821 resultados para Grounded theory method
This thesis investigates factors that affect software testing practice. The thesis consists of empirical studies, in which the affecting factors were analyzed and interpreted using quantitative and qualitative methods. First, the Delphi method was used to specify the scope of the thesis. Secondly, for the quantitative analysis 40industry experts from 30 organizational units (OUs) were interviewed. The survey method was used to explore factors that affect software testing practice. Conclusions were derived using correlation and regression analysis. Thirdly, from these 30 OUs, five were further selected for an in-depth case study. The data was collected through 41 semi-structured interviews. The affecting factors and their relationships were interpreted with qualitative analysis using grounded theory as the research method. The practice of software testing was analyzed from the process improvement and knowledge management viewpoints. The qualitative and quantitativeresults were triangulated to increase the validity of the thesis. Results suggested that testing ought to be adjusted according to the business orientation of the OU; the business orientation affects the testing organization and knowledge management strategy, and the business orientation andthe knowledge management strategy affect outsourcing. As a special case, the complex relationship between testing schedules and knowledge transfer is discussed. The results of this thesis can be used in improvingtesting processes and knowledge management in software testing.
In this thesis, the components important for testing work and organisational test process are identified and analysed. This work focuses on the testing activities in reallife software organisations, identifying the important test process components, observing testing work in practice, and analysing how the organisational test process could be developed. Software professionals from 14 different software organisations were interviewed to collect data on organisational test process and testing‐related factors. Moreover, additional data on organisational aspects was collected with a survey conducted on 31 organisations. This data was further analysed with the Grounded Theory method to identify the important test process components, and to observe how real‐life test organisations develop their testing activities. The results indicate that the test management at the project level is an important factor; the organisations do have sufficient test resources available, but they are not necessarily applied efficiently. In addition, organisations in general are reactive; they develop their process mainly to correct problems, not to enhance their efficiency or output quality. The results of this study allows organisations to have a better understanding of the test processes, and develop towards better practices and a culture of preventing problems, not reacting to them.
Syksyllä 2012 Valtion IT-palvelukeskuksen teettämässä asiakastyytyväisyyskyselyssä alle puolet vastanneista oli tyytyväisiä palveluiden tuotteistamiseen, joka heijastui asiakkaan kokemaan palvelun arvoon. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää valtionhallinnon asiakkaille tarjottavien ICT-palveluiden asiakaslähtöiseen tuotteistamiseen vaikuttavat oleelliset osa-alueet. Tutkimus oli luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin grounded theory -menetelmää. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 11 johtajahaastattelusta. Tutkimustuloksia käsiteltiin kolmessa teemassa: ICT-palvelu, tuotteistaminen ja asiakaslähtöisyys. Tutkimustulosten perusteella asiakaslähtöiseen tuotteistukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat yhteinen tavoite ja yhteistyö; asiakasymmärrys, hyödyt ja lisäarvo, laatu ja luottamus, osaaminen ja oppiminen, vastuut ja roolit sekä vuorovaikutus. Tutkimustulokset antavat hyvän lähtökohdan asiakaslähtöisen tuotteistuksen kehittämiseen ja palveluiden laadun parantamisen kehitystoimenpiteiden suunnitteluun.
Cloud computing is a practically relevant paradigm in computing today. Testing is one of the distinct areas where cloud computing can be applied. This study addressed the applicability of cloud computing for testing within organizational and strategic contexts. The study focused on issues related to the adoption, use and effects of cloudbased testing. The study applied empirical research methods. The data was collected through interviews with practitioners from 30 organizations and was analysed using the grounded theory method. The research process consisted of four phases. The first phase studied the definitions and perceptions related to cloud-based testing. The second phase observed cloud-based testing in real-life practice. The third phase analysed quality in the context of cloud application development. The fourth phase studied the applicability of cloud computing in the gaming industry. The results showed that cloud computing is relevant and applicable for testing and application development, as well as other areas, e.g., game development. The research identified the benefits, challenges, requirements and effects of cloud-based testing; and formulated a roadmap and strategy for adopting cloud-based testing. The study also explored quality issues in cloud application development. As a special case, the research included a study on applicability of cloud computing in game development. The results can be used by companies to enhance the processes for managing cloudbased testing, evaluating practical cloud-based testing work and assessing the appropriateness of cloud-based testing for specific testing needs.
