988 resultados para Gifted children.
Each year the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science & Mathematics produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the Budget and Control Board. Included is an executive summary, organizational profile, and discussion of the elements of the Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria.
En este manual se orienta cómo identificar a los niños superdotados y talentosos en educación infantil y cómo pueden usarse los recursos existentes para ayudarles a progresar en su aprendizaje, y a todos los niños a beneficiarse de los innovadores enfoques del aprendizaje. Considera cuatro áreas curriculares, desarrollo de movimiento fÃsico-motor, música, lenguaje y matemáticas. Incluye ideas para actividades que pueden utilizarse como aparecen o pueden ser adaptadas y desarrolladas según las disposiciones individuales, resúmenes de ideas final de cada capÃtulo, glosario.
El autor ofrece una visión sobre estudiantes capaces, dotados y talentosos en el contexto de la legislación de Every Child Matters (Cada Niño Cuenta) para lograr un aprendizaje personalizado. Hace un resumen de un espacio cada vez más importante de la educación, y ofrece un equilibrio entre teorÃa y práctica. Hay orientaciones para: la definición e identificación de estos alumnos, estrategias para utilizar en el aula, el desarrollo del pensamiento crÃtico y creativo, el apoyo, y colaboración con los padres. ada capÃtulo contiene un resumen con los puntos clave, estudio de casos de buenas prácticas, ideas para usar con los estudiantes y actividades de desarrollo profesional para el personal.
Este texto aborda la relación entre el desarrollo intelectual, social y emocional que es necesario para un alto rendimiento y la realización personal. De interés para padres, educadores y responsables de las polÃticas en materia de educación, trata sobre una variedad de temas, incluyendo el desarrollo curricular y proceso en las aulas; ampliación y enriquecimiento de programas; el papel de la familia; niños superdotados y talentosos con dislexia; estudiantes talentosos culturalmente diversos; estudiantes talentosos y capaces de comunidades socio-económicamente desfavorecidas. Hay bibliografÃa al final de cada capÃtulo.
Este manual muestra a los profesionales de educación infantil y primaria cómo identificar a los niños superdotados y con talento de sus clases. La autora aborda el debate de naturaleza/educación en relación con estos niños y discute temas relacionados con el desarrollo y dominios de aprendizaje. Para todos los docentes de estas etapas de enseñanza el volumen está lleno de prácticas que permiten: reconocer la naturaleza innata de la capacidad; proporcionar la enseñanza requerida para el talento que emerge; comprender las experiencias de los niños superdotados y talentosos; desarrollar actividades para desafiar y alentar a los niños superdotados y con talento a ampliar sus repertorios de habilidades y capacidades. Se incluye un capÃtulo sobre desarrollo neurológico para hacer frente a preguntas como 'qué es lo que permite a los niños hacerlo bien', 'hay un gen del genio', con respuestas discrepantes y contradictorias que son compartidas y debatidas. Por último, se plantea la cuestión de los niños superdotados y talentosos con una discordancia de aprendizaje/discapacidad y se dan ejemplos de cómo este ASD (desarrollo asincrónico) puede obstaculizar el reconocimiento de los dones y talentos de estos niños.
Manual que ayuda a padres y profesores a prestar a los niños superdotados y con talento la estimulación mental que necesitan. En la primera parte se hacen comentarios, teorÃas, por ejemplo, la taxonomÃa de Bloom, y conceptos relacionados con la creatividad, el aprendizaje y la enseñanza. La segunda parte ofrece una selección de actividades para toda la clase: rompecabezas y ejercicios entretenidos de matemáticas. La tercera parte proporciona entretenimientos de composición abierta, ejercicios independientes para los alumnos. Todas las actividades son fotocopiables. Aunque escrito principalmente para alumnos excepcionales hasta la edad de once años, este recurso presenta enfoques e ideas que pueden aplicarse a cualquier alumno y a cualquier situación de enseñanza.
This paper reports on the use of email as a means to access the self-constructions of gifted young adolescents. Australian research shows that gifted young adolescents may feel more lonely and misunderstood than their same-age counterparts, yet they are seldom asked about their lives. Emerging use of online methods as a means of access to individual lives and perceptions has demonstrated the potential offered by the creation of digital texts as narrative data. Details are given of a qualitative study that engaged twelve children aged between 10 and 14 years, who were screened for giftedness, in a project involving the generation of emailed journal entries sent over a period of 6 months. With emphasis on participatory principles, individual young adolescents produced self-managed journal entries that were written and sent to the researcher from personal computers outside the school setting. Drawing from a theoretical understanding of self as constructed within dialogic relationships, the digital setting of email is proposed as a narrative space that fosters healthy self-disclosure. This paper outlines the benefits of using email as a means to explore emotions, promote reflective accounts of self and support the development of a personal language for self-expression. Individual excerpts will be presented to show that the harnessing of personal narratives within an email context has potential to yield valuable insights into the emotions, personal realities and experiences of gifted young adolescents. Findings will be presented to show that the co-construction of self-expressive and explanatory narratives supported by a facilitative adult listener promoted healthy self-awareness amongst participants. This paper contributes to appreciative conversations about using online methods as a flexible and practical avenue for conducting educational research. Furthermore, digital writing in email form will be presented as having distinct advantages over face-to-face methods when utilised with gifted young adolescents who may be unwilling to disclose information within school-based settings.
