849 resultados para GENERATORS


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The installation of induction distributed generators should be preceded by a careful study in order to determine if the point of common coupling is suitable for transmission of the generated power, keeping acceptable power quality and system stability. In this sense, this paper presents a simple analytical formulation that allows a fast and comprehensive evaluation of the maximum power delivered by the induction generator, without losing voltage stability. Moreover, this formulation can be used to identify voltage stability issues that limit the generator output power. All the formulation is developed by using the equivalent circuit of squirrel-cage induction machine. Simulation results are used to validate the method, which enables the approach to be used as a guide to reduce the simulation efforts necessary to assess the maximum output power and voltage stability of induction generators. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Synchronous distributed generators are prone to operate islanded after contingencies, which is usually not allowed due to safety and power-quality issues. Thus, there are several anti-islanding techniques; however, most of them present technical limitations so that they are likely to fail in certain situations. Therefore, it is important to quantify and determine whether the scheme under study is adequate or not. In this context, this paper proposes an index to evaluate the effectiveness of anti-islanding frequency-based relays commonly used to protect synchronous distributed generators. The method is based on the calculation of a numerical index that indicates the time period that the system is unprotected against islanding considering the global period of analysis. Although this index can precisely be calculated based on several electromagnetic transient simulations, a practical method is also proposed to calculate it directly from simple analytical formulas or lookup tables. The results have shown that the proposed approach can assist distribution engineers to assess and set anti-islanding protection schemes.


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In Kantor and Trishin (1997) [3], Kantor and Trishin described the algebra of polynomial invariants of the adjoint representation of the Lie superalgebra gl(m vertical bar n) and a related algebra A, of what they called pseudosymmetric polynomials over an algebraically closed field K of characteristic zero. The algebra A(s) was investigated earlier by Stembridge (1985) who in [9] called the elements of A(s) supersymmetric polynomials and determined generators of A(s). The case of positive characteristic p of the ground field K has been recently investigated by La Scala and Zubkov (in press) in [6]. We extend their work and give a complete description of generators of polynomial invariants of the adjoint action of the general linear supergroup GL(m vertical bar n) and generators of A(s).


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Analisi del sistema di gestione dell'azienda Mase Generators S.p.A. In particolare dopo aver introdotto l'importanza di un accurato flusso delle informazioni, si sono raccolti alcuni dati relativi alla produzione dell'impresa studiata per poter fare alcune considerazioni su valore di magazzino, livello di servizio ed ore di produzione caricate sulla commessa, al fine di individuare i punti di forza e le criticità del metodo adottato. Non esiste infatti un sistema di gestione che sappia rispondere a tutte le necesseità, ma una volta determinate le strategie esse devono essere ottimizzate e coerenti con gli obiettivi dell'azienda.


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In this thesis we present techniques that can be used to speed up the calculation of perturbative matrix elements for observables with many legs ($n = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ldots$). We investigate several ways to achieve this, including the use of Monte Carlo methods, the leading-color approximation, numerically less precise but faster operations, and SSE-vectorization. An important idea is the use of enquote{random polarizations} for which we derive subtraction terms for the real corrections in next-to-leading order calculations. We present the effectiveness of all these methods in the context of electron-positron scattering to $n$ jets, $n$ ranging from two to seven.


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This report is a dissertation proposal that focuses on the energy balance within an internal combustion engine with a unique coolant-based waste heat recovery system. It has been predicted by the U.S. Energy Information Administration that the transportation sector in the United States will consume approximately 15 million barrels per day in liquid fuels by the year 2025. The proposed coolant-based waste heat recovery technique has the potential to reduce the yearly usage of those liquid fuels by nearly 50 million barrels by only recovering even a modest 1% of the wasted energy within the coolant system. The proposed waste heat recovery technique implements thermoelectric generators on the outside cylinder walls of an internal combustion engine. For this research, one outside cylinder wall of a twin cylinder 26 horsepower water-cooled gasoline engine will be implemented with a thermoelectric generator surrogate material. The vertical location of these TEG surrogates along the water jacket will be varied along with the TEG surrogate thermal conductivity. The aim of this proposed dissertation is to attain empirical evidence of the impact, including energy distribution and cylinder wall temperatures, of installing TEGs in the water jacket area. The results can be used for future research on larger engines and will also assist with proper TEG selection to maximize energy recovery efficiencies.


