936 resultados para Philosophical conception


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This dissertation is a study of some aspects of theoretical philosophy of the early modern thinker Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). The focal point of the work is Hobbes s conception of imagination, which is discussed from both a systematic and a historical point of view, as well as in the light of contemporary scholarship. I argue that though there are significant similarities between the view of Hobbes and that of his predecessors, he gives a novel theory of imagination, which clarifies not only early modern discussions on human nature, knowledge, science, and literary criticism, but above all his own versatile philosophy. The prologue of the dissertation introduces methodological principles and gives critical remarks on the standard view of Hobbes. In Chapter II, I discuss the prominent theories of imagination before Hobbes and link them to his account. I argue that though Hobbes adopted the Aristotelian framework, his view is not reduced to it, as he borrows from various sources, for instance, from the Stoics and from Renaissance thought. Chapters III and IV form the psychological part of the work. In the Chapter III I argue that imagination, not sense, is central in the basic cognitive operations of the mind and that imagination has a decisive role in Hobbes s theory of motivation. The Chapter IV concentrates on various questions of Hobbes s philosophy of language. The chapter ends with a defence of a less naturalistic reading of Hobbes s theory of human nature. Chapters V and VI form the epistemological part of the work. I suggest, contrary to what has been recently claimed, that though Hobbes s ideas of good literary style do have a point of contact with his philosophy (e.g. the psychology of creative process), his ideas in the field are independent of his project of demonstrative political science. Instead I argue that the novelty of his major political work, Leviathan (1651), is based on a new theory of knowledge which he continued to develop in the post-Leviathan works. Chapter VII seeks to connect the more theoretical conclusions of Chapters V and VI to Hobbes's idea(l) of science as well as to his philosophical practice. On the basis of Hobbes s own writings as well as some historical examinations, I argue that method is not an apt way to conceptualise Hobbes s philosophical practice. Contemporary readings of Hobbes s theory of science are critically discussed and the chapter ends with an analysis of Hobbes s actual argumentation. In addition to the concluding remarks, the epilogue suggest three things: first, imagination is central when trying to understand Hobbes s versatile philosophy; second, that it is misleading to depict Hobbes as a simple materialist, mechanist, and empiricist; and, third, that in terms of imagination his influence on early modern thought has not been fully appreciated.


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According to Meno s paradox we cannot inquire into what we do not know because we do not know what we are inquiring into. There are many ways to interpret the paradox but the central issue about our ability to reach truth is a profound one. In the dialogue Meno, Plato presents the paradox and an outline of a solution which enables us to reach knowledge (epistēmē) through philosophical discussion. During the last century Meno has often been considered transitional between Socratic thinking and Plato s own philosophy, and thus the dialogue has not been adequately interpreted as an integrated whole. Therefore the distinctive epistemology of the dialogue has not gained due notice. In this thesis the dialogue is analysed as an integrated whole and the philosophical interpretation also takes into account its dramatic features. The thesis emphasises the role of language and definitions in acquiring knowledge. Among the results concerning these subjects is a new interpretation of Socrates s defintion of shape (schēma). The theory of anamnēsis all learning is recollection in the Meno is argued to answer the paradox philosophically although Plato s presentation also contains playful and ironic elements. The background of the way Plato presents his case is that he appreciated the fact that no argument can plausibly demonstrate that argumentation is able to reach truth. In the Meno, Plato makes the earliest explicit distinction between knowledge and true belief in the history of Western philosophy. He also gives a definition of knowledge which is the basis of the so called classical definition of knowledge as justified true belief. In the Meno, true beliefs become knowledge when someone ties them down by reasoning about the explanation. The analysis of the epistemology of the dialogue from this perspective gives an interpretation which integrates the central concepts of the epistemology in the dialogue elenchos, anamnēsis and hypothetical inquiry into a unified whole which contains a plausible argument according to which the ignorant can reach knowledge through discussion. The conception that emerges by such an analysis is interesting both from the point of view of current interests and that of the history of philosophy. The method of knowledge acquisition in the Meno can, for example, be seen as a predecessor of modern scientific methods. The Meno is the earliest Greek mathematical text that has survived in its original form. The analysis presented in the thesis of the geometric passages in the dialogue provides new results both concerning Socrates s geometry lesson with the slave and the example presenting the hypothetical method. Concerning the latter, a new interpretation is presented. Keywords: anamnēsis, epistēmē, knowledge, Meno s paradox, Plato


