905 resultados para Dance. Dance history. Memory. Creative process


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Research Statement from dancer: "This research is situated within my ongoing praxis, which explores the dancer’s role within the production of contemporary choreography through an elucidation of the first person perspective. This was a collaborative investigation with a group of artists and my specific research question focused upon the autopoietic unfolding of choreography and how the dancer is situated within this... " Research statement from choreographer: "This research is situated in the field of practice-led research, investigating choreographic practice. ‘The choreographic processes of many twentieth-century dance pioneers and innovators have been documented (Carter & O’Shea 2010; Foster 2010). In stark contrast, although seemingly primary to the act of choreography, the dancers’ experiences of the choreographic process have not been explored fully’ (Risner 2000, 156). The stock of choreographic literature is biased toward the choreographer-genius and the creative product (Penty 1998) and overlooks the dancer’s voice in the creative process (Risner 1992)..."


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In Thomas Mann’s tetralogy of the 1930s and 1940s, Joseph and His Brothers, the narrator declares history is not only “that which has happened and that which goes on happening in time,” but it is also “the stratified record upon which we set our feet, the ground beneath us.” By opening up history to its spatial, geographical, and geological dimensions Mann both predicts and encapsulates the twentieth-century’s “spatial turn,” a critical shift that divested geography of its largely passive role as historys “stage” and brought to the fore intersections between the humanities and the earth sciences. In this paper, I draw out the relationships between history, narrative, geography, and geology revealed by this spatial turn and the questions these pose for thinking about the disciplinary relationship between geography and the humanities. As Mann’s statement exemplifies, the spatial turn itself has often been captured most strikingly in fiction, and I would argue nowhere more so than in Graham Swift’s Waterland (1983) and Anne Michaels’s Fugitive Pieces (1996), both of which present space, place, and landscape as having a palpable influence on history and memory. The geographical/geological line that runs through both Waterland and Fugitive Pieces continues through Tim Robinson’s non-fictional, two-volume “topographical” history Stones of Aran. Robinson’s Stones of Aran—which is not history, not geography, and not literature, and yet is all three—constructs an imaginative geography that renders inseparable geography, geology, history, memory, and the act of writing.


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This practice-led research is positioned within my ongoing enquiry into the dancer’s experience and role within the creative process. Gins and Arakawa (1997) and Keane (2007) speak to the unsatisfactory reliance on discipline boundaries, to describe the dynamic lived-experience of interaction. This theorising is of application to this project, which examines creative agency through the lens of Arakawa and Gins’ language prompt, boundary-swaying. In this project the boundaries of movement creator, performer and director overlap and blur through the use of improvisation and multiple cameras. All contributors are invested creatively and compositionally in the ensuing dynamic collaboration, wearing many hats, ‘conceiver, creative thinker, teacher and learner’ (McKechnie 2005, 93; Stevens & McKechnie 2005, 250). This project asked the question, how can the work of Arakawa and Gins to agitate, disrupt, and transform the modus operandi of creative practice between choreographer and practice, dancer and practice and choreographer and dancer? The use of Arakawa and Gins’ philosophy and language prompts within this project stimulated and positively influenced the established creative relationship of researcher and choreographer/artist in the following ways: • Foregrounded the dancers tacit knowledge, first-hand experience, know-how and embodied savviness; • Promoted artistic collaboration, illuminating new creative possibilities, choices and innovation; • Facilitated the distribution of creative authority and agency. This creative work was presented as part of the AG3 ONLINE: the Third International Arakawa and Gins - Architecture and Philosophy Conference. The work was vetted for inclusion by an international panel of examiners.


