987 resultados para Logic design.
In recent years, reversible logic has emerged as one of the most important approaches for power optimization with its application in low power CMOS, nanotechnology and quantum computing. This research proposes quick addition of decimals (QAD) suitable for multi-digit BCD addition, using reversible conservative logic. The design makes use of reversible fault tolerant Fredkin gates only. The implementation strategy is to reduce the number of levels of delay there by increasing the speed, which is the most important factor for high speed circuits.
This paper presents a new approach to implement Reed-Muller Universal Logic Module (RM-ULM) networks with reduced delay and hardware for synthesizing logic functions given in Reed-Muller (RM) form. Replication of single control line RM-ULM is used as the only design unit for defining any logic function. An algorithm is proposed that does exhaustive branching to reduce the number of levels and modules required to implement any logic function in RM form. This approach attains a reduction in delay, and power over other implementations of functions having large number of variables.
This paper presents a new approach to the design of combinational digital circuits with multiplexers using Evolutionary techniques. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used as the optimization tool. Several circuits are synthesized with this method and compared with two design techniques such as standard implementation of logic functions using multiplexers and implementation using Shannon’s decomposition technique using GA. With the proposed method complexity of the circuit and the associated delay can be reduced significantly
The main objective of this thesis is to design and develop spectral signature based chipless RFID tags Multiresonators are essential component of spectral signature based chipless tags. To enhance the data coding capacity in spectral signature based tags require large number of resonances in a limited bandwidth. The frequency of the resonators have to be close to each other. To achieve this condition, the quality factor of each resonance needs to be high. The thesis discusses about various types of multiresonators, their practical implementation and how they can be used in design. Encoding of data into spectral domain is another challenge in chipless tag design. Here, the technique used is the presence or absence encoding technique. The presence of a resonance is used to encode Logic 1 and absence of a speci c resonance is used to encode Logic 0. Di erent types of multiresonators such as open stub multiresonators, coupled bunch hairpin resonators and shorted slot ground ring resonator are proposed in this thesis.
The dynamic power requirement of CMOS circuits is rapidly becoming a major concern in the design of personal information systems and large computers. In this work we present a number of new CMOS logic families, Charge Recovery Logic (CRL) as well as the much improved Split-Level Charge Recovery Logic (SCRL), within which the transfer of charge between the nodes occurs quasistatically. Operating quasistatically, these logic families have an energy dissipation that drops linearly with operating frequency, i.e., their power consumption drops quadratically with operating frequency as opposed to the linear drop of conventional CMOS. The circuit techniques in these new families rely on constructing an explicitly reversible pipelined logic gate, where the information necessary to recover the energy used to compute a value is provided by computing its logical inverse. Information necessary to uncompute the inverse is available from the subsequent inverse logic stage. We demonstrate the low energy operation of SCRL by presenting the results from the testing of the first fully quasistatic 8 x 8 multiplier chip (SCRL-1) employing SCRL circuit techniques.
The memory hierarchy is the main bottleneck in modern computer systems as the gap between the speed of the processor and the memory continues to grow larger. The situation in embedded systems is even worse. The memory hierarchy consumes a large amount of chip area and energy, which are precious resources in embedded systems. Moreover, embedded systems have multiple design objectives such as performance, energy consumption, and area, etc. Customizing the memory hierarchy for specific applications is a very important way to take full advantage of limited resources to maximize the performance. However, the traditional custom memory hierarchy design methodologies are phase-ordered. They separate the application optimization from the memory hierarchy architecture design, which tend to result in local-optimal solutions. In traditional Hardware-Software co-design methodologies, much of the work has focused on utilizing reconfigurable logic to partition the computation. However, utilizing reconfigurable logic to perform the memory hierarchy design is seldom addressed. In this paper, we propose a new framework for designing memory hierarchy for embedded systems. The framework will take advantage of the flexible reconfigurable logic to customize the memory hierarchy for specific applications. It combines the application optimization and memory hierarchy design together to obtain a global-optimal solution. Using the framework, we performed a case study to design a new software-controlled instruction memory that showed promising potential.
The SystemVerilog implementation of the Open Verification Methodology (OVM) is exercised on an 8b/10b RTL open core design in the hope of being a simple yet complete exercise to expose the key features of OVM. Emphasis is put onto the actual usage of the verification components rather than a complete verification flow aiming at being of help to readers unfamiliar with OVM seeking to apply the methodology to their own designs. A link that takes you to the complete code is given to reinforce this aim. We found the methodology easy to use but intimidating at first glance specially for someone with little experience in object oriented programming. However it is clear to see the flexibility, portability and reusability of verification code once you manage to give some first steps.
