970 resultados para Adolescentes - Proteção
In this thesis I discuss the role of the psychologist as a university professor and as intellectual from a specific context and also from a specific query. The context is the city of Teresina, capital city of Piauí state, which is peripheral in Brazil s northeast region. The defiance here is to build a critical psychological tradition that will deal with the challenges imposed by the reality of poverty and socio-economic backwardness of the region. The greatest difficulty is the lack of a public institution of learning that carries out instruction, research and extension with commitment to social transformation, and with the production of a psychological knowledge that is able to understand local reality. I take it that the undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] is the only one in Teresina that can take over such mission. The query is confronting violence against children and adolescents that defies us to ethically and politically commit to solidarity toward fragile human beings in need of adult involvement in order to survive this daily inhumanity. The involvement of psychologists from Teresina in this must result from a social commitment and a technical competence to deal with prevention and therapeutic consideration toward the victims. This dissertation is divided into three parts: the first is a study on the curriculum and the performance of psychologists, which revises the academic output in Brazil and envisages new queries to the theme, such as the role of teaching inside the curriculum, and presents social security (including Medicare) as the privileged field in which Brazilian psychologists perform. The second part contains a study on the concepts of childhood, adolescence and violence, which presents a consideration on the strategies to confront violence against children and adolescents. In the last part I discuss the role of the psychologist as teacher and intellectual in the context undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] from the commitment to the protection of children and adolescents
This work shows the results of the research: Attended Liberty Program Adolescents in Conflict with the Law and the Disapproval of Rights, effected in the community of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, in period of august 2007 to September 2008. It aims to analyze the social-educative attendance directed to adolescents in conflict with the law through the state, since the Social-educative Measure Attended Liberty, known, as an idoneous way of confrontation to the practice of infraction acts imputed to the adolescent, that needs to give emphasis, in disadvantage of the Social-educative Measurement of Internment, to be proposed (ECA, art 118 and 199) to follow the adolescent in this quotidian, close to his family and community, proposing him through social-educative work, the access to education and occupancy, as well other public services, that help him to surpass the context of privation and disapproval of rights in which lives joined to his family. In our study, it was observed in sequence of approaching, subsidized for theoretical-methodological procedures justified in quantity and quality research, that were privileged to the documental research, the observation and the interview almost structured, besides a theoretical basis about the subject, that the relation of category and inequality in which the capitalist society sustains itself, does the practice of infraction acts imputed to the adolescent, acquires a classist character, in which the property of the money defines the access of the justice. And more, many of the poor adolescents that get into conflict with the law, dweller of the periphery districts of Natal/RN, becomes evident as for segment that has been attended in the Jurisdiction of the Infancy and Youth and in the LAN of Social-educative Attendance, becoming individual the infraction act and its confrontation. We hope in this work, to contribute for the care of the reality of the adolescent in conflict with the law in the Attended Liberty Program, without pretension to exhaust it, as well as later studies about the theme
This paper has as its main focus the relation between the infringement act and the adolescents families social economical problematic, who obey the social educational deprivation of freedom at CEDUC in the district of Pitimbu RN, establishing in the theme Children and Adolescents, with the objective of showing how these families breed in the social economical and cultural political aspect. It also seizes who those adolescents are and their family members in their social aspect and as those families face their daily activities. The focus on the social matter, family, adolescent, infringement act, exclusion, inclusion formed the analysis categories which made myths and reality possible, taking into consideration the infringement act in our society. The data collection showed that those families conditions of life are of poverty. Families originated from low social classes, 62.5 % coming from the countryside and living with a daily income ranging from R$ 0,31 to R$ 8,31. Their level of education is low; there is lack of human and citizenship rights and no professional qualification whatsoever. It questions the degrading social exclusion suffered by millions of Brazilian people due to social, political and infringement economical problems. Has this favored the infringement practice? How to confirm the families lack of competence having the social vulnerability? Are the Public Political Institutions really performing the way they should? Are they really carrying out their role as they should? We have noticed that from then on, the necessity of understanding the exclusion/inclusion suffered not only in an imprecise and empty way, but understood as processes of integrative exclusion or ways of delinquency, where the excluding is not only the only one who has lack of material care but the one who is seen or recognized as a person, is not being treated as one. The effort of this paper provided an approach to our object, and the seizing of a close relation between the infringement act and the exclusion process or inclusion suffered, which are submitted to families of those adolescents who deprive of freedom
