930 resultados para orthogonal Gram polynomials
In Kantor and Trishin (1997) [3], Kantor and Trishin described the algebra of polynomial invariants of the adjoint representation of the Lie superalgebra gl(m vertical bar n) and a related algebra A, of what they called pseudosymmetric polynomials over an algebraically closed field K of characteristic zero. The algebra A(s) was investigated earlier by Stembridge (1985) who in [9] called the elements of A(s) supersymmetric polynomials and determined generators of A(s). The case of positive characteristic p of the ground field K has been recently investigated by La Scala and Zubkov (in press) in [6]. We extend their work and give a complete description of generators of polynomial invariants of the adjoint action of the general linear supergroup GL(m vertical bar n) and generators of A(s).
Abstract Background Purified water for pharmaceutical purposes must be free of microbial contamination and pyrogens. Even with the additional sanitary and disinfecting treatments applied to the system (sequential operational stages), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas alcaligenes, Pseudomonas picketti, Flavobacterium aureum, Acinetobacter lowffi and Pseudomonas diminuta were isolated and identified from a thirteen-stage purification system. To evaluate the efficacy of the chemical agents used in the disinfecting process along with those used to adjust chemical characteristics of the system, over the identified bacteria, the kinetic parameter of killing time (D-value) necessary to inactivate 90% of the initial bioburden (decimal reduction time) was experimentally determined. Methods Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas alcaligenes, Pseudomonas picketti, Flavobacterium aureum, Acinetobacter lowffi and Pseudomonas diminuta were called in house (wild) bacteria. Pseudomonas diminuta ATCC 11568, Pseudomonas alcaligenes INCQS , Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442, Pseudomonas fluorescens ATCC 3178, Pseudomonas picketti ATCC 5031, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 937 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 were used as 'standard' bacteria to evaluate resistance at 25°C against either 0.5% citric acid, 0.5% hydrochloric acid, 70% ethanol, 0.5% sodium bisulfite, 0.4% sodium hydroxide, 0.5% sodium hypochlorite, or a mixture of 2.2% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and 0.45% peracetic acid. Results The efficacy of the sanitizers varied with concentration and contact time to reduce decimal logarithmic (log10) population (n cycles). To kill 90% of the initial population (or one log10 cycle), the necessary time (D-value) was for P. aeruginosa into: (i) 0.5% citric acid, D = 3.8 min; (ii) 0.5% hydrochloric acid, D = 6.9 min; (iii) 70% ethanol, D = 9.7 min; (iv) 0.5% sodium bisulfite, D = 5.3 min; (v) 0.4% sodium hydroxide, D = 14.2 min; (vi) 0.5% sodium hypochlorite, D = 7.9 min; (vii) mixture of hydrogen peroxide (2.2%) plus peracetic acid (0.45%), D = 5.5 min. Conclusion The contact time of 180 min of the system with the mixture of H2O2+ peracetic acid, a total theoretical reduction of 6 log10 cycles was attained in the water purified storage tank and distribution loop. The contact time between the water purification system (WPS) and the sanitary agents should be reviewed to reach sufficient bioburden reduction (over 6 log10).
[EN] The information provided by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) on captures of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the central-east Atlantic has a number of limitations, such as gaps in the statistics for certain fleets and the level of spatiotemporal detail at which catches are reported. As a result, the quality of these data and their effectiveness for providing management advice is limited. In order to reconstruct missing spatiotemporal data of catches, the present study uses Data INterpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions (DINEOF), a technique for missing data reconstruction, applied here for the first time to fisheries data. DINEOF is based on an Empirical Orthogonal Functions decomposition performed with a Lanczos method. DINEOF was tested with different amounts of missing data, intentionally removing values from 3.4% to 95.2% of data loss, and then compared with the same data set with no missing data. These validation analyses show that DINEOF is a reliable methodological approach of data reconstruction for the purposes of fishery management advice, even when the amount of missing data is very high.
[EN]This paper deals with the orthogonal projection (in the Frobenius sense) AN of the identity matrix I onto the matrix subspace AS (A ? Rn×n, S being an arbitrary subspace of Rn×n). Lower and upper bounds on the normalized Frobenius condition number of matrix AN are given. Furthermore, for every matrix subspace S ? Rn×n, a new index bF (A, S), which generalizes the normalized Frobenius condition number of matrix A, is defined and analyzed...
