790 resultados para Gatekeeper, Neutrality, Objectivity


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"The paper speaks about the both positive and negative arguments of the concept of technological neutrality. Technology is the part and parcel of present people's daily life having aesthetic and devil impact on world. The experts and philosophers on interpretation of the influence of technology in life are concerned about the ongoing misuse of technology. The debate is whether technology itself becomes destructive and detrimental to us or the people inventing technology are responsible to make it more harmful for their own greediness. States are preparing to adopt new laws regarding the proper, exact and neutral use of technology in a sense to protect the deviation of technology behavior. The introduction tells about the fundamental impact and effectiveness of technology in life; ""definition of technology"" goes ahead to identify the various aspect of technology development stages; ""autonomous technology"" heading finds out the true characters of technology as against to human power and strength; ""neutral technology"" implies the adaptation of laws for neutral use of technology itself; ""neutrality principle in economy and communication science"" has the notion of impartial rationale of being unbiased for upholding technology neutrality principle in practice; and finally the conclusion ends with summing up the average influences of technology on human being at large."


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L'objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre la neutralité axiologique non pas comme une exigence épistémologique, mais plutôt comme un idéal éducationnel. Max Weber propose une science basée sur la description factuelle, de laquelle on exclut la formulation de jugements de valeur. Pour l'auteur, il est préférable de séparer les jugements descriptifs des jugements évaluatifs dans le but de préserver l'autonomie intellectuelle des étudiants. Comme il serait contraire au principe d'autonomie de laisser le professeur influencer et convaincre ses étudiants, de façon partisane, d'adhérer à certaines thèses normatives, Weber propose un mécanisme pour éviter que le professeur n'influence ses étudiants de manière illégitime. Les critiques contemporaines de la neutralité axiologique, en particulier celles de Sen et Putnam, voient dans le critère de neutralité un rejet de l'entrelacement logique des faits et des valeurs. Ils critiquent la supposée subjectivité des valeurs et, ce faisant, défendent une conception enrichie de la science où les valeurs éthiques sont présentes. Weber n'a jamais défendu qu'il était impossible de mener une analyse à la fois descriptive et normative. Seulement, on doit s'interroger sur les lieux où s'exprime la normativité, et s'assurer que toutes les conditions sont présentes pour qu'une discussion normative tende réellement à l'objectivité.


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La notion de neutralité, bien que référent central au sein d’un État libéral, est souvent invoquée de manière imprécise et contradictoire dans le discours public. Proposant que cela résulte en partie des limites inhérentes à une compréhension abstraite et uniforme de ce concept, le présent article exposera comment l’idéal de neutralité libérale doit plutôt s’inscrire et s’évaluer par le biais de quatre étapes successives. Les quatre étapes en question dépassent la simple herméneutique philosophique du libéralisme en trouvant déjà des assises dans le droit ; elles seront dès lors illustrées tout au long du texte à l’aide des décisions pertinentes de la Cour Suprême du Canada.


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Some discussion points about net neutrality


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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The study furthers our understanding of the persuasive and constructive aspects of accounting information. We consider it as a process of ‘interpretive framing’ in the quest for legitimacy - an attempt to justify decisions and excuse mistakes. We base our theoretical discussion on the premise that the picture reported by accounting information is an example of institutional reality and thus mediated by the social contexts in which it is constructed and interpreted. Accounting information is a matter of ‘the interpretation of interpretations’ - the provision of accounting information, which is already a result of a competitive interplay among prior interpretations of certain aspects of our economic phenomena, undergoes further interpretation by the recipients of that information. This notion applies equally to narratives and numbers. We challenge notions of rigor, accuracy and objectivity assigned to quantification in accounting and posit that numbers can be an even more powerful rhetorical device due to their image of being rational and ‘rhetoric free’. We illustrate our theoretical propositions presenting explicit references to the constructive and rhetorical aspects of financial reporting from Pacioli and his times (late 15th century) to the recent regulatory developments of FASB/IASB in 2013, i.e. from the rhetoric of double entry book-keeping to the rhetoric of 'fair value’. We acknowledge, building on these theoretical foundations, the inherent subjectivity of accounting information (influenced by perceptions and interests) without entirely denying however its informative functions. We illustrate the practical implications of this, in a situation where “shared and socially accepted” perceptions may be the nearest we can get to anything resembling a faithful representation of economic reality. The paper contributes to a broader understanding of how accounting information can be viewed as a social and humanistic construction, and challenges taken-for-granted assumptions about impartiality, neutrality and rationality in regard to the process.


