60 resultados para LISREL
Increasing use of the term, Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), reflects the recognition of the interdependencies between corporate strategy, organization and human resource management in the functioning of the firm. Dyer and Holder (1988) proposed a comprehensive Human Resource Strategic Typology consisting of three strategic types--inducement, investment and involvement. This research attempted to empirically validate their typology and also test the performance implications of the match between corporate strategy and HR strategy. Hypotheses were tested to determine the relationships between internal consistency in HRM sub-systems, match between corporate strategy and HR strategy, and firm performance. Data were collected by a mail survey of 998 senior HR executives of whom 263 returned the completed questionnaire. Financial information on 909 firms was collected from secondary sources like 10-K reports and CD-Disclosure. Profitability ratios were indexed to industry averages. Confirmatory Factor Analysis using LISREL provided support in favor of the six-factor HR measurement model; the six factors were staffing, training, compensation, appraisal, job design and corporate involvement. Support was also found for the presence of a second-order factor labeled "HR Strategic Orientation" explaining the variations among the six factors. LISREL analysis also supported the congruence hypothesis that HR Strategic Orientation significantly affects firm performance. There was a significant associative relationship between HR Strategy and Corporate Strategy. However, the contingency effects of the match between HR and Corporate strategies were not supported. Several tests were conducted to show that the survey results are not affected by non-response bias nor by mono-method bias. Implications of these findings for both researchers and practitioners are discussed. ^
The purpose of the present research is to demonstrate the influence of a fair price (independent of the subjective evaluation of the price magnitude) on buyers' willingness to purchase. The perceived fairness of a price is conceived to have three components: perceived equity, perceived need, and inferred compliance of the seller to the process rules of pricing. These components reflect the Theories of Distributive Justice (as adjusted for conditions of need) and Procedural Justice.^ The effect of the three components of a fair price on willingness to purchase is depicted in a theoretically causal chain model. Based on the Theories of Dissonance and Attribution, conditions of inequity and need activate concerns for Procedural Justice. Under conditions of inequity and need, buyers tend to infer that the seller has not complied with the generally accepted pricing practices, thus violating the social norms of Procedural justice. Inferred violations of Procedural Justice influence the buyer's attitude toward the seller. As predicted by the Theory of Reasoned Action, attitude is then positively related to willingness to purchase.^ The model was tested with a survey-based experiment conducted with 408 respondents. Two levels of both equity and need were manipulated with scenarios, a common research method in studies of Distributive and Procedural Justice. The data were analyzed with a structural equation model using LISREL. Although the effect of the "need" manipulation was insignificant, the results indicated a good fit of the model (Chi-square = 281, Degrees of Freedom = 104, Goodness of Fit Index =.924). The conclusion is that the fairness of a price does have a significant effect on willingness to purchase, independent of the subjective evaluation of the objective price. ^
This dissertation addresses how the cultural dimensions of individualism and collectivism affect the attributions people make for unethical behavior at work. The moderating effect of ethnicity is also examined by considering two culturally diverse groups: Hispanics and Anglos. The sample for this study is a group of business graduate students from two universities in the Southeast. A 20-minute survey was distributed to master's degree students at their classroom and later on returned to the researcher. Individualism and collectivism were operationalized as by a set of attitude items, while unethical work behavior was introduced in the form of hypothetical descriptions or scenarios. Data analysis employed multiple group confirmatory factor analysis for both independent and dependent variables, and subsequently multiple group LISREL models, in order to test predictions. Results confirmed the expected link between cultural variables and attribution responses, although the role of independent variables shifted, due to the moderating effect of ethnicity, and to the nuances of each particular situation. ^
This dissertation addresses how the cultural dimensions of individualism and collectivism affect the attributions people make for unethical behavior at work. The moderating effect of ethnicity is also examined by considering two culturally diverse groups: Hispanics and Anglos. The sample for this study is a group of business graduate students from two universities in the Southeast. A 20-minute survey was distributed to master's degree students at their classroom and later on returned to the researcher. Individualism and collectivism were operationalized as by a set of attitude items, while unethical work behavior was introduced in the form of hypothetical descriptions or scenarios. Data analysis employed multiple group confirmatory factor analysis for both independent and dependent variables, and subsequently multiple group LISREL models, in order to test predictions. Results confirmed the expected link between cultural variables and attribution responses, although the role of independent variables shifted, due to the moderating effect of ethnicity, and to the nuances of each particular situation.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
The influence of the work environment on the transfer of newly trained supervisory skills was examined. Participants were 505 supermarket managers from 52 stores. The work environment was operationalized in terms of transfer of training climate and continuous-learning culture. Climate and culture were hypothesized to have both direct and moderating effects on posttraining behaviors. Accounting for pretraining behaviors and knowledge gained in training, the results from a series of LISREL analyses showed that both climate and culture were directly related to posttraining behaviors. In particular, the social support system appeared to play a central role in the transfer of training. Moderating effects were not found. Implications for enhancing the transfer of training are discussed.