Speed, uncertainty and complexity are increasing in the business world all the time. When knowledge and skills become quickly irrelevant, new challenges are set for information technology (IT) education. Meta-learning skills – learning how to learn rapidly - and innovation skills have become more essential than single technologies or other specific issues. The drastic changes in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector have caused a need to reconsider how IT Bachelor education in Universities of Applied Sciences should be organized and employed to cope with the change. The objective of the study was to evaluate how a new approach to IT Bachelor education, the ICT entrepreneurship study path (ICT-ESP) fits IT Bachelor education in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences. This kind of educational arrangement has not been employed elsewhere in the context of IT Bachelor education. The study presents the results of a four-year period during which IT Bachelor education was renewed in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences. The learning environment was organized into an ICT-ESP based on Nonaka’s knowledge theory and Kolb’s experiental learning. The IT students who studied in the ICT-ESP established a cooperative and learned ICT by running their cooperative at the University of Applied Sciences. The students (called team entrepreneurs) studied by reading theory in books and other sources of explicit information, doing projects for their customers, and reflecting in training sessions on what was learnt by doing and by studying the literature. Action research was used as the research strategy in this study. Empirical data was collected via theme-based interviews, direct observation, and participative observation. Grounded theory method was utilized in the data analysis and the theoretical sampling was used to guide the data collection. The context of the University of Applied Sciences provided a good basis for fostering team entrepreneurship. However, the results showed that the employment of the ICT-ESP did not fit into the IT Bachelor education well enough. The ICT-ESP was cognitively too tough for the team entrepreneurs because they had two different set of rules to follow in their studies. The conventional courses engaged lot of energy which should have been spent for professional development in the ICT-ESP. The amount of competencies needed in the ICT-ESP for professional development was greater than those needed for any other ways of studying. The team entrepreneurs needed to develop skills in ICT, leadership and self-leadership, team development and entrepreneurship skills. The entrepreneurship skills included skills on marketing and sales, brand development, productization, and business administration. Considering the three-year time the team entrepreneurs spent in the ICT-ESP, the challenges were remarkable. Changes to the organization of IT Bachelor education are also suggested in the study. At first, it should be admitted that the ICT-ESP produces IT Bachelors with a different set of competencies compared to the conventional way of educating IT Bachelors. Secondly, the number of courses on general topics in mathematics, physics, and languages for team entrepreneurs studying in the ICTESP should be reconsidered and the conventional course-based teaching of the topics should be reorganized to support the team coaching process of the team entrepreneurs with their practiceoriented projects. Third, the upcoming team entrepreneurs should be equipped with relevant information about the ICT-ESP and what it would require in practice to study as a team entrepreneur. Finally, the upcoming team entrepreneurs should be carefully selected before they start in the ICT-ESP to have a possibility to eliminate solo players and those who have a too romantic view of being a team entrepreneur. The results gained in the study provided answers to the original research questions and the objectives of the study were met. Even though the IT degree programme was terminated during the research process, the amount of qualitative data gathered made it possible to justify the interpretations done.