This paper offers general guidelines for the development of effective visual languages. That is, languages for constructing diagrams that can be easily and readily interpreted and manipulated by the human reader. We use these guidelines first to examine classical AND/OR trees as a representation of logical proofs, and second to design and evaluate a visual language for representing proofs in LofA: a Logic of Dependability Arguments, for which we provide a brief motivation and overview.
We describe a compositional framework, together with its supporting toolset, for hardware/software co-design. Our framework is an integration of a formal approach within a traditional design flow. The formal approach is based on Interval Temporal Logic and its executable subset, Tempura. Refinement is the key element in our framework because it will derive from a single formal specification of the system the software and hardware parts of the implementation, while preserving all properties of the system specification. During refinement simulation is used to choose the appropriate refinement rules, which are applied automatically in the HOL system. The framework is illustrated with two case studies. The work presented is part of a UK collaborative research project between the Software Technology Research Laboratory at the De Montfort University and the Oxford University Computing Laboratory.
In this chapter we described how the inclusion of a model of a human arm, combined with the measurement of its neural input and a predictor, can provide to a previously proposed teleoperator design robustness under time delay. Our trials gave clear indications of the superiority of the NPT scheme over traditional as well as the modified Yokokohji and Yoshikawa architectures. Its fundamental advantages are: the time-lead of the slave, the more efficient, and providing a more natural feeling manipulation, and the fact that incorporating an operator arm model leads to more credible stability results. Finally, its simplicity allows less likely to fail local control techniques to be employed. However, a significant advantage for the enhanced Yokokohji and Yoshikawa architecture results from the very fact that it’s a conservative modification of current designs. Under large prediction errors, it can provide robustness through directing the master and slave states to their means and, since it relies on the passivity of the mechanical part of the system, it would not confuse the operator. An experimental implementation of the techniques will provide further evidence for the performance of the proposed architectures. The employment of neural networks and fuzzy logic, which will provide an adaptive model of the human arm and robustifying control terms, is scheduled for the near future.
The authors describe the design of a fuzzy logic controller for the control of a planar two-link manipulator. The plant is quasi-decoupled with respect to gravity. Complete decoupling is not achieved due to the nonoptimal nature of the expert rules. The performance of the fuzzy controller is compared to that of the critically damped computed torque controller. Results are presented complete with robustness tests.
Genetic algorithms are commonly used to solve combinatorial optimizationproblems. The implementation evolves using genetic operators (crossover, mutation,selection, etc.). Anyway, genetic algorithms like some other methods have parameters(population size, probabilities of crossover and mutation) which need to be tune orchosen.In this paper, our project is based on an existing hybrid genetic algorithmworking on the multiprocessor scheduling problem. We propose a hybrid Fuzzy-Genetic Algorithm (FLGA) approach to solve the multiprocessor scheduling problem.The algorithm consists in adding a fuzzy logic controller to control and tunedynamically different parameters (probabilities of crossover and mutation), in anattempt to improve the algorithm performance. For this purpose, we will design afuzzy logic controller based on fuzzy rules to control the probabilities of crossoverand mutation. Compared with the Standard Genetic Algorithm (SGA), the resultsclearly demonstrate that the FLGA method performs significantly better.
This paper presents the control strategies of nonlinear vehicle suspension using a magnetorheological (MR) damper. We used two different approaches for modeling and control of the mechanical and electrical parts of the suspension systems with the MR damper. First, we have formulated and resolved the control problem in order to design the linear feedback dumping force controller for a nonlinear suspension system. Then the values of the control dumping force functions were transformed into electrical control signals by the application of a fuzzy logic control method. The numerical simulations were provided in order to show the effectiveness of this method for the semi-active control of the quarter-car suspension.
Bio-molecular computing, 'computations performed by bio-molecules', is already challenging traditional approaches to computation both theoretically and technologically. Often placed within the wider context of ´bio-inspired' or 'natural' or even 'unconventional' computing, the study of natural and artificial molecular computations is adding to our understanding of biology, physical sciences and computer science well beyond the framework of existing design and implementation paradigms. In this introduction, We wish to outline the current scope of the field and assemble some basic arguments that, bio-molecular computation is of central importance to computer science, physical sciences and biology using HOL - Higher Order Logic. HOL is used as the computational tool in our R&D work. DNA was analyzed as a chemical computing engine, in our effort to develop novel formalisms to understand the molecular scale bio-chemical computing behavior using HOL. In our view, our focus is one of the pioneering efforts in this promising domain of nano-bio scale chemical information processing dynamics.
This paper refers to the design of an expert system that captures a waveform through the use of an accelerometer, processes the signal and converts it to the frequency domain using a Fast Fourier Transformer to then, using artificial intelligence techniques, specifically Fuzzy Reasoning, it determines if there is any failure present in the underlying mode of the equipment, such as imbalance, misalignment or bearing defects.