922 resultados para work organization conditions
The aim of this work was to analyze the effect of temperature and light intensity on trumpet flower seed germination, as well as the effect of seeding depth on its emergence. To study the influence of temperature, nine temperature intervals were evaluated, ranging from 15.0 to 40.0 ºC. A randomized block design experiment was used with five replications and 20 seeds per replication, and performed twice. To evaluate light intensity on seed germination, a randomized experimental design was used with eight replications and 25 seeds per replication. The treatments applied were: photoperiod with temperature alternation; photoperiod with constant temperature; darkness with temperature alternation; and darkness with constant temperature. The photoperiod consisted of 8 hours of light and 16 hours of darkness, and the constant temperature was 25 ºC. The treatments with temperature alternations were established with 8 hours at 30 ºC, and 16 hours at 20 ºC. Germination was assessed daily to calculate the total percentage of germination as well as the Germination Velocity Index (GVI). To study the influence of seeding depth on plant emergence, 25 seeds were seeded at 0, 20, 40, and 80 mm in pots with sieved soil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. Seedling emergence was monitored daily until the 15th day after seeding. After that period, the total percentage of emergence was calculated for each experimental unit, as well as the Emergence Velocity Index (EVI). Formation of normal seedlings and the Germination Velocity Index were different among temperatures and higher germination percentages were observed between 20.3 ºC and 37.5 ºC. Tecoma stans seedlings did not germinate when planted at 40 and 80 mm depth. However, the seedlings placed on the soil surface had an emergence percentage of 72. At 20 mm depth, the emergence rate was 31%.
Panel at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
In R&D organizations multiple projects are executed concurrently. Problems arises in managing shared resources since they are needed by multiple projects simultaneously. The objective of this thesis was to study how the project and resource management could be developed in a public sector R&D organization. The qualitative research was carried out in the Magnetic Measurements section at CERN where the section measures magnets for particle accelerators and builds state of the art measurement devices for various needs. Hence, the R&D and measurement projects are very time consuming and very complex. Based on the previous research and the requirements from the organization the best alter- native for resource management was to build a project management information system. A centralized database was constructed and on top of it was built an application for interacting and visualizing the project data. The application allows handling project data, which works as a basis for resource planning before and during the projects are executed. It is one way to standardize the work-flow of projects, which strengthens the project process. Additionally, it was noted that the inner customer’s database, the measurement system and the new application needed to be integrated. Further integration ensures that the project data is received efficiently from customers and available not only within the application but also during the concrete work. The research results introduced a new integrated application, which centralizes the project information flow with better visibility.
A major challenge faced by companies today is the engagement gap at the workplace and how to motivate employees to engage in less intrinsically motivating work activities that are valuable for the organization. The objective of this study is to investigate gamification as a means for employee motivation and personal engagement that result in behavioral outcomes from the gamification developers’ perspective. Theories of work motivation and engagement are viewed in relation to gamification. The empirical part conducts a qualitative multiple-case study. The data is analyzed with the CAQDAS NVivo. The empirical findings suggest that gamification can enhance employee motivation, but careful consideration of extrinsic motivators is necessary to avoid their detrimental effect on intrinsic motivation. Employee self-determination is built through internalization of gamified system’s goals reaching autonomous motivation to engage in the target behavior. Employee engagement is built by fulfilling the psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety and availability. The results suggest that gamification can build employee motivation and engagement leading to behavior change if designed with the business objectives in mind. Moreover, the gamified system needs to be renewed to address the changes in the business environment and reflect them in the employee behavior.
