227 resultados para EAE


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Artikulu honen helburu nagusia da EAEren eta Txinaren arteko harreman ekonomikoak aztertzea: zein izan da harreman horien bilakaera eta zein egungo garrantzia? 80ko hamarkadatik Txinak lortu duen hazkunde ekonomiko biziaren eraginez bi ekonomien arteko loturak estutu egin dira: 2011n, EAEk Txinan erosi zuen bere guztizko inportazioen %5,3, eta Txinako merkatuan saldu zuen bere esportazio totalen %2,2. Halaber, gero eta enpresa gehiagok erabaki dute Txinan ezartzea. Argi dagoenez, Asiako Dragoi Handiaren hazkundeak aukerak eta erronkak dakartza herrialde garatu guztiontzat, eta EAEko ekonomiaren etorkizuna ere estuki lotuta egongo da inguru global berrian lehiakor izateko gaitasunarekin.


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Azken bolada honetan osasun gastuaren hazkundea dela eta Estatuko Herri Administrazioan zein Autonomi Erkidego guztietan egonezin izugarria piztu da. Izan ere, gai honek zer ikusi handia du Ongizate Estatu ereduarekin. Ongizateren Estatuaren funtsezko neurritako bat osasun gastuak kontrolatzeko sistema on bat izatea da. Baina, horretarako ezinbestekoa da aurrekontuak egitura garbia eta arautzailea izatea. Beraz, aztertuko dute EAE-k zer nolako kontrol sistema juridikoa erabiltzen du.


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Pannexin1 (Panx1) is a plasma membrane channel permeable to relatively large molecules, such as ATP. In the central nervous system (CNS) Panx1 is found in neurons and glia and in the immune system in macrophages and T-cells. We tested the hypothesis that Panx1-mediated ATP release contributes to expression of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for multiple sclerosis, using wild-type (WT) and Panx1 knockout (KO) mice. Panx1 KO mice displayed a delayed onset of clinical signs of EAE and decreased mortality compared to WT mice, but developed as severe symptoms as the surviving WT mice. Spinal cord inflammatory lesions were also reduced in Panx1 KO EAE mice during acute disease. Additionally, pharmacologic inhibition of Panx1 channels with mefloquine (MFQ) reduced severity of acute and chronic EAE when administered before or after onset of clinical signs. ATP release and YoPro uptake were significantly increased in WT mice with EAE as compared to WT non-EAE and reduced in tissues of EAE Panx1 KO mice. Interestingly, we found that the P2X7 receptor was upregulated in the chronic phase of EAE in both WT and Panx1 KO spinal cords. Such increase in receptor expression is likely to counterbalance the decrease in ATP release recorded from Panx1 KO mice and thus contribute to the development of EAE symptoms in these mice. The present study shows that a Panx1 dependent mechanism (ATP release and/or inflammasome activation) contributes to disease progression, and that inhibition of Panx1 using pharmacology or gene disruption delays and attenuates clinical signs of EAE.


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Lan honen helburua, EAE-ko curriculuma oinarritzat hartuz, Lehen Hezkuntzako testuliburuetan sormena eta intuizioa garatzen diren problemak lantzen diren, aztertu eta analizatzea da. Horrez gain, testuliburuan atal honetan gabeziak dituzten haur talde batean, mota hauetako problemak praktikan jarriko dira, beraien jarrera eta erantzuna aztertuz.


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Lan honen helburua, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko energia elektrikoaren etxebizitzen eskaeraren analisia egitea da, eta azterketa honetatik ondorio zehatzak atera eta hauek azaltzea. Azterketa hau egiteko, ekonomiari aplikaturiko metodo estatitistikoak erabiliko ditugu, konkretuki metodo ekonometrikoak.


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[Es] Éste trabajo estudia la desigualdad en la distribución de la renta en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco entre los años 2001 y 2011. Este periodo está dividido en dos sub-periodos, uno de bonanza económica entre 2001 y 2009 y otro de crisis económica y financiera entre 2009 y 2011. Se considera la renta disponible como variable y se toman los datos de UDALMAP y la encuesta de pobreza y desigualdades sociales (2012). Respaldado por un estudio teórico y referenciado de las herramientas para la medición de la desigualdad utilizadas en el trabajo, se analizan los estadísticos de los datos y se mide la distribución de la renta mediante el análisis de los principales y más reconocidos métodos para el estudio de la desigualdad como son la curva de Lorenz, el índice de Gini, la distribución inter-cuartil y el índice de Theil. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la desigualdad en la distribución de la renta en la CAPV (2001-2011) se ha reducido, si bien al analizar los sub-periodos no encontramos factores económicos o territoriales que expliquen con claridad las razones de la variación de la renta.


