1000 resultados para Leitor-vampiro


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Nous avons pris comme point de départ le préssuposé que en exerçant ses practiques de lecture en salle de classe, les professeurs récuperent des signes de ses expériences socioculturelles par rapport à la lecture, construites au long de ses trajectoires. Indépendemment de sa discipline scolaire, la mémoire de ces expériences interviennent certainement, de manière positive ou négative, dans la médiation de la formation de l élève lecteur. C est donc, par l articulation entre les perspectives de ses études qui parlent sur l histoire de la lecture, narratives (auto)biographiques et formation du professeur que je prétends récupérer et reconstruire, par les narratives de lectures racontées par les professeurs de différentes disciplines scolaires, les processus d appropriation de la lecture en considérant ses tactiques d accès et d utilisation des matériels écrits en circulation dans les groupes sociaux auxquels ils appartennaient. Pour ça ce travail s inquérit : Quels models de lectures émergent dans les narratives de professeurs de différentes disciplines scolaires ? Comment se manifestent-elles les représentations sur sa performance pour la formation de l élève lecteur ? L objectif central est d inférer les rapports existants entre des expériences de lecture et la médiation dans la formation de lecteurs. Douze professeurs de l éducation de base des écoles de la ville de Belém y ont participé. Le corpus est constitué par les transcriptions de deux genres d instruments: douze interviews narratives et deux groupes de débats. Les analyses montrent deux grandes fases de la rencontre avec la lecture : une antérieure à l école et l autre à partir de l école. Ces fases montrent des pratiques et des représentations de lecture hétérogènes différenciés par rapport à ses aspects fonctionnaux. Elles revellent encore que la formation du lecteur professeur et élève se lie, d abord, à la constitution culturelle de l homme, marquée, fondamentalement, par son interlocution avec l autre. La famille, l école et le lieu de travail se présentent comme des espaces qui impriment des marques profondes dans le rapport avec la lecture. Malgré ça, le même matériel écrit, un fois mis en scène le lu dans ces espaces n ont pas de significat coincidents pour les différentes personnes qui s en approprient. Cette raison montre la possibilité de la construction d une histoire de la lecture, basée pas exclusivement à la description des matériels lus pendant le cours de leurs vies, mais surtout, sur les indicateurs de ses différentes manières de lire. Cette trajectoire exerce de cette façon une forte influence sur la prise de décision et les manifestations du travail du professeur en situation de salle de classe. Comme ça on peut conclure, premièrement, que les représentations et pratiques de lecture se sont constitués et se sont (re)configurés dans des différentes formes, concepts, temps et espaces, dans un entrecroisement de différents discours. Deuxièmement que la reflexion sur les mémoires de lecture a resulté un nouveau regard des participants sur son travail de professeur et a confirmé l hipothèse selon laquelle la production des narratives autoréférencées offre, à qui les narre, la possibilité de transformation des représentations du sujet avec lui-même, avec l autre et avec le monde, ce qui démontre l importance de la recherche (auto)biographique comme méthode d investigation en éducation et sa contribuition pour la formation des formateurs de lecteurs dans des différents domaines de la connaissance , comme territoires constitutifs du sujet et de ses pratiques sociales, à l école et ailleurs


