928 resultados para Diels-Alder Reaction
Synthese und Charakterisierung neuer funktionalisierter Mono- und Bis-tetrahydro-pyrrolo[3,4-b]carbazole als potentielle DNA-Liganden In der Carbazol-Chemie sollen neue anellierte Verbindungen mit potentieller DNA-Affinität und damit verbundener Antitumoraktivität entwickelt werden. Auf molekularer Ebene sind DNA-Interkalation oder DNA-Rinnenbindung zu erwarten. Darauf aufbauend wurden in Anlehnung an literaturbekannte Cytostatika Mono- und Bis-tetrahydropyrrolo[3,4-b]carbazole synthetisiert, die zur Entwicklung neuer Leitstrukturen bzw. -substanzen beitragen können.In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde als synthetische Schlüsselreaktion die in unserem Arbeitkreis etablierte Indol-2,3-chinodimethan-Diels-Alder-Reaktion mit geeigneten cyclischen Mono- und Bismaleinimiden als Dienophilen weiterführend genutzt. Auf Grund des Aufbaus von künftigen Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen wurden variable Linker zwischen die beiden zu verbindenden Pyrrolotetrahydrocarbazole eingeführt. Diese waren aliphatischer und diamidischer Natur. Diamidische Strukturelemente wurden im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung neuer Peptidomimetika eingeführt. Deren Synthese gelang zum einen über die gemischte Säureanhydrid-Methode und zum anderen über die Azolid-Methode. Die Struktursicherung der als Cycloaddukte erhaltenen Tetrahydrocarbazole erfolgte mittels Standardverfahren (1D-, 2D-NMR-, IR-Spektroskopie und Massenspektrometrie).Enantiomere bzw. Diastereomere chiraler Wirkstoffe unterscheiden sich stark in ihren pharmakologischen Eigenschaften, deshalb müssen Verfahren entwickelt werden, um diese Substanzen gegebenenfalls auch in enantiomerenreiner Form darstellen zu können. Die Racemate der Monotetrahydrocarbazole und die Racemate sowie die dazu diastereomeren meso-Formen der Bistetrahydrocarbazole, die bei der Reaktion entstehen, konnten erstmals mittels chiraler HPLC analytisch getrennt werden.In einer der Synthese ergänzten theoretischen Studie wurde Computer-Molecular-Modelling zur Problematik der Diels-Alder-Reaktion durchgeführt, außerdem wurden kraftfeld-mechanische Berechnungen zur Konformationsanalyse der 'einfachen' Monotetrahydro-carbazole herangezogen und darauf aufbauend schließlich einfache DNA-Docking-Experimente zur ersten Abschätzung des DNA-Binde-Verhaltens der synthetisierten Verbindungen vorgenommen.
Polyphenylen-Dendrimere Alexander Josef Berresheim Zusammenfassung der Dissertation Die vorliegende Arbeit mit dem Thema 'Polyphenylen-Dendrimere' ist synthetisch orientiert und behandelt im Wesentlichen den Aufbau neuer Polyphenylen-Dendrimere durch die Anwendung wiederholter Diels-Alder- und Desilylierungs-Reaktionen. Diskutiert wird die Synthese der einzelnen Bausteine, die Synthese der verschiedenen Dendrimere sowie deren Charakterisierung. Außerdem wird die oxidative Cyclodehydrierung geeigneter Dendrimere zu polycyclischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen beschrieben. Die Synthese der Dendrimere beruht auf einer wiederholten Diels-Alder-Reaktion eines Tetraphenylcyclopentadienons mit einem aromatischen Acetylen. Durch die Variation des Kerns und des Verzweigungsbausteins werden die Wachstumsgrenzen, denen dieser Dendrimer-Typ unterliegt, demonstriert. Es wird gezeigt, dass ein Dendrimer, bei dessen Synthese 3,4-Di-[4-(tri-iso-propylsilylethinyl)phenyl]-2,5-diphenylcyclopentadienon als Verzweigungsbaustein verwendet wird, bis zur vierten Generation wachsen kann. Wird