Tämän Pro Gradu-tutkielman tavoitteena on muodostaa työkalu Lean-projektin kannattavuuden ennalta-arvioinnin toteuttamiseen soveltamalla tuottojakauma-menetelmää. Lisäksi tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään, minkälaista siihen liittyvää akateemista tutkimusta on aikaisemmin toteutettu sekä mitä haasteita tämänkaltaisen arvion toteuttamiselle on. Tutkimuksen syntymistä on motivoinut Lean-pro-jektien kannattavuuden ennalta-arvioimisen akateemisesta tutkimuksesta tunnistettu tutkimusaukko. Empiirinen tutkimus on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena, yhteistyössä Lean-projekteihin erikoistuneen konsultointiyrityksen kanssa. Empiiristä tutkimusta on ohjannut sille valittu metodologia, jonka tavoitteena on ollut systemaattisesti muodostaa tutkimuksen tavoitteen mukainen työkalu. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä on toiminut teemahaastattelu, joka on toteutettu kaksiosaisena. Niiden pohjalta saadut aineistot on analysoitu Grounded theory-menetelmää käyttäen. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että muodostetulla tuottojakauma-menetelmää soveltavalla työkalulla on mahdollista toteuttaa Lean-pro¬jektin kannattavuuden ennalta-arviointi. Tulosten perusteella, sen avulla pystytään myös vastaamaan tutkimuksessa tunnistettuihin haasteisiin, jotka ovat aikaisemmin rajoittaneet tämän arvion toteuttamista. Työkalulla on mahdollista, tutkimuksen perusteella, myös tukea sen yhteistyöyrityksen Lean-projektien myyntiä.
The objective of this study was to increase understanding of the link between the identification of required HR competences and competence management alignment with business strategy in a Finnish, global company employing over 8,000 people and about 100 HR professionals. This aim was approached by analyzing the data collected in focus group interviews using a grounded theory method and in parallel reviewing the literature of strategic human resource management, competence-based strategic management, strategy and foresight. The literature on competence management in different contexts dismisses in-depth discussions on the foresight process and individuals are often forgotten in strategic frameworks. However, corporate foresight helps in the detection of emerging opportunities for innovations and in the implementation of strategy. The empirical findings indicate a lack of strategic leadership and an alignment with HR and business. Accordingly, the most important HR competence areas identified were the need for increasing business understanding and enabling change. As a result, the study provided a holistic model for competence foresight, which introduces HR professionals as strategic change agents in the role of organizational futurists at the heart of the company: facilitating competence foresight and competence development on individual as well as organizational levels, resulting in an agile organization with increased business understanding, sensitive sensors and adaptive actions to enable change.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia strategiatietoisuutta eri organisaatiotasoilla ja sen ilmentymistä toiminnassa. Tutkielman tavoitteena on kartoittaa yksilön subjektiivista tietoisuutta strategiasta, sen muodostumista sekä miten tiedostaminen ilmenee päivittäisessä strategisessa toiminnassa. Tutkimusaihetta on innoittanut havainnot, että strategiaa ei aina laaja-alaisesti tiedosteta organisaatioiden operatiivisessa toiminnassa. Tutkielma asemoituu strategisen johtamisen tutkimuskenttään ja vastaa tutkimusaukkoon strategian jaetun ymmärryksen tasosta ylimmän johdon ulkopuolelta. Tutkimus on suoritettu kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena Evli Pankki Oyj:ssä, jonka empiirinen aineisto on kerätty teemahaastatteluin ja analysoitu Grounded Theory –menetelmällä. Teoreettisena ohjaavana viitekehyksenä on käytetty Strategy-as-Practice lähestymistapaa ja metodologisena taustaoletuksena sosiaalista konstruktionismia. Tutkielman tulokset esittävät strategiatietoisuuden olevan suhteellisen korkealla tasolla. Merkittävimmät strategiatietoisuutta muodostavat käytännöt ovat diskursiiviset ja vuorovaikutuksen mahdollistavat käytännöt. Tietoisuus ilmenee käytännön toiminnassa asiakaskeskeisyyden, itseohjautuvuuden ja merkityksentunnun kautta organisaation toimintaa kohtaan.
