975 resultados para Front Line Employees
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.
Resumo - As doenças crónicas não transmissíveis são uma ameaça crescente à Saúde Pública em Portugal. As principais causas de mortalidade e morbilidade são doenças relacionadas com os estilos de vida, hábitos alimentares e de actividade física. Os Cuidados de Saúde Primários estão na linha da frente para dar resposta a estas patologias. Os profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente médicos e enfermeiros, sentem dificuldades para as tratar, como a falta de tempo, de conhecimentos e de confiança para o fazer, bem como uma descrença na efectividade das suas intervenções no âmbito da mudança comportamental destes pacientes. A dificuldade em referenciar estes pacientes a outros profissionais, especializados, como os nutricionistas e os fisiologistas do exercício, implica dotar médicos e enfermeiros com as competências básicas de aconselhamento alimentar e de actividade física, bem como serem capazes de assumirem uma atitude centrada no paciente e motivadora da mudança comportamental. O objectivo deste estudo é avaliar os conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas no tratamento da obesidade e sua associação com o nível de actividade física reportado por médicos e enfermeiros. Este é um estudo observacional, transversal, que recorre à aplicação de um questionário de resposta directa. --------Abstract - Non communicable chronic diseases are increasingly relevant public health threats. The main causes of mortality and morbidity in Portugal are lifestyle, food and exercise habits, related diseases. Primary health care services are in the front line to adress this pathologies. Health care professionals, namely physicians and nurses, face numerous barriers like reduced consultation time, knowledge and confidence to deal with this problems, as well as a disbelief in the efectiviness of their intervention in patients health behaviour change. The inhability to reference this patients to nutrition and exercise specialists, increases the need to give physicians and nurses the adequate nutrition and exercise basic counselling skills, as well as promoting a patient centred attitude that enables them to increase patients motivation to health behaviour change. The study sought to assess the nutrition knowledge, atittudes and practice and its associations with self - reported personal physical activity habits of primary health care professionals. This is a descriptive, cross- sectional stu
RESUMO - Introdução: A necessidade de gestão da ameaça de uma pandemia obriga à gestão da incerteza absoluta. O desconhecimento científico quanto a uma série de factores tais como, as características dos vírus causadores de infecções, a efectividade das medidas de prevenção e de tratamento, contribuiu para a dificuldade de actuação a vários níveis. Face à evolução da situação epidemiológica mundial no campo da gripe, Portugal reviu e adaptou o seu plano de contingência para a gripe tendo sido homologado, em Janeiro de 2006, um novo plano – Plano de Contingência Nacional do Sector da Saúde para a Pandemia. Objectivos: O presente estudo apresenta como principais objectivos (1) a avaliação das estratégias de intervenção e respectiva implementação das medidas de saúde pública não farmacológicas, durante a pandemia da gripe de 2009; (2) a identificação dos pontos críticos na gestão das medidas de saúde pública não farmacológicas, para preparação e resposta a futuras pandemias da gripe e, por último, (3) a definição de um modelo de acompanhamento, de monitorização e de avaliação das medidas de saúde pública não farmacológicas, que permita identificar os pontos importantes a ter em conta na implementação de boas práticas de saúde pública, nos diferentes níveis de prestação de cuidados de saúde, tendo como limitação o estado da arte dos sistemas de informação e avaliação, nacionais e internacionais, existentes. Material e Métodos: Para a avaliação das estratégias de intervenção e respectiva implementação das medidas de saúde pública não farmacológicas bem como, para a identificação dos pontos críticos na gestão das respectivas medidas foram consideradas duas perspectivas: a avaliação dos resultados através do Relatório da Pandemia da Gripe e a avaliação dos resultados através das avaliações da OMS e da Euro OMS. É apresentado um modelo de acompanhamento, de monitorização e de avaliação das medidas de saúde pública não farmacológicas, a implementar na classe médica que esteve na “linha da frente”, durante a pandemia H1N1 2009 em Portugal, nos cuidados primários, hospitalares e intensivos. Resultados: Deverá existir uma representação dos profissionais de saúde para suporte das decisões de forma a assegurar uma representação alargada não só na preparação mas também, na implementação e na aplicação do Plano de Contingência. O processo de planemanto deverá ter acesso público com possibilidade de participação activa do cidadão na sua implementação. O Plano deve ter a capacidade para se adaptar à situação epidemiológica e, no terreno os exercícios de simulações durante o processo de planeamento são importantes. As orientações técnicas devem ser dinâmicas, práticas, específicas e úteis e, dever-se investir numa cultura de confiança (“right people communicating to right people”). As alterações ao plano devem partir da coordenação, comando e controlo que, nos vários níveis de decisão, devem definir claramente quem toma as decisões. Conclusões: As estratégias para as intervenções ao nível da saúde pública, continuam, no mundo hodierno a desempenhar um papel fundamental e crucial na contenção das pandemias. O modelo apresentado neste estudo procura uma abordagem objectiva para destacar não só, os elementos essenciais de actividades bem-sucedidas, mas também as áreas em que a experiência pandémica sugere que o futuro planeamento deve dar maior ênfase.