The poor educational outcomes of children in care is a significant concern internationally. Whilst there have been many interventions developed to address this problem, very few of these have been rigorously evaluated. This article presents the findings of a randomised controlled trial that sought to measure the effectiveness of a book gifting programme (the Letterbox Club) that aims to improve literacy skills amongst children aged 7-11 years in foster care. The programme involves children receiving six parcels of books sent through the post over a six-month period. The trial, which ran between April 2013 and June 2014, involved a sample of 116 children in Northern Ireland (56 randomly allocated to the intervention group and 60 to a waiting list control group). Outcome measures focused on reading skills (reading accuracy, comprehension and rate) and attitudes to reading and school. The trial found no evidence that the book-gifting programme had any effect on any of the outcomes measured. Drawing upon some of the emergent themes from the accompanying qualitative process evaluation that sought to determine foster carer/child attitude towards and engagement with the parcels, it is suggested that one plausible reason for the ineffectiveness of the Letterbox Club, as intimated by carers and children (rather than explicitly explored with them), is the lack of support provided to the carers/children in relation to the packs received. Reflective of an ecological model of children’s development, it is recommended that for book-gifting programmes to be effective they need to include a focus on encouraging the direct involvement of foster carers in shared literacy activities with the children using the books that are gifted.
The strength and nature of the video game practice effect on tests of visual and perceptual skills were examined using high functioning Grades Four and Five students who had been tested with the WISC-R .for the purpose of gifted identification and placement. The control group, who did not own and .play video games on a sustained basis, and the experimental group, who did own a video game system and had some mastery of video games, including the -Nintendo game, "Tetris", were each composed of 18 juniorg:r;-ade students and were chosen from pre-existing conditions. The experimental group corresponded to the control group in terms of age, sex, and community. Data on the Verbal and Performance I.Q. Scores were· collected for both groups and the author was interested in the difference between the Verbal and Performance Scores within each group, anticipating a P > V outcome for the experimental group. The results showed a significant P > V difference in the experimental, video game playing group, as expected, but no significant difference between the Performance $cores of the control and experimental groups. The results, thus, indicated lower Verbal I.Q. Scores in the experimental group relat'ive to 'the control group.' The study conclu~ed that information about a sUbject's video game experience and "learhing style pref~rence is important for a clear interpretation of the Verbal and Performance I.Q. Scores of the WISC-R. Although the time spent on video game play may, 'indeed, increase P~rformance Scores relative to Verbal Scores for an individual, the possibilities exist that the time borrowed and spent away from language based activities may retard verbal growth and/or that the cognitive style associated with some Performance I.Q.subtests may have a negative effect on the approach to the tasks on the Verbal I.Q. Scale. The study also discussed the possibility that exposure to ,the video game experience, in pre-puberty, can provide spatial instruction which will result in improved spatial skills. strong spatial skills have been linked to improved performance and preference in mathematics, science, and engineering and it was suggested that appropriate video game play might be a way to involve girls more in the fields of mathematics and science.
Este manual se centra en un examen más detallado de los planes de estudio, porque las escuelas que trabajan para mejorar su oferta para los superdotados tienen la necesidad de una orientación más detallada en determinadas áreas. Diseñado principalmente para el maestro de primaria, está estructurado en seis capÃtulos en donde se analiza lo que las escuelas deben estar tratando de lograr y por qué, destaca el hecho de que la capacidad lingüÃstica se reconoce a menudo a una edad temprana del niño y los logros significativos que pueden ocurrir antes de que éste llegue a escuela, mira las matemáticas en la escuela primaria y considera lo que representa ser dotado en matemáticas y cómo la escuela podrÃa reconocer matemáticos dotados, considera la ciencia y su papel en ayudar a los niños a desarrollarse como pensadores sofisticados, explora el papel de las TIC como herramienta de aprendizaje.
In this article Geoff Tennant and Dave Harries report on the early stages of a research project looking to examine the transition from Key Stage (KS) 2 to 3 of children deemed Gifted and Talented (G&T) in mathematics. An examination of relevant literature points towards variation in definition of key terms and underlying rationale for activities. Preliminary fieldwork points towards a lack of meaningful communication between schools, with primary school teachers in particular left to themselves to decide how to work with children deemed G&T. Some pointers for action are given, along with ideas for future research and a request for colleagues interested in working with us to get in touch.