998 resultados para Representations educacional system
O presente estudo tem como principal objetivo investigar a percepção de Diretores, Coordenadores e demais elementos da equipe administrativa das Unidades Escolares da Rede Oficial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Capital, quanto às funções do Supervisor Educacional, ligado à Secretaria de Educação e Cultura em nível de macro-sistema, e verificar a possibilidade de levar esta Supervisão a estes estabelecimentos de ensino a exemplo do que é realizado junto às Escolas da Rede Particular neste Município e nos demais Municípios do Estado, sendo que nestes últimos o trabalho já está sendo desenvolvido em todas as Escolas sejam pertencentes à Rede Particular ou á Rede Estadual. Tomaram parte no estudo 428 Diretores e 607 Coordenadores, totalizando 1035 informantes. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário. As hipóteses foram testadas e posteriormente analisadas podendo ser observado que Administradores, Coordenadores e demais elementos das equipes tecnico-pedagogicas em sua maioria, desconhecem o trabalho desenvolvido pela Supervisão Educacional. Observando-se, ainda, o que foi levantado e posteriormente testado, os Administradores admitem que haverá resistência, por parte dos Docentes, ao trabalho do Supervisor Educacional. Observando os dados apresentados, comparando-os com o que foi coletado através da literatura, pode ser verificado que, pelo fato de ser pouco conhecido o verdadeiro trabalho desempenhado pela Supervisão Educacional, o aspecto positivo que representa para o desenvolvimento de toda a estrutura educativa fica prejudicado, privando o contexto educacional de auxílio de capital importância. Concluindo, pode-se dizer que se faz necessário um trabalho de esclarecimento junto aos elementos que constituem as equipes tecnico-administrativas e pedagógicas,no sentido de um conhecimento efetivo das funções exercidas pelo Supervisor Educacional, que é, em verdade, mais um elemento técnico dentro da equipe, que pode ser útil à medida que emana do ápice da pirâmide administrativa, percorre os diversos níveis e permite manter o desempenho do sistema dentro de padrões estabelecidos e estimula desempenhos novos, que possibilitem, por sua vez, o estabelecimento de novos padrões.
O objeto deste estudo é o Serviço de Supervisão Educacional Maranhense, criado em 1963, com o fim de viabilizar o processo técnico-metodológico do sistema escolar oficial estadual na perspectiva modernizante. O surgimento desse serviço técnico teve origem em convênios firmados pelo Estado com órgãos financiadores e orientadores de Programas de Desenvolvimento no país; por força das exigências de expansão e modernização do sistema de Ensino no Estado, onde a educação era tida como elemento importante na ascensão social do indivíduo e no desenvolvimento econômico do país. A participação da Supervisão nesse processo se fez presente não só na qualificação do corpo docente como na inculcação da ideologia modernizante. Entretanto, o envolvimento do supervisor com os problemas de cada realidade escolar propiciou a participação e/ou promoção de debates sobre esses problemas conduzindo o supervisor à extensão de seu âmbito de ação – do técnico para o político e social mesmo dentro dos limites do sistema. Nesse aspecto o presente estudo localiza espaço para uma prática mais efetiva da Supervisão Educacional mostrando a possibilidade de se trabalhar para a formação do senso crítico-reflexivo a partir da identificação das contradições existentes no sistema. Este Serviço Técnico teve importância no processo expansionista da educação no Estado, proporcionando treinamento, assessoramento técnico-pedagógico na aplicação, acompanhamento, controle e avaliação de métodos e técnicas de ensino junto ao professorado maranhense, sobretudo o leigo.
