdens and can thus be characterised as burden-based approaches. However, these approaches suffer from severe limitations as a comparative assessment and aggregation of all relevant environmental and social burdens fails in practice. In contrast to these burden-based approaches Sustainable Value Added is value-based. It determines the value that is created by the reduced or increased use of different environmental and social resources. For this purpose the use of environmental and social resources is valued at their opportunity cost. Sustainable Value Added allows an integrated assessment of the economic, environmental, and social performance of a company and expresses the corporate contribution to sustainability in a single monetary indicator. This article explains the theoretical background of Sustainable Value Added, relates it to existing approaches to measure sustainability, and - using the example of Henkel KGaA - demonstrates its practical applicability.
To increase eco-efficiency environmental information needs to be integrated into corporate decision making. For decision makers the interpretation of eco-efficiency as a ratio can however be quite difficult in practice. One of the reasons for this is, that eco-efficiency as a ratio is measured in a unit, that is difficult to interpret. This article therefore suggests an alternative measure for eco-efficiency. The Environmental Value Added, the measure proposed in this paper, reflects the excess economic benefit, resulting from the difference between the eco-efficiency under consideration and a benchmark eco-efficiency. It is measured in a purely monetary unit and is thus easier to interpret and integrate than eco-efficiency as a ratio.
What determines the value an MNC’s headquarters adds to its own affiliates? In this paper, we shed light on this question by linking the embeddedness view of the multinational corporation to the literature on parenting advantage. We test our hypotheses on an original dataset of 124 manufacturing subsidiaries located in Europe. Our results indicate that the external embeddedness of the MNC is an antecedent to headquarters’ value creation. We find that headquarters’ investments into their own relationships with the subsidiaries’ contexts are positively related to the value added by headquarters. Furthermore, this relationship is stronger when the subsidiary itself is strongly embedded. We discuss implications for the MNC literature, embeddedness research, and the literature on parenting and headquarters’ roles. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper reports on a technical feasibility study of the production of organo-mineral fertiliser from the co-granulation of limestone powders with tea waste. The results from this preliminary study show that the co-granulation of tea waste provided an alternative method of waste recovery, as it converts the waste into a value-added product. Fertiliser granules were successfully produced from various compositions of limestone and tea waste. The effect of tea waste concentration on granule strength was analysed; the granule strength
was in the range 0.2 to 1.8 MPa depending on powder composition; increasing the tea waste mass fraction resulted in a reduction in granule strength.Varying the teawaste to limestone ratio also influenced the compressibility of the granules; the granules compressibility increased with increasing tea waste mass fraction. It was further found that increasing the mass fraction of tea waste in the binary mixture of powder reduced the granule median size of the batch.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on luoda liiketoimintamalli, joka tukee langattomien matkaviestintäpalveluiden markkinoiden luomista kehittyvillä markkinoilla. Teoreettinen osa tarkastelee langattomien matkaviestintäpalveluiden liiketoimintamallin kehittämisen tärkeimpiä elementtejä CIS maissa. Teoreettisen kappaleen tuloksena saadaan puitteet, jonka avulla liiketoimintamalli matkaviestintäpalveluille voidaan kehittää. Tutkielman empiirinen osa on toteutettu case tutkimuksena, jonka tavoitteena on ollut langattomien matkaviestintäpalvelujen markkinoiden luominen CIS maissa. Pääasiallinen empiirisen tiedon lähde on ollut teemahaastattelut. Tuloksena saatuja empiirisen osan tietoja verrataan teoriakappaleen vastaaviin tuloksiin Tulokset osoittavat, että radikaalin korkean teknologian innovaation markkinoiden luominen on hidas prosessi, joka vaatii kärsivällisyyttä yritykseltä. Markkinoiden, teknologian ja strategian epävarmuustekijät tuovat epävarmuutta kehittyvälle toimialalle ja markkinoille, joka vaikeuttaa liiketoimintamallin kehittämistä. Tärkein tekijä on palvelujen markkinointi ennemmin kuin teknologian. Avain kyvykkyys markkinoiden luomisessa on oppiminen, ei tietäminen.
Abstract: Quality Management is an essential part of successful organisations. But the effect of it is mostly not directly visible. The effects are more indirect, and have a time lag till results appear. In today’s challenging times, all activities of an organisation have to proof their ability to add value. While Value Based Management is more focussed on financial value, other concepts and models like EFQM Excellence Model and Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Score Card also point on values that are the basis and driver for financial success. Quality Management has to proof its effects on company values, and therefore the transacting mechanisms have to be identified and procedure to manage the process of Value Adding Quality Management has to be developed.
El presente documento pretende mostrar la aplicación y variación del Valor Económico Agregado (EVA®) en organizaciones del sector público, en cuyo cálculo y análisis se deben tener en cuenta las condiciones específicas de estas organizaciones, tales como la concepción de valor público, en la cual el ciudadano es accionista (shareholder) y a la vez pertenece a varios grupos de interés (stakeholders), los costos de transacción, de agencia, la amplia separación de la propiedad, la mayor influencia de las leyes en la gestión (en especial la financiera), el tipo de bienes producidos y servicios prestados, y el manejo de la información financiera.
Faz uma exposição da metodologia EVA®, demonstrando sua aplicação no gerenciamento da empresa e na avaliação de seu desempenho. Particularmente, mostra sua utilidade como no ferramenta de aferição e incentivo de seus dirigentes, bem como de seu uso em decisões de investimento e desinvestimento
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography