979 resultados para Polímeros y polimerización


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Edible active films based on sodium caseinate (SC) and calcium caseinate (CC) plasticized with glycerol (G) at three different concentrations and carvacrol (CRV) as active agent were prepared by solvent casting. Transparent films were obtained and their surfaces were analysed by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The influence of the addition of three different plasticizer concentrations was studied by determining tensile properties, while Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to evaluate the structural and thermal behavior of such films. The addition of glycerol resulted in a reduction in the elastic modulus and tensile strength, while some increase in the elongation at break was observed. In general terms, SC films showed flexibility higher than the corresponding CC counterparts. In addition, the presence of carvacrol caused further improvements in ductile properties suggesting the presence of stronger interactions between the protein matrix and glycerol, as it was also observed in thermal degradation studies. FTIR spectra of all films showed the characteristic bands and peaks corresponding to proteins as well as to primary and secondary alcohols. In summary, the best results regarding mechanical and structural properties for caseinates-based films containing carvacrol were found for the formulations with high glycerol concentrations.


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Hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) films were grown on a poly(lactic acid) (PLA) substrate by means of a radiofrequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (rf-PECVD) technique with different deposition times (5, 20 and 40 min). The main goal of this treatment was to increase the barrier properties of PLA, maintaining its original transparency and colour as well as controlling interactions with food simulants for packaging applications. Morphological, chemical, and mechanical properties of PLA/a-C:H systems were evaluated while permeability and overall migration tests were performed in order to determine the effect of the plasma treatment on the gas-barrier properties of PLA films and their application in food packaging. Morphological results suggested a good adhesion of the deposited layers onto the polymer surface and the samples treated for 5 and 20 min only slightly darkened the PLA film. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that the structural properties of the carbon layer deposited onto the PLA film depend on the exposure time. PLA/a-C:H system treated for 5 min showed the highest barrier properties, while none of the studied samples exceeded the migration limit established by the current legislation, suggesting the suitability of these materials in packaging applications.


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The use of biopolymers obtained from renewable resources is currently growing and they have found unique applications as matrices and/or nanofillers in ‘green’ nanocomposites. Grafting of polymer chains to the surface of cellulose nanofillers was also studied to promote the dispersion of cellulose nanocrystals in hydrophobic polymer matrices. The aim of this study was to modify the surface of cellulose nanocrystals by grafting from L-lactide by ring-opening polymerization in order to improve the compatibility of nanocrystals and hydrophobic polymer matrices. The effectiveness of the grafting was evidenced by the long-term stability of a suspension of poly(lactic acid)-grafted cellulose nanocrystals in chloroform, by the presence of the carbonyl peak in modified samples determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and by the modification in C1s contributions observed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. No modification in nanocrystal shape was observed in birefringence studies and transmission electron microscopy.


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En abril de 2013 se celebró en la Universidad de Alicante el I Congreso de Estudiantes de Química de la Comunidad Valenciana. Estas jornadas presentan como principal novedad que la totalidad del comité organizador está compuesto por estudiantes de Química (cinco de la Universidad de Alicante y dos de la Universidad de Valencia) apoyados por un comité científico formado por profesores de ambas universidades. Estos estudiantes habían participado en años anteriores en redes de innovación docente o proyectos similares, mostrando interés por proponer alternativas a las clases magistrales para la adquisición de competencias, tanto de tipo transversal como específicas de la titulación. El congreso se enfocó teniendo en cuenta tres puntos básicos que son de especial interés para estudiantes de Química: (i) Salidas profesionales; (ii) Búsqueda activa de empleo y como enfrentarse a una entrevista de trabajo; (iii) Estudios de postgrado. Además, los más de 100 estudiantes que participaron en las jornadas ya sea mediante una comunicación oral, un póster o una actividad de divulgación científica se mostraron muy satisfechos con la experiencia. Actividades de este tipo y su gran acogida son capaces de mostrarnos, tanto a estudiantes como profesores, que existen formas de aprendizaje fuera de las aulas que permiten la adquisición de competencias transversales y específicas.


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La presente actuación se localiza en el ámbito de una asignatura optativa de cuarto curso del Grado en Química denominada Química de los Alimentos. Se ha planteado e implantado una actividad en la que se ha elaborado un trabajo de investigación científica. Por lo tanto, los alumnos han desarrollado una búsqueda bibliográfica, han realizado experimentos en el laboratorio y han redactado un artículo de investigación. Además, han expuesto públicamente los resultados más relevantes. Las diferentes temáticas de los trabajos han sido ofrecidas a los alumnos y asignadas a grupos de dos componentes. Esta actividad integra las etapas habituales en el ámbito de la investigación, desde la preparación de un artículo científico hasta la participación en congresos en formato conferencia. El papel del profesor ha sido similar al de un director científico siguiendo pautas idénticas a las que se aplican a lo largo del desarrollo de una Tesis Doctoral. Los resultados muestran que esta actividad introduce a los estudiantes en el ámbito de la investigación científica.


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En el curso 2013-14 se implantará el cuarto y último curso del Grado en Química. La experiencia adquirida durante la implementación de los tres primeros cursos ha puesto de manifiesto la conveniencia de realizar un proceso de coordinación entre los profesores de las diferentes asignaturas que garantice la consecución de las competencias previstas en la memoria del título. Por ello, se ha creado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Alicante una red de investigación en docencia universitaria que ha estado trabajando desde el inicio del presente curso académico en este tema. Dicha red está constituida por el Vicedecano de Ordenación Académica de la Facultad de Ciencias, la Coordinadora Académica de Química y los profesores coordinadores de todas las asignaturas del 4º curso del grado (excepto Prácticas Externas y Trabajo Fin de Grado). En esta comunicación se presentarán los resultados del trabajo de investigación realizado por estos profesores que ha permitido elaborar las guías docentes de las asignaturas, planificar y coordinar las actividades a realizar para que los alumnos adquieran las competencias transversales, realizar un cronograma de actividades de evaluación y otro de prácticas de laboratorio que asegure la distribución homogénea del trabajo del alumno durante el curso académico.


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La actual Red Docente ha trabajado sobre la virtualización de los materiales prácticos de la asignatura Técnicas de Separación, la cual se imparte en el primer semestre del tercer curso del Grado en Química. El objetivo principal de esta tarea es que el alumnado pueda desarrollar y completar su formación teórico-práctica adquirida, de forma que sea una actividad no presencial. El desarrollo de materiales virtuales es necesario debido a la escasez de horas presenciales que poseen las diferentes prácticas que componen la asignatura. Estos materiales proporcionan al estudiante un aprendizaje autónomo, pues recogen de una forma muy didáctica el fundamento teórico en el campo de las Técnicas de separación. Además los mismos llevan asociados material virtual (imágenes, vídeos, etc) así como hipervínculos que ayudan al alumno a entender y recordar los conceptos seguidos durante la asignatura. De este modo, el alumno puede establecer su propio ritmo de aprendizaje (proceso de autoaprendizaje), bajo la supervisión del profesor/a, dedicando el tiempo necesario para asimilar cada concepto. Si bien dichos materiales deben estar presentes desde los primeros cursos, se puede concluir que posibilitan una excelente formación académica del alumnado.


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The disintegration under composting conditions of films based on poly(lactic acid)–poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PLA–PHB) blends and intended for food packaging was studied. Two different plasticizers, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and acetyl-tri-n-butyl citrate (ATBC), were used to limit the inherent brittleness of both biopolymers. Neat PLA, plasticized PLA and PLA–PHB films were processed by melt-blending and compression molding and they were further treated under composting conditions in a laboratory-scale test at 58 ± 2 °C. Disintegration levels were evaluated by monitoring their weight loss at different times: 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Morphological changes in all formulations were followed by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The influence of plasticizers on the disintegration of PLA and PLA–PHB blends was studied by evaluating their thermal and nanomechanical properties by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and the nanoindentation technique, respectively. Meanwhile, structural changes were followed by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The ability of PHB to act as nucleating agent in PLA–PHB blends slowed down the PLA disintegration, while plasticizers speeded it up. The relationship between the mesolactide to lactide forms of PLA was calculated with a Pyrolysis–Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry device (Py–GC/MS), revealing that the mesolactide form increased during composting.


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Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) has been employed to carry out the determination of both major anions and cations in water samples. The anion quantification has been performed by means of a new automatic accessory. In this device chloride has been determined by continuously adding a silver nitrate solution. As a result solid silver chloride particles are formed and retained on a nylon filter inserted in the line. The emission intensity is read at a silver characteristic wavelength. By plotting the drop in silver signal versus the chloride concentration, a straight line is obtained. As regards bicarbonate, this anion has been on-line transformed into carbon dioxide with the help of a 2.0 mol L−1 nitric acid stream. Carbon signal is linearly related with bicarbonate concentration. Finally, information about sulfate concentration has been achieved by means of the measurement of sulfur emission intensity. All the steps have been simultaneously and automatically performed. With this setup detection limits have been 1.0, 0.4 and 0.09 mg L−1 for chloride, bicarbonate and sulfate, respectively. Furthermore, it affords good precision with RSD below 6 %. Cation (Ca, Mg, Na and K) concentration, in turn, has been obtained by simultaneously reading the emission intensity at characteristic wavelengths. The obtained limits of detection have been 8 × 10−3, 2 × 10−3, 8 × 10−4 and 10−2 mg L−1 for sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, respectively. As regards sample throughput, about 30 samples h−1 can be analysed. Validation results have revealed that the obtained concentrations for these anions are not significantly different as compared to the data provided by conventional methods. Finally, by considering the data for anions and cations, precise ion balances have been obtained for well and mineral water samples.