O principal objetivo desse estudo foi o de verificar as situações que, na prática da orientação educacional no Brasil. Possam ser responsabilizadas pelas dificuldades que a atividade vem encontrando para se desenvolver e se efetivar nas escolas brasileiras. Foi organizado em cinco capítulos, onde estão analisadas informações, resultantes basicamente de consulta bibliográfica a livros, artigos em periódicos, documentos e pesquisas relacionadas ao assunto. No primeiro capítulo encontram-se resumidos alguns preceitos teóricos que têm fundamentado a atividade de orientação educacional. No segundo capítulo apresentamos uma síntese da orientação, tal como ela se desenvolve nos EEUU, porque tomamos sua forma de atuação no sistema escolar norte-americano como referência para as interpretações de sua aplicabilidade nas escolas brasileiras. No terceiro capítulo caracterizamos a prática da atividade no sistema de ensino brasileiro, assinalando fatos que evidenciam a defasagem entre os objetivos e princípios postulados pela orientação educacional no Brasil, suas condições de efetivação e o quadro de inconsistência pelo qual ê conhecida e criticada. No quarto capítulo, analisamos e interpretamos as causas que determinam, a nosso ver, as dificuldades para a orientação se firmar nas escolas do país. Nossos questionamentos foram discutidos em torno de três hipóteses básicas que poderiam explicar o quadro de insatisfação e incerteza de sua prática e dos profissionais que são responsabilizados por sua efetivação: influência da DE das escolas norte-americanas, posição da OE na política Educacional Brasileira e aspectos da formação dos Orientadores Educacionais. Finalmente, sob influência do quadro de incoerências denunciando, organizamos, em forma de sugestões, no capítulo cinco, algumas propostas de estudo que poderiam ser desenvolvidas para ajudar a definir a orientação educacional no sistema de ensino brasileiro e I transformá-la numa prática realmente útil ao processo educacional.
This study attempts to investigate the school administration in the Department of Education of Rio Grande de Norte, in the period 1924 to 1928, in the context of conservative modernization in its management, implemented by Nestor Lima dos Santos. Addresses the trends of administrative Nestor Santos Lima and sequence of these variables so that we can correlate and monitor the development of various economic, social, cultural and political, to show how influenced and even determined the direction of education, not only the state of RN, but throughout the country. For this purpose, it is the recapitulation of the history of life, experiences of work and travel reports of this important figure, including administrative concepts, aiming to identify the school administration, introduced by him in the 1920s, as those who received influence of characters that included the social and historical context of the time, reconstituting the ways following the education. It was developed by Nestor shares in Lima on the administration of public schools, their way of management, and can see how was the process of modernization of education in Rio Grande do Norte state and how it followed the rapid changes, experienced by Brazil, during this period. Show up on the design aspects of modernizing Nestor Lima in the Department of Education, the Director General of Administrative Acts, the internal record of school groups, Isolated Schools, Schools rudimentary and the newly created Board of Education, highlighting the Internal Rules of Council but the General Regulations of the Department of Education. This work also highlights the proposed administrative Nestor of Lima, while educational model of an operating system of the organization, training and education, which is present in the area of production of discourse, through body practice, characteristic of the record established levels of policy development and implementation of educational instruction in all state. Key-words: school administration. Conservative modernization. Public Education
The purpose of this work is to approach and understand the Social Representations (SR) (MOSCOVICI, 2003) about Physics and Chemistry from people who are major in these courses, as well as their Social Representations about teaching . We took as principle that approaching these representations it would be possible to relate their symbolic contents, in order to show how people who are following the first segments of bachelor degree courses in Physics and Chemistry become teachers, taking into account a psychosocial view. Two source of data was used during this research: Free-association Technique FA (ABRIC, 1994); and Multiple Classification Procedure (MCP) (ROAZZI, 1995). The analytical treatment of the collected data from FA was done according to the proposition of Grize, Vergés and Silem (1987 apud ABRIC, 1994, p. 66). MCP data were analyzed through MSA (Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis) and SSA (Singular Spectrum Analysis) methods associated with the Facet Theory (BILSKY, 2003). The discourses of MCP discussing groups at the moment of explanations were studied by Content Analysis as it