The main purpose of this study is to identify the elements of children's health games that have a positive impact on children’s health. The investigation is done by evaluating previous health game studies concentrating on children and five health affairs (such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, nutrition and obesity). In order to do so, firstly the topic of children’s health games is explained through its roots, as it is an interdisciplinary topic pertinent with many other fields. For this reason, the topics regarding the children’s health games as games, video games, children’s gameplay, and serious games along with health, relevant health affairs, and health promotion were covered. Secondly, the meta-study was conducted with the 56 articles on children’s health games. These 56 articles were analyzed with the coding technique defined by Charmaz’s Grounded Theory Method (Charmaz, 2006) for finding out which elements of children’s health games have a positive impact on children’s health promotion. The main result suggests that, although there are 24 different elements found and listed which all positive in their nature, their positive impact is a matter of how they are used or implemented through the consumption cycle of children’s health games and how all these elements interact with each other. In addition to this, a pragmatic proposal is formulated for possibly better or more successful health games. The study concludes with the declaration of the limitations encountered through the research and the recommendations for future research.
The main purpose of this study is to identify the elements of children's health games that have a positive impact on children’s health. The investigation is done by evaluating previous health game studies concentrating on children and five health affairs (such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, nutrition and obesity). In order to do so, firstly the topic of children’s health games is explained through its roots, as it is an interdisciplinary topic pertinent with many other fields. For this reason, the topics regarding the children’s health games as games, video games, children’s gameplay, and serious games along with health, relevant health affairs, and health promotion were covered. Secondly, the meta-study was conducted with the 56 articles on children’s health games. These 56 articles were analyzed with the coding technique defined by Charmaz’s Grounded Theory Method (Charmaz, 2006) for finding out which elements of children’s health games have a positive impact on children’s health promotion. The main result suggests that, although there are 24 different elements found and listed which all positive in their nature, their positive impact is a matter of how they are used or implemented through the consumption cycle of children’s health games and how all these elements interact with each other. In addition to this, a pragmatic proposal is formulated for possibly better or more successful health games. The study concludes with the declaration of the limitations encountered through the research and the recommendations for future research.
Tässä kandidaatin työssä tavoitteena oli selvittää tietämyksenhallinnan ongelmia Etelä-Karjalan keskussairaalan kirurgisella osastolla empiirisen case-tutkimuksen avulla. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin kolmea Etelä-Karjalan keskussairaalan kirurgia, joiden vastausten avulla pyrittiin luomaan ankkuroitua teoria-tutkimusmenetelmää hyväksi käyttäen keskeisimpiä vastauksia tutkimusongelmiin. Kirurgisen osaston tietämyksenhallinnan ongelmat perustuivat pääosin tietojärjestelmien hajanaisuuteen, hitauteen sekä käyttäjäystävällisyyteen. Lisäksi hiljaisen tiedon vaikuttavuus tietämyksenhallinnassa nähtiin ongelmana, koska se lisää epävarmuutta hoitopäätöksissä sekä uuden tiedon luomisessa. Tuloksista voidaan todeta, että tietojärjestelmiä täytyisi parantaa lääkäreiden työn nopeuttamiseksi sekä laadun parantamiseksi. Lisäksi työssä tehtiin kirjallisuuskatsaus tietämyksenhallinnasta terveydenhuollon näkökulmasta.
La présence de distorsions cognitives chez les délinquants sexuels est considérée comme étant intimement liée à l’étiologie et au maintient des comportements sexuels déviants. Selon Ward et Keenan (1999), les distorsions cognitives émergent des théories implicites. Les théories implicites peuvent être définies comme étant un réseau de croyances interreliées que les délinquants ont à propos d’eux et du monde qui les entoure. Polaschek et Ward (2002) ainsi que Polaschek et Gannon (2004) ont postulé qu’il existe 5 théories implicites chez les violeurs : Les femmes sont des objets sexuels; L’excitation sexuelle de l’homme est incontrôlable; Le droit de faire ce que nous voulons; Le monde est dangereux; et Les femmes sont dangereuses. La présente recherche avait pour but d’examiner si les théories implicites chez les violeurs étaient pleinement