101 resultados para EFA
Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Adultos - Educação e formação de jovens e adultos pouco escolarizados), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011
Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Psicologia da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialização em Administração Escolar
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Sociologia, na especialidade de Sociologia da Cultura, do Conhecimento e da Educação
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Educação, na Área de Es-pecialização de Educação e Formação de Adultos
The purpose of this study is to examine the psychographic (product attributes, motivation opinions, interest, lifestyle, values) characteristics of wine tourists along the Niagara wine r,~ute, located in Ontario, Canada, using a multiple case study method. Four wineries were selected, two wineries each on the East, and West sides of the wine route during the shoulder-season (January, February, 2004). Using a computer generated survey technique, tourists were approached to fill out a questionnaire on one of the available laptop computers, where a sample ofN=321 was obtained. The study findings revealed that there are three distinct wine tourist segments in the Niagara region. The segments were determined using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a K-means cluster analysis: Wine Lovers, Wine Interested, and Wine Curious wine tourists. These three segments displayed significant differences in their, motivation for visiting a winery, lifestyles, values, and wine purchasing behaviour. This study also examined differences between winery locations, on the East and West sides of the Niagara wine route, with respect to the aforementioned variables. The results indicated that there were significant differences between the regions with respect to these variables. The findings suggest that these differences present opportunities for more effective marketing strategies based on the uniqueness of each region. The results of this study provide insight for academia into a method of psychographic market segmentation of wine tourists and consumer behaviour. This study also contributes to the literature on wine tourism, and the identification of psychographic characteristics of wine tourists, an area where little research has taken place.
Nurse Managers need today more than ever instruments that can be used to justify the billions of dollars that are invested in the healthcare sector annually. The objective of the study was to establish the validity and reliability of the Nursing Intensity Critical Care Questionnaire (NICCQ) in a cardiac surgery intensive care unit (CSICU) of a tertiary hospital. An expert panel evaluated the questionnaire’s content validity while generalizability theory was used to estimate the G and D coefficients. Decision studies enabled the investigators to determine if the current ward functioning of having one nurse rate one patient is adequate. Also, exploratory factorial analyses (EFA) preceded by principal component analyses (PCA) looked at establishing the factorial structure for the NICCQ. Finally, the NICCQ was correlated with a severity of illness score known as the Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) to estimate the correlation between patient illness and nursing intensity of care. The NICCQ was used by nurses using a sample of patients who had undergone cardiac surgery and were hospitalized on a CSICU of a tertiary teaching hospital. A convenience sample of nurses and patients on the CSICU was used to reflect the procedures and usual functioning of the unit. Each item on the questionnaire measured nursing intensity of care using a three point ordinal scale (Light, Moderate, and Severe) for the first 11 items, and a five point ordinal scale for the global assessment item (including the intermediate categories light/moderate and moderate/severe). The questionnaire proved to be both valid and able to be generalized to all nurses working in the CSICU. Overall results showed that 94.4% of the item generalizability coefficients indicated acceptable to excellent reliability, with most (86.1%) being larger than .90. The EFA established a simple 4 factor structure that explained little of the variance (32%). A correlation coefficient of 0.36 indicated that patient’ severity of illness is somewhat correlated with nursing intensity of care. The study showed that the NICCQ is a valid questionnaire with a generalizability coefficient that is large enough to be used by nurses’ managers for administrative purposes. Further research using larger samples would be needed to further test the factor structure of the NICCQ.