bei der Synthese 3,3',5,5'-Tetraethinylbiphenyl als Kern verwendet, entsteht ein Oligophenylen, das aus 302 Benzolringen besteht.Bei Dendrimeren, deren Synthese auf dem A4B-Baustein 2,3,4,5-Tetrakis-[4-(tri-iso-propylsilylethinyl)phenyl]cyclopentadienon beruht, hängt die höchste Generation, die monodispers hergestellt werden kann, von der Art des Kerns ab. Wird 1,4-Diethinylbenzol verwendet, lassen sich die ersten drei Generationen synthetisieren. Hat der Kern jedoch die Multiplizität 'vier' oder 'sechs' ist bereits bei der zweiten Generation das Ende des monodispersen Wachstums erreicht.Die Charakterisierung der Dendrimere zeigt, dass es sich um Nanopartikel mit einer stabilen Form handelt. Der Durchmesser wächst linear mit der Generation. In einem Fall war es möglich einen Einkristall zu erhalten, dessen Kristallstruktur ermittelt werden konnte. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass es zu einer hohen Einlagerung von Lösungsmitteln in der Festphase kommen kann. Dieses Ergebnis wurde auch durch gezielte Versuche zum Einlagerungsverhalten von Lösungsmitteln in der Festphase bestätigt.Der letzte Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Möglichkeit, die Polyphenylen-Dendrimere zu großen zweidimensionalen Graphitausschnitten zu cyclodehydrieren. Es war generell möglich, polycyclische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe mit bis zu 306 Kohlenstoffatomen herzustellen. Es zeigt sich aber auch, dass mit zunehmender Größe des Aromaten, die Intensität der Nebenreaktionen zunimmt.
We report the synthesis and application of some ion-tagged catalysts in organometallic catalysis and organocatalysis. With the installation of an ionic group on the backbone of a known catalyst, two main effects are generally obtained. i) a modification of the solubility of the catalyst: if judicious choice of the ion pair is made, the ion-tag can confer to the catalyst a solubility profile suitable for catalyst recycling. ii) the ionic group can play a non-innocent role in the process considered: if stabilizing interaction between the ionic group and the developing charges in the transition state are established, the reaction can speed up. We describe the use of ion-tagged diphenylprolinol as Zn ligand. The chiral ligand grafted onto an ionic liquid (IL) was recycled 10 times with no loss of reactivity and selectivity, when it was employed in the first example of enantioselective addition of ZnEt2 to aldehydes in ILs. An ammonium-tagged phosphine displayed the capability to stabilize Pd catalysts for the Suzuki reaction in ILs. The ionic phase was recycled 6 times with no detectable loss of activity and very low Pd leaching in the organic phase. This catalytic system was also employed for the functionalization of the challenging substrate 5,11-dibromotetracene. In the field of organocatalysis, we prepared two ion-tagged derivatives of the McMillan imidazolidinone. The results of the asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction between trans-cinnamaldehyde and cyclopentadiene exhibited great dependence on the position and nature of the ionic group. Finally, when O-TMS-diphenylprolinol was tagged with an imidazolium ion, exploiting a silyl ether linker, an efficient catalyst for the asymmetric addition of aldehydes to nitroolefins was achieved. The catalyst displayed enhanced reactivity and the same high level of selectivity of the untagged parent catalyst and it could be employed in a wide range of reaction conditions, included use of water as solvent.