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keywords: Enlightenment, Northern countries, Finland, Russia, Scotland In the 36 th edition of the almanac "Philosophical Age" published materials of international symposium «The Northern Lights - Facets of Enlightenment Culture», (held September 25-26, 2009) in The Aleksanteri Institute the University of Helsinki. Contents: Vesa Oittinen Between Radicalism and Utilitarianism — On the Profile of the Finnish Enlightenment Tatiana Artemyeva The Status of Intellectual Values in the Russian Enlightenment Oili Pulkkinen The Cosmopolitan Experience, Theoretical Histories and the Universal Science of the Scottish Enlightenment Аlla Zlatopolskaya L’autocritique des Lumières chez Rousseau et le rousseauisme russe Johannes Remy Alexander Radishchev, Ethical Consuming, and North American Quakers Kimmo Sarje Anders Chydenius and Radical Swedish Enlightenment Johan Sten Anders Johan Lexell: A Finnish Astronomer at St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and His European Contacts Mikhail Mikeshin A Russian Adam Smith in French Style: An Example of the Transfer of Ideas Larisa Agamalian The Library of an Enlightened Russian Landowner


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This study discusses legal interpretation. The question is how legal texts, for instance laws, statutes and regulations, can and do have meaning. Language makes interpretation difficult as it holds no definite meanings. When the theoretical connection between semantics and legal meaning is loosened and we realise that language cannot be a means of justifying legal decisions, the responsibility inherent in legal interpretation can be seen in full. We are thus compelled to search for ways to analyse this responsibility. The main argument of the book is that the responsibility of legal interpretation contains a responsibility towards the text that is interpreted (and through the mediation of the text also towards the legal system), but not only this. It is not simply a responsibility to read and read well, but it transcends on a broader scale. It includes responsibility for the effects of the interpretation in a particular situation and with regard to the people whose case is decided. Ultimately, it is a responsibility to do justice. These two aspects of responsibility are conceptualised here as the two dimensions of the ethics of legal interpretation: the textual and the situational. The basic conception of language presented here is provided by Ludwig Wittgenstein s later philosophy, but the argument is not committed to only one philosophical tradition. Wittgenstein can be counterpointed in interesting ways by Jacques Derrida s ideas on language and meaning. Derrida s work also functions as a contrast to hermeneutic theories. It is argued that the seed to an answer to the question of meaning lies in the inter-personal and situated activity of interpretation and communication, an idea that can be discerned in different ways in the works of Wittgenstein, Derrida and Hans-Georg Gadamer. This way the question of meaning naturally leads us to think about ethics, which is approached here through the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. His thinking, focusing on topics such as otherness, friendship and hospitality, provides possibilities for answering some of the questions posed in this book. However, at the same time we move inside a normativity where ethics and politics come together in many ways. The responsibility of legal interpretation is connected to the political and this has to be acknowledged lest we forget that law always implies force. But it is argued here that the political can be explored in positive terms as it does not have to mean only power or violence.


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The aim of the dissertation is to explore the idea of philosophy as a path to happiness in classical Arabic philosophy. The starting point is in comparison of two distinct currents between the 10th and early 11th centuries, Peripatetic philosophy, represented by al-Fārābī and Ibn Sīnā, and Ismaili philosophy represented by al-Kirmānī and the Brethren of Purity. They initially offer two contrasting views about philosophy in that the attitude of the Peripatetics is rationalistic and secular in spirit, whereas for the Ismailis philosophy represents the esoteric truth behind revelation. Still, they converge in their view that the ultimate purpose of philosophy lies in its ability to lead man towards happiness. Moreover, they share a common concept of happiness as a contemplative ideal of human perfection, which refers primarily to an otherworldly state of the soul s ascent to the spiritual world. For both the way to happiness consists of two parts: theory and practice. The practical part manifests itself in the idea of the purification of the rational soul from its bodily attachments in order for it to direct its attention fully to the contemplative life. Hence, there appears an ideal of philosophical life with the goal of relative detachment from the worldly life. The regulations of the religious law in this context appear as the primary means for the soul s purification, but for all but al-Kirmānī they are complemented by auxiliary philosophical practices. The ascent to happiness, however, takes place primarily through the acquisition of theoretical knowledge. The saving knowledge consists primarily of the conception of the hierarchy of physical and metaphysical reality, but all of philosophy forms a curriculum through which the soul gradually ascends towards a spiritual state of being along an order that is inverse to the Neoplatonic emanationist hierarchy of creation. For Ismaili philosophy the ascent takes place from the exoteric religious sciences towards the esoteric philosophical knowledge. For Peripatetic philosophers logic performs the function of an instrument enabling the ascent, mathematics is treated either as propaedeutic to philosophy or as a mediator between physical and metaphysical knowledge, whereas physics and metaphysics provide the core of knowledge necessary for the attainment of happiness.


