989 resultados para Didactics of mathematics


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In this article we describe our experiences using picture books to provide young children (five- to six-year-olds) with a learning environment where they can explore and extend preliminary notions of mathematics-related concepts, without being taught these concepts explicitly. We gained these experiences in the PICO-ma project, which aimed to generate more knowledge about the effect of picture books on young children's learning of mathematics. The project's goal is to investigate how picture books can contribute to the development of mathematical concepts in young children, and how the actions of the teacher can strengthen the characteristics of picture books that support learning. The reading sessions described in this article were not intended to be mathematics 'lessons'. Instead, the reading sessions were intended to tell the children a pleasant story and, at the same time, give them something to think about. Based on our research we provide reasons for using picture books to develop mathematical thinking, and include recommendations for practitioners interested in using picture books for mathematics learning.


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Reviews the book 'Changing the Faces of Mathematics: Perspectives on Gender,' by Judith E. Jacobs, Joanne Rossi Becker and Gloria F. Gilmer.


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Mathematics: Launching Futures’ was the theme for the 24th Biennial Conference of The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc.It was the first national conference on mathematics education since the introduction of the Australian Curriculum and so addresses the support educators will need to implement this curriculum. It also addressed concerns regarding  the low numbers of students studying higher level mathematics at school and university. A major aim of the conference was the sharing of knowledge to encourage  and support teachers at all
stages of their careers. This conference featured a joint day with the 36th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA), aiming to enhance collaboations between researchers and teachers.


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This chapter examines the use of spoken mathematics in the public discourse of eighth-grade mathematics classrooms internationally. By “spoken mathematics” we mean the recognizably mathematical terms used in spoken interaction in the classroom. Our principal focus was the relatively sophisticated terms by which each lesson’s central concepts or procedures were named. In our analysis we addressed the question(s): “What is the occurrence of publicly spoken mathematics in the different classrooms studied and what efforts do the teachers appear to make to promote students’ use of technical mathematical terms in their public classroom talk?” A companion chapter examines the question of students’ private spoken mathematics in the classroom and the possible learning that might result.


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The study investigated the mathematics curricula standards set by the governments in China, Australia(Victoria) and Finland in the aspects of the amount of content statements, the structure of content areas, level of details, level of requirement, the distribution of content, and the changes of content areas. The results show that China's mathematics standard has the biggest amount of and the most detailed content statements; that of Australia is in the second place; and Finnish standard has the least amount of content statements that are very general. The standards in all three countries emphasize numbers and operation and geometry.However,China's standards present a dynamic change, with different focus for different grades; Australian standards have similar proportion of each part of content for different grades and the amount of each part increases with grade; there is no fixed setting and proportion of content in Finnish standard, which is not confined by any mode.


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This paper reports research into the occurrence of spoken mathematics in some well-taught classrooms in Australia, China (both Shanghai and Hong Kong), Japan, Korea and the USA. The analysis distinguished one classroom from another on the basis of public “oral interactivity” (the number of utterances in whole class and teacher-student interactions in each lesson) and “mathematical orality” (the frequency of occurrence of key mathematical terms in each lesson). Our concern in this analysis was to document the opportunity provided to students for the oral articulation of the relatively sophisticated mathematical terms that formed the conceptual content of the lesson. Classrooms characterized by high public oral interactivity were not necessarily sites of high mathematical orality. The contribution of student-student conversations also varied significantly. Of particular interest are the different learning theories implicit in the role accorded to spoken mathematics in each classroom.


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The pursuit of commensurability in international comparative research by imposing general classificatory frameworks can misrepresent valued performances, school knowledge and classroom practice as these are actually conceived by each community and sacrifice validity in the interest of comparability. The “validity-comparability compromise” is proposed as a theoretical concern with significant implications for international cross-cultural research. We draw on current international research to illustrate a variety of aspects of the issue and its consequences for the manner in which international research is conducted and its results interpreted. The effects extend to data generation and analysis and constitute essential contingencies on the interpretation and application of international comparative research.


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This study reflects on the implementation of various teaching initiatives for reducing anxiety toward mathematics in students studying to become primary school teachers. We highlight similarities between these practices and those promoted by the 'Whole Teacher' approach - in particular, the aim to develop attitudes along with knowledge and skills. Here, the negative past associations with mathematics and anxiety toward mathematics that students bring with them have been a key consideration when designing the subject content and delivery. Given the important role these students will have in shaping mathematics education in the future, we suggest frameworks such as that of the 'Whole Teacher' could be extended to the university setting. We investigate four years of student feedback pertaining to a first year undergraduate mathematics unit, contending that the teaching initiatives introduced over time have helped students develop a positive attitude toward mathematics. We note, however, that the student-teacher relationship was still the most prominent factor directly identified by students who previously had a fear or negative attitude toward mathematics.


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 This study investigated what motivated current undergraduate mathematics students to choose to study mathematics at university. It found a diverse array of factors perceived by students as having informed their decisions. These included background factors, situational factors, self-perception, and perceptions of mathematics as a discipline