Untersuchungen zur stereokontrollierten Synthese von 3-Mercaptolysinderivaten: 3-Mercaptolysin und Peptide mit einer 3-Mercaptolysin-Einheit sind als Liganden für Nukleardiagnostika in der Kontrastmittelforschung von großem Interesse. Für das Screening Gewebe-selektiver Diagnostika sollten Mercaptolysinderivate, die sich für den Einbau in Peptide eignen, stereokontrolliert aufgebaut werden. Als Grundlage wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine sehr effiziente Synthese von Methoxymethyl-(4-oxo-butyl)-carbaminsäure-tert-butylester aus Pent-4-en-1-ol entwickelt. Nach Olefinierung des Aldehyds konnten Auxiliar-substituierte 6-Amino-hexensäure-derivate in guten Ausbeuten erhalten werden. Diese bildeten die Startmaterialien für auxiliargesteuerte Aziridinierungen mit anschließender Ringöffnung durch Schwefel-Nukleophile. Zudem wurden Azidierungen an Auxiliar-bewehrten Substraten, Michael-Additionen von Schwefel-Nukleophilen an Dehydroaminosäuren und viele weitere Reaktionen untersucht. Es galt dabei auf patentrechtlich geschützte Reaktionen zu verzichten, weil die Produkte ggf. in großem Maßstab kommerziell genutzt werden sollen. Dabei konnten alle vier stereoisomeren 2-Acetylamino-6-(tert-butoxycarbonyl-methoxymethyl-amino)-3-(4-methoxy-benzylsulfanyl)-hexansäurementhylester in guter Ausbeute synthetisiert werden. Nach Herstellung größerer Mengen der entsprechenden am Schwefelatom ungeschützten N-Fmoc-Aminosäurederivate sollen alle vier Stereoisomere in Peptide eingebaut und auf ihre Eignung als Liganden in Nukleardiagnostika untersucht werden. Untersuchungen zur Synthese neuartiger Ansa-Steroide: Über die Synthese von Ansa-Seco-Steroiden mittels eine Kaskade von intermolekularer Diels-Alder-Reaktion und anschließender Retro-Diels-Alder-Reaktion an 5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroiden wurde erstmals 1986 von E. Winterfeldt et al. berichtet. Die damit eröffnete Möglichkeit eines völlig neuen Zugangs zu pharmakologisch interessanten Makrolid-Substraten konnte aber bislang nicht effektiv genutzt werden, weil insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Diels-Alder-Reaktion erhebliche präparative Probleme auftraten: Brauchbare Reaktivität nur bei sehr wenigen Dienophilen, Regioselektivitätsprobleme, etc. Hier galt es zu untersuchen, inwiefern sich diese Probleme durch die intramolekulare Reaktionsführung der Cycloaddition unterdrücken lassen können. Für die intramolekulare Diels-Alder-Reaktion zwischen der 5,7-Dien-Einheit des Steroids und einer an das Substrat gebundenen Dienophil-Einheit ist die Möglichkeit einer günstigen Anordnung der beiden Reaktanden-Gruppen entscheidend. Dafür wurden umfangreiche Untersuchungen zur alpha-konfigurierten Anbindung eines Dienophils in die 3-Position an 3-Hydroxy-5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroiden durchgeführt: Mitsunobu-Reaktionen, Oxidations-Reduktions-Sequenzen, Oxidations-Ketalisierungs-Sequenzen, etc. Hierbei wurden zahlreiche neue Steroide synthetisiert. Es gelang jedoch nicht, 5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroide mit axial in Position 3 eingebundenen Dienophilen in präparativ nutzbaren Mengen zu synthetisieren. Bei der Untersuchung intermolekularer Diels-Alder-Reaktionen zwischen Ergosterol und Brommaleinsäureanhydrid wurde vorzugsweise die Bildung der Addukte des 7,8,14,15-Tetradehydroisomers des Ergosterols beobachtet.