Following orders, hierarchical obedience and military discipline are essential values for the survival of the armed forces. Without them, it is not possible to conceive the armed forces as an essential pillar of a democratic state of law and a guarantor of national independence. As issuing orders as well as receiving and following them are inextricably linked to military discipline, and as such injunctions entail the workings of a particular obedience regime within the specific kind of organized power framework which is the Armed Forces, only by analysing the importance of such orders within this microcosm – with its strict hierarchical structure – will it be possible to understand which criminal judicial qualification to ascribe to the individual at the rear by reference to the role of the front line individual (i.e. the one who issues an order vs the one who executes it). That is, of course, when we are faced with the practice of unlawful acts, keeping in mind the organizational framework and its influence over the will of the executor. One thing we take as read, if the orders can be described as unlawful, the boundary line of the duty of obedience, which cannot be overstepped, both because of a legal as well as a constitutional imperative, will have been crossed. And the military have sworn an oath of obedience to the fundamental law. The topic of hierarchical obedience cannot be separated from the analysis of current legislation which pertains to the topic within military institutions. With that in mind, it appeared relevant to address the major norms which regulate the matter within the Portuguese military legal system, and, whenever necessary and required by the reality under analysis, to relate that to civilian law or legal doctrine.
Following orders, hierarchical obedience and military discipline are essential values for the survival of the armed forces. Without them, it is not possible to conceive the armed forces as an essential pillar of a democratic state of law and a guarantor of national independence. As issuing orders as well as receiving and following them are inextricably linked to military discipline, and as such injunctions entail the workings of a particular obedience regime within the specific kind of organized power framework which is the Armed Forces, only by analysing the importance of such orders within this microcosm – with its strict hierarchical structure – will it be possible to understand which criminal judicial qualification to ascribe to the individual at the rear by reference to the role of the front line individual (i.e. the one who issues an order vs the one who executes it). That is, of course, when we are faced with the practice of unlawful acts, keeping in mind the organizational framework and its influence over the will of the executor. One thing we take as read, if the orders can be described as unlawful, the boundary line of the duty of obedience, which cannot be overstepped, both because of a legal as well as a constitutional imperative, will have been crossed. And the military have sworn an oath of obedience to the fundamental law. The topic of hierarchical obedience cannot be separated from the analysis of current legislation which pertains to the topic within military institutions. With that in mind, it appeared relevant to address the major norms which regulate the matter within the Portuguese military legal system, and, whenever necessary and required by the reality under analysis, to relate that to civilian law or legal doctrine.