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O estudo investiga as contribuições da literatura para a inclusão social na escola, explorando o potencial inclusivo do texto literário. Sua relevância consiste em fornecer ao professor subsídios para ampliar suas competências no ensino de literatura a partir do (re)conhecimento da função inclusiva do texto literário e da construção de uma comunidade de leitores que atenda à diversidade de interesses, necessidades e sentimentos dos aprendizes. Entende-se que a literatura é inclusiva em sua natureza pois, inclui o leitor no texto e permite práticas socializadoras de leitura. O estudo alinha-se à vertente qualitativa caracterizando-se como pesquisa-ação participante. Adotaram-se como procedimentos metodológicos a observação participante e a intervenção pedagógica. O estudo realizou-se em uma turma de 4º ano do ensino fundamental com 43 alunos, de faixa etária entre 8 e 13 anos, matriculados na Casa do Menor Trabalhador CMT, escola pública do município de Natal-RN (Brasil). Os instrumentos utilizados foram: gravação em áudio; diário de campo; entrevistas. Na intervenção pedagógica, realizaram-se 20 aulas de leitura de literatura de contos, fábulas, poemas e adivinhas com diferentes estratégias didáticas. As sessões de leitura foram desenvolvidas conforme os moldes da andaimagem (scaffolding) descritos por Graves e Graves (1995). Tomou-se como referencial teórico os estudos de Aiscow, Porter e Wang (1997), Amarilha (1997; 2006), Aquino (1998), Eco (2003), Caldin (2004; 2003), Cazden (1991), Chartier (1994), Culler (1999), Iser (1996), Manguel (1997), Paulino (2001), Perrenoud (2001), Petit (2008), Sartre (2006), Stainback e Stainback (1999), Stierle (1979) e Zilberman (2005). A análise aponta a relevância do diálogo entre literatura e inclusão social para democratizar a leitura literária e tornar o ambiente escolar mais inclusivo. Confirma a natureza inclusiva do texto literário, no modo como promove a entrada cooperativa do leitor no texto literário em prática socializadora de aprendizado, de compartilhamento de sentimentos, sensações, subjetividades e de acolhimento das diferenças. O estudo revela e consolida a leitura de literatura como uma atividade intelectual significativa, prazerosa e democrática, na qual o leitor, ao colaborar com a construção de sentidos e ao estabelecer relações interativas, passa por transformações que favorecem a inclusão. Ressalta-se a importância do mediador de leitura na seleção de estratégias que viabilizem a democratização da literatura e pela literatura, no pequeno universo da sala de aula, que atendam às necessidades dos educandos, desenvolvendo habilidades leitoras, incentivando o gosto pelo texto literário que educa e convida à inclusão


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Plongés dans le temps présent, les dessins humoristiques, par la capacité de représenter, de suggérer et de communiquer une idée, marquent présence à l école et dans la salle de classe. Caractérisés par l utilisation d éléments comiques, satiriques et irôniques, outre la nature persuasive, ces dessins possibilitent le lecteur de faire une lecture critique des événements sociaux et politiques de notre société. En tant que langage visuel, structuré dans les formes verbale et icônique, de même que par le caractère analogique de représentation, les dessins humoristiques constituent un excellent recours pédagogique. Toutefois, ils sont longtemps restés inaperçus par l école et, seul récemment, ils sont devenus objet d investigation de la part des historiens. Dans ce sens, nous nous sommes proposés, dans cette étude, à analyser l utilisation de ces dessins par les professeurs d histoire des écoles publiques nommées Centros Paraibanos de Educação Solidária (CEPES), de João Pessoa, capitale de l Etat de Paraíba, en vue d appréhender et de discuter la façon dont ces professeurs font usage de ces dessins dans leur pratique pédagogique. Par le moyen des actions des professeurs, conçues comme des arts de faire, selon Certeau, et par l identification des usages qui se caractérisent comme des tactiques, nous avons essayé de percevoir comment se réalise le rapport humour et histoire, en salle de classe. La systématisation, la catégorisation et la narration des pratiques pédagogiques observées ont été réalisées par l analyse des questionnaires et des interviews appliqués aux professeurs et élèves, ainsi qu à l observation des classes. Notre recherche s est fondée sur les théories de Roger Chartier et Michel de Certeau, dont les concepts de représentation et d appropriation, d usages et de tactiques nous ont aidé à comprendre la forme par laquelle les sujets incorporés au quotidien de la salle de classe se sont appropriés de la dimension imagétique à travers l humour. A partir des concepts d usage et d appropriation nous avons identifié dans les actions et les parlers, la façon dont les dessins humoristiques sont travaillés par les professeurs. Conçus comme des registres visuels qui relatent des questions sociales, politiques et économiques, ces dessins sont perçus comme des registres visuels qui relatent des questions sociales, politiques et économiques, identifant, ainsi, les adversités du présent, dans le monde social