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The effect of malathion on jugular plasma concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4) and acetylcholinesterase (AchE) on conception in dairy cattle during a cloprostenol (prostaglandin F2-alpha analogue, PG)-induced estrus was studied. Malathion (1 mg/kg, intraruminally) given at the onset of estrus (48 h after PG) did not alter the plasma FSH or E2 concentrations but significantly (P < 0.05) inhibited plasma P4 concentration. The mean P4 concentration in the malathion-treated group on days 8 and 12 were 0.8 +/- 0.4 and 1.0 +/- 0.5 ng/ml, as compared to 2.6 +/- 0.0 and 2.4 +/- 0.3 ng/ml in the control group. There was a nonsignificant (P > 0.05) inhibition of plasma AchE activity in malathion-treated cattle. Conception was 16.6% in malathion-treated cows and 50% in controls. Inhibition of progesterone secretion and poor conception occurred after the single intraruminal dose of malathion at the onset of estrus.


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Resumen: El autor analiza los conceptos de imputación y responsabilidad penales, y las realidades jurídicas y antrópicas a las que dichas nociones se refieren desde dos perspectivas principales: una, teórica, y otra, la historia del pensamiento. La investigación está precedida por una breve introducción semántica. El marco teórico es una concepción realista del derecho, subalternada a la antropología (psicología) filosófica, y más específicamente, al concepto del hombre como persona.


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Resumen: La visión sobre el modo de ser del hombre condiciona, de un modo u otro, su actuar en el mundo. En general, es éste un punto de partida compartido por las distintas corrientes filosóficas al momento de dar respuesta al ejercicio del potencial humano, si bien pueden distanciarse drásticamente al sustentar el pasaje ser-obrar. En este sentido, entre las formas más alejadas entre sí cabe reparar, por una parte, en una concepción que recurre a la justificación de una metafísica realista que reconoce la dialéctica de la participación y, por otra, en una concepción que se declara anti-metafísica al disolver el ser en su negación, en la nada, para exaltar la voluntad de poder del hombre. Si bien este trabajo se desarrollará en el marco de la primera concepción, desde el estudio de la causación del acto de ser en Tomás de Aquino, habré de recurrir a la segunda concepción, en particular al nihilismo nietzscheano, solamente como planteo del estado de la cuestión, buscando remover críticamente una objeción recurrente en la historia del pensamiento sobre el alcance y límites de la operación humana.


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Resumen: En el presente trabajo se estudia y analiza el pensamiento iusfilosófico de Juan Alfredo Casaubón, unos de los autores iusnaturalistas más significativo de la Argentina en el siglo XX. Heredero de la tradición clásica que conocerá en los famosos Cursos de Cultura Católica y, posteriormente, en la Pontificia Universidad Católica Santa María de los Buenos Aires, de la cual será uno de sus profesores fundadores. Abogado, docente, juez, investigador, padre y esposo. Su pensamiento, si bien se puede encuadrar en la Tradición Central de Occidente, tendrá diversas particularidades que le darán a su pensamiento una nueva impronta a la filosofía jurídica. Se ha tratado de sintetizar el pensamiento casaubiano en diez tesis principales que reflejan en su estricta medida todo el corpus de este filósofo argentino. Previo al desarrollo iusfilosófico del autor, se ha tratado de encuadrar su posición filosófica general y, luego, jurídica, a través de su concepción iusnaturalista. Por último, se hará un pequeño homenaje a este gran pensador en el marco de la filosofía argentina del siglo XX.