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Procurou-se desenvolver uma reflexão sobre a escola brasileira atual, suas dificuldades e seus problemas, bem como investigar a idéia de cisão entre saber e poder presente nos postulados de neutralidade e objetividade da ciência moderna e dominante na concepçao de conhecimento que direciona a instituição educativa. Nossa análise partiu de uma perspectiva foucaultiana de poder para entender o processo disciplinar da escola e seus mecanismos de vigilância e controle que perpassam o cotidiano da mesma e que conduzem à sujeição e ao adestramento do corpo físico, material para se atingir a submissão cognitiva e política. A acumulação de capital precisou de uma minuciosa e calculada tecnologia da sujeição para produzir a acumulaçao de homens o que sustenta e expande um aparelho de produçao que, por sua vez, mantém e utiliza os homens. A economia capitalista apóia-se no poder disciplinar cuja "anatomia política" funciona através de regimes políticos, aparelhos e instituições diversas, entre as quais encontra-se a escola. Um trabalho em campo buscou detectar, tanto as tecnologias de poder vigentes e suas práticas, quanto as manifestações de resistência atuantes e seus modos de expressão. Tentou-se, ainda, analisar a dificuldade de mudar estas práticas, tendo como orientação as conceituações de Deleuze e Guaftari a respeito da "palavra de ordem". O pensamento de Nietzsche conduziu a crítica e a discussão desta escola que temos, bem como a proposição de novos valores para a educação, com o consequente questionamento e suspeição do valor dos valores que norteiam esta educação.


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The ways in which Internet traffic is managed have direct consequences on Internet users’ rights as well as on their capability to compete on a level playing field. Network neutrality mandates to treat Internet traffic in a non-discriminatory fashion in order to maximise end users’ freedom and safeguard an open Internet. This book is the result of a collective work aimed at providing deeper insight into what is network neutrality, how does it relates to human rights and free competition and how to properly frame this key issue through sustainable policies and regulations. The Net Neutrality Compendium stems from three years of discussions nurtured by the members of the Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality (DCNN), an open and multistakeholder group, established under the aegis of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF).


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O texto levanta os perfis epistemológico e socianalítico da questão paradigmática. Mauss evidenciara o moule affectif das noções científicas de força e causa. Posteriormente Baudouin falaria na indução arquetípica das noções e a antropologia do imaginário de Durand concluiria pela indução arquetipal do conceito pela imagem. Chegava-se, assim, ao desvendamento do substrato inconsciente das ideações, de um substrato regido pela catexis vetorializada, traduzindo-se nos valores como cerne das ideações. É o famoso a priori emotivo. Portanto, no texto, questionam-se dois mitos, esteios da ciência clássica: o mito da objetividade científica e o da neutralidade axiológica. Destaca, assim, a falácia da existência de uma ruptura epistemológica entre ciência e ideologia. A partir daí, as ideações tornam-se ideologias, sobretudo nas ciências do homem e nas ciências da educação que, ademais, tornam-se suporte de uma disfarçada luta ideológica, na qual, num colonialismo cognitivo, as estratégias de conhecimento dissimulam as de preconceito. Entretanto, assumir a realidade desse suporte fantasmanalítico e ideológico propicia uma tarefa educativa salutar: os paradigmas tornam-se fantasias e, nessa relativização crítica, podem ser usados como um campo de objetos transicionais coletivos num ludismo cultural e educativo. No policulturalismo da sociedade contemporânea, o politeísmo de valores de Weber transforma-se num politeísmo epistemológico, regido pelo relativismo ontológico de Feyerabend e por uma ética do pragmatismo. Articulando cultura, organização e educação, a antropologia das organizações educativas e a culturanálise de grupos de Paula Carvalho traduzem as heurísticas dessa dialética transicional.


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The transport properties of the two-dimensional system in HgTe-based quantum wells containing simultaneously electrons and holes of low densities are examined. The Hall resistance, as a function of perpendicular magnetic field, reveals an unconventional behavior, different from the classical N-shaped dependence typical for bipolar systems with electron-hole asymmetry. The quantum features of magnetotransport are explained by means of numerical calculation of the Landau level spectrum based on the Kane Hamiltonian. The origin of the quantum Hall plateau sigma(xy) = 0 near the charge neutrality point is attributed to special features of Landau quantization in our system.