représentées par les travaux de Polaschek et collègues. Les distorsions cognitives de 21 agresseurs sexuels de femmes adultes ont été analysées à partir de l’analyse de leurs discours. Les analyses indiquent que quatre des cinq théories implicites sont présentes dans notre échantillon. De plus, la théorie implicite Les femmes sont des objets sexuels serait mieux conceptualisée en tant que Les femmes sont des objets. Finalement, et en complément aux résultats des études de Polaschek, notre échantillon présente des cognitions qui normalisent la criminalité, la délinquance, la violence et la sexualité pour atteindre leurs buts; nous conduisant à la création d’une nouvelle théorie implicite : Normalisation du crime. Nos résultats indiquent qu’il y aurait peut-être d’autre
Les théories implicites (TIs) sont des croyances sous-jacentes et interconnectées qui influencent les pensées conscientes et le comportement (Ward, 2000). Elles ont été étudiées chez les délinquants et les délinquantes sexuels, ainsi que chez les délinquants violents, mais pas chez les délinquantes violentes. La recherche montre que les cognitions des délinquants violents peuvent être organisées en quatre TIs: 1) Battre ou être battu, 2) Je suis la loi, 3) La violence est normale, et 4) Je perds le contrôle (Polaschek, Calvert & Gannon , 2008). L’objectif de la présente étude était de déterminer quelles sont les TIs des délinquantes violentes afin de mieux comprendre leur comportement. Des entrevues semi structurées ont été menées avec 21 femmes violentes incarcérées. Dans l'analyse, les cognitions des participantes ont été extraites en utilisant l’analyse du discours (Angers, 2005). Ces cognitions ont ensuite été plus profondément analysées pour en ressortir les TIs en suivant la méthode de la théorisation ancrée (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). Les résultats suggèrent qu’il existe six théories implicites liées au comportement violent des femmes. Deux d'entre elles sont neutres, car aussi retrouvées chez les hommes: 1) la violence est normale et 2) je perds le contrôle. Les quatre autres sont sexo-spécifiques: 3) ceux qui agissent injustement méritent d'être battus, 4) j'ai besoin de me protéger et protéger les autres, 5) je ne suis pas violente, et 6) ma vie est trop difficile. En outre, les résultats suggèrent qu'il existe deux groupes distincts d’agresseures en ce qui concerne les cognitions: les « antisociales » et les « classiques ». Les implications et explications théoriques de nos résultats seront discutées.
Esta dissertação analisar gestão de marketing no agronegócio, especificamente no contexto da Associação dos Produtores de Soja e Milho do Estado de Mato Grosso (Aprosoja/MT); trata-se de uma iniciativa que pode ser considerada um novo perfil de liderança no sistema cooperativista. O problema de pesquisa é identificar quais são os fundamentos da gestão de marketing da Aprosoja/MT. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo de caso único, com finalidade exploratória e enfoque qualitativo. Durante a coleta de dados, além da análise documental, foram realizadas vinte entrevistas pessoais, primeiramente utilizando o método da teoria fundamentada, para posterior elaboração de um roteiro semiestruturado. Os relatos das entrevistas e o estudo de caso foram interpretados tomando por base o referencial teórico proporcionado por autores como Kotler, Levy, Vargo, Lusch, Zylbersztajn, Bialoskorski e Tejon, dentre outros estudiosos das áreas da lógica dominante de serviços (LDS), do marketing de relacionamento e do marketing do agronegócio. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que a Aprosoja/MT tem uma visão e entendimento bastante avançados sobre os conceitos mais modernos do campo do marketing, não se restringindo ao marketing tático. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que a Aprosoja/MT opera no nível estratégico do marketing, com forte orientação para o marketing de relacionamento. É possível afirmar que a gestão de marketing da Aprosoja/MT está fundamentada no relacionamento com seus stakeholders, em função do modelo da LDS.
Social entrepreneurship is an emerging area of investigation within the entrepreneurship and not-for-profit marketing literatures. A review of the literature emerging from a number of domains reveals that it is fragmented and that there is no coherent theoretical framework. In particular, current conceptualizations of social entrepreneurship fail to adequately consider the unique characteristics of social entrepreneurs and the context within which they must operate. Using grounded theory method and drawing on nine in-depth case studies of social entrepreneurial not-for-profit organizations, this paper addresses this research gap and develops a bounded multidimensional model of social entrepreneurship. Implications for social entrepreneurship theory, management practice, and policy directions are discussed.