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This research is situated in the field of practice-led research investigating embodied perspectives on the performance of dance making. In the stock of choreographic literature, the celebrated ‘creativity’ label is associated predominantly with the choreographer and is discussed in terms of product rather than process (Lussier-Ley and Durand-Bush 2009; Hennessey 2003). A reliance on the mystery of inspiration or choreographic genius (Penty 1998) for the production of ‘great’ dance works does not acknowledge the complex and timely process common in the creation of dance (Mace and Ward 2002) nor provide a true representation of the creative contributors (Farrer 2014). The failure to attribute creative impulses and skills to dancers is reminiscent of a time when they were thought of only as instruments in the creative process not active participants and collaborators (Jowitt 2001a; H’Doubler 1957). This project asked the question, to what end do dancers contribute to choreography and how is this contribution valued and recognised? Dancers are integral to the creative process. The research found that the scope of a dancers’ creative involvement in the development of a new work is dependent on: the individual choreographers approach to creating movement; the relationship between dancer and choreographer, and dancer and fellow company members; and the dancers collaborative skills and interpretive skills, versatility, and initiative. Recognition and attribution of dancers’ creative input is dependent on a choreographer’s viewpoint, generosity, and prior creative experiences. The work was created as a part of the Ausdance Queensland 2010 Bell Tower III Choreographic Residency program. Applicants were peer reviewed and vetted by a panel of local and national dance producers. The creative work was presented at the Judith Wright Centre for Live Arts. The project was funded by Ausdance Queensland and Arts Queensland. https://es-es.facebook.com/events/106661226023025/?hc_location=stream


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Secondary Sources, a Dublin Dance Festival 2010 commission, by choreographer Liz Roche that brings together renowned collaborators and performers from the US, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Spain and Ireland. Liz Roche creates a tapestry of movements that reflect on the performers' embodied connections between primary and secondary sources of inspiration, exploring the influences that we carry in our bodies that come from other people, places and events. The work began nearly two years ago in New York as a quartet made during a residency at Movement Research NY and has been developing ever since through an on-going process between Liz Roche and an exceptional group of dancers/collaborators who are joined in performance by musician/composers Justin Carroll and Edward RosenBerg with lighting by Nick McCall and costumes by Jeni Roddy."


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Social Turkey is a short digital dance video developed over a series of weekly meetings with a group of sprightly and defiant sixty-plus year olds resident in Limerick. Very early in the process artist Ciara Finnegan and choreographer Jenny Roche found each individual expressing a wonderful enthusiasm for dance, an eagerness to perform and a healthy refusal to conform to stereotypes of aging. Finnegan was keen that this project should support an exchange of ideas rather than employ a top-down directorial structure. While Roche devised the fundamentals of the dance and Finnegan manned the camera, each participant contributed thereafter - improvising on a step sequence and collaborating on patterns that ultimately determined much of the look of the result. The work seeks to amplify the represented interests of a wider community while celebrating the vivacity of the particular group and the sheer fun of the collaboration.


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Paired Back (2013) investigated the interpretation of text as a dance score. Specific words were used to trigger movement sequences. The performers, Avril Huddy and Jenny Roche, responded to spoken words with individual movement responses which were captured on video, reviewed and assembled as a duet. The musician Nicholas Ng, playing traditional Chinese instruments was also woven into the dancers’ choreography. This was achieved through choreographing a floor pattern that enabled him to weave through the space and ‘seemingly’ interact with the dancers’ actions. Projections using motion capture were also explored and sequenced with the actions of the dance. Retrospectively, I recognised my ‘intuitive’ use of text which I have mapped from its beginnings during the first rehearsal through to the performance at the Judith Wright Centre and demonstrated in DVD documentation. Consequently traces of this original ‘score’ used during the creative process are visible in final performance outcome. This has enabled me to reflect on the impact of language and instructions within my creative process.


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Currently, across dance studies, choreographies are usually discussed as representational of the choreographer, with little attention focused on the dancers who also bring the work into being. As well as devaluing the contribution that the dancer makes to the choreographic process, the dancer’s elision from mainstream discourse deprives the art form of a rich source of insight into the incorporating practices of dance. This practice-based research offers a new perspective on choreographic process through the experiential viewpoint of the participating dancer. It involves encounters with contemporary choreographers Rosemary Butcher (UK), John Jasperse (US), Jodi Melnick (US) and Liz Roche (Ire). Utilizing a mixed-mode research structure, it covers the creative process and performance of three solo dance pieces in Dublin in 2008, as well as an especially composed movement treatise, all of which are documented on the attached DVD. The main hypothesis presented is that the dancer possesses a moving identity which is a composite of past dance experience, anatomical structures and conditioned human movement. This is supported by explorations into critical theory on embodiment, including Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of ‘the habitus’. The moving identity is identified as accumulative, altering through encounters with new choreographic movement patterns in independent contemporary dance practice. The interior space of the dancer’s embodied experience is made explicit in chapter 3, through four discussions that outline the dancer’s creative labour in producing each choreographic work. Through adopting a postmodern critical perspective on human subjectivity, supported by Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Alain Badiou, among others, the thesis addresses the inherent challenges which face independent contemporary dancers within their multiple embodiments as they move between different choreographic processes. In identifying an emergent paradigmatic shift in the role of dancer within dance- making practices, this research forges a new direction that invites further dancer-led initiatives in practice-based research.


