929 resultados para Sustainable business model
Segmentointi on strateginen työkalu, joka tehostaa yrityksen resurssien käyttöä ja siten vaikuttaa kaikkiin asiakkuuksiin liittyviin liiketoimintaprosesseihin. Työn tavoitteena oli muodostaa segmentointimalli (sisältää sekä segmentointiprosessin että kriteerit) yritysinternetmarkkinoille. Työn tuloksia voidaan kuitenkin tulkita ja soveltaa laajemmin korkean teknologian yrityspalvelumarkkinoille. Tämä tutkielma lisää tietämystämme ja tarjoaa uudenlaisen näkemyksen segmentointiin korkean teknologian yrityspalvelumarkkinoilla. Työssä kuvataan korkean teknologian ja yritys- sekä palvelumarkkinoinnin erityispiirteitä ja kuinka nämä tekijät vaikuttavat segmentointimallin. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kohdeyrityksen nykyiset segmentointikäytännöt henkilökohtaisin asiantuntijahaastatteluin. Haastatteluiden avulla luotiin kuva nykyisistä lähestymistavoista sekä niiden lähtökohdista, vahvuuksista ja haasteista. Haastatteluiden analysoinnin jälkeen perustettiin projekti segmentoinnin kehittämiseksi. Työ tuloksena luotiin segmentointimalli, joka tarjoaa vankan perustan segmentoinnin kehittämiselle jatkuvana prosessina. Työssä esitetään segmentoinnin integroimista yrityksen asiakkuuksiin liittyviin liiketoimintaprosesseihin, joka usein puuttuu aiemmista töistä, sekä informaationkulun tehostamista segmentoinnin hyödyntämiseksi tehokkaammin. Segmentointi on strateginen työkalu ja vaatii siksi ylemmän johdon tuen ja sitoutumisen. Oikein sovellettuna segmentointi tarjoaa liiketoiminnalle mahdollisuuden merkittäviin etuihin kuten asiakastyytyväisyyden ja kannattavuuden kehittämiseen.
Markkinasegmentointi nousi esiin ensi kerran jo 50-luvulla ja se on ollut siitä lähtien yksi markkinoinnin peruskäsitteistä. Suuri osa segmentointia käsittelevästä tutkimuksesta on kuitenkin keskittynyt kuluttajamarkkinoiden segmentointiin yritys- ja teollisuusmarkkinoiden segmentoinnin jäädessä vähemmälle huomiolle. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda segmentointimalli teollismarkkinoille tietotekniikan tuotteiden ja palveluiden tarjoajan näkökulmasta. Tarkoituksena on selvittää mahdollistavatko case-yrityksen nykyiset asiakastietokannat tehokkaan segmentoinnin, selvittää sopivat segmentointikriteerit sekä arvioida tulisiko tietokantoja kehittää ja kuinka niitä tulisi kehittää tehokkaamman segmentoinnin mahdollistamiseksi. Tarkoitus on luoda yksi malli eri liiketoimintayksiköille yhteisesti. Näin ollen eri yksiköiden tavoitteet tulee ottaa huomioon eturistiriitojen välttämiseksi. Tutkimusmetodologia on tapaustutkimus. Lähteinä tutkimuksessa käytettiin sekundäärisiä lähteitä sekä primäärejä lähteitä kuten case-yrityksen omia tietokantoja sekä haastatteluita. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana oli tutkimusongelma: Voiko tietokantoihin perustuvaa segmentointia käyttää kannattavaan asiakassuhdejohtamiseen PK-yritys sektorilla? Tavoitteena on luoda segmentointimalli, joka hyödyntää tietokannoissa olevia tietoja tinkimättä kuitenkaan tehokkaan ja kannattavan segmentoinnin ehdoista. Teoriaosa tutkii segmentointia yleensä painottuen kuitenkin teolliseen markkinasegmentointiin. Tarkoituksena on luoda selkeä kuva erilaisista lähestymistavoista aiheeseen ja syventää näkemystä tärkeimpien teorioiden osalta. Tietokantojen analysointi osoitti selviä puutteita asiakastiedoissa. Peruskontaktitiedot löytyvät mutta segmentointia varten tietoa on erittäin rajoitetusti. Tietojen saantia jälleenmyyjiltä ja tukkureilta tulisi parantaa loppuasiakastietojen saannin takia. Segmentointi nykyisten tietojen varassa perustuu lähinnä sekundäärisiin tietoihin kuten toimialaan ja yrityskokoon. Näitäkään tietoja ei ole saatavilla kaikkien tietokannassa olevien yritysten kohdalta.