This study has an object the understanding of the alcohol phenomenon consumption that occurs among teenagers. It is adopted as research locus catholic private schools of Natal - RN, which receive pupils proceeding from the social groups pertaining to the classes taken from Natal private schools. The researched public corresponds to 87 teenagers, who had answered to a mixing questionnaire, with open and closed questions. The research uses as a procedure the intentional election, which for the access easinesses privileges subjects who, at the moment of the research accomplishment, reveal to be in condition to participate of it. The study presents quantitative and qualitative character. It presents the following objectives: 1-Identify in which circumstances the teenagers make alcoholic beverage use; 2 -To identify the knowledge that the teenagers have on the alcohol effects; 3 -To identify the performance role of the school institution on the prevention of alcohol use by teenagers. The analysis method used corresponds to the one called answers interpretation method. Regards to the theoretical-methodological support, the Social Control Theory and the Symbolic Interactionism Theory are adopted as referential. Its contained chapters are organized in the following way: The first chapter approaches the situation of drugs adolescent consumption in general and the social confrontation of this situation. The second chapter presents sociocultural aspects of the alcohol consumption and the description of some of the researched public characteristics. The third chapter emphasizes the school and its performance next to the teenagers and the society in general, towards the prevention and combat of the alcohol use, as well as of other drugs
This study presents the issue of sexual violence against children and adolescents in the city of Natal RN from a critical approach over the work carried out at the Delegacia Especializada em Defesa da Criança e Adolescente DCA, with the perspective towards guaranteeing their rights. It is constituted of an analysis under a theoretical-methodological focus, both quantitative and qualitative, taking as a premise the sexual violence against children and adolescents in its social, legal, historical, cultural and economical dimensions that are behind this issue. The established course between knowledge and methodology involved: a conceptual analysis of the sexual violence, a research in the official records of the Public Power, the application of questionnaires with the coordinators of social projects and programmes, the accomplishment of interviews with key institutional actors and mothers of victimized children and adolescents, besides the analysis of quantitative indicators from the data made available by the DCA. The research took place within the Delegacia Especializada em Defesa da Criança e Adolescente, and also took for reference the information from institutions that develop actions directed towards children and adolescents victims of sexual abuse. Through this study, the strategies and the contradictions existing in the struggle against sexual violence towards children and adolescents implemented by the Public Power were learnt, the need for a greater articulation was identified to guarantee their rights and it also allowed for the tracing of a panorama of the sexual violence against children and adolescents in the period from 2001 to 2004 in the city of Natal-RN
This work deals with the problematic of the determinations that contribute to become the adolescents involved with law. Thus, in this research, the social exclusion is apprehended as one of the most important determining to understand this problematic, once we defend that it is part of the trajectory of this adolescent's life since its birth as a punishment that starts before they becoming envolved in act's that break the law. It is still questioned the discussion of the reduction of the penal age, viewed aa a proposal that will contribute to perpetuate the repression. The objectives of the research were: analyze the problematic of adolescents in conflict with law, where social exclusion is seen here as a main category. The research also aims to understand the situation towards social exclusion and that this public is undertaken in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, more specifically in Natal. This is dane through analysis of the profile of adolescents that are submitted to the treatment at Centro Integrate de Atendimento ao Adolescente Acusado de Ato Infracional - CIAD in 2005. This is dane on arder to identify of the State's and society's actions towards this issue, how it has prevailed in analyzing if there is punishing or social protection. The research also contributed with discussion towards the non penal reduction of for underage minors. The approach realized if of qualiquantitative nature. The research was realized with 190 male adolescent subjects, age ranging from 12 to 21 that were interns at CIAD in the year of 2005. The research shows that their fundamental rights (education, health, amongst others) are disrespected on a daily basis by the State. The State prioritizes economic issues, making social inequality more profound. The main argument is that this problematic has its main oring in the social exclusion and it is imposed to the adolescents as a punishment before thes have been involved with the law going on top of the social protection. When the adolescent goes from being the victim to executioner, the Statute of Children and Adolescents is questioned by many sectors that defend the reduction of penal minority as a solution to reduce the country's violence. Thus, it was aimed here to discuss arguments that point to non exclusion, discrimination and repression. It is proposed that the State should assume children and adolescents as a priority, implementing what the statute establishes as well as assures related to the fruition of denied rights as a way to prevent their future involvement with violence