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La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objeto de estudio la visión epistemológica de Paulo Freire y como punto central su comprensión del acto pedagógico como un acto gnoseológico e sus consecuencias para la praxis docente. La tesis original afirma, que en la obra de Freire hay una comprensión sobre el conocimiento ubicando el acto pedagógico como una situación gnoseológica, comprensión esta, indispensable a una praxis educacional libertadora. Para identificar esa comprensión, la presente investigación de carácter bibliográfica y cualitativa fue realizada a partir de indicaciones del propio Paulo Freire sobre el acto de leer/estudiar y del abordaje hermenéutico de Hans-Georg Gadamer, utilizando el diálogo con los textos del autor, buscando los sentidos capaces de responder a las cuestiones desarrolladas en la tesis. El trabajo presenta, además de una pre-comprensión del tema, los resultados de los ejercicios dialógicos mantenidos con los textos de Freire sobre el conocimiento y la educación como situación gnoseológica. Oportunamente fueron construidos mapas conceptuales de los hallados de la autora, para una mejor visualización espacial del lector, así como de los diálogos con tres estudiosos del pensamiento de Paulo Freire. El pensamiento de Freire sobre el conocimiento y la educación como situación gnoseológica abarca las siguientes dimensiones, aparte de la dimensión epistemológica propiamente dicha: dimensión históricofilosófica; dimensión político-ideológica; dimensión comunicativa y dialógica; dimensión ética y estética; dimensión pedagógico-cultural; y dimensión institucional y de gestión. La comprensión por el educador de esas dimensiones bien como sobre el Ciclo de Enseñar y Aprender pueden contribuir de modo significativo para una praxis docente capaz de recorrer el camino del diálogo problematizador, aquel que puede tornar el acto pedagógico un acto verdaderamente gnoseológico, capaz de auxiliar hombres y mujeres en su proceso de humanización


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The focus of this thesis is children's reception to literary texts starting from literary livelihood in an inclusive literary context, looking for the possible evidences that are present in the construction as reader/hearing of literature. Based on a study case, we search the ways of participation of a child (girl) with intellectual deficiency in situations of offering and reception of literary texts, looking for the understanding and explication of some aspects of her processing and the building up of an initial reader. The data were taken starting from observations in moments of reading and story-telling in the period from November to December/2008 and May to June/2009 in a public school of children education, in Natal- Brazil, in which there was a registered student showing intellectual deficiency associated to Down syndrome. As research tools we used: field diary, interview scripts and video recordings. The analyses were based on research from Amarilha (2001, 2006a, 2006b), Bettelheim (2007), Coelho (2008), Iser (1996), Jauss (1979, 1994), Luria (1990a, 1990b), Vygotsky (1991, 1993), Wallon (2007, 2008) amongst others. The research showed that although expressing little verbalization and limited levels of attention, body attitudes, movements and talks of the child under investigation, denounced engagement and rendition to the sonority of the texts shared. These data gives us traces that, under a mediating action, the child with intellectual limitation can turn into a reader/hearing subject of literature, developing a sensitive and a selective attitude towards the literary text. Amongst other aspects, we identified that (1) a conception of deficiency present through the school that recognizes his/her potential of developing and learning (2) the situation of sharing, that favours a relation with the texts through the other, and (3) the relevance of orality providing the semantic paths that help the child in the building up of meaning, presenting themselves as fundamental to her/his viewing of the literary text, and, therefore, the formation of the reader. Thus, recognizing her/his capacity and possibilities, we think it is important to guarantee to the child with intellectual deficiency, a space towards interaction with the fictional text in which the child can learn and live its ludic and interactive character, to enjoy its hearing abilities, benefiting, then, from the aesthetic experience lived, mainly, in collective situations mediated through the more experient reader and shared with her/his different pairs. The research shows yet that, looking after conditions that guarantee a comfortable environment to the story hearings in the classrooms that focus on children education, being aware of a selection and the prosody of stories, the didactic contract, the attention to individual reactions, enlarge the possibility of any child deficient or not to enjoy her/himself as reader/ hearing subject of literature, engaged in its richness and magic