In order to synthesize proton-conducting materials which retain acids in the membrane during fuel cell operating conditions, the synthesis of poly(vinylphosphonic acid) grafted polybenzimidazole (PVPA grafted PBI) and the fabrication of multilayer membranes are mainly focussed in this dissertation. Synthesis of PVPA grafted PBI membrane can be done according to "grafting through" method. In "grafting through" method (or macromonomer method), monomer (e.g., vinylphosphonic acid) is radically copolymerized with olefin group attached macromonomer (e.g., allyl grafted PBI and vinylbenzyl grafted PBI). This approach is inherently limited to synthesize graft-copolymer with well-defined architectural and structural parameters. The incorporation of poly(vinylphosphonic acid) into PBI lead to improvements in proton conductivity up to 10-2 S/cm. Regarding multilayer membranes, the proton conducting layer-by-layer (LBL) assembly of polymers by various strong acids such as poly(vinylphosphonic acid), poly(vinylsulfonic acid) and poly(styrenesulfonic acid) paired with basic polymers such as poly(4-vinylimidazole) and poly(benzimidazole), which are appropriate for ‘Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cell’ applications have been described. Proton conductivity increases with increasing smoothness of the film and the maximum measured conductivity was 10-4 S/cm at 25°C. Recently, anhydrous proton-conducting membranes with flexible structural backbones, which show proton-conducting properties comparable to Nafion have been focus of current research. The flexible backbone of polymer chains allow for a high segmental mobility and thus, a sufficiently low glass transition temperature (Tg), which is an essential factor to reach highly conductive systems. Among the polymers with a flexible chain backbone, poly(vinylphosphonic acid), poly(vinylbenzylphosphonic acid), poly(2-vinylbenzimidazole), poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid), poly(4-vinylimidazole), poly(4-vinylimidazole-co-vinylphosphonic acid) and poly(4-vinylimidazole-co-4-styrenesulfonic acid) are interesting materials for fuel cell applications. Synthesis of polybenzimidazole with anthracene structural unit was carried out in order to avoid modification reaction in the imidazole ring, because anthracene would encourage the modification reaction with an olefin by Diels-Alder reaction.
Discotic hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) derivatives have attracted intensive scientific interest due to their unique optoelectronic properties, which depends, to a large extend, upon the attached functional groups. The presented work covers the synthesis of novel HBC building blocks and new HBC derivatives as functional materials. The traditional preparation of HBC derivatives requires elaborate synthetic techniques and tremendous effort. Especially, more than 10 synthetic steps are usually necessary to approach HBCs with lower symmetries. In order to simplify the synthetic work and reduce the high costs, a novel synthetic strategy involving only four steps was developed based on 2,3,5,6-tetraphenyl-1,4-diiodobenzene intermediates and palladium catalyzed Suzuki cross coupling reactions. In order to introduce various functionalities and expand the diversity of multi-functionalizations, a novel C2v-symmetric dihalo HBC building block 2-47, which contains one iodine and one bromine in para positions, was prepared following the traditional intermolecular [4+2] Diels-Alder reaction route. The outstanding chemical selectivity between iodo and bromo groups in this compound consequently leads to lots of HBC derivatives bearing different functionalities. Directly attached heteroatoms will improve the material properties. According to the application of intramolecular Scholl reaction to a para-dimethoxy HPB, which leads to a meta-dimethoxy HBC, a phenomenon of phenyl group migration was discovered. Thereby, several interesting mechanistic details involving arenium cation intermediates were discussed. With a series of dipole functionalized HBCs, the molecular dynamics of this kind of materials was studied in different phases by DSC, 2D WAXD, solid state NMR and dielectric spectroscopies. High charge carrier mobility is an important parameter for a semiconductive material and depends on the degree of intramolecular order of the discotic molecules in thin films for HBC derivatives. Dipole – dipole interaction and hydrogen bonds were respectively introduced in order to achieve highly ordered supramolecular structure. The self-assembly behavior of these materials were investigated both in solution and solid state. Depending upon the different functionalities, these novel materials show either gelating or non-linear optical properties, which consequently broaden their applications as functional materials. In the field of conceivable electronic devices at a molecular level, HBCs hold high promise. Differently functionalized HBCs have been used as active component in the studies of single-molecular CFET and metal-SAMs-metal junctions. The outstanding properties shown in these materials promise their exciting potential applications in molecular devices.