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Resumen: El presente artículo, después de trazar un resumen del recorrido de los modos de historiar la filosofía, enfoca el tema de la relación entre ambos aspectos: el de la filosofía teorética y el de la historia de la filosofía. Toma distancia crítica tanto de la concepción que independiza la historia de la filosofía de la labor de búsqueda de la verdad teorética, como de la identificación de ambas dimensiones, tesis que tomó forma sobre todo a partir de Hegel. Propone una aplicación de la hermenéutica en la lectura del pasado filosófico, para abrir nuevas cuestiones y horizontes de búsqueda en el mundo de la realidad y en las exigencias y desafíos de la propia época histórica. Dicha hermenéutica, a su vez, no se desliza hacia el relativismo, sino que confirma la perennidad de lo verdadero en su persistencia fecunda a lo largo del tiempo.


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El Informe Warnock, basado en una filosofía utilitarista, presenta principios que muestran el ideal moral social en relación con la manipulación y destrucción de embriones humanos hasta el día 14 de fecundación (pre-embrión), donde la ley es independiente de las creencias. El Personalismo, basado en la ley moral natural, presenta una concepción filosófica basada en valores fundamentales: el derecho a la vida desde la concepción y la dignidad del ser humano.


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Resumen: En el estudio de las obras que expresan el pensamiento filosófico-político de Tomás Moro destaca la que será su obra fundamental, La mejor República y la isla de Utopía, publicada en el año 1516. Esta obra aborda y plantea la existencia de una organización social, política y económica ideal bajo la forma de “relato de viaje”, describiendo esa sociedad que imagina situada en la isla de Utopía —que pudiera llegar a ser real, o que se piensa como real o posible— para expresar cabalmente un pensamiento de orden filosófico político, verdadera intencionalidad de la obra de Moro. Moro y su “Utopía” encarnan “un viaje” entre el hombre Medieval apegado a una concepción del poder espiritual e incluso político, en crisis; y el hombre del Renacimiento, ávido de nuevas ideas y favorable a los horizontes que abría el estudio de la antigüedad clásica. En su obra Historia de los pueblos de habla inglesa, Winston Churchill escribe acerca de la obra de Moro: “Moro tomó la defensa de todo lo que había de bueno en la concepción medieval. Él encarna ante la historia la universalidad de la Edad Media, su creencia en los valores espirituales y su sentido instintivo de la trascendencia, y un sistema que durante mucho tiempo inspiró los sueños más radiantes de la humanidad”. Finalmente, es también el objeto del presente trabajo analizar la “Utopía” de Moro e identificar los principales recursos literarios y aspectos propios del “relato de viajes” desde un abordaje analítico-interpretativo-crítico.


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Contém uma síntese de ideias sobre Brasília e o Congresso Nacional, com foco na Câmara dos Deputados. Tem por intenção explorar as relações entre a cidade e o edifício, de modo a discutir sobre como ambos estão estreitamente associados, a ponto de ser difícil imaginar um apartado do outro.


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A dissertação aborda as características metafísicas presentes no discurso contemporâneo sobre a sexualidade, oriundas da tradição filosófica e de sua interpretação por teóricos do gênero na atualidade. Busca também analisar a relação desta metafísica com o senso comum e com as políticas que se voltam para as minorias sexuais. Por este motivo, nossa análise engloba três níveis do discurso sobre a sexualidade: o discurso do senso comum, o discurso político e o filosófico. Em contrapartida, o trabalho propõe uma concepção de sexualidade como vontade de potência, recorrendo a Nietzsche e a autores como Deleuze e Guattari. A problematização do conceito de identidade é utilizada como pano de fundo da discussão, indicando sua relação com a crítica nietzschiana do sujeito, o niilismo e o cinismo. O cinismo é compreendido como o modo de funcionamento do niilismo passivo, interpretação que procuramos apoiar em autores como Slavoj iek e Vladimir Safatle. Tal questão será analisada trabalhando-se com a hipótese de que existe um aspecto niilista e cínico no movimento homossexual.