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This dissertation sutdies the mediative function in the planning of literary text reading classes of Portuguese. Its main central focus proposes that planning favors the pedagogical reading work of literary texts in the teaching of Portuguese, for they are regarded as one of the mediative elements the teaching-learning process. It also allows for its subjects to rethink the practice, theorizing it. As a theoretical basis the studies on participative planning are used, especially the studies concerning dialogic planning. The language/literature teaching perspective adopted in this work is guided by the socio-interactive conception of language, in a way that reading is seen as a comprehensive and interactive activity. Given the research process, the analysis of the reading process involved the Reader s Response, once that this theory considers the role of the reader and her/his interaction with the text. The study is grounded upon the following research question: which role(s) does the pedagogical planning play as a mediator of the reading teaching-learning process? The main objective of this dissertation is to investigate the pedagogical planning activity as a mediative instrument in the practice of reading in the Portuguese classes. The study is constituted of three stages, the third being emphasized (2002/2005) in which the direction of the participative action-research was used, as a way of acknowledging the pedagogical role in the teaching plan, as an instrument capable of rendering reorganization in the teaching-learning process of reading classes. We have as participants teachers of Portuguese in the elementary school (Ensino Fundamental, 3º ciclo), besides other segments of public schools, in the city of Pau dos Ferros RN, in which the previous studies were developed. The results point to the relevance in the role of the teacher, as a more experienced reader, in developing of pedagogical strategies that may come to favor the teaching of reading, having in the pedagogical sphere an instrument of theoretical reflection and sistematization of activities to be implemented in the classroom. The conclusions highlight the class plan as the mediative instrument to be incorporated and internalized into the teaching practice, amplifying and modifying the teacher s intervention forms, favoring, thus, her/his pedagogical mediation


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Monoculture of mind This idea, presented by Vandana Shiva, reflects the phase that we have experienced in the world: a notion of civilization that, since many decades, characterized by a technocratic big trend, has been shown as dominant and hegemonic. Based on a thinking and acting, felling and whishing standardization, this wave ends implying in what can be called of humanity‟s crisis at civilizational process. Destruction of simpler and more harmonious lifestyles with nature, human relations increasingly distant, values embrittlement, as respect, goodness and love, are some consequences of that behavioral homogenization. In the other hand, appears an archipelago of cultural and cognitive resistance against this devastating wave. Edgar Morin and Ceiça Almeida refer to this archipelago as a South Thought , what is not just a geographic question. Report, therefore, to some places, peoples, island that keep ancient costumes and knowledge, orally transmitted, for instance, from elders to younger, or vice versa, in an almost constant flow. Particular ways of experiencing the world around themselves, the men, animals, plants, rocks, or even not alive beings, masters or enchanted, spiritual guides. Next to a logic of sensitive, as Claude Levi-Strauss proposes, this reading, which is a more attentive, observer and wiser posture of surroundings, is based on touching, smelling, eating, seeing, and, I would add, felling. In light of this, I try to expatiate about certain experiences that I had the pleasure of living in some of these islands of resistance. Talks, perceptions, observations, sensations Stories, prose, poetries, music, photos, graphics Whatever could serve to portray even a bit of the reflections and forms to understand (ourselves) and produce knowledge, such as from a formation/Education to life, was well used at this ethnographic work. Space to the subjectivity and emotions I had, have, and will have a lot Everything for the dear reader may fell traveling around the world of tradition, resistance