In the past years, genome biology had disclosed an ever-growing kind of biological targets that emerged as ideal points for therapeutic intervention. Nevertheless, the number of new chemical entities (NCEs) translated into effective therapies employed in the clinic, still not observed. Innovative strategies in drug discovery combined with different approaches to drug design should be searched for bridge this gap. In this context organic synthetic chemistry had to provide for effective strategies to achieve biologically active small molecules to consider not only as potentially drug candidates, but also as chemical tools to dissect biological systems. In this scenario, during my PhD, inspired by the Biology-oriented Synthesis approach, a small library of hybrid molecules endowed with privileged scaffolds, able to block cell cycle and to induce apoptosis and cell differentiation, merged with natural-like cores were synthesized. A synthetic platform which joined a Domino Knoevenagel-Diels Alder reaction with a Suzuki coupling was performed in order to reach the hybrid compounds. These molecules can represent either antitumor lead candidates, or valuable chemical tools to study molecular pathways in cancer cells. The biological profile expressed by some of these derivatives showed a well defined antiproliferative activity on leukemia Bcr-Abl expressing K562 cell lines. A parallel project regarded the rational design and synthesis of minimally structurally hERG blockers with the purpose of enhancing the SAR studies of a previously synthesized collection. A Target-Oriented Synthesis approach was applied. Combining conventional and microwave heating, the desired final compounds were achieved in good yields and reaction rates. The preliminary biological results of the compounds, showed a potent blocking activity. The obtained small set of hERG blockers, was able to gain more insight the minimal structural requirements for hERG liability, which is mandatory to investigate in order to reduce the risk of potential side effects of new drug candidates.
Definiert konfigurierte mittelgroße ungesättigte Heterocyclen sind wertvolle Zwischenstufen in der Naturstoff- und Wirkstoffsynthese. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass 2-alkinyl-substituierte Piperidine und Azepane in einer Aza-Keten-Claisen-Reaktion zu 10- und 11-gliedrigen Allenyllactamen umgelagert werden können. Ein 9-gliedriges Allenyllactam konnte nicht dargestellt werden (Ringspannung). Über eine sechs- bis sieben-stufige Reaktionssequenz konnten optisch aktive, geschützte Piperidinole aufgebaut werden. Es wurden Auxiliar kontrollierte Hetero-Diels-Alder-Reaktionen, diastereoselektive Reduktionen, Bestmann-Ohira Umlagerungen zu Alkinen und verschiedene Alkin-Funktionalisierungen erarbeitet. Eine Aza-Claisen-Umlagerung liefert schließlich optisch aktive Lactame deren absolute Konfiguration des Allensystems mittels NOE-NMR-Spektroskopie untersucht werden kann. Limitierungen und Möglichkeiten der Synthese werden eingehend diskutiert. Sowohl der stereochemische Verlauf der Reaktion als auch die Konformation der Produkte ermöglichen eine Fokussierung auf nachfolgende Naturstoffsynthesen vorzunehmen.
Nesta tese, efetuamos estudos visando à síntese de sesquiterpenos bacanos, cuja etapa chave consistiu na construção do sistema cis-hidrindânico, através de reação de contração de anel de cis-octalinas e 2-octalonas mediada por trinitrato de tálio (TTN). Apenas as cis-octalinas como, por exemplo, o cis-4a-metil-l,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octahidronaftaleno e o cis-4a, 7-dimetil-l,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octa-hidronaftaleno, foram passíveis de reação de contração de anel em rendimentos satisfatórios; já a cis-5,10-dimetil-l(9)-octal-2-ona levou ao produto de contração em baixo rendimento. Tentamos utilizar a reação de cis-4a-metil-l,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octa-hidronaftaleno com TTN na síntese da nor-baquenolida-A, porém não conseguimos completar a síntese desta, pois não foi possível efetuar a última etapa sintética, nas várias abordagens testadas. Grandes esforços também foram empregados na preparação diastereosseletiva da cis-5,10-dimetil-l(9)-octal-2-ona através de três abordagens diferentes que foram investigadas, sendo duas delas com êxito. Contudo, o baixo rendimento (38%) da etapa de contração de anel da cis-5,10-dimetil-l(9)-octal-2-ona não permitiu a continuação da rota sintética proposta para a baquenolida-A. Também realizamos a resolução cinética de três diferentes cis-octalóis que foram preparados através da reação de Diels-Alder seguida de redução diastereosseletiva - com a lipase Novozym 435, e os produtos resolvidos foram obtidos em excelentes rendimentos isolados (≥ 40% para cada enantiômero) e excelentes excessos enantioméricos (≥ 98%).