Tietointensiivisessä asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa henkilöstön osaaminen on tärkeä resurssi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää millaisena esimiehet ja johto näkevät ammatillisen osaamisen ja hiljaisen tiedon johtamisen nykytilan hajautetussa asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa. Tutkielman teoreettisessa osiossa esitettiin aiempia näkemyksiä asiantuntijaor-ganisaation osaamisen johtamisesta ja sen prosesseista. Asiantuntijatyön erityispiirteet, hajautetun organisaation erityispiirteet ja esimiestyön haasteet hajautetussa organisaatiossa otettiin huomioon tutkimuksen kontekstina. Tutkimus suoritettiin laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin fokus-ryhmäkeskusteluin. Keskusteluihin osallistuivat kohdeorganisaation johto ja esimiehet. Empiiriset tulokset osoittivat, että osaamisen johtamisen haasteita ovat tiedon muuttunut luonne ja organisaation uudenlaiset toimintatavat. Asian-tuntijatyössä asiantuntijan oma vastuu osaamisen kehittämisessä korostuu enemmän kuin ennen ja esimiestyön haasteeksi muodostuukin hyvien olosuhteiden ja mahdollisuuksien järjestäminen osaamisen vahvistumisen tueksi. Tutkielman keskeisenä tuloksena ja toimenpide-ehdotuksena esitettiin osaamisen johtamisen tietoisempaa suunnittelua strategiatyössä. Esimiesten työtä osaamisen johtamisessa voidaan tukea nostamalla osaamisen tason tavoitteet ja keinot selkeämmin strategian tasolle ja selkiyttämällä asiantuntijoiden roolia osaamisen ylläpidossa ja kehittämisessä.
The objective of this Master’s Thesis was to research factors influencing and enhancing individual level knowledge sharing in offshore projects which often involve uncertainty of the knowledge provider’s own future. The purpose was to understand why individuals are willing to share their knowledge under these kinds of circumstances. In addition the goal was to identify obstacles to interpersonal knowledge sharing in order to understand how to mitigate their influence. The research was conducted as a qualitative multiple case study in a global IT company, and the data was gathered using semi-structured personal theme interviews within two different offshore projects. In order to a gain a wider perspective on the matter, some management representatives were interviewed as well. Data was analysed with the inductive content analysis method. Results of the study indicate that individuals are willing to share their knowledge despite of uncertainty if they are motivated, if they are provided with opportunities to do so, and if they have skills, competence and experience to share their knowledge. A strong knowledge sharing culture in the organization or team also works as a strong incentive for individual level knowledge sharing. The findings suggest that even under uncertain conditions it is possible to encourage people to share their knowledge if uncertainty can be decreased to a bearable level, a robust and personal connection and relationship between the knowledge provider and acquirer can be created and suitable opportunities for knowledge sharing are provided. In addition, based on the results the support and commitment of management and HR in addition to favourable environmental circumstances play an essential role in building a bridge between the knowledge provider and acquirer in order to create a virtual environment and space for knowledge sharing: Ba.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tunnistaa organisaation sisäisiin tietäysverkostoihin ja työntekijöiden verkostorooleihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkimusongelmaa tarkasteltiin tietojohtamisen tietoperustaisen näkemyksen, sosiaalisen pääoman ja verkostotutkimuksen teoreettisesta viitekehyksestä. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena suomalaisessa teollisuusorganisaatiossa. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa käytettiin sekä kvantitatiivista että kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Kvantitatiivinen tutkimusaineisto kerättiin strukturoidulla kyselylomakkeella ja analysoitiin sosiaalisella verkostoanalyysillä. Kvalitatiivinen tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastatteluilla ja analysoitiin abduktiivisesti sisällönanalyysimenetelmällä. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan tietämysverkostoihin ja verkostorooleihin vaikuttavat sekä ulkoiset että sisäiset tekijät. Ulkoisia tekijöitä ovat ympäristöön ja olosuhteisiin vaikuttavat tekijät. Sisäisiä tekijöitä ovat puolestaan henkilön luonteenpiirteet, osaaminen, motivaatio sekä tietämys. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan sisäiset tekijät selittävät työntekijöiden välisiä eroja. Työntekijöiden käyttäytymiseen, motivaatioon, asenteisiin ja osaamiseen voidaan vaikuttaa henkilöstöjohtamisen menetelmillä. Ihmisen persoonallisuus sen sijaan pysyy suhteellisen muuttumattomana. Tietojohtamisen, tietämysverkostojen ja verkostoroolien aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa ei ole kuitenkaan tarkasteltu persoonallisuuden piirteiden vaikutusta tietämyksen siirtämiseen.