Kochi, the commercial capital of Kerala, South India and second most important city next to Mumbai on the Western coast is a land having a wide variety of residential environments. Due to rapid population growth, changing lifestyles, food habits and living standards, institutional weaknesses, improper choice of technology and public apathy, the present pattern of the city can be classified as that of haphazard growth with typical problems characteristics of unplanned urban development especially in the case of solid waste management. To have a better living condition for us and our future generations, we must know where we are now and how far we need to go. We, each individual must calculate how much nature we use and compare it to how much nature we have available. This can be achieved by applying the concept of ecological footprint. Ecological footprint analysis (EFA) is a quantitative tool that represents the ecological load imposed on earth by humans in spatial terms. The aim of applying EFA to Kochi city is to quantify the consumption and waste generation of a population and to compare it with the existing biocapacity. By quantifying the ecological footprint we can formulate strategies to reduce the footprint and there by having a sustainable living. The paper discusses the various footprint components of Kochi city and in detail analyses the waste footprint of the residential areas using waste footprint analyzer. An attempt is also made to suggest some waste foot print reduction strategies thereby making the city sustainable as far as solid waste management is concerned.
Kochi, the commercial capital of Kerala and the second most important city next to Mumbai on the Western coast of India, is a land having a wide variety of residential environments. The present pattern of the city can be classified as that of haphazard growth with typical problems characteristics of unplanned urban development. This trend can be ascribed to rapid population growth, our changing lifestyles, food habits, and change in living standards, institutional weaknesses, improper choice of technology and public apathy. Ecological footprint analysis (EFA) is a quantitative tool that represents the ecological load imposed on the earth by humans in spatial terms. This paper analyses the scope of EFA as a sustainable environmental management tool for Kochi City
In the past, natural resources were plentiful and people were scarce. But the situation is rapidly reversing. Our challenge is to find a way to balance human consumption and nature’s limited productivity in order to ensure that our communities are sustainable locally, regionally and globally. Kochi, the commercial capital of Kerala, South India and the second most important city next to Mumbai on the Western coast is a land having a wide variety of residential environments. Due to rapid population growth, changing lifestyles, food habits and living standards, institutional weaknesses, improper choice of technology and public apathy, the present pattern of the city can be classified as that of haphazard growth with typical problems characteristics of unplanned urban development. Ecological Footprint Analysis (EFA) is physical accounting method, developed by William Rees and M. Wackernagel, focusing on land appropriation using land as its “currency”. It provides a means for measuring and communicating human induced environmental impacts upon the planet. The aim of applying EFA to Kochi city is to quantify the consumption and waste generation of a population and to compare it with the existing biocapacity. By quantifying the ecological footprint we can formulate strategies to reduce the footprint and there by having a sustainable living. In this paper, an attempt is made to explore the tool Ecological Footprint Analysis and calculate and analyse the ecological footprint of the residential areas of Kochi city. The paper also discusses and analyses the waste footprint of the city. An attempt is also made to suggest strategies to reduce the footprint thereby making the city sustainable
In the past, natural resources were plentiful and people were scarce. But the situation is rapidly reversing. According to the Living Planet Report 2006, during the last thirty years, consumption of natural resources has increased 40%, while Earth’s natural wealth in biodiversity has decreased 30%. Our challenge is to find a way to balance human consumption and nature’s limited productivity in order to ensure that our communities are sustainable locally, regionally and globally. Ecological Footprint Analysis (EFA) is physical accounting method, developed by William Rees and M. Wackernagel (1992), focusing on land appropriation using land as its “currency”. It provides a means for measuring and communicating human induced environmental impacts upon the planet. In this paper, an attempt is made to explore the tool Ecological Footprint Analysis. The paper also analyses the methods for calculating ecological footprint, scope of the tool as an impact assessment tool for India and measure for reducing the ecological footprint
Consumo de sustancias y noxas prenatales en madres de pacientes con síndrome de Möbius y Möbius Like
Introducción: El síndrome de Möbius y Möbius Like es una entidad poco frecuente caracterizada principalmente por parálisis congénita del VI y VII par craneal. Su etiología es poco conocida aunque se ha asociado a inductores del aborto. El objetivo de este estudio es describir factores anómalos, tóxicos o nocivos que hayan estado presentes en el embarazo de las madres de estos pacientes. Metodología: se realizó una encuesta auto-diligenciable a 15 madres de pacientes con el diagnóstico, indagando sobre condiciones anómalas y/o exposicionales del embarazo, el padre y el ambiente. Resultados: Las madres se encontraban entre los 16 y 34 años al momento de quedar embarazadas, en su mayoría eran solteras, estudiantes y sin planes de embarazo. Once en total usaron algún medicamento y/o sustancias durante la gestación; seis de ellas Misoprostol (40%). Las otras sustancias utilizadas incluyeron: alternativas, cigarrillo, alcohol, ibuprofeno, anticonceptivos, otros. Como anomalías del periodo prenatal se reportaron sangrado activo y/o amenaza de aborto, infección, exposición a químicos ambientales y enfermedad materna activa. Las condiciones paternas descritas fueron alcoholismo y/o drogadicción, enfermedad y edad ≥ 40 años en bajo porcentaje. Conclusión: El síndrome de Möbius y Möbius Like es una patología poco frecuente de la cual aún se debe seguir investigando sobre su etiología, para plantear posibles medidas de prevención.
