829 resultados para employee develop-ment


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This article is predicated on the idea that leaders shape workplace affective events. Based on Affective Events Theory (AET), I argue that leaders are sources of employee positive and negative emotions at work. Certain leader behaviors displayed during interactions with their employees are the sources of these affective events. The second theoretical underpinning of the article is the Asymmetry Effect of emotion. Consistent with this theory, employees are more likely to recall negative incidents than positive incidents. In a qualitative study, evidence that these processes exist in the workplace was found. Leader behaviors were sources of positive or negative emotional responses in employees; employees recalled more negative incidents than positive incidents, and they recalled them more intensely and in more detail than positive incidents. Consequently, leaders may need to exercise their emotional intelligence to generate emotional uplifts to overcome the hassles in the workplace that employees seem to remember so vividly. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this paper is to address the concept of linkage research and propose the addition of social identity theory as an important consideration in managing employee-customer interactions and customer satisfaction.


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Recognising and rewarding good performance is an important managerial skill as it is vital for employee motivadon. To gain a better understanding on how recognidon exerts its infiuence, the purpose of the current study is twofold: firsdy, to invesdgate whether recognition (or the lack of it) is a relevant issue with the staff of a large Australian pharmacy. Secondly, to our best knowledge the present study is the first to shed light onto the nature and funcdon of recognidon by invesdgadng its underlying processes. Drawing from goal setdng, social cognidve and attribution theory, a model in which recognidon from the manger predicts employee outcomes is developed. It predicts that managerial recognidon will infiuence employee well-being direcdy and indirecdy by its impact on team efficacy. Data from the pharmacy staff is qualitadvely and quandtadvely analysed. Qualitadve analysis suggests that recognidon is a major modvator for the pharmacy staff. Addidonally it is found that employees who receive recognidon from their manager have posidve percepdons about their work groups, and in turn experience high levels of well-being. Implicadons and Hmitadons of the current study, as well as avenues for future research are discussed.