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Trailing Touch (2014) is a twenty minute classically-based dance work set to music by composers Carter Burwell and Hildur Gudnadottir. It is an abstract work that explores images based on imperfect patterns and seeks to transmit the sensations felt when clusters form and disperse through the space or crisscross to create swirling wave-like reactions in the dancers’ tulle skirts. These simple references are inspired by the lyrical use of arms found in ballet, particular to the ballet aesthetic. Trailing Touch was created in collaboration with QUT’s third-year BFA (Dance Performance) students and performed as part of Dance14 at QUT’s Gardens Points Theatre from the 4th to 8th November 2014 and was performed in Singapore as part of Contact Contemporary Dance Festival on 30th November, 2014. Additionally, the creative process of Trailing Touch (2014) forms the initial project of Phase III of my PhD research, Writing the Dance Score in the Twenty-first Century: An approach for the Independent Choreographer. This PhD research will examine the potential of dance scores as a suite of choreographic strategies to map key aspects of the choreographic process. While a certain degree of ambiguity drives the creative process, the suite of choreographic strategies attempt to capture what is transmitted through the lived experience of dance. “[T]hese documents harbor a force of expression, a visual energy related to the body and the movement” (Louppe 1994, 7) that triggers movement responses, unforeseen intensities and enables personal interpretation. Consequently, Phase III will test and evaluate the relevance of Phase II research within the pressures of mainstream dance rehearsal and performance contexts. In Project One Trailing Touch this was demonstrated in the dance scores produced by the choreographer and interpreted by the dancers within the performance. By drawing from both the theoretical and practical, it is anticipated that this research will suggest a form of languaging movement that is not reliant on images or numbers, but generated in response to the intuitive and complex process underpinning choreographic practice. Rather than constructing a codified dance notation system, it will focus on strategies that reveal movement, its spatial patterns, qualities and intensities of expression and the procedures underlying key choreographic concepts. The outcome of this research project aims to support the independent choreographer in two major areas, by facilitating and enriching the choreographic process for both the performers and choreographer, and by strengthening artistic development and performance outcomes.


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The concern with the following arguments started during a study of national and international cinemas, from the desire to account for a cinema that internationally was doing well, but was undervalued domestically. The aims were to account for the renewal of Italian filmmaking from 1988, the New Italian cinema, and understand the conditions behind this renewal. The thesis identifies in the historical theme and in the recurrence of features from Italian cinema history elements of coherence with previous cinema production. The first consideration that emerges is that a triangulation between a new generation of filmmakers, their audience and recent history shaped the recovery of Italian cinema from 1988. A second consideration is that no discussion of Italian cinema can be separated from a discussion of that which it represents: Italian society and politics. This representation has not only addressed questions of identity for a cohort of spectators, but on occasions has captured the attention of the international audience. Thus the thesis follows a methodologic approach that positions texts in relation to certain traditions in Italian filmmaking and to the context by taking into consideration also industrial factors and social and historical changes. By drawing upon a range of disciplines, from political history to socio-psychological studies, the thesis has focussed on representation of history and memory in two periods of Italian film history: the first and the last decade of twentieth century. The concern has been not so much to interpret the films, but to understand the processes that made the films and how spectarors have applied their knowledge structures to make meaning of the films. Thus the thesis abstains from ascribing implicit meanings to films, but acknowledges how films project cultural contingencies. This is beacause film is shaped by production conditions and cultural and historical circumstances that make the film intelligible. As Bordwell stated in Making Meaning, "One can do other things with films besides 'reading' them" (1989, p. xiii). Within this framework, the thesis proposes a project that understands history films with the norms that govern Italian filmic output, those norms that regulate conditions of production and consumption and the relation between films from various traditions.