Xanthones and 1,2,3-triazoles are known to exhibit several biological, pharmacological and biocidal properties[1]. The potential applications of these two classes of heterocycles led us to develop new strategies to synthesize xanthone-1,2,3-triazole dyads, aiming to get potentially improved therapeutic agents[2]. With this rational in mind we designed and synthesized novel chromone derivatives 1a-d to be used as building motifs and to explore the reactivity of the two unsaturated systems (the diene and the alkyne). In the present communication we will present a new synthetic route towards the synthesis of xanthone-1,2,3-triazole dyads 7a-d using consecutively the azide-alkyne Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition and Diels-Alder reaction. Our approach involves the synthesis chromone-triazole derivatives 2a-d using the reaction of 1a-d with sodium azide, followed by the methylation of the NH of the triazole moiety. The methylation afforded three isomers 3a-d, 4a-d and 5a-d, as expected. The major isomers 3a-d were used in the Diels-Alder reaction with N-methylmaleimide, and the adducts obtained 6a-d were oxidized to afford the xanthone-1,2,3-triazole dyads 7a-d. All the synthetic details as well as the structural characterization (by 1D and 2D NMR studies) of the new synthesised compounds will be presented and discussed.
The objective of the research carried out in this report was to observe the first ever in-situ sonochemical reaction in the NMR Spectrometer in the megahertz region of ultrasound. Several reactions were investigated as potential systems for a sonochemical reaction followed by NMR spectroscopy. The primary problem to resolve when applying ultrasound to a chemical reaction is that of heating. Ultrasound causes the liquid to move and produces 'hot spots' resulting in an increase in sample temperature. The problem was confronted by producing a device that would counteract this effect and so remove the need to account for heating. However, the design of the device limited the length of time during which it would function. Longer reaction times were required to enable observations to be carried out in the NMR spectrometer. The fIrst and most obvious reactions attempted were those of the well-known ultrasonic dosimeter. Such a reaction would, theoretically, enable the author to simultaneously observe a reaction and determine the exact power entering the system for direct comparison of results. Unfortunately, in order to monitor the reactions in the NMR spectrometer the reactant concentrations had to be signifIcantly increased, which resulted in a notable increase in reaction time, making the experiment too lengthy to follow in the time allocated. The Diels-Alder Reaction is probably one of the most highly investigated reaction systems in the field of chemistry and it was this to which the author turned her attention. Previous authors have carried out ultrasonic investigations, with considerable success, for the reaction of anthracene with maleic anhydride. It was this reaction in particular that was next attempted. The first ever sonochemically enhanced reaction using a frequency of ultrasound in the megahertz (MHz) region was successfully carried out as bench experiments. Due to the complexity of the component reactants the product would precipitate from the solution and because the reaction could only be monitored by its formation, it was not possible to observe the reaction in the NMR spectrometer. The solvolysis of 2-chloro-2-methylpropane was examined in various solvent systems; the most suitable of which was determined to be aqueous 2-methylpropan-2-ol. The experiment was successfully enhanced by the application of ultrasound and monitored in-situ in the NMR spectrometer. The increase in product formation of an ultrasonic reaction over that of a traditional thermal reaction occurred. A range of 1.4 to 2.9 fold improvement was noted, dependent upon the reaction conditions investigated. An investigation into the effect of sonication upon a large biological molecule, in this case aqueous lysozyme, was carried out. An easily observed effect upon the sample was noted but no explanation for the observed effects could be established.