Työntekijöiden ja organisaatioiden suorituskykyä on tutkittu etenkin tuotantoyrityksissä paljon. Suorituskyvyn mittaamisessa on painotettu taloudellisia tai tuotannollisia mittareita. Yksittäisen työntekijän motivaation merkitystä suorituskykyyn ei ole kuitenkaan tutkittu kovinkaan paljon. Motivaatioon liittyviä tutkimuksia on tehty enemmän kasvatustieteellisissä ja psykologisissa tutkimuksissa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälaiset motivaatiotekijät vaikuttavat ammatillisessa koulutuksessa työskentelevien opettajien suorituskykyyn. Motivaatiotekijöitä selvitettiin opettajille suunnatulla kyselyllä. Lisäksi selvitettiin, onko motivaatiotekijöillä eroa yksityisen organisaation ja julkisen organisaation työntekijöiden välillä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että yksityisen ja julkisen organisaation työntekijöiden työskentelymotivaatio perustuu erilaisiin tekijöihin. Yrityselämässä menestyvän työntekijän motivaatio kasvaa, mikäli hänellä on mahdollisuus saavuttaa taloudellisia palkkioita hyvistä suorituksista tai hänelle tarjotaan muita ulkoisia hyödykkeitä, kuten ylennystä. Julkisen sektorin palveluksessa olevan työntekijän motivaatio kasvaa, mikäli hän saa tehdä osaamaansa työtä yhteisön hyväksi ja onnistuu työssään. Kyselyn perusteella voidaan todeta, että opettajat ovat hyvin tyytyväisiä työhönsä ja he motivoituvat onnistumisen kokemuksista ja mahdollisuudesta vaikuttaa oman työnsä sisältöön ja aikatauluihin. Esimerkkimittaristo rakennettiin Teaching Balanced Scorecard (TBSC) -menetelmän mukaiseksi. Mittaristossa on huomioitu opettajan työskentelymotivaatioon vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tuloskorttimalli soveltuu isojen organisaatioiden käyttöön ja nykyinen suuntaus oppilaitoksissa on kohti isoja toimijoita. Esimiesten on tunnistettava alaistensa motivaatioon vaikuttavia tekijöitä, sillä työntekijälle annettu vääränlainen palaute voi jopa laskea hänen suorituskykyä. Tiimeissä ja verkostoissa hyvän motivaation saavuttaminen merkitsee myös työturvallisuuden parantumista, sillä yhteen hiileen puhaltavat työntekijät hyödyntävät yhteistä osaamistaan myös työskentelyolosuhteiden kehittämisessä.
Inclusion or Exclusion? Trade Union Strategies and Labor Migration This research identified and analyzed immigration-related strategies of the Finnish Construction Trade Union (FCTU) and the Service Union United (SUU); e.g. how the unions react to labor immigration, whether unions seek to include migrants in the unions, and what is migrants’ position in the unions. The two unions were chosen as the focus of the research because the workforce in the sectors they represent is migrant-dense. The study also analyzed the experiences that migrants who work in these sectors have with trade unions. The Estonian labor market situation –including the role of Estonian trade unions– was also examined as it has a considerable impact on the operating environment of the FCTU. The results of the study indicate that immigration is a contradictory issue for both unions. On the one hand, they strive to include migrants as trade union members and to defend migrants’ labor rights. On the other hand, they, together with their umbrella organization the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK), seek to prevent labor immigration from outside the EU and EEA countries. They actively defend current labor immigration restrictions by drawing atten- tion to high unemployment figures and to the breaches of working conditions migrants encounter. In contrast, the employer organizations promote a more liberal state policy on labor immigration because they see it as a boost for business. Both the unions and the employer organizations ground their arguments on national interest. However, the position of the trade union movement is not uniform: unions belonging to the Confederation of Unions for Professionals and Managerial Staff in Finland (Akava) embrace more liberal labor immigration stances than the SAK. A key trade union strategy is to try to guarantee that migrants’ working condi- tions do not differ from those of the natives. The FCTU and the SUU inform migrants about Finnish collective agreements and trade union membership in the most common migrant languages. This is important for the unions because it is not in their interest that migrants’ working conditions are undercut. The interviewed migrants said that natives had more negotiating power with employers, which is often negatively portrayed in migrants’ working conditions. Migrants perceive that trade unions have an important role in protecting their working conditions. However, they stressed that migrants’ knowledge of unions is often very limited. The number of migrants in both two unions studied here is increasing. Espe- cially in the SUU, a considerable proportion of the new members are migrants. The FCTU is in a more challenging situation than the SUU because migrant construc- tion workers often work only for short periods in Finland and are