69 resultados para Saab J35 Draken


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este artigo pretende apresentar alguns dos conceitos de coordenação de sistemas agroindustriais (SAGs) e de competitividade entre cadeias, mais especificamente as cadeias de carnes (bovinos, suínos e aves). em seguida, são analisados alguns exemplos recentes de diferentes formas de coordenação de SAGs e como elas afetam a competitividade entre as cadeias.


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The importance of soil organic matter functions is well known, but structural information, chemical composition and changes induced by anthropogenic factors such as tillage practices are still being researched. In the present paper were characterized Brazilian humic acids (HAs) from an Oxisol under different treatments: conventional tillage/maize-bare fallow (CT1); conventional tillage/maize rotation with soybean-bare fallow (CT2)-, no-till/maize-bare fallow (NT1); no-till/maize rotation with soybean-bare fallow (NT2); no-till/maize-cajanus (NT3) and no cultivated soil under natural vegetation (NC). Soil HA samples were analyzed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (C-13 NMR), Fourier transform intra-red (FTIR) and UV-Vis fluorescence spectroscopies and elemental analysis (CHNS). The FTIR spectra of the HAs were similar for all treatments. The level of semiquinone-type free radical determined from the EPR spectra was lower for treatments no-till/maize-cajanus (NT3) and noncultivated soil (1.74 X 10(17) and 1.02 x 10(17) spins g(-1) HA, respectively), compared with 2.3 X 10(17) spins g(-1) HA for other soils under cultivation. The percentage of aromatic carbons determined by C-13 NMR also decreases for noncultivated soil to 24%, being around 30% for samples of the other treatments. The solid-state C-13 NMR and EPR spectroscopies showed small differences in chemical composition of the HA from soils where incorporation of vegetal residues was higher, showing that organic matter (OM) formed in this cases is less aromatic. The fluorescence intensities were in agreement with the percentage of aromatic carbons, determined by NMR (r = 0.97 P < 0.01) and with semiquinone content, determined by EPR (r = 0.97 P < 0.01). No important effect due to tillage system was observed in these areas after 5 years of cultivation. Probably, the studied Oxisol has a high clay content that offers protection to the clay-Fe-OM complex against strong structural alterations. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Savannas are characterized by sparsely distributed woody species within a continuous herbaceous cover, composed mainly by grasses and small eudicot herbs. This vegetation structure is variable across the landscape, with shifts from open grassland to savanna woodland determined by factors that control tree density. These shifts often appear coupled with environmental variations, such as topographic gradients. Here we investigated whether herbaceous and woody savanna species differ in their use of soil water along a topographic gradient of about 110 m, spanning several vegetation physiognomies generally associated with Neotropical savannas. We measured the delta H-2 and delta O-18 signatures of plants, soils, groundwater and rainfall, determining the depth of plant water uptake and examining variations in water uptake patterns along the gradient. We found that woody species use water from deeper soil layers compared to herbaceous species, regardless of their position in the topographic gradient. However, the presence of a shallow water table restricted plant water uptake to the superficial soil layers at lower portions of the gradient. We confirmed that woody and herbaceous species are plastic with respect to their water use strategy, which determines niche partitioning across topographic gradients. Abiotic factors such as groundwater level, affect water uptake patterns independently of plant growth form, reinforcing vegetation gradients by exerting divergent selective pressures across topographic gradients. (C) 2013 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We extend some results of Rosenthal, Cembranos, Freniche, E. Saab-P. Saab and Ryan to study the geometry of copies and complemented copies of c(0)(Gamma) in the classical Banach spaces C(K, X) in terms of the carclinality of the set Gamma, of the density and caliber of K and of the geometry of X and its dual space X*. Here are two sample consequences of our results: (1) If C([0, 1], X) contains a copy of c(0)(N-1), then X contains a copy of c(0)(N-1). (2) C(beta N, X) contains a complemented copy of c(0)(N-1) if and only if X contains a copy of c(0)(N-1). Some of our results depend on set-theoretic assumptions. For example, we prove that it is relatively consistent with ZFC that if C(K) contains a copy of c(0)(N-1) and X has dimension NI, then C(K, X) contains a complemented copy of cc(0)(N-1).