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[EU]Lan honetan hiru atal nagusitan murgilduko gara: EAEko sektore publikoaren analisian eta, kontabilitatearen eta kontrol sistemaren sektore pribatuarekiko konparaketan.


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[EUS]Lan honen bitartez emakumeek gaur egun lan merkatuan bizi duten egoera ezagutu nahi da. Batez ere kontziliazioan zentratuta dago, gaur egun genero berdintasunerako eta emakumeen egoera hobetzeko tresna garrantzitsu bat dela ulertzen delako.


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Reconhecida como agente de doença humana em 1982, E.coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) pode causar diarréia sanguinolenta, colite hemorrágica e síndrome hemolítica urêmica (SHU). EHEC constitui um subgrupo especialmente virulento das E.coli produtoras de toxina de Shiga (Stx). O fator crítico da sua virulência é a toxina Shiga, capaz de interromper a síntese proteica da célula eucariótica. São conhecidos dois subgrupos de Stx, Stx1 e Stx2. Stx1 possui duas variantes Stx1c e Stx1d. Stx2 possui muitas variantes. Estudos epidemiológicos sugerem que cepas com os perfis toxigênicos Stx2 ou Stx2/Stx2c seriam mais frequentemente associadas a pacientes com SHU. Além da expressão de Stx, EHEC do sorotipo O157:H7 colonizam a mucosa intestinal induzindo a formação de lesões denominadas attaching/effacing (A/E). Para a produção da lesão A/E, é necessária a presença de uma ilha de patogenicidade cromossômica denominada LEE, composta por cinco operons, LEE 1 a LEE5. Em LEE 5 são codificadas a adesina intimina e o seu receptor Tir, o qual é translocado por um sistema de secreção tipo III (SSTT) e em LEE 4 são codificadas as proteínas secretadas EspA,B e D. Em EHEC O157:H7 são descritos muitos fatores de virulência, codificados em ilhas de patogenicidade, no cromossomo e no megaplasmídio pO157. Bovinos são o principal reservatório deste patógeno e alimentos de origem bovina e produtos contaminados com fezes de bovinos são causadores de surtos epidêmicos. Em nosso país EHEC O157:H7 é isolada do reservatório animal mas é muito rara a sua ocorrência em doença humana. Notamos que nas cepas bovinas predomina Stx2c, enquanto nas cepas humanas predomina o perfil toxigenico Stx2/Stx2c. Quanto a interação com enterocitos humanos cultivados in vitro (linhagem Caco-2), verificamos que tanto cepas bovinas quanto humanas mostram idêntica capacidade de invadir e persistir no compartimento intracelular das células Caco-2. No entanto, em comparação com as cepas humanas, as cepas bovinas mostram uma reduzida capacidade de produzir lesões A/E. Empregamos qPCR para aferir a transcrição de três diferentes locus (eae, espA e tir) situados nos operons LEE4 e LEE5 de cepas bovinas e humanas, durante a infecção de células Caco-2. Verificamos diferenças na expressão dos genes, especialmente espA, entre cepas bovinas e humanas com maior expressão para estas ultimas, em linha com os achados dos testes FAS. Através de clonagem e expressão de proteínas recombinantes, purificamos as proteínas Eae, EspA e Tir e obtivemos anticorpos específicos, empregados para acompanhar a sua expressão ao longo da infecção de células Caco-2, por imunofluorescencia. Verificamos que as três proteínas são detectadas tanto em cepas bovinas quanto humanas, mas nestas ultimas, a marcação é precoce e torna-se mais intensa com o avanço da infecção. Nossos resultados indicam que cepas EHEC O157:H7 isoladas do reservatório bovino em nosso país apresentam diferenças importantes em relação ao perfil toxigenico e a capacidade de indução de lesões A/E, características apontadas na literatura como relevantes para a virulência do micro-organismo. Por outro lado, nossos achados quanto a capacidade de invadir e multiplicar-se no interior de enterócitos pode explicar a persistência do patógeno no reservatório animal e a sua capacidade de transmissão horizontal.


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Adult neural stem cells (aNSCs) derived from the subventricular zone of the brain show therapeutic effects in EAE, an animal model of the chronic inflammatory neurodegenerative disease MS; however, the beneficial effects are modest. One critical weakness of aNSC therapy may be an insufficient antiinflammatory effect. Here, we demonstrate that i.v. or i.c.v. injection of aNSCs engineered to secrete IL-10 (IL-10–aNSCs), a potent immunoregulatory cytokine, induced more profound functional and pathological recovery from ongoing EAE than that with control aNSCs. IL-10–aNSCs exhibited enhanced antiinflammatory effects in the periphery and inflammatory foci in the CNS compared with control aNSCs, more effectively reducing myelin damage, a hallmark of MS. When compared with mice treated with control aNSCs, those treated with IL-10–aNSCs demonstrated differentiation of transplanted cells into greater numbers of oligodendrocytes and neurons but fewer astrocytes, thus enhancing exogenous remyelination and neuron/axonal growth. Finally, IL-10–aNSCs converted a hostile environment to one supportive of neurons/oligodendrocytes, thereby promoting endogenous remyelination. Thus, aNSCs engineered to express IL-10 show enhanced ability to induce immune suppression, remyelination, and neuronal repair and may represent a novel approach that can substantially improve the efficacy of neural stem cell–based therapy in EAE/MS.