Este estudo pretende ser um contributo para explicar de que forma a experiência dos utilizadores da internet influência a curiosidade e a atenção que os mesmos têm pela leitura de notícias online sobre eventos terroristas. Analisa-se também a forma como a experiência dos utilizadores da internet influência duma forma direta e indireta a receção de mensagens eletrónicas (eWOM – electronic word-of-mouth). Foi utilizada uma amostragem de 200 inquiridos, maioritariamente Portugueses. Os dados foram analisados recorrendo aos softwares estatísticos SPSS 21 e Lisrel 8.8.Os resultados realçam a importância do consumo e o encaminhamento de notícias sobre eventos terroristas e, surpreendentemente a influência negativa do eWOM sobre a partilha de notícias na internet. Futuramente, as organizações devem aumentar e dar maior notoriedade à credibilidade das informações sobre eventos terroristas, isto terá implicações positivas na atenção e na curiosidade prestada pelos consumidores acerca de conteúdos sobre terrorismo.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
En éste artículo se analiza las características y dimensiones de los indicadores de las Estrategias Genéricas (Porter, 1980) y de los Cuadro de Mando Integral (Kaplan y Norton, 1992), para posteriormente integrarlas y conjugarlas con el propósito de conformar un “Modelo de Medición de la Gestión Estrategia mediante una Estructura del Cuadro de Mando Integral para el Sector Manufacturero de Talabartería y Guarnicionería de Venezuela” (CMI-EGP). Los datos fueron recolectados con dos cuestionarios basados en dimensiones de éstas dos teorías, relacionadas con la alineación entre el recurso humano y la gestión organizacional. Es decir, donde cada dependencia busca alinear los enfoques estratégicos propios de la organización, para así convertirse en un factor de éxito. La metodología empírica empleada esta basada en la técnica de reducción de datos o análisis factorial y por un análisis confirmatorio mediante la técnica Structural Equation Models (SEM), que es una herramienta integral de modelización multiecuacional que fusiona la econometría con los principios de medición de la psicología y la sociología. Esta técnica estadística de análisis multivariante tiene como objetivos primordiales, el aumentar la capacidad explicativa del investigador y la eficacia estadística. La investigación proporciona una modelización confirmatoria que correlaciona las variables latentes y manifiestas, que determinan el grado de relación y alineación entre las cuatro perspectivas de cuadro de mando integral (procesos internos, financieros, del cliente y aprendizaje y crecimiento) y las estrategias genéricas de Porter. Para el procesamiento se emplea el software LISREL versión más reciente 8.8 del año 2009, que es un programa usado en el análisis de ecuaciones estructurales, que fue desarrollado en los años setenta por Karl Jöreskog y Dag Sörbom, ambos profesores de la Universidad de Upsala, Suecia.