consequently not interested in becoming union members. The unions’ strategies partly differ: the FCTU was the first Finnish trade union to establish a trade union branch/lo- cal for migrant members. The goal is to facilitate migrants’ inclusion in the union and to highlight the specific problems they face. The SUU, for its part, insists that such a special strategy would exclude migrants within the union organization. Despite the unions’ strategies, migrants are still underrepresented as union members and officials, which some of the interviewed migrants saw as a problem. Immigrants’ perception of trade unions was pragmatic: they had joined unions when membership yielded concrete benefits. In spite of the unions’ strategies, migrants –and temporary migrants– encoun- ter specific problems in terms of working conditions. Both unions demand more state intervention to protect migrants’ labor rights because overseeing working conditions consumes union resources. However, without the unions’ intervention, these problems would be more common than is currently the case. For instance, some of the interviewed migrants had received trade union assistance in claim- ing unpaid wages. The study demonstrated with the help of building on Walter Korpi’s power resources theory, that immigration is a power resource issue for the unions: suc- cessful immigration-related strategies strengthen unions –and vice versa. The research also showed how the unions’ operating environments constrain and enable their immigration-related strategies. This study has illuminated a previously ignored dimension: the immigrant- inclusive strategies of the Finnish trade unions. The research material consists of 78 qualitative interviews, observation in trade union events, and trade unions’ and employer organizations’ public state- ments.
Wind turbines based on doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) become the most popular solution in high power wind generation industry. While this topology provides great performance with the reduced power rating of power converter, it has more complicated structure in comparison with full-rated topologies, and therefore leads to complexity of control algorithms and electromechanical processes in the system. The purpose of presented study is to present a proper vector control scheme for the DFIG and overall control for the WT to investigate its behavior at different wind speeds and in different grid voltage conditions: voltage sags, magnitude and frequency variations. The key principles of variable-speed wind turbine were implemented in simulation model and demonstrated during the study. Then, based on developed control scheme and mathematical model, the set of simulation is made to analyze reactive power capabilities of the DFIG wind turbine. Further, the rating of rotor-side converter is modified to not only generate active rated active power, but also to fulfill Grid Codes. Results of modelling and analyzing of the DFIG WT behavior under different speeds and different voltage conditions are presented in the work.
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the capacity of three isolates of Aspergillus flavus to produce aflatoxin under different culture conditions. This experiment was based on a 2³ factorial design, in which the independent variables were temperature (20-40 °C), incubation time (7-21 days), and the pH (2.0-6.0) in two different synthetic media. The optimal conditions were applied to non-aflatoxigenic isolates previously tested in coconut agar. Aflatoxin B1 was extracted directly from the synthetic cultures with chloroform. Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and Photographic Photometry were utilized to identify and quantify the compounds. Preliminary results showed that YES agar was an alternative medium for detecting the toxigenic potential of Aspergillus flavus in the following conditions: pH of 5.2, temperature of 25 °C, and incubation time of 11 days producing 206.05 ng.CFU-1 of aflatoxin B1. Of the 30 non-aflatoxigenic isolates, 12 presented a positive result in the optimal media and conditions tested.
The aim of this work was to make tofu from soybean cultivar BRS 267 under different processing conditions in order to evaluate the influence of each treatment on the product quality. A fractional factorial 2(5-1) design was used, in which independent variables (thermal treatment, coagulant concentration, coagulation time, curd cutting, and draining time) were tested at two different levels. The response variables studied were hardness, yield, total solids, and protein content of tofu. Polynomial models were generated for each response. To obtain tofu with desirable characteristics (hardness ~4 N, yield 306 g tofu.100 g-1 soybeans, 12 g proteins.100 g-1 tofu and 22 g solids.100 g-1 tofu), the following processing conditions were selected: heating until boiling plus 10 minutes in water bath, 2% dihydrated CaSO4 w/w, 10 minutes coagulation, curd cutting, and 30 minutes draining time.