was proposed by Bardin (1977) and Franco (2005). Indicative of an approach to the relations with knowledge (CHARLOT, 2000), the connections which aroused from the analyses showed that the group of future majors in Physics thought that this scientific field was based on a rationalist conception, influencing the idealization sense of the phenomena to be explained by Physics. Thus, Physics as school content started to require the student of the fundamental and high school to think abstractly as a cognitive skill of learning. The identifying elements observed in the relations between SR about Physics and Teaching aroused from the antagonism between future majors and their teacher, as well as from the speculation between their fundamental and high school students and themselves, mainly when they had to face the act of teaching due to the obstacles imposed by the own educational system, and by the weakness of the initial preparation. The group of future majors in Chemistry, through its discourses, showed these relations when they conceived empiricist Chemistry and said that teaching was the way of transmission of this knowledge, and didactics of Chemistry teaching was the direction to learning through pedagogic methods in order to lead the students to discoveries. The psychosocial contents which were built and showed from the symbolic relations in the studied SR achieved the relation of identity. This relation revealed identifying elements for these people, resulting from the traffic between their condition as students of Chemistry, and as teachers regarding their work, what placed the current relational contents in the teaching space, named as Knowledge changing and Adaptability . In order to study emerging questions in the discussing environment about formation and teaching professionalization, we focused the psychosocial view on this traffic and managed to observe epistemological practical and pedagogic obstacles that limited a configuration of the teaching work as a professional activity, especially from the particular conditions which led the relations of senses to Physics , Chemistry and Teaching ; and Chemistry and Physics as it was seen in this research. Generally speaking, we noted that these obstacles can denounce such obstacles concerning to the pedagogic doings which mainly impair the learning process of fundamental and high school students
This work focuses on the educational policies, on the necessity of adopting new models of administration of the education, as well as the implementation of reforms in this filed during the 1990 s. It analyzes the strategies of decentralization of the education in Rio Grande do Norte, disclosing practices conceived in the governmental plans and programs. It also aims to evidence the aspects of the decentralization proposed in the educational system management model, adopted by the Department of Education and Culture of Rio Grande do Norte from 1995 to 1999. Bibliographic researches and documental analysis were used as sources and semi-structured interviews were held in order to collect data. This work also highlights the concepts of participation, autonomy and democratic management intrinsic to the process of decentralization in the education field. It is clear that decentralization, as the vector of democracy, requires not only certain conditions that assure the universal access to the necessary information, but also that all segments of the institution have a voice in the collegiates and that the management and decision-making processes be transparent. This analysis reveals the importance of creating means to promote autonomy, participation and democratic management in order to consolidate a decentralized system. It is also clear that these mechanisms have been proposed in a vague way by the governmental guidelines, which makes it harder to consolidate a democratic management model. Having this perspective as a parameter, it is possible to realize that the adoption of a management model prompted by the law hasn t established effective means of participation that, consequently, should provide decision centralizers which opposed to the democratic actions
The changes that have taken place in the organizational environment in recent decades have led to new performance measurement systems being proposed, given the inadequacy of traditional models. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) emerged as an instrument to translate financial and non-financial assets into real values for all interested parties in the organization, allowing the introduction of strategies to achieve the desired goals. Research shows that most errors committed with the use of this method are related to the implementation process. Thus, the aim of this dissertation is to analyze the process of building and implementing the BSC in an organization. This empirical exploratory study is based on the classic case study method, which enables the researcher to work with a set of evidence, including direct observation, interviews and document analysis. The results show that the use of BSC in the company investigated posed problems during the process of building and implementing the method. These problems were caused mainly by the lack of involvement on the part of upper management and the team s scant knowledge of Balanced Scorecard. One of the gains obtained from adopting the system was the introduction and/or consolidation of a culture of strategic planning and participative management. The continuous implementation phase was highlighted in the monitoring program, created by the organization in an attempt to reverse existing problems, using the BSC as a third generation strategic management system, which led to significant gains, better use of the system and stronger management practices