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This dissertation examines the contributions of juvenile literature reading for the problematization of the emotional experiences and conflicts of children at infant education. Its importance consists in providing useful information for the pedagogic work orientated to literature reading at the initial series of basic education, in order to increase the teacher s ability to explore the literary text from its instigating and enriching nature in view of the child s emotional experiences and conflicts. It is methodologically based on the principles of the qualitative research, what characterizes it as a case study. The research focused a level V-infant education class with 28 students in 5-6 age group, at a public school of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). The used resources were: audio recording, field diary, and interviews. Seventeen classes were carried out and they consisted in reading sessions of classic and contemporaneous tales, fables, and legends which used different didactic strategies. These sessions were developed in accordance with the reading experience through scaffolding instructions as it was described by Graves & Graves. The theoretical references were the studies of Amarilha (1997/ 2006), Bettelheim (2004), Coelho (1987/2000), Damásio (2005), Del Nero (2003), Eco (1994/2006), Held (1980), Iser (1996), Jauss (2002), Stierle (2002), Wallon (2007), Telles (2006), Yunes (2003), and Zilberman (1987). The analyses showed that literary reading in class is a special environment for inclusion of the reader s subjectivity; as well as the inclusion of their emotional experiences and their conflicts within the story by way of helping children think and become suitable for dealing with their inner feelings. The literary reading is presented as an experiential and formative activity which helps children understand their emotions through a process of identification, exteriorization, and catharsis; what implies that the esthetic experience from the text makes possible the reader s self-knowledge and increases the perception of his inner feelings and objective reality so that this reader has emotional capital to deal with life difficulties. It is important to highlight that the discussions carried out in the class represented a field of sharing experiences through which each reader had the chance to present their experience of life to the others, including their sorrows and sufferings, in order to help them to develop best strategies to deal with the social environment


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This study investigates the contributions of reading literature for the development of creative thinking in childhood. Its relevance consists in exploring practices that contemplate the creative thinking development in apprentices at school space and understanding the literature like a significant way to promote the creative thinking. The study is connected to the qualitaty strand. The exploratory observation and the intervention were adopted as research techniques. The field diary and the audio and video recording of the reading sections were adopted as methodological instruments. The research was conducted in the application s college from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in a 1th grade class, with 18 students between 6 and 7 years old. During the intervention, 8 readind class happened, with varied strategies and literary genres. The reading sessions were conducted through the principles of scaffolding, defended by Graves and Graves (1995). The corpus is made of speaks episodes, whose encoding semantics allowed the grouping into two central categories: divergent thinking and coauthoring of literary reader. It was taken as a theoretical framework the studies of Amarilha (2011; 2006; 2001; 1991; 1993; 1994), Alencar (2001), Coelho (2000; 1997), Culler (1999), De Masi (2005), Gallo (2000), Guilford (1977), Iser (1996), Jouve (2002), Kneller (1978), Martínez (1997), Smith (2003), Stierle (1979), Vigotski (2009; 1998), Wechsler; Nakano (2003; 2002). The analysis points to the formation of creative individuals in the classroom, through the reading of literature. Reposition the literary education front of the new social demands. Resizes the function of school in children s development, considering the children s skill in exploring, testing hypotheses and making use of their creative thinking, in climate of freedom mental. It signals, in this way, the teacher like a mediator, promoting a favorable to the development of creative thinking environment, a stimulating atmosphere, which enhances the expression of creative thinking in community


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Public investments in the development of innovation in the country, either through the rigging of public universities, either through public announcements of the promotion, increased dramatically in recent years. To analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of public resources is especially in times of austerity, essential for the development of a country. In this context, this research aims to identify the influence of public investments to promote innovation in the degree of maturity of innovative companies in the state of the RN. Another goal is to identify the regional influence from the installation site - capital or countryside, in the performance of the companies studied in the degree of innovation. The theoretical basis of the understanding of the scope of the concept of innovation and its determination for the purposes of this study. Typology, degree of innovation, evaluation methodologies and mechanisms to support innovation : Still on the theme of innovation additional concepts that help the reader to a greater understanding, such as are presented. Following is approached conceptualization of the triple helix, highlighting the concepts advocated by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff, Salomon and Silva and Ipiranga, Freitas and Paiva, among others. With regard to methodological aspects, we propose a descriptive, exploratory and explanatory research quantitative and qualitative approach with the target audience group of companies served by INOVA PRO- NAGI design - multi-institutional action from a public resource called FINEP promotes the development of innovative companies in the State of Rio Grande do Norte - in 2013. The research should provide reflection and understanding of the influence of public investment in innovation, which by means of qualitative predictive variables associated with quantitative method to explain which variables are significant variations in the degree of maturity of enterprises studied