The research described herein relates to studies into the Aqueous Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerisation (ROMP) of bicyclic monomers using ruthenium complex catalysts. Two monomers were synthesised for the purpose of these studies, namely exo, exo-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid (7-oxanorbornenedicarboxylic acid) and exo, exo-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid (norbornene dicarboxylic acid). A number of ruthenium complexes were synthesised, amongst them a novel complex containing the water soluble phosphine ligand trist(hydroxymethyl)phosphine P(CH2OH)3. Its synthesis and characterisation are described and its physical properties compared and contrasted to analogous compounds of platinum and palladium. Its peculiar properties are ascribed to a trans-placement of the phosphine ligands. Dilatometry was investigated as a technique for the acquisition of kinetic data from aqueous metathesis reactions. For the attempted polymerisation of 7-oxanorbonenedicarboxylic acid the results are explained in terms of a reverse Diels-Alder reaction of the monomer. The reaction between Ru(CO)Cl2(H2O) and 7-oxanorbonenedicarboxylic acid was monitored using UV/Vis spectrometry and kinetic data retrieved. The data are explained in terms of a two stage reaction consisting of consecutive first order processes.The reaction between 7-oxanorbornenedicarboxylic acid and Ru(CO)Cl2(H2O) or Ru(P(CH2OH)3)3Cl2 was found to produce fumaric acid as one of the major products. This reaction is previously unreported in the literature and a mechanism is proposed.
Cyclic peptides and peptoids were prepared using the thiolene Michael-type reaction. The linear precursors were provided with additional functional groups allowing for subsequent conjugation: an orthogonally protected thiol, a protected maleimide, or an alkyne. The functional group for conjugation was placed either within the cycle or in an external position. The click reactions employed for conjugation with suitably derivatized nucleoside or oligonucleotides were either cycloadditions (Diels-Alder, Cu(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne) or the same Michael-type reaction as for cyclization.
A novel method to synthesize cyclic oligonucleotides (5- to 26-mer) using the thiol-maleimide reaction is described. The target molecules were obtained after subsequent removal of thiol and maleimide protecting groups from 5′-maleimido-3′-thiol-derivatized linear precursors. Retro-Diels-Alder conditions deprotecting the maleimide simultaneously promoted cyclization cleanly and in high yield.
(1Z,3Z)-Butyltelluro-o-4-methoxy-1,3-butadiene 2 was obtained by the hydrotelluration of(Z)-1-methoxy-but-1-en-3-ynes 1. The butadienyllithium 3 obtained by the Te/Li exchange reaction in the (1Z,3Z)-1-butyltelluro-4-methoxy-1.3-butadiene 2 reacted with aldehydes to form the corresponding alcohols 4a-d with total retention of configuration. The alcohols formed undergo hydrolysis, resulting in the alpha,beta,gamma,delta-unsaturated aldehydes of (E,E) configuration, which are precursors of trienes obtained from natural sources. The products of this reaction were employed in the synthesis of methyl-(2E,4E)-decadienoate 7, which is a component of the flavor principles of ripe Bartlett pears. Performing the Wittig reaction of the methyl triphenylphosphorane with the deca-(2E,4E)-dienal 5a, we were able to synthesize the undeca-(1,3E,5E)-triene 6a. This compound is a sex-pheromone component of the marine brown algae Fucus serratus, Dictyopteris plagiograma, and Dictyopteris australis. Performing the Wittig reaction of methyl triphenylphosphorane with the octa-(2E,4E)-dienal 5c, the nona-(1,3E,5E)-triene 6b was synthesized. The compound obtained is a sex-pheromone component of the marine brown alga Sargassum horneri. The octa-( 1,3E,5E)-triene 6c was easily obtained from hepta-(2E,4E)-dienal 5d by the Wittig reaction with methyl triphenylphophorane. This compound is a sex-pheromone component of the marine brown alga Fucus serratus. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.