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Background: Interleukin-17A (IL-17A) is the founding member of a novel family of inflammatory cytokines that plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of many autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis (MS) and its animal model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). IL-17A signals through its receptor, IL-17RA, which is expressed in many peripheral tissues; however, expression of IL-17RA in the central nervous system (CNS) and its role in CNS inflammation are not well understood. Methods: EAE was induced in C57Bl/6 mice by immunization with myelin oligodendroglial glycoprotein. IL-17RA expression in the CNS was compared between control and EAE mice using RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemistry. Cell-type specific expression was examined in isolated astrocytic and microglial cell cultures. Cytokine and chemokine production was measured in IL-17A treated cultures to evaluate the functional status of IL-17RA. Results: Here we report increased IL-17RA expression in the CNS of mice with EAE, and constitutive expression of functional IL-17RA in mouse CNS tissue. Specifically, astrocytes and microglia express IL-17RA in vitro, and IL-17A treatment induces biological responses in these cells, including significant upregulation of MCP-1, MCP-5, MIP-2 and KC chemokine secretion. Exogenous IL-17A does not significantly alter the expression of IL-17RA in glial cells, suggesting that upregulation of chemokines by glial cells is due to IL-17A signaling through constitutively expressed IL-17RA. Conclusion: IL-17RA expression is significantly increased in the CNS of mice with EAE compared to healthy mice, suggesting that IL-17RA signaling in glial cells can play an important role in autoimmune inflammation of the CNS and may be a potential pathway to target for therapeutic interventions. © 2009 Sarma et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Background: Neuronal loss in multiple sclerosis (MS) and its animal model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), correlates with permanent neurological dysfunction. Current MS therapies have limited the ability to prevent neuronal damage. Methods: We examined whether oral therapy with SRT501, a pharmaceutical grade formulation of resveratrol, reduces neuronal loss during relapsing-remitting EAE. Resveratrol activates SIRT1, an NAD-dependent deacetylase that promotes mitochondrial function. Results: Oral SRT501 prevented neuronal loss during optic neuritis, an inflammatory optic nerve lesion in MS and EAE. SRT501 also suppressed neurological dysfunction during EAE remission, and spinal cords from SRT501-treated mice had significantly higher axonal density than vehicle-treated mice. Similar neuroprotection was mediated by SRT1720, another SIRT1-activating compound; and sirtinol, an SIRT1 inhibitor, attenuated SRT501 neuroprotective effects. SIRT1 activators did not prevent inflammation. Conclusions: These studies demonstrate that SRT501 attenuates neuronal damage and neurological dysfunction in EAE by a mechanism involving SIRT1 activation. SIRT1 activators are a potential oral therapy in MS. © 2010 by North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society.


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IFN-ß, IL-27, and IL-10 have been shown to exert a range of similar immunoregulatory effects in murine and human experimental systems, particularly in Th1- and Th17-mediated models of autoimmune inflammatory disease. In this study we sought to translate some of our previous findings in murine systems to human in vitro models and delineate the interdependence of these different cytokines in their immunoregulatory effects. We demonstrate that human IL-27 upregulates IL-10 in T cell-activated PBMC cultures and that IFN-ß drives IL-27 production in activated monocytes. IFN-ß-driven IL-27 is responsible for the upregulation of IL-10, but not IL-17 suppression, by IFN-ß in human PBMCs. Surprisingly, IL-10 is not required for the suppression of IL-17 by either IL-27 or IFN-ß in this model or in de novo differentiating Th17 cells, nor is IL-27 signaling required for the suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) by IFN-ß in vivo. Furthermore, and even more surprisingly, IL-10 is not required for the suppression of Th17-biased EAE by IL-27, in sharp contrast to Th1-biased EAE. In conclusion, IFN-ß and IL-27 both induce human IL-10, both suppress human Th17 responses, and both suppress murine EAE. However, IL-27 signaling is not required for the therapeutic effect of IFN-ß in EAE. Suppression of Th17-biased EAE by IL-27 is IL-10-independent, in contrast to its mechanism of action in Th1-biased EAE. Taken together, these findings delineate a complex set of interdependent and independent immunoregulatory mechanisms of IFN-ß, IL-27, and IL-10 in human experimental models and in murine Th1- and Th17-driven autoimmunity.