BACKGROUND: As the diversity of the European population evolves, measuring providers' skillfulness in cross-cultural care and understanding what contextual factors may influence this is increasingly necessary. Given limited information about differences in cultural competency by provider role, we compared cross-cultural skillfulness between physicians and nurses working at a Swiss university hospital. METHODS: A survey on cross-cultural care was mailed in November 2010 to front-line providers in Lausanne, Switzerland. This questionnaire included some questions from the previously validated Cross-Cultural Care Survey. We compared physicians' and nurses' mean composite scores and proportion of "3-good/4-very good" responses, for nine perceived skillfulness items (4-point Likert-scale) using the validated tool. We used linear regression to examine how provider role (physician vs. nurse) was associated with composite skillfulness scores, adjusting for demographics (gender, non-French dominant language), workplace (time at institution, work-unit "sensitized" to cultural-care), reported cultural-competence training, and cross-cultural care problem-awareness. RESULTS: Of 885 questionnaires, 368 (41.2%) returned the survey: 124 (33.6%) physicians and 244 (66.4%) nurses, reflecting institutional distribution of providers. Physicians had better mean composite scores for perceived skillfulness than nurses (2.7 vs. 2.5, p < 0.005), and significantly higher proportion of "good/very good" responses for 4/9 items. After adjusting for explanatory variables, physicians remained more likely to have higher skillfulness (β = 0.13, p = 0.05). Among all, higher skillfulness was associated with perception/awareness of problems in the following areas: inadequate cross-cultural training (β = 0.14, p = 0.01) and lack of practical experience caring for diverse populations (β = 0.11, p = 0.04). In stratified analyses among physicians alone, having French as a dominant language (β = -0.34, p < 0.005) was negatively correlated with skillfulness. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, there is much room for cultural competency improvement among providers. These results support the need for cross-cultural skills training with an inter-professional focus on nurses, education that attunes provider awareness to the local issues in cross-cultural care, and increased diversity efforts in the work force, particularly among physicians.
Many mental health patients also have substance misuse problems, so mental health service staff need to be skilled to provide simple prevention and treatment interventions, assisted by drug and alcohol specialists. This guidance covers the assessment and clinical management of patients with mental illness being cared for in psychiatric inpatient or day care settings who also use or misuse alcohol and/or illicit or other drugs*. It also covers organisational and management issues to help mental health services manage these patients effectively. The key message is that the assessment and management of drug and alcohol use are core competences required by clinical staff in mental health services. The guidance aims to: â?¢ encourage integration of drug and alcohol expertise and related training into mental health service provision; â?¢ provide ideas and guidance to front-line staff and manages to help them provide the most effective therapeutic environments; â?¢ help mental health services plan action on dual diagnosisâ? .This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
La perception de la productivité SUMMARY The main objective of this thesis is the perception of the productivity in the luxury hospitality industry. Despite a lot of efforts which were already made in the field of the production of goods, this concept (productivity) still remains to be defined in the services sector, more still, in that of the luxury hospitality industry. Since the object of this study is the perception of productivity, we decided to analyze the elements considered to be relevant by the top management in this field. Then, it seemed important to evaluate these same elements for the categories of middle-management and by the in-line employees. As perception is not static, it is dependent in an indirect way on its improvement and however also with the means of improvement. The assumption of our work evokes the possible relationship between productivity and its perception (P), (Q) quality and profitability (R). On this basis we built the P-Q-R model: R=F(P,Q) Finally, our research on this model enabled us to establish a mathematical relation between the three predetermined elements: fR=fP+fQ+c That means that the function efficiency of a process of services -(fR) is the sum of its quality function (intrinsic and extrinsic)-(fP) and of its productivity function - fQ (and the constant of regression "c"). To increase the profitability of the most significant manner, it is necessary to increase at the same time the productivity and quality. On the other hand, according to this formula but also according to the perception of the managers, with a constant profitability, either the productivity decreases in favor of the increase in quality, or the reverse. If the dimensions of the model influence positively or negatively the production process of services, then those wí11 influence in same manner our model (P, Q, R). We advance a point of view saying that profitability depends on the labor productivity which follows same dynamics than the perception of the productivity. The identification of the labor productivity as an essential element of successful management of the hotel is fundamental. The question which always remains in suspense is however the relevance of the concept "labor productivity" for the luxury hospitality industry. It was not proven an obvious correlation between this notion and the one of profitability. We still remain at the stage of perception. It results that one interesting way of future research will be the study of this correlation. As in any kind of luxury industry, the real added value does not consist in the volume produced or in the speed with which the product/service is carried out but in the creativity involved in their