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The increasing penetration of wind energy into power systems has pushed grid operators to set new requirements for this kind of generating plants in order to keep acceptable and reliable operation of the system. In addition to the low voltage ride through capability, wind farms are required to participate in voltage support, stability enhancement and power quality improvement. This paper presents a solution for wind farms with fixed-speed generators based on the use of STATCOM with braking resistor and additional series impedances, with an adequate control strategy. The focus is put on guaranteeing the grid code compliance when the wind farm faces an extensive series of grid disturbances.


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Among all the different types of electric wind generators, those that are based on doubly fed induction generators, or DFIG technology, are the most vulnerable to grid faults such as voltage sags. This paper proposes a new control strategy for this type of wind generator, that allows these devices to withstand the effects of a voltage sag while following the new requirements imposed by grid operators. This new control strategy makes the use of complementary devices such as crowbars unnecessary, as it greatly reduces the value of currents originated by the fault. This ensures less costly designs for the rotor systems as well as a more economic sizing of the necessary power electronics. The strategy described here uses an electric generator model based on space-phasor theory that provides a direct control over the position of the rotor magnetic flux. Controlling the rotor magnetic flux has a direct influence on the rest of the electrical variables enabling the machine to evolve to a desired work point during the transient imposed by the grid disturbance. Simulation studies have been carried out, as well as test bench trials, in order to prove the viability and functionality of the proposed control strategy.


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In weak grids, an important problem with voltage stability and protections coordination of power plants exists. This problem appears because all the generation groups are connected to the same bus bar. As a result, if a fault occurs in any of the generation groups, or in the bus bar that connect them, the system voltage will have large oscillations. Hence, in weak grids the correct adjustment of AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) is critical. In this work an experimental study of differents AVR adjustments against fault in weak grids is described.


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Locating stator-winding ground faults accurately is a very difficult task. In this paper the grounding circuit measurements are evaluated in order to obtain information about the stator ground-fault location in synchronous generators. In power generators grounded through a high impedance, the relation between the neutral voltage and the phase voltage provide a first estimation of the fault location. The location error by using this ratio depends on the fault resistance and the value of the capacitance to ground of the stator winding. However, the error added by ignoring the value of the fault resistance is the most relevant term. This location estimation and the location error have been evaluated through the data of a real synchronous machine.


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The generator differential protection is one of the most important electrical protections of synchronous generator stator windings. Its operation principle is based on the comparison of the input current and output current at each phase winding. Unwanted trip commands are usually caused by CT saturation, wrong CT selection, or the fact that they may come from different manufacturers. In generators grounded through high impedance, only phase-to-phase or three-phase faults can be detected by the differential protection. This kind of fault causes differential current to flow in, at least, two phases of the winding. Several cases of unwanted trip commands caused by the appearance of differential current in only one phase of the generator have been reported. In this paper multi-phase criterion is proposed for generator differential protection algorithm when applied to high impedance grounded generators.


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The search for new energy models arises as a necessity to have a sustainable power supply. The inclusion of distributed generation sources (DG) allows to reduce the cost of facilities, increase the security of the grid or alleviate problems of congestion through the redistribution of power flows. In remote microgrids it is needed in a particular way a safe and reliable supply, which can cover the demand for a low cost; due to this, distributed generation is an alternative that is being widely introduced in these grids. But the remote microgrids are especially weak grids because of their small size, low voltage level, reduced network mesh and distribution lines with a high ratio R/X. This ratio affects the coupling between grid voltages and phase shifts, and stability becomes an issue of greater importance than in interconnected systems. To ensure the appropriate behavior of generation sources inserted in remote microgrids -and, in general, any electrical equipment-, it is essential to have devices for testing and certification. These devices must, not only faithfully reproduce disturbances occurring in remote microgrids, but also to behave against the equipment under test (EUT) as a real weak grid. This also makes the device commercially competitive. To meet these objectives and based on the aforementioned, it has been designed, built and tested a voltage disturbances generator, in order to provide a simple, versatile, full and easily scalable device to manufacturers and laboratories in the sector.