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Poly(lactic acid) PLA, and poly(hydroxybutyrate) PHB, blends were processed as films and characterized for their use in food packaging. PLA was blended with PHB to enhance the crystallinity. Therefore, PHB addition strongly increased oxygen barrier while decreased the wettability. Two different environmentally-friendly plasticizers, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and acetyl(tributyl citrate) (ATBC), were added to these blends to increase their processing performance, while improving their ductile properties. ATBC showed higher plasticizer efficiency than PEG directly related to the similarity solubility parameters between ATBC and both biopolymers. Moreover, ATBC was more efficiently retained to the polymer matrix during processing than PEG. PLA–PHB–ATBC blends were homogeneous and transparent blends that showed promising performance for the preparation of films by a ready industrial process technology for food packaging applications, showing slightly amber color, improved elongation at break, enhanced oxygen barrier and decreased wettability.


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The use of fully bio-based and biodegradable materials for massive applications, such as food packaging, is an emerging tendency in polymer research. But the formulations proposed in this way should preserve or even increase the functional properties of conventional polymers, such as transparency, homogeneity, mechanical properties and low migration of their components to foodstuff. This is not always trivial, in particular when brittle biopolymers, such as poly(lactic acid) (PLA), are considered. In this work the formulation of innovative materials based on PLA modified with highly compatible plasticizers, i.e. oligomers of lactic acid (OLAs) is proposed. Three different synthesis conditions for OLAs were tested and the resulting additives were further blended with commercial PLA obtaining transparent and ductile materials, able for films manufacturing. These materials were tested in their structural, thermal and tensile properties and the best formulation among the three materials was selected. OLA with molar mass (Mn) around 1,000 Da is proposed as an innovative and fully compatible and biodegradable plasticizer for PLA, able to replace conventional plasticizers (phthalates, adipates or citrates) currently used for films manufacturing in food packaging applications.


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The development of new nano-biocomposites has been one of the main research areas of interest in polymer science in recent years, since they can combine the intrinsic biodegradable nature of matrices with the ability to modify their properties by the addition of selected nano-reinforcements. In this work, the addition of mineral nanoclays (montmorillonites and sepiolites) to a commercial starch-based matrix is proposed. A complete study on their processing by melt-intercalation techniques and further evaluation of the main properties of nano-biocomposites has been carried out. The results reported show an important influence of the nano-biocomposites morphology on their final properties. In particular, the rheological and viscoelastic characteristics of these systems are very sensitive to the dispersion level of the nanofiller, but it is possible to assess that the material processing behaviour is not compromised by the presence of these nano-reinforcements. In general, both nanofillers had a positive influence in the materials final properties. Mechanical performance shows improvements in terms of elastic modulus, without important limitations in terms of ductility. Thermal properties are improved in terms of residual mass after degradation and low improvements are also observed in terms of oxygen barrier properties.


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In this manuscript, a study of the effect of microwave radiation on the high-performance liquid chromatography separation of tocopherols and vitamin K1 was conducted. The novelty of the application was the use of a relatively low polarity mobile phase in which the dielectric heating effect was minimized to evaluate the nonthermal effect of the microwave radiation over the separation process. Results obtained show that microwave-assisted high-performance liquid chromatography had a shorter analysis time from 31.5 to 13.3 min when the lowest microwave power was used. Moreover, narrower peaks were obtained; hence the separation was more efficient maintaining or even increasing the resolution between the peaks. This result confirms that the increase in mobile phase temperature is not the only variable for improving the separation process but also other nonthermal processes must intervene. Fluorescence detection demonstrated better signal-to-noise compared to photodiode arrayed detection mainly due to the independent effect of microwave pulses on the baseline noise, but photodiode array detection was finally chosen as it allowed a simultaneous detection of nonfluorescent compounds. Finally, a determination of the content of the vitamin E homologs was carried out in different vegetable oils. Results were coherent with those found in the literature.


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The interest and societal demand on the use of natural, biodegradable and renewable resources has increased in the last few years. In addition, food producers and consumers have improved their requirements for the quality of processed food, particularly in the field of increasing shelf-life while preserving organoleptic and nutritional properties. Active packaging technologies have greatly developed in the last decade by trying to satisfy the need for long-life processed food in addition to antioxidant/antimicrobial components in the packaging material. These components are intended to be released in a controlled way to food. These rising trends have been reflected in the field of food packaging by the use of chemicals extracted and obtained from plants in active packaging formulations. Herbs and spices have shown great potential to be used as renewable, biodegradable and valuable sources of chemicals, such as polyphenols, with high antioxidant/antimicrobial performance. This review aims to present the latest published work in this area.


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A microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) procedure to isolate phenolic compounds from almond skin byproducts was optimized. A three-level, three-factor Box–Behnken design was used to evaluate the effect of almond skin weight, microwave power, and irradiation time on total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity (DPPH). Almond skin weight was the most important parameter in the studied responses. The best extraction was achieved using 4 g, 60 s, 100 W, and 60 mL of 70% (v/v) ethanol. TPC, antioxidant activity (DPPH, FRAP), and chemical composition (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS) were determined by using the optimized method from seven different almond cultivars. Successful discrimination was obtained for all cultivars by using multivariate linear discriminant analysis (LDA), suggesting the influence of cultivar type on polyphenol content and antioxidant activity. The results show the potential of almond skin as a natural source of phenolics and the effectiveness of MAE for the reutilization of these byproducts.