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Objetivou-se, com o trabalho, avaliar dois métodos de estimativa da área foliar, em plantas de laranja Pêra, pela análise da imagem digital obtida com scanner e câmera fotográfica digital. Para determinar a área das folhas, um grupo de discos foi colocado sobre um leitor de scanner, sendo que a imagem obtida foi armazenada. Os mesmos grupos de discos foram fixados sobre cartolina branca e fotografados com câmera fotográfica digital. As imagens obtidas da câmera fotográfica e do scanner foram processadas utilizando ferramentas de um editor de imagem que permite a contagem de pixels de determinada cor, no caso verde. Para a comparação dos métodos, os discos foram submetidos a integrador óptico de área foliar modelo LICOR-3100, utilizando os mesmos agrupamentos. Foram coletadas 20 folhas (cinco em cada quadrante da planta) por parcela de um experimento para comparação de fertilizantes comerciais e doses de zinco, aplicados via foliar, em plantas de sete anos de idade. O experimento foi composto de sete tratamentos e quatro repetições, num total de 28 parcelas. Os dois métodos apresentaram alta correlação com a área estimada pelo integrador óptico de área, considerado como método de referência. O método da análise da imagem obtida com câmera fotográfica, na resolução de 5.0 megapixel, foi mais precisa quando comparada à área estimada pelo integrador óptico de área.


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The manufacturing of above and below-knee prosthesis starts by taking surfac measurements of the patient s residual limb. This demands the making of a cartridg with appropriate fitting and customized to the profile of each patient. The traditiona process in public hospitals in Brazil begins with the completion of a record file (according to law nº388, of July 28, 1999 by the ministry of the health) for obtaining o the prosthesis, where it is identified the amputation level, equipment type, fitting type material, measures etc. Nowadays, that work is covered by the Brazilian Nationa Health Service (SUS) and is accomplished in a manual way being used commo measuring tapes characterizing a quite rudimentary, handmade work and without an accuracy.In this dissertation it is presented the development of a computer integrate tool that it include CAD theory, for visualization of both above and below-knee prosthesis in 3D (i.e. OrtoCAD), as well as, the design and the construction a low cos electro-mechanic 3D scanner (EMS). This apparatus is capable to automatically obtain geometric information of the stump or of the healthy leg while ensuring smalle uncertainty degree for all measurements. The methodology is based on reverse engineering concepts so that the EMS output is fed into the above mentioned academi CAD software in charge of the 3D computer graphics reconstruction of the residualimb s negative plaster cast or even the healthy leg s mirror image. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed model is valid, because it allows the structura analysis to be performed based on the requested loads, boundary conditions, material chosen and wall thickness. Furthermore it allows the manufacturing of a prosthesis cartridge meeting high accuracy engineering patterns with consequent improvement in the quality of the overall production process


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The manufacture of prostheses for lower limb amputees (transfemural and transtibial) requires the preparation of a cartridge with appropriate and custom fit to the profile of each patient. The traditional process to the patients, mainly in public hospitals in Brazil, begins with the completion of a form where types of equipment, plugins, measures, levels of amputation etc. are identified. Currently, such work is carried out manually using a common metric tape and caliper of wood to take the measures of the stump, featuring a very rudimentary, and with a high degree of uncertainty geometry of the final product. To address this problem, it was necessary to act in two simultaneously and correlated directions. Originally, it was developed an integrated tool for viewing 3D CAD for transfemoral types of prostheses and transtibial called OrtoCAD I. At the same time, it was necessary to design and build a reader Mechanical equipment (sort of three-dimensional scanner simplified) able to obtain, automatically and with accuracy, the geometric information of either of the stump or the healthy leg. The methodology includes the application of concepts of reverse engineering to computationally generate the representation of the stump and/or the reverse image of the healthy member. The materials used in the manufacturing of prostheses nor always obey to a technical scientific criteria, because, if by one way it meets the criteria of resistance, by the other, it brings serious problems mainly due to excess of weight. This causes to the user various disorders due to lack of conformity. That problem was addressed with the creation of a hybrid composite material for the manufacture of cartridges of prostheses. Using the Reader Fitter and OrtoCAD, the new composite material, which aggregates the mechanical properties of strength and rigidity on important parameters such as low weight and low cost, it can be defined in its better way. Besides, it brings a reduction of up steps in the current processes of manufacturing or even the feasibility of using new processes, in the industries, in order to obtain the prostheses. In this sense, the hybridization of the composite with the combination of natural and synthetic fibers can be a viable solution to the challenges offered above