In this work, we propose a methodology for teaching robotics in elementary schools, based on the socio-historical Vygotsky theory. This methodology in conjunction with the Lego Mindstoms kit (R) and an educational software (an interface for control and programming of prototypes) are part of an educational robotics system named RoboEduc. For the practical development of this work, we have used the action-research strategy, being realized robotics activities with participation of children with age between 8 and 10 years, students of the elementary school level of Municipal School Ascendino de Almeida. This school is located at the city zone of Pitimbu, at the periphery of Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte state. The activities have focused on understanding the construction of robotic prototypes, their programming and control. At constructing prototypes, children develop zone of proximal development (ZPDs) that are learning spaces that, when well used, allow the construction not only of scientific concepts by the individuals but also of abilities and capabilities that are important for the social and cultural interactiond of each one and of the group. With the development of these practical workshops, it was possible to analyse the use of the Robot as the mediator element of the teaching-learning process and the contributions that the use of robotics may bring to teaching since elementary levels
This study evaluates the influence of different cartographic representations of in-car navigation systems on visual demand, subjective preference, and navigational error. It takes into account the type and complexity of the representation, maneuvering complexity, road layout, and driver gender. A group of 28 drivers (14 male and 14 female) participated in this experiment which was performed in a low-cost driving simulator. The tests were performed on a limited number of instances for each type of representation, and their purpose was to carry out a preliminary assessment and provide future avenues for further studies. Data collected for the visual demand study were analyzed using non-parametric statistical analyses. Results confirmed previous research that showed that different levels of design complexity significantly influence visual demand. Non-grid-like road networks, for example, influence significantly visual demand and navigational error. An analysis of simple maneuvers on a grid-like road network showed that static and blinking arrows did not present significant differences. From the set of representations analyzed to assess visual demand, both arrows were equally efficient. From a gender perspective, women seem to took at the display more than men, but this factor was not significant. With respect to subjective preferences, drivers prefer representations with mimetic landmarks when they perform straight-ahead tasks. For maneuvering tasks, landmarks in a perspective model created higher visual demands.
According to the studies in Applied Linguistics, this thesis is based on an interdisciplinary perspective (Critical Discourse Analysis, Sociology towards Social Change, Cultural Studies and Systemic-Functional Linguistics). The overall objective of the research was to analyze the discourses of Elementary School teachers in the state of Sergipe, by means of the discursive representations of the social actors, the processes of subjectivity and their fragmented identities in the context of standardized evaluations before the requirements of globalized pedagogical practices, based on the result-based management. The critical analysis of such discourses was motivated by the rapid pace with which the demands of innovation become part of the classroom, aiming at reaching the target in what concerns the indexes of the rankings which characterize the globalized discourse of the national education management, like Ideb (Basic Education Development Index), which makes teachers change their discourses, become silent or keep resistant. The work was initially endorsed by the theoretical lines of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2006), and poses a proposal for such purpose: the ASCD Discourse Sociological and Communicative Approach (PEDROSA, 2012, 2013). This is an interpretative-qualitative study of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2003; RAMALHO ; RESENDE, 2011) and to carry it out, semi-structured interviews were used as instruments of data generation (BAUER; GASKELL, 2011; GILL, 2011). Its corpus is composed of thirteen accounts of