Objetivo: El cuestionario Barriers to Being Active Quiz (BBAQ), indaga las barreras para ser físicamente activo. El cuestionario fue traducido al español por el mismo equipo que desarrolló la versión inglésa original, pero carece de estudios de validez en la versión española. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del BBAQ (en la versión completa de 21 ítems), centrándose en la fiabilidad y validez. Material y métodos: Un total de 2.634 (1.462 mujeres y 1.172 varones; 18-30 años de edad) estudiantes universitarios completaron el cuestionario BBAQ-21. El alfa de Crombach se estimó como indicador de consistencia interna. El coeficiente de correlación intra-clase (CCI) y el grado de acuerdo se calcularon para evaluar la estabilidad temporal con un periodo de 7 días entre ambas administraciones como estimadores de la reproducibilidad. Se aplicó un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y confirmatorio (AFC) para analizar la validez del BBAQ-21 ítems. Resultados: El BBAQ-21 mostró valores de un alfa de Cronbach entre 0,812 y 0,844 y un CCI entre el 0,46 y 0,87. El porcentaje de acuerdo por todos los conceptos individuales varió de 45 a 80%. El AFE determinó cuatro factores que explicaron el 52,90% de la varianza y el AFC mostró moderadas cargas factoriales. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos en este cuestionario avalan la utilización de este instrumento con este tipo de muestra, desde el punto de vista de la fiabilidad y validez. El BBAQ-21 está disponible para evaluar las barreras para la actividad física en América Latina.
Resumen de la revista
Estudiar desde un planteamiento teórico en qué medida las escuelas familiares agrarias constituyen un diseño educativo integrado. El sistema educativo de las escuelas familiares agrarias. 1) Resumen teórico de algunas versiones recientes del proceso educativo desde la óptica de la educación integral y el aprendizaje holístico. 2) Estudio de un modelo de aprendizaje que haga posible la realización de esa educación integral. 3) Análisis comparativo de cada uno de esos planteamientos teóricos con el sistema educativo de las EFA. 1) Los objetivos y fines planteados en las EFA. Contribuyen al desarrollo de la inteligencia en una personalidad integrada. 2) La unidad entre educación y vida es un método integrador y adaptado a la realidad y características de los alumnos. 3) La convivencia es un importante medio de formación que fomenta la sociabilidad y la comunicación. 4) A través de multitud de actividades que comprometen a toda la persona se proporciona una unidad de formación. 5) Las escuelas familiares agrarias cuentan con un equipo docente coherente y entregado. 1) El sistema educativo de las EFA constituye una educación dirigida a la unidad de la persona humana para el logro de su autorealización. 2) Existe una estrecha relación entre el sistema educativo de las EFA y el modelo de aprendizaje de García Hoz. 3) Desde el enfoque teórico de nuestro estudio concluimos que en las EFA se lleva a cabo una educación integrada que responde a los diferentes aspectos propugnados por la teoría pedagógica. 4) Prospectiva: quedaría por demostrar en futuras investigaciones si empíricamente las EFA constituyen un diseño educativo integrado.