[EN]We analyze the best approximation
Auf der Suche nach potenten pharmakologischen Wirkstoffen hat die Kombinatorische Chemie in der letzten Dekade eine große Bedeutung erlangt, um innerhalb kurzer Zeit ein breites Spektrum von Verbindungen für biologische Tests zu erzeugen. Kohlenhydrate stellen als Scaffolds interessante Kandidaten für die kombinatorische Synthese dar, da sie mehrere Derivatisierungspositionen in stereochemisch definierter Art und Weise zur Verfügung stellen. So ist die räumlich eindeutige Präsentation angebundener pharmakophorer Gruppen möglich, wie es für den Einsatz als Peptidmimetika wünschenswert ist. Zur gezielten Derivatisierung einzelner Hydroxylfunktionen ist der Einsatz eines orthogonalen Schutz-gruppenmusters erforderlich, das gegenüber den im Lauf der kombinatorischen Synthese herrschenden Reaktionsbedingungen hinreichend stabil ist. Weiterhin ist ein geeignetes Ankersystem zu finden, um eine Festphasensynthese und damit eine Automatisierung zu ermöglichen.Zur Minimierung der im Fall von Hexosen wie Galactose benötigten fünf zueinander orthogonal stabilen Schutzgruppen wurde bei der vorliegenden Arbeit von Galactal ausgegangen, bei dem nur noch drei Hydroxylfunktionen zu differenzieren sind. Das Galactose-Gerüst kann anschließend wiederhergestellt werden. Die Differenzierung wurde über den Einsatz von Hydrolasen durch regioselektive Acylierungs- und Deacylierungs-reaktionen erreicht, wobei auch immobilisierte Enzyme Verwendung fanden. Dabei konnte ein orthogonales Schutzgruppenmuster sequentiell aufgebaut werden, das auch die nötigen Stabilitäten gegenüber sonstigen, teilweise geeignet modifizierten Reaktionsbedingungen aufweist. Für die Anbindung an eine Festphase wurde ein metathetisch spaltbarer Anker entwickelt, der über die anomere Position unter Wiederherstellung des Galactose-Gerüsts angebunden wurde. Auch ein oxidativ spaltbares und ein photolabiles Ankersystem wurden erprobt.
Sei $\pi:X\rightarrow S$ eine \"uber $\Z$ definierte Familie von Calabi-Yau Varietaten der Dimension drei. Es existiere ein unter dem Gauss-Manin Zusammenhang invarianter Untermodul $M\subset H^3_{DR}(X/S)$ von Rang vier, sodass der Picard-Fuchs Operator $P$ auf $M$ ein sogenannter {\em Calabi-Yau } Operator von Ordnung vier ist. Sei $k$ ein endlicher K\"orper der Charaktetristik $p$, und sei $\pi_0:X_0\rightarrow S_0$ die Reduktion von $\pi$ \uber $k$. F\ur die gew\ohnlichen (ordinary) Fasern $X_{t_0}$ der Familie leiten wir eine explizite Formel zur Berechnung des charakteristischen Polynoms des Frobeniusendomorphismus, des {\em Frobeniuspolynoms}, auf dem korrespondierenden Untermodul $M_{cris}\subset H^3_{cris}(X_{t_0})$ her. Sei nun $f_0(z)$ die Potenzreihenl\osung der Differentialgleichung $Pf=0$ in einer Umgebung der Null. Da eine reziproke Nullstelle des Frobeniuspolynoms in einem Teichm\uller-Punkt $t$ durch $f_0(z)/f_0(z^p)|_{z=t}$ gegeben ist, ist ein entscheidender Schritt in der Berechnung des Frobeniuspolynoms die Konstruktion einer $p-$adischen analytischen Fortsetzung des Quotienten $f_0(z)/f_0(z^p)$ auf den Rand des $p-$adischen Einheitskreises. Kann man die Koeffizienten von $f_0$ mithilfe der konstanten Terme in den Potenzen eines Laurent-Polynoms, dessen Newton-Polyeder den Ursprung als einzigen inneren Gitterpunkt enth\alt, ausdr\ucken,so beweisen wir gewisse Kongruenz-Eigenschaften unter den Koeffizienten von $f_0$. Diese sind entscheidend bei der Konstruktion der analytischen Fortsetzung. Enth\alt die Faser $X_{t_0}$ einen gew\ohnlichen Doppelpunkt, so erwarten wir im Grenz\ubergang, dass das Frobeniuspolynom in zwei Faktoren von Grad eins und einen Faktor von Grad zwei zerf\allt. Der Faktor von Grad zwei ist dabei durch einen Koeffizienten $a_p$ eindeutig bestimmt. Durchl\auft nun $p$ die Menge aller Primzahlen, so erwarten wir aufgrund des Modularit\atssatzes, dass es eine Modulform von Gewicht vier gibt, deren Koeffizienten durch die Koeffizienten $a_p$ gegeben sind. Diese Erwartung hat sich durch unsere umfangreichen Rechnungen best\atigt. Dar\uberhinaus leiten wir weitere Formeln zur Bestimmung des Frobeniuspolynoms her, in welchen auch die nicht-holomorphen L\osungen der Gleichung $Pf=0$ in einer Umgebung der Null eine Rolle spielen.