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This present research the aim to show to the reader the Geometry non-Euclidean while anomaly indicating the pedagogical implications and then propose a sequence of activities, divided into three blocks which show the relationship of Euclidean geometry with non-Euclidean, taking the Euclidean with respect to analysis of the anomaly in non-Euclidean. PPGECNM is tied to the line of research of History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in the Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Treat so on Euclid of Alexandria, his most famous work The Elements and moreover, emphasize the Fifth Postulate of Euclid, particularly the difficulties (which lasted several centuries) that mathematicians have to understand him. Until the eighteenth century, three mathematicians: Lobachevsky (1793 - 1856), Bolyai (1775 - 1856) and Gauss (1777-1855) was convinced that this axiom was correct and that there was another geometry (anomalous) as consistent as the Euclid, but that did not adapt into their parameters. It is attributed to the emergence of these three non-Euclidean geometry. For the course methodology we started with some bibliographical definitions about anomalies, after we ve featured so that our definition are better understood by the readers and then only deal geometries non-Euclidean (Hyperbolic Geometry, Spherical Geometry and Taxicab Geometry) confronting them with the Euclidean to analyze the anomalies existing in non-Euclidean geometries and observe its importance to the teaching. After this characterization follows the empirical part of the proposal which consisted the application of three blocks of activities in search of pedagogical implications of anomaly. The first on parallel lines, the second on study of triangles and the third on the shortest distance between two points. These blocks offer a work with basic elements of geometry from a historical and investigative study of geometries non-Euclidean while anomaly so the concept is understood along with it s properties without necessarily be linked to the image of the geometric elements and thus expanding or adapting to other references. For example, the block applied on the second day of activities that provides extend the result of the sum of the internal angles of any triangle, to realize that is not always 180° (only when Euclid is a reference that this conclusion can be drawn)


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The analysis of this work seeks to investigate the meaning of the laughter in the paraibano writer Ariano Suassuna s armorial theater. The study departs, firstly, from an argumentation which centers its content in the theory of the many theoreticians of the question: Henri Bergson, Vladimir Propp, Jolles, Freud, Bakhtin. The essence of the laughter in Suassuna and its esthetic relations are commented, because those elements are responsible for the strength of the literary text. On the condition of scholar about Esthetic and Art History, Suassuna always puts the methods of the estheticism in favor of the loud laughter bearing in mind that it is a source of improvisation, i.e., it may have many senses depending on what it is pretended to transmit to the reader/viewer. The laughter is a mask which is changed to each new situation, representing that way own human condition. Because the theater is an art subjected to recreation, the laughter also is. And because it is a great party where other arts (the dance, the music, mamulengo e the bumba-meu-boi) are present, united to compose a confluent and hybrid language, the meaning of hilarity during the popular celebrations is studied mainly those that happened in Medieval Europe. Thus, in the second part, the basis of the research is the Russian Mikhail Bakhtin s theory that helps to link Suassuna s laughter to the popular party, showing the language used in them and the jokes that give life to the joy of the folk. Soon after, the importance of Suassuna s laughter to the Brazilian Culture, is examined making a reflection about its function at the sociocultural context of the country