956 resultados para EFL teachers
Vocabulary homework is a common feature in the English subject in Sweden. Often the pupils are given a list of words they are to memorize for a pending test. In this literature review the author aims to analyze what the current research says about homework and how homework can be used effectively for EFL learners in elementary school, with a focus on both homework and vocabulary learning research. Cognitive linguistics has been used as a theoretical perspective to help answer the research questions. Results indicate that homework has limited effect on younger learners and should not be used, while, some researchers claim that it can be effective if introduced properly. Regarding vocabulary learning, it is important that vocabulary is relevant to the learner and that words are taught through a meaningful context. Therefore, vocabulary homework for EFL learners in elementary school should consist of words and phraseology which have a personal relevance to the learner, or key words for subjects taught in class. The conclusion of the study is that it is up to the teachers to determine if they should use vocabulary homework or not when teaching EFL, as long as the decision is based on current research.
[EN] Since Long's Interaction Hypothesis (Long, 1983) multiple studies have suggested the need of oral interaction for successful second language learning. Within this perspective, a great deal of research has been carried out to investigate the role of corrective feedback in the process of acquiring a second language, but there are still varied open debates about this issue. This comparative study seeks to contribute to the existing literature on corrective feedback in oral interaction by exploring teachers' corrective techniques and students' response to these corrections. Two learning contexts were observed and compared: a traditional English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom and a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) classroom .The main aim was to see whether our data conform to the Counterbalance Hypothesis proposed by Lyster and Mori (2006). Although results did not show significant differences between the two contexts, a qualitative analysis of the data shed some light on the differences between these two language teaching settings. The findings point to the need for further research on error correction in EFL and CLIL contexts in order to overcome the limitations of the present study.
Este trabajo de investigación es sobre el uso de un folleto con actividades de expresión oral utilizados en una clase de Inglés de estudiantes de primer año del colegio "Integración Iberoamericano" y discute intereses de los estudiantes en desarrollo estas actividades para una interacción oral significativa entre (estudiantes y profesores) y (estudiantes-estudiantes). Además, este trabajo de investigacióntiene 5secciones: la primera secciónes una introducciónacerca de laimportancia de la comunicaciónen nuestra vidadiaria, la segunda secciónpresenta laliteratura, sección en la quese mencionandiferentesautores quepresentanalgunas perspectivassobreel desarrollo de comunicación oralen el EFL clase, así como en la tercera secciónse mencionala metodología utilizadadurante el desarrollodel trabajo de investigación. Por otra parte, en la cuarta secciónse presentaelanálisis de los datoscon los resultadosobtenidospor los participantesdespués de haber sido aplicado elfolleto conlasactividades de expresión oral, y, finalmente,en la quinta sección, se presentanlas conclusiones yrecomendacionesdespués de haberterminado el trabajo de investigación. Esimportante mencionarque el usode este folletoserá considerado como una opcióndiferente yuna metodología innovadoraque los futurosprofesores pueden utilizaren las clasescomo una herramientaútily significativa parael desarrollo deloshabilidades para hablar y una buena comunicación oral de los estudiantes.
Learning a foreign language is a process that entails the development of four basic skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. According to the Common European Framework, such skills can be grouped into productive and receptive. Reading and Listening are categorized as receptive skills, while speaking and writing are productive skills. Students’ and teachers’ experience along with research findings suggest that most learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) find productive skills more difficult to develop than receptive skill, and writing skills the hardest to acquire and improve. Learning to write is a complex process that calls for a wide range of cognitive and linguistic strategies to be used, most of which EFL students are not fully aware of. The purpose of this talk is to help EFL college majors become aware of the factors that make EFL discourse sound stilted and foreign. Good writing results from rational thinking, logical organization, and appropriate use of language. Sample texts will be looked at identify the strengths and weaknesses in each case.
Se analiza la utilidad de las canciones en las clases de inglés y cómo pueden usarse para la enseñanza de la pronunciación. Estudiantes de todas las edades tienen un gran interés por la música, de modo que es un recurso que debe aprovecharse. Con el fin de comprender y mejorar la producción de distintos sonidos y elementos suprasegmentales, se presenta a los profesores de inglés como lengua extranjera para hispanohablantes estas ideas para usar canciones en la clase. Esta invéstigación está basada en la experiencia de la autora como aprendiente y docente de la lengua extranjera.The importance of using songs in the English classroom and how it can be implemented to teach pronunciation is analyzed here. Students of all ages have a strong i nterest in music; therefore, it is a resource that should be taken into account. To understand and improve the production of varied sounds and suprasegmental features, English as a Foreign Language teachers of Spanish speakers are given these ideas to analyze songs in class. This research is based on the author's experience as a foreign language leamer and teacher.