The Gram-positive bacteria Enterococcus hirae, Lactococcus lactis, and Bacillus subtilis have received wide attention in the study of copper homeostasis. Consequently, copper extrusion by ATPases, gene regulation by copper, and intracellular copper chaperoning are understood in some detail. This has provided profound insight into basic principles of how organisms handle copper. It also emerged that many bacterial species may not require copper for life, making copper homeostatic systems pure defense mechanisms. Structural work on copper homeostatic proteins has given insight into copper coordination and bonding and has started to give molecular insight into copper handling in biological systems. Finally, recent biochemical work has shed new light on the mechanism of copper toxicity, which may not primarily be mediated by reactive oxygen radicals.
The performance of the parallel vector implementation of the one- and two-dimensional orthogonal transforms is evaluated. The orthogonal transforms are computed using actual or modified fast Fourier transform (FFT) kernels. The factors considered in comparing the speed-up of these vectorized digital signal processing algorithms are discussed and it is shown that the traditional way of comparing th execution speed of digital signal processing algorithms by the ratios of the number of multiplications and additions is no longer effective for vector implementation; the structure of the algorithm must also be considered as a factor when comparing the execution speed of vectorized digital signal processing algorithms. Simulation results on the Cray X/MP with the following orthogonal transforms are presented: discrete Fourier transform (DFT), discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete sine transform (DST), discrete Hartley transform (DHT), discrete Walsh transform (DWHT), and discrete Hadamard transform (DHDT). A comparison between the DHT and the fast Hartley transform is also included.(34 refs)
The goal of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of complex polynomials and Blaschke products, two very important function classes in mathematics. For a polynomial, $f,$ of degree $n,$ we study when it is possible to write $f$ as a composition $f=g\circ h$, where $g$ and $h$ are polynomials, each of degree less than $n.$ A polynomial is defined to be \emph{decomposable }if such an $h$ and $g$ exist, and a polynomial is said to be \emph{indecomposable} if no such $h$ and $g$ exist. We apply the results of Rickards in \cite{key-2}. We show that $$C_{n}=\{(z_{1},z_{2},...,z_{n})\in\mathbb{C}^{n}\,|\,(z-z_{1})(z-z_{2})...(z-z_{n})\,\mbox{is decomposable}\},$$ has measure $0$ when considered a subset of $\mathbb{R}^{2n}.$ Using this we prove the stronger result that $$D_{n}=\{(z_{1},z_{2},...,z_{n})\in\mathbb{C}^{n}\,|\,\mbox{There exists\,}a\in\mathbb{C}\,\,\mbox{with}\,\,(z-z_{1})(z-z_{2})...(z-z_{n})(z-a)\,\mbox{decomposable}\},$$ also has measure zero when considered a subset of $\mathbb{R}^{2n}.$ We show that for any polynomial $p$, there exists an $a\in\mathbb{C}$ such that $p(z)(z-a)$ is indecomposable, and we also examine the case of $D_{5}$ in detail. The main work of this paper studies finite Blaschke products, analytic functions on $\overline{\mathbb{D}}$ that map $\partial\mathbb{D}$ to $\partial\mathbb{D}.$ In analogy with polynomials, we discuss when a degree $n$ Blaschke product, $B,$ can be written as a composition $C\circ D$, where $C$ and $D$ are finite Blaschke products, each of degree less than $n.$ Decomposable and indecomposable are defined analogously. Our main results are divided into two sections. First, we equate a condition on the zeros of the Blaschke product with the existence of a decomposition where the right-hand factor, $D,$ has degree $2.