results. Let us note that the field of luxury is extremely related to the emotions and to the experience provided to the customers. La perception de la productivité... RÉSUME L'objectif principal de cette thèse est la perception de la productivité dans l'hôtellerie de luxe. Malgré tous les efforts qui ont déjà été faits dans le domaine de la production de biens, ce concept (productivité) reste encore à définir dans le secteur des services, plus encore, dans celui de l'hôtellerie de luxe. Étant donné que l'objet de l'étude est la perception de la productivité, nous avons décidé d'analyser les éléments jugés pertinents par les cadres dirigeants dans ce domaine. Puis, il nous a semblé important d'évaluer ces mêmes éléments pour les catégories de cadres moyens et par les employés in-line. Comme la perception n'est pas statique, elle est liée d'une manière indirecte à son amélioration et cependant également aux moyens d'amélioration. L'hypothèse de notre travail évoque la possible relation entre la productivité et sa perception (P), la qualité (Q) et la rentabilité (R). Sur cette base nous avons construit le modèle P-Q-R de départ R=f(P,Q) Finalement, notre recherche sur ce modèle nous a permis d'établir une relation mathématique entre les trois construits prédéterminés: fR=fP+fQ+c Cela signifie que la fonction rentabilité d'un processus de services -(fR) est la somme de sa fonction qualité (intrinsèque et extrinsèque)-fP et de sa fonction productivité -fQ (plus la constante de régression « c ») Pour augmenter la rentabilité de la manière la plus significative, il faut augmenter en même temps la productivité et la qualité. En revanche, selon cette formule mais selon aussi la perception des managers, à une rentabilité constante, soit la productivité diminue en faveur de l'augmentation de la qualité, soit l'inverse. Si les dimensions du modèle influencent positivement ou négativement le processus de production de services, alors celles-ci vont influencer de la même manière les construits de notre modèle (P, Q, R). Nous avançons un point de vue disant que la rentabilité dépend de la productivité du travail qui suit la même dynamique que la perception de la productivité. L'identification de la productivité du travail comme élément essentiel de gestion réussie de l'hôtel s'avère fondamentale. La question qui reste toujours en suspens est pourtant la pertinence de la notion «productivité du travail » pour l'industrie hôtelière de luxe. Il n'a pas été prouvé une corrélation évidente entre cette notion et celle de la profitabilité. Nous restons donc ici encore au stade de perception. Il en résulte que l'une des voies les plus intéressantes de recherche future sera l'étude de cette corrélation. Comme dans toute industrie de luxe, la vraie valeur ajoutée ne consiste pas toujours dans le volume produit, ni dans la vitesse avec laquelle le produit/service est réalisé, mais parfois dans la créativité emmagasinée dans ces résultats. Notons que le domaine de luxe est extrêmement lié aux émotions et à l'expérience fournie aux clients.
Emergency departments are and will be at the front line to face the forthcoming increased use of the health care system by the aging baby boomers cohort. Emergency department services will need to adjust on a quantitative as well as on a qualitative basis to manage the impact of these demographic changes. Various models of care have been developed to improve the care of older geriatric patients in the Emergency department that resulted in favorable results on functional, health, as well as health services utilization outcomes. Key components of these successful models have been identified that require a high level of integration between geriatric and emergency teams.
Introduction Preventing drug incompatibilities has a high impact onthe safety of drug therapy. Although there are no internationalguidelines to manage drug incompatibilities, different decision-supporttools such as handbooks, cross-tables and databases are available.In a previous study, two decision-support tools have been pre-selectedby pharmacists as fitting nurses' needs on the wards1. The objective ofthis study was to have these both tools evaluated by nurses todetermine which would be the most suitable for their daily practice.Materials & Methods Evaluated tools were:1. Cross-table of drug pairs (http://files.chuv.ch/internet-docs/pha/medicaments/pha_phatab_compatibilitessip.pdf)2. Colour-table (a colour for each drug according to the pH: red =acid; blue = basic; yellow = neutral; black = to be infused alone)2Tools were assessed by 48 nurses in 5 units (PICU, adult andgeriatric intensive care, surgery, onco-hematology) using a standardizedform1. The scientific accuracy of the tools was evaluated bydetermining the compatibility of five drugs pairs (rate of correctanswers according to the Trissel's Handbook on Injectable Drugs,chi-square test). Their ergonomics, design, reliability and applicabilitywere estimated using visual analogue scales (VAS 0-10; 0 =null, 10 = excellent). Results are expressed as the median and interquartilerange (IQR) for 25% and 75% (Wilcoxon rank sum test).Results The rate of correct answers was above 90% for both tools(cross-table 96.2% vs colour-table 92.5%, p[0.05).The ergonomics and the applicability were higher for the crosstable[7.1 (IQR25 4.0, IQR75 8.0) vs 5.0 (IQR25 2.7, IQR75 7.0), p =0.025 resp. 8.3 (IQR25 7.4, IQR75 9.2) vs 7.6 (IQR25 5.9, IQR75 8.8)p = 0.047].The design of the colour-table was judged better [4.6 (IQR25 2.9,IQR75 7.1) vs 7.1 (IQR25 5.4, IQR75 8.4) p = 0.002].No difference was observed in terms of reliability [7.3 (IQR25 6.5,IQR75 8.4) vs 6.7 (IQR25 5.0, IQR758.6) p[0.05].The cross-table was globally preferred by 65% of the nurses (27%colour-table, 8% undetermined) and 68% would like to have thisdecision-support tool available for their daily practice.Discussion & Conclusion Both tools showed the same accuracy toassess drug compatibility. In terms of ergonomics and applicabilitythe cross-table was better than the colour-table, and was preferred bythe nurses for their daily practice. The cross-table will be implementedin our hospital as decision-support tool to help nurses tomanage drug incompatibilities.