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A presente pesquisa elegeu como objeto de análise a participação das escolas públicas de ensino fundamental localizadas na cidade de Breves-PA na rede de enfrentamento da exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes. Neste sentido, propôs-se como problema a seguinte questão central: no período de 2005 a 2010, como aconteceu a participação das escolas públicas de ensino fundamental localizadas na cidade de Breves-PA na rede de enfrentamento da exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes? A pesquisa objetivou analisar as ações realizadas pelas escolas públicas localizadas na cidade de Breves-PA que estão voltadas ao enfrentamento da exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes a partir das propostas de enfrentamento apresentadas para a instituição escolar pela política pública, discutindo categorias fundamentais como currículo e formação de professores. A metodologia utilizada consistiu nas pesquisas bibliográfica e empírica, através do uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas devido ser o instrumento que permite o acesso a gestores escolares, coordenadores pedagógicos e professores para o conhecimento de suas ações e interações no que tange à temática do enfrentamento da exploração sexual. De um universo de dezoito escolas de ensino fundamental localizadas na cidade, foram escolhidas duas, uma escola de 1º ao 5º ano e outra do 6º ao 9º ano, por apresentarem no período de 2006 a 2010 ações pedagógicas estratégicas que envolveram alunos em diferentes faixas etárias (dos 06 aos 14 anos aproximadamente), bem como toda a comunidade escolar na prevenção da exploração sexual. A seleção dos entrevistados ocorreu mediante o contato com os sujeitos das escolas, a qual focalizou aqueles informantes com participação direta nos projetos de intervenção. Por isso, selecionou-se 02 (dois) gestores das escolas, 02 (dois) coordenadores pedagógicos e 06 professores. A análise do material obtido nas entrevistas foi feita mediante o instrumental teórico-metodológico possibilitado pela análise de conteúdo, tendo como pano de fundo o arcabouço analítico proposto pelo materialismo histórico-dialético. O referencial teórico utilizado para análise segue as pesquisas realizadas por Azambuja (2004), Brino e Willians (2003 e 2009), Brino (2006), Faleiros (2004), Fraga et al (2008), Franzoni (2006), Leal (2004), Libório (2005, 2006 e 2009), Rocha (2010), Sanderson (2005), Santos (2007), Silva (2007), Viodres Inoue & Ristum (2008) e outros pesquisadores que tratam de currículo, formação de professores e do enfrentamento da exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes em redes de proteção, com destaque à atuação da instituição escolar. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram a participação das escolas de ensino fundamental no enfrentamento da violência sexual (abuso), sem interferir significativamente nas situações de exploração sexual. Os casos de abuso, quando identificados ou relatados pelas crianças, são comunicados ao Conselho Tutelar. Para as suspeitas de exploração sexual não é feita a notificação a esse Conselho, mas tão somente em algumas situações conversa-se com a família, que geralmente nega a existência das mesmas e se omite dos processos de resolução. Os currículos das escolas contemplam as temáticas do abuso e exploração sexual de forma disciplinar, através de planos de curso e de aula, bem como de forma interdisciplinar, através de projetos de ensino-aprendizagem. Estes projetos são realizados durante um período do ano, mas as escolas pesquisadas buscam imprimir um caráter de realização permanente. Por fim, a formação de professores para o enfrentamento da exploração sexual não tem chegado a todos os/as educadores/as, muito menos ao contexto escolar, englobando efetivamente uma parcela bem pequena destes, privilegiando mais diretores e coordenadores pedagógicos.
Estudos sobre saúde mental na adolescência destacam este tema como questão relevante, pois essa faixa etária, além de constituir-se como uma grande parcela da população que precisa e não procura atendimento, é identificada como um grupo etário vulnerável e de risco. A família e a escola têm sido consideradas como fatores de proteção à saúde mental de adolescentes. Sendo assim, precisa-se pensar em formas de intervenção mais eficazes, considerando o contexto familiar, cultural e social destes indivíduos. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar percepções sobre saúde e doença mental de adolescentes de escola pública e de escola privada na cidade de Belém-PA, bem como as principais redes de apoio e estratégias de cuidado utilizadas pelos adolescentes. Realizou-se um estudo transversal, do tipo quantitativo, no qual participaram 60 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, e seus cuidadores. Os adolescentes tinham idades entre 12 a 17 anos, sendo 30 alunos de escola pública, localizada em um bairro periférico, e 30 de escola privada, localizada em um bairro central, na cidade de Belém-PA. Os cuidadores eram do sexo feminino, com idade entre 25 a 57 anos. Como instrumentos foram utilizados: roteiro de entrevista familiar, roteiro de entrevista com os coordenadores das escolas e questionário sobre saúde e doença mental e sobre serviços de saúde (versão para adolescente). Os resultados dos questionários foram analisados preferencialmente pelo teste do Qui-quadrado e o teste G para amostras independentes. Todo o processamento estatístico foi realizado no software BioEstat versão 5.2. Os resultados obtidos nas entrevistas permitiram a análise de aspectos socioeconômicos e de fatores de risco e de proteção na família dos adolescentes. Os resultados obtidos com os questionários revelaram que as percepções dos adolescentes da escola pública acerca da saúde mental estavam associadas a não ser tão sensível/frágil e a pensar positivo, ser otimista. Na escola privada, estavam associadas a sentir-se equilibrado e ser algo muito importante. Quanto às percepções de doença mental, na escola pública estavam relacionadas ao momento em que o corpo não está bem e a quando profissionais aconselham um tratamento; na escola privada, a ter sentimentos feridos e ser algo que não se percebe logo. Com relação à origem das ideias sobre saúde/doença mental, não houve real diferença entre os grupos. No que tange à religião, houve discordância apenas em relação a cura da doença mental. Como estratégia de enfrentamento, na escola pública esta esteve relacionada a falar com alguém sobre o problema enquanto na escola privada os adolescentes relataram que não procuravam ajuda. A mãe foi apontada como principal na busca de ajuda pelos adolescentes da escola pública; na escola particular, a principal referência foi o médico da família. A principal barreira para os adolescentes da escola pública no acesso ao serviço de saúde mental foi não saber o que o psicólogo/psiquiatra vai fazer com ele, e na escola privada foi não querer ser gozado/caçoado. Nos dois grupos, os principais problemas em saúde mental relatados foram problemas na escola e de comportamento. Os adolescentes de escola privada responderam que somente às vezes sentem-se sozinhos e felizes, enquanto na escola pública, os adolescentes afirmaram que sempre estiveram de bom humor e satisfeitos com a vida. Discute-se a necessidade de promover fatores de proteção à saúde mental de adolescentes.