$ We also equate decomposability of a Blaschke product, $B,$ with the existence of a Poncelet curve, whose foci are a subset of the zeros of $B,$ such that the Poncelet curve satisfies certain tangency conditions. This result is hard to apply in general, but has a very nice geometric interpretation when we desire a composition where the right-hand factor is degree 2 or 3. Our second section of finite Blaschke product results builds off of the work of Cowen in \cite{key-3}. For a finite Blaschke product $B,$ Cowen defines the so-called monodromy group, $G_{B},$ of the finite Blaschke product. He then equates the decomposability of a finite Blaschke product, $B,$ with the existence of a nontrivial partition, $\mathcal{P},$ of the branches of $B^{-1}(z),$ such that $G_{B}$ respects $\mathcal{P}$. We present an in-depth analysis of how to calculate $G_{B}$, extending Cowen's description. These methods allow us to equate the existence of a decomposition where the left-hand factor has degree 2, with a simple condition on the critical points of the Blaschke product. In addition we are able to put a condition of the structure of $G_{B}$ for any decomposable Blaschke product satisfying certain normalization conditions. The final section of this paper discusses how one can put the results of the paper into practice to determine, if a particular Blaschke product is decomposable. We compare three major algorithms. The first is a brute force technique where one searches through the zero set of $B$ for subsets which could be the zero set of $D$, exhaustively searching for a successful decomposition $B(z)=C(D(z)).$ The second algorithm involves simply examining the cardinality of the image, under $B,$ of the set of critical points of $B.$ For a degree $n$ Blaschke product, $B,$ if this cardinality is greater than $\frac{n}{2}$, the Blaschke product is indecomposable. The final algorithm attempts to apply the geometric interpretation of decomposability given by our theorem concerning the existence of a particular Poncelet curve. The final two algorithms can be implemented easily with the use of an HTML
We provide a new proof of Volberg's Theorem characterizing thin interpolating sequences as those for which the Gram matrix associated to the normalized reproducing kernels is a compact perturbation of the identity. In the same paper, Volberg characterized sequences for which the Gram matrix is a compact perturbation of a unitary as well as those for which the Gram matrix is a Schatten-2 class perturbation of a unitary operator. We extend this characterization from 2 to p, where 2 <= p <= infinity.
The present study examined the mechanism by which bacterial cell walls from two gram-positive meningeal pathogens, Streptococcus pneumoniae and the group B streptococcus, induced neuronal injury in primary cultures of rat brain cells. Cell walls from both organisms produced cellular injury to similar degrees in pure astrocyte cultures but not in pure neuronal cultures. Cell walls also induced nitric oxide production in cultures of astrocytes or microglia. When neurons were cultured together with astrocytes or microglia, the cell walls of both organisms became toxic to neurons. L-NAME, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, protected neurons from cell wall-induced toxicity in mixed cultures with glia, as did dexamethasone. In contrast, an excitatory amino acid antagonist (MK801) had no effect. Low concentrations of cell walls from either gram-positive pathogen added together with the excitatory amino acid glutamate resulted in synergistic neurotoxicity that was inhibited by L-NAME. The induction of nitric oxide production and neurotoxicity by cell walls was independent of the presence of serum, whereas endotoxin exhibited these effects only in the presence of serum. We conclude that gram-positive cell walls can cause toxicity in neurons by inducing the production of nitric oxide in astrocytes and microglia.