The treatment of multiple myeloma (MM) has undergone significant developments in recent years. The availability of the novel agents thalidomide, bortezomib, and lenalidomide has expanded treatment options and has improved the outcome of patients with MM. Following the introduction of these agents in the relapsed/refractory setting, they are also undergoing investigation in the initial treatment of MM. A number of phase III trials have demonstrated the efficacy of novel agent combinations in the transplant and nontransplant settings, and based on these results standard induction regimens are being challenged and replaced. In the transplant setting, a number of newer induction regimens are now available that have been shown to be superior to the vincristine, doxorubicin, and dexamethasone regimen. Similarly, in the front-line treatment of patients not eligible for transplantation, regimens incorporating novel agents have been found to be superior to the traditional melphalan plus prednisone regimen. Importantly, some of the novel agents appear to be active in patients with high-risk disease, such as adverse cytogenetic features, and certain comorbidities, such as renal impairment. This review presents an overview of the most recent data with these novel agents and summarizes European treatment practices incorporating the novel agents.
Lessons Learned and Best Practices is a Rebuild Iowa Office initiative that identifies innovative ideas as well as opportunities for improvement to be shared with our federal, state and local partners. It is designed to provide recovery providers and planners with information and front-line expertise on effective planning, execution and operational practices across the recovery spectrum.
Introduction Pediatric intensive care patient represent a population athigh risk for drug-related problems. Our objective is to describe drugrelated problems and intervention of four decentralized pharmacists inpediatric and cardiac intensive care unit.Materials & Methods Multicentric, descriptive and prospectivestudy over a six-month period (August 1st 2009-January 31st 2010).Drug-related problems and clinical interventions were compiled infour pediatric centers using a tool developed by the Socie´te´ Franc¸aisede Pharmacie Clinique. Data concerning patients, drugs, intervention,documentation, approval (if needed), and estimated impact werecompiled. The four pharmacists participating were from Belgium (B),France (F), Quebec (Q) and Switzerland (S).Results A total of 996 interventions were collected: 129 (13%) in B,238 (24%) in F, 278 (28%) in Q and 351 (35%) in S. These interventionstargeted 269 patients (median 22 month-old, 52% male): 69(26%) in B, 88 (33%) in F, 56 (21%) in Q and in S. These data werecollected during 28 non consecutive days in the clinical unit in B, 59days in F, 42 days in Q and 63 days in S. The main drug-relatedproblems were inappropriate administration technique (293, 29%),untreated indication (254, 25%) and supra therapeutic dosage (106,11%). The pharmacist's interventions concerned mainly administrationmode optimization (223, 22%), dose adjustment (200, 20%) andtherapeutic monitoring (164, 16%). The three major drug classesleading to interventions were anti-infectives for systemic use (233,23%) and alimentary tract and metabolism drugs (218, 22%). Interventionsconcerned mainly residents and all clinical staff (209, 21%).Among the 879 (88%) interventions requiring a physician's approval,731 (83%) were accepted. Interventions were considered as having amoderate (51%) or major (17%) clinical impact. Among the interventionsprovided, 10% were considered to have an economicalpositive impact. Differences and similarities between countries willbe presented at the poster session.Discussion & Conclusion Decentralized pharmacist at patient bedsideis a pre-requisite for pharmaceutical care. There are limitedstudies comparing the activity of clinical pharmacists betweencountries. This descriptive study illustrates the ability of clinicalpharmacist to identify and solve drug-related problems in pediatricintensive care unit in four different francophone countries.