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Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease characterized by proliferation of Langerhans-type cells that express CD1a, Langerin (CD207) and S100 protein. Birbeck granules are a hallmark by ultrastructural examination. LCH presents with a wide clinical spectrum, ranging from solitary lesions of a single site (usually bone or skin) to multiple or disseminated multisystemic lesions, which can lead to severe organ dysfunction. Most cases occur in children. Gastrointestinal tract involvement is rare and has been associated with systemic illness and poor prognosis especially in children under the age of 2 years. Adult gastrointestinal LCH is very rare. We report a case of a previously healthy, nonsmoking 48-year-old male who was referred for routine screening colonoscopy. Two sessile, smooth, firm and yellowish LCH polyps measuring 0.2 cm and 0.3 cm were detected in the sigmoid colon. Fifteen months later a second colonoscopy found two histologically confirmed hyperplastic polyps at the sigmoid colon. No other LCH lesions were seen. A third colonoscopy after 28 months of follow-up found a submucosal 0.5 cm infiltrated and ulcerated LCH polyp in the cecum, close to the ostium of the appendix. The patient had been asymptomatic for all this period. Imaging investigation for systemic or multiorgan disease did not find any sign of extracolonic involvement. On histology all lesions showed typical LCH features and immunohistochemical analysis showed strong and diffuse staining for CD1a and CD207. This case illustrates two distinct clinicopathologic features not previously reported in this particular clinical setting: metachronous colonic involvement and positivity for CD207.


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In mehreren Vorstössen wurde der Bundesrat beauftragt, das Nebeneinander von Rekrutenschule und Studium, beziehungsweise zwischen Arbeitsleben und Armee besser zu koordinieren. – Die Schweizerische Botschaft in Tripolis (Libyen) musste durch Armeeangehörige geschützt werden. – Für 407 Mio. CHF sollen Armeeimmobilien saniert werden. – Mit der Umsetzung des Übereinkommens über Streumunition setzte das Parlament den eingeschlagenen Weg der Friedensförderung fort. – Mit dem Rüstungsprogramm 2012 beantragte der Bundesrat den Kauf von 22 Kampfflugzeugen des Typs Gripen vom Schwedischen Hersteller Saab. Das Geschäft Tiger Teilersatz beschäftigte zahlreiche Akteure und sorgte für viel Unmut. – Die Anfang Jahr eingereichte Volksinitiative „Ja zur Aufhebung der Wehrpflicht“ wurde vom Nationalrat zur Ablehnung empfohlen. – Der Bundesrat skizzierte in einem Bericht die Zukunft des Zivilschutzes nach 2015.


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von Alfred Jeremias


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En este trabajo se enfoca críticamente la vinculación de los historiadores de la década del 30 con la educación patriótica promovida por los gobiernos conservadores. La memoria histórica fue considerada un asunto de Estado y se expresó en la creación de nuevas instituciones (asociaciones de historiadores, museos), erección de monumentos y la renovación de rituales acordes con la perspectiva nacionalista. Ricardo Levene fue una figura destacada de la divulgación de la historia oficial en los ámbitos educativos, no sin cuestionamientos por parte de las incipientes iniciativas revisionistas


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En este trabajo se enfoca críticamente la vinculación de los historiadores de la década del 30 con la educación patriótica promovida por los gobiernos conservadores. La memoria histórica fue considerada un asunto de Estado y se expresó en la creación de nuevas instituciones (asociaciones de historiadores, museos), erección de monumentos y la renovación de rituales acordes con la perspectiva nacionalista. Ricardo Levene fue una figura destacada de la divulgación de la historia oficial en los ámbitos educativos, no sin cuestionamientos por parte de las incipientes iniciativas revisionistas


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En este trabajo se enfoca críticamente la vinculación de los historiadores de la década del 30 con la educación patriótica promovida por los gobiernos conservadores. La memoria histórica fue considerada un asunto de Estado y se expresó en la creación de nuevas instituciones (asociaciones de historiadores, museos), erección de monumentos y la renovación de rituales acordes con la perspectiva nacionalista. Ricardo Levene fue una figura destacada de la divulgación de la historia oficial en los ámbitos educativos, no sin cuestionamientos por parte de las incipientes iniciativas revisionistas