Tämän pro gradu –tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia osaamisen johtamista asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa. Kohdeyrityksenä tässä tutkimuksessa on Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj:n pääkaupunkiseudun Private Banking yksikön sijoitusjohtajat ja heidän lähiesimiehet. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään miten osaaminen ymmärretään organisaatiossa ja kenellä on vastuu asiantuntijan osaamisesta ja sen kehittämisestä. Teoreettinen tarkastelu pohjautuu kolmeen keskeiseen käsitteeseen: osaamiseen, osaamisen johtamiseen ja osaamisen kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin henkilöhaastatteluiden avulla. Asiantuntijan osaaminen on laajojen kokonaisuuksien hallintaa ja kykyä sopeutua vallitseviin tilanteisiin. Osaaminen voidaan määritelmällisesti jakaa substanssi-osaamiseen ja asiakasosaamiseen sekä kykyyn hallita suhdeverkostoa. Osaamisen johtaminen nähdään keskeisenä osana esimiehen työtä. Esimiesten pitäisi pystyä kartoittamaan asiantuntijoidensa osaamistaso ja mahdolliset puutteet sekä luomaan kehityssuunnitelma yhdessä asiantuntijan kanssa. Vastuu osaamista on asiantuntijalla itsellään. Osaamista ja oppimista tuetaan yrityksessä monin eri tavoin. Kursseja ja koulutusta järjestetään riittävästi. Organisaation ulkopuolisia koulutusmahdollisuuksia toivottiin enemmän. Organisaation kilpailukyvyn kannalta on oleellista ymmärtää millaista osaamista organisaatioissa tarvitaan tulevaisuudessa. Osaamiskartoituksen ja kehityskeskusteluiden jälkeen yrityksen johdon ja muiden esimiesten tulisi pohtia millaista koulutusta organisaation työntekijöille tulisi tarjota, että tulevaisuuden osaamisvaateet saadaan täytettyä.
The supersweet (Sh2) corn seeds have a thin tegument and an irregular shape, which hinder the sowing procedure. As a function of those factors, the significance of using the pelleting process to improve sowing and standardize the stand of plants in the field without the need of thinning within the row is emphasized. Although this technique has already been known for many years, little has been studied on the effect of such procedure on the plantability and on the moisture content of the supersweet corn seeds. Therefore, this research work aimed at evaluating the effects of pelleting on the moisture content of the seeds along the storing process, on the occurrence of gaps on seed deposition and on the dropping of double seeds, with the aid of a testing seeder. Other physical attributes of seeds and pellets were also evaluated through tests of fragmentation, screen retention, mass of a thousand seeds and apparent volume. Results have shown an increase on the mass and on the volume of the pelleted seeds that presented highly resistance to cracks and breaking. The pelleting was efficient on the reduction of gaps and on the deposition of double seeds at sowing, thus providing highly satisfactory results for these attributes. An increase on the seed moisture content was also observed as a function of storage with a significant reduction on this factor after the pelleting procedure. Results allow concluding that the pelleting process reduces seed moisture content and improves plantability, positively affecting the efficiency of the sowing process.
This study discusses the nature of informal learning process in business organizations, and the importance of different organization-level factors in this process. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of organization-level factors on informal learning process with three subquestions: how informal learning process takes place in business organizations, what organization-level factors affects informal learning process, and how informal learning process is affected by organizational-level factors. The theoretical background of this study includes literatures on the concept of informal learning, its process, and organization-level factors that can affect informal learning process. The empirical research has been conducted in this study by face-to-face interviews. The interviews were conducted between June and August 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Thirteen interviews were made with the employees from different hierarchical levels from four freight forwarding MNCs in Bangladesh. Constant comparative analysis has been used to process the collected data until reaching a level of saturation. The empirical research found that all the phases in an informal learning process are not linear and sequential, and the role of organization-level factors on each phase varies with the degree and nature of each factor. In addition, the results also revealed that all the organization-level factors do not interact with each other while playing their role on informal learning process. The findings of this study considerably extend our understanding of the important role of HRD, manager, colleague, culture, and work structure on informal learning process in the workplace. However, future research in different organizational contexts is required to generalize the findings of this study.