El presente proyecto se desarrolló bajo el marco de la Teoría de la Autodeterminación (TAD) (Self-Determination Theory [SDT]; Deci y Ryan, 1985, 2002) la cual, aborda factores personales y situacionales que provocan la energización de la motivación humana en diferentes ámbitos. Sugiere que los individuos que desarrollan una motivación que los acerca y mantiene en una actividad, se basan en qué tan buena es su participación dentro esa actividad para satisfacer las necesidades de competencia, relaciones y autonomía. Debido a la importancia que tiene la satisfacción de estas tres necesidades psicológicas básicas para el desarrollo de la motivación autónoma, sus implicaciones en el contexto laboral quedan de manifiesto, ya que las personas que desarrollan una motivación de mayor calidad incrementarán su confianza lo que facilitará el desarrollo del disfrute, esfuerzo, persistencia, bienestar y satisfacción con su trabajo, incrementando su compromiso y productividad. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es validar la escala de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas en el Trabajo en una muestra de trabajadores mexicanos. El estudio se llevó a cabo en una empresa cuya planta se encuentra dentro del estado de Nuevo León. La muestra consta de 480 trabajadores (62.7% hombres y 37.3% mujeres). Se examinó la fiabilidad de la escala global y las diferentes sub-escalas mediante el alfa de Cronbach con el software estadístico SPSS versión 21. La estructura factorial de los dos modelos se pondrán a prueba mediante el análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) utilizando el programa estadístico LISREL 8.80. La adecuación de los modelos se analizó a través de diferentes índices de ajuste que incluye la chi-cuadrada dividida por los grados de libertad (χ2/gl), el índice de ajuste no normativo (NNFI), el índice de ajuste comparativo (CFI) y la raíz de promedio del error de aproximación.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
La actividad física regular desempeña un papel fundamental en la prevención y control de los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, dentro de la actividad laboral del profesor de educación física. Objetivo: El propósito del estudio fue determinar la relación entre los niveles de actividad física y la prevalencia de los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, en profesores de educación física de 42 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá-Colombia. Métodos. Se trata de un estudio de corte transversal en 262 profesores de educación física, de 42 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá - Colombia. Se aplicó de manera auto-diligenciada el Cuestionario Nórdico de desórdenes músculos esqueléticos y el Cuestionario IPAQ versión corta para identificar los niveles de actividad física. Se obtuvieron medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para variables cuantitativas y frecuencias relativas para variables cualitativas. Se calculó la prevalencia de vida y el porcentaje de reubicación laboral en los docentes que habían padecido diferentes tipo de dolor. Para estimar la relación entre el dolor y las variables sociodemográficas de los docentes, se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística binaria simple. Los análisis fueron realizados en SPSS versión 20 y se consideró como significativo un valor p < 0.05 para el contraste de hipótesis y un nivel de confianza para la estimación de parámetros. Resultados: El porcentaje de respuesta fue del 83.9%, se consideraron válidos 262 registros, 22.5% eran de género femenino, la mayor cantidad de docentes de educación física se encuentraon entre 25 y 35 años (43,9%), frente a los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos, el 16.9% de los profesores reporto haberlos sufrido alguna vez molestias en el cuello, el 17,2% en el hombro, 27,9% espalda, 7.93% brazo y en mano el 8.4%. Los profesores con mayores niveles de actividad física, reportaron una prevalencia menor de alteraciones musculo esqueléticas de 16,9 % para cuello; 27.7% para dorsal/lumbar frente a los sujetos con niveles bajos de actividad física. La presencia de los desórdenes se asoció a los años de experiencia (OR 3.39 IC95% 1.41-7.65), a pertenecer al género femenino (OR 4.94 IC95% 1.94-12.59), a la edad (OR 5.06 IC95% 1.25-20.59), y al atender más de 400 estudiantes a cargo dentro de la jornada laboral (OR 4.50 IC95% 1.74-11.62). Conclusiones: En los profesores de Educación Física no sé encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles de actividad física y los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos medidos por auto reporte.
Purpose: To evaluate psychometric properties of Quinn’s leadership questionnaire (CFV questionnaire; 1988) to the Portuguese health services. Design: Cross-sectional study, using the Quinn’s leadership questionnaire, administered to registered nurses and physicians in Portuguese health care services (N = 687). Method: Self-administered survey applied to two samples. In the first (of convenience; N = 249 Portuguese health professionals) were performed exploratory factor and reliability analysis to the CFV questionnaire. In the second sample (stratified; N = 50 surgical units of 33 Portuguese hospitals) was performed confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL 8.80. Findings: The first sample supported an eight-factor solution accounting for 65.46% of the variance, in an interpretable factorial structure (loadings> .50), with Cronbach’s α upper than .79. This factorial structure, replicated with the second sample, showed reasonable fit for each of the 8 leadership roles, quadrants, and global model. The models evidenced, generally, nomological validity, with scores between good and acceptable (.235 < x2/df < 2.055 e .00 < RMSEA < .077). Conclusions: Quinn’s leadership questionnaire presented good reliability and validity for the eight leadership roles, showing to be suitable for use in hospital health care context. Key-Words: Leadership; Quinn’s CVF questionnaire; health services; Quinn’s competing values.