teachers from the Elementary school who teach Portuguese and work in the fifteen schools which were chosen to be the universe of the research at the Regional Board of Education (02) in the state of Sergipe. Such narratives are related to their impressions, expectations and actions which favor the management of results to which they have to submit themselves. The analytical overview of sociological and discursive line comes from the pan-semiotic categories (Inclusion and Exclusion) which appear in the theory of Representation of Social Actors (VAN LEEUWEN, 1997, 2008). To present the processes of subjectivity of these teachers, this work is based on the socio-analytical proposal of the classification of the subjects, which stems from the individual s work in the Gestão Relacional de Si , which comes from the Applied Sociology (towards) Social Change (BAJOIT, 2006, 2009). The discursive analyses were guided word for word, in their majority, by having the Systemic Functional Grammar as their theoretical basis, specifically by the processes of the Transitivity System postulated by Halliday, (1985); Halliday and Mathiessen, (2004); Eggins (2004); Cunha and Souza (2011). The work makes the field of Cultural Studies emerge towards the dialogue and the presentation of the fragmented identities of the teachers in the context of late modernity (GIDDENS, 2002; HALL, 2011). The thesis promoted a reflection over the teacher s condition, who is immerse in this context of knowledge construction of the present Brazilian educational system, the standardized evaluations, the indexes of development, the targets and the rankings. The considerations and outcomes of such a research dealt with the teachers emerging social practices and the need of planned initial and continuing teacher education towards the new moment which is foreseeable
Neste artigo, o autor descreve dois estudos, realizados com professores, nos quais objetos de arte são usados como dispositivos deflagradores de reflexão compartilhada. Teoricamente fundamentado em uma nova modalidade de investigação qualitativa no campo da Educação - a Pesquisa Educacional com Base nas Artes (PEBA) -, ele discute particularidades do funcionamento e do papel dessa modalidade de pesquisa no desenvolvimento profissional docente, as diferentes naturezas dos dois objetos de arte utilizados (a fotografia e o espetáculo teatral) e aponta para duas principais vertentes dessa modalidade de pesquisa - a vertente de produção de significados, pela qual o educador de professores e os participantes da pesquisa compartilham e constroem significados ao entrarem em contato com um objeto de arte previamente pronto e confeccionado por um artista profissional; e a vertente representacional, pela qual os professores e educadores participantes constroem, individualmente ou de forma compartilhada, um determinado objeto de arte que reflita e expresse suas representações do mundo da docência. Por fim, o artigo sugere que a PEBA, além de estabelecer contextos reflexivos nos quais alunos e professores têm oportunidades de desvelar a experiência estética, instaura relações alternativas dos participantes com o conhecimento e com a prática pedagógica, evidenciando sua importância social e suas forças revitalizadoras.
Na realidade brasileira a proposta da construção de um sistema educacional inclusivo encontra-se amparada legalmente e em princípios teóricos fundamentados em ideais democráticos de igualdade, eqüidade e diversidade. No entanto, muitas vezes, as práticas inclusivas se distanciam sobremaneira das proposições teóricas e legais. Assim, neste artigo, temos como objetivo discutir aspectos relacionados ao delineamento de políticas públicas de inclusão educacional, considerando as ações político-administrativas e as de caráter pedagógico. Colocamos em debate as dificuldades de apreensão do caráter inter-setorial do processo, do conceito de educação inclusiva, como também as dificuldades de materialização de práticas não excludentes, da transformação do contexto educacional, tanto no que se refere às concepções quanto às ações na busca de implantação e implementação de um sistema inclusivo.
Thirty four 65 days old New Zealand White female rabbits. weighting 1900 +/- 40 g, were separated in 3 groups and caged individually. One group was slaughtered when 70 days old (reference group, n=14). The second group was slaughtered 50 days later after ad libitum feeding (n = 6), and the third group was slaughtered also when 120 days old, but after restricted feeding since 70 days old i.e. 50% of the spontaneous feed intake of the 65-70 days period (restricted group n=14). Whole carcass weight and carcass cuts weights were measured after 24 hours storage at +4 degrees C. For each of the 3 groups in the previous order, slaughter live weight was 1992 - 2988 and 1887g; Chilled carcass percentage were 47.9 - 51.0 and 50.1. Feed restriction decreased the loin proportion of the carcass lower than that of the reference group (27.0 - 26.1 and 22.8% for the 3 groups in the same order) but increased the posterior limbs proportion (36.5 - 36.6 and 40.1).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)