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Chris Denaro is a Brisbane-based animator whose work incorporates a blend of physical stop motion and digital motion graphics. This exhibition, Nocturne, uses animation to embody the genius loci of the former Peel Island Lazaret on the island of Teerk Roo Ra in Moreton Bay, Queensland. This project developed a form of animation that harnesses animation’s plasmatic quality to express an in-between state of being, and examines the capacity of animation to push and pull at the boundary lines between what can be apprehended as the ‘real’ and the ‘imaginary’. The Nocturne constructions cycle forever, with no beginning and no end,only a slightly familiar hypnotic rhythm to describe a continual process of adaptation and renewal. These artworks consider the animation loop as a mental state, rather than a sequence of events which illustrate a narrative. The loop can also be an anxious, compulsive place, divorced from the linear nature of reality, hypnotised in a trance like repetition. Nocturne investigates how conceptions of place are overlaid by aspects of history, memory and the imagination.


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Dancing was an important pastime in colonial society. People would dance to celebrate events such as weddings and harvests, but also as a general recreational activity. Dancing is a shared experience which forges and maintains a sense of community and cultural identity – a sense of belonging. This was significant in the new land, where many people had left their families and friends behind. Speed the Plough was a very popular English country dance which came from a play of the same name, first performed in London in 1798.


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The English country dance The Salamanca Castanets was published in Button and Whittaker’s Collection of Country Dances for the Year 1813. It is a captivating tune which utilises country dance figures whilst capturing and maintaining the Spanish exuberance. Its fascinating history still resonates in Tasmania.


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Esta dissertação propõe reflexões em dança contemporânea a partir de duas palavras-problema: lugar e participação. Recomendado como caminhada, o texto se estrutura em torno do processo criativo do espetáculo senha de acesso (2011), de André Luiz Santos da Silva (André Bern em artes), para aventurar-se transversalmente por trabalhos de outros artistas (Coletivo Pague Leve, Denise Stutz, Gustavo Ciríaco & Andrea Sonnberger, Hélio Oiticica, hello!earth, Jérôme Bel, Morena Paiva, Victor DOlive, Yoko Ono) que evidenciam: 1) um entendimento de existência no mundo que propõe novas bases nas quais pode se dar o encontro entre artistas e público; 2) fricções promovidas nos deslocamentos e experimentos criativos entre estúdio, palco e espaço urbano; e 3) uma noção de corpo enquanto lugar em dança contemporânea. Para tanto, são disponibilizados trechos de conversas, notas de campo e relatos de artistas que se entrecruzam a análises de cenas de senha de acesso e de outras criações em dança contemporânea


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In this thesis, I argue that few attempts were as effective in correcting the exceptionalist ethos of the United States than the creative nonfiction written by the veterans and journalists of the Vietnam War. Using critical works on creative nonfiction, I identify the characteristics of the genre that allowed Paul John Eakin to call it ‘a special kind of fiction.’ I summarise a brief history of creative nonfiction to demonstrate how it became a distinctly American form despite its Old World origins. I then claim that it was the genre most suited to the kind of ideological transformation that many hoped to instigate in U.S. society in the aftermath of Vietnam. Following this, the study explores how this “new” myth-making process occurred. I use Tim O’Brien’s If I Die in a Combat Zone and Philip Caputo’s A Rumor of War to illustrate how autobiography/memoir was able to demonstrate the detrimental effect that America’s exceptionalist ideology was having on its population. Utilising narrative and autobiographical theory, I contend that these accounts represented a collective voice which spoke for all Americans in the years after Vietnam. Using Neil Sheehan’s A Bright Shining Lie and C.D.B. Bryan’s Friendly Fire, I illustrate how literary journalism highlighted the hubris of the American government. I contend that while poiesis is an integral attribute of creative nonfiction, by the inclusion of extraneous bibliographic material, authors of the genre could also be seen as creating a literary context predisposing the reader towards an empirical interpretation of the events documented within. Finally, I claim that oral histories were in their essence a synthesis of “everyman” experiences very much in keeping with the American zeitgeist of the early Eighties. Focussing solely on Al Santoli’s Everything We Had, I demonstrate how such polyphonic narratives personalised the history of the Vietnam War.