This thesis attempts to fill gaps in both a theoretical basis and an operational and strategic understanding in the areas of social ventures, social entrepreneurship and nonprofit business models. This study also attempts to bridge the gap in strategic and economic theory between social and commercial ventures. More specifically, this thesis explores sustainable competitive advantage from a resource-based theory perspective and explores how it may be applied to the nonmarket situation of nonprofit organizations and social ventures. It is proposed that a social value-orientation of sustainable competitive advantage, called sustainable contributive advantage, provides a more realistic depiction of what is necessary in order for a social venture to perform better than its competitors over time. In addition to providing this realistic depiction, this research provides a substantial theoretical contribution in the area of economics, social ventures, and strategy research, specifically in regards to resource-based theory. The proposed model for sustainable contributive advantage uses resource-based theory and competitive advantage in order to be applicable to social ventures. This model proposes an explanation of a social venture’s ability to demonstrate consistently superior performance. In order to determine whether sustainable competitive advantage is in fact, appropriate to apply to both social and economic environments, quantitative analyses are conducted on a large sample of nonprofit organizations in a single industry and then compared to similar quantitative analyses conducted on commercial ventures. In comparing the trends and strategies between the two types of entities from a quantitative perspective, propositions are developed regarding a social venture’s resource utilization strategies and their possible impact on performance. Evidence is found to support the necessity of adjusting existing models in resource-based theory in order to apply them to social ventures. Additionally supported is the proposed theory of sustainable contributive advantage. The thesis concludes with recommendations for practitioners, researchers and policy makers as well as suggestions for future research paths.
Enabling Change in Universities: Enhancing Education for Sustainable Development with Tools for Quality Assurance This thesis deals with enabling change in universities, more explicitly enhancing education for sustainable development with tools for quality assurance. Change management is a discipline within management that was developed in the 1980s because business changed from being predictable to unpredictable. The PEST mnemonic is a method to categorize factors enabling change; such as political, economic, socio-cultural and technological factors, which all affect higher education. A classification of a change, in either hard or soft, can help understanding the type of change that an organization is facing. Hard changes are more applied to problems that have clear objectives and indicators, with a known cause of the problem. Soft changes are applied to larger problems that affect the entire organization or beyond it. The basic definition for sustainable development is: the future generations should have similar opportunities as the previous. The UN has set as a global goal an integration of education for sustainable development (ESD) at all levels of education during 2005- 2014. The goal is set also in universities, the graduates of which are future leaders for all labor markets. The objective for ESD in higher education is that graduates obtain the competence to take economic, social and environmental costs and benefits into account when making decisions. Knowledge outcomes should aim for systematic and holistic thinking, which requires cross disciplinary education. So far, the development of ESD has not achieved its goals. The UN has identified a need for more transdisclipnary research in ESD. A joint global requirement for universities is quality assurance, the aim of which is to secure and improve teaching and learning. Quality, environmental and integrated management systems are used by some universities for filling the quality assurance requirements. The goal of this thesis is to open up new ways for enhancing ESD in universities, beyond the forerunners; by exploring how management systems could be used as tools for promoting ESD. The thesis is based on five studies. In the first study, I focus on if and how tools for quality assurance could be benefitted for promoting ESD. It is written from a new perspective, the memetic, for reaching a diversity of faculty. A meme is an idea that diffuses from brain to brain. It can be applied for cultural evolution. It is a theory that is based on the evolutionary theory by Darwin, applied for social sciences. In the second Paper, I present the results from the development of the pilot process model for enhancing ESD with management systems. The development of the model is based on a study that includes earlier studies, a survey in academia and an analysis of the practice in 11 universities in the Nordic countries. In the third study, I explore if the change depends on national culture or if it is global. It is a comparative study on both policy and implementation level, between the Nordic countries and China. The fourth study is a single case study based on change management. In this study, I identify what to consider in order to enable the change: enhancing ESD with tools for quality assurance in universities. In the fifth Paper, I present the results of the process model for enhancing ESD with management systems. The model was compared with identified drivers and barriers for enhancing ESD and for implementing management systems. Finally, the process model was piloted and applied for identifying sustainability aspects in curricula. Action research was chosen as methodology because there are not already implemented approaches using quality management for promoting ESD, why the only way to study this is to make it happen. Another reason for choosing action research is since it is essential to involve students and faculty for enhancing ESD. Action based research consists of the following phases: a) diagnosing, b) planning action, c) taking action and d) evaluating action. This research was made possible by a project called Education for Sustainable Development in Academia in the Nordic countries, ESDAN, in which activities were divided into these four phases. Each phase ended with an open seminar, where the results of the study were presented. The objective for the research project was to develop a process for including knowledge in sustainable development in curricula, which could be used in the quality assurance work. Eleven universities from the Nordic countries cooperated in the project. The aim was, by applying the process, to identify and publish examples of relevant sustainability aspects in different degree programs in universities in the Nordic countries. The project was partly financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and partly by the participating pilot universities. Based on the results of my studies, I consider that quality, environmental and integrated management systems can be used for promoting ESD in universities. Relevant sustainability aspects have been identified in different fields of studies by applying the final process model. The final process model was compared with drivers and barriers for enhancing ESD and for implementing management systems in universities and with succeeding with management systems in industry. It corresponds with these, meaning that drivers are taken into account and barriers tackled. Both ESD and management systems in universities could be considered successful memes, which can reflect an effective way of communication among individuals. I have identified that management systems could be used as tools for hard changes and to support the soft change of enhancing ESD in universities with management system. Based on the change management study I have summarized recommendations on what to consider in order to enable the studied change. The main practical implications of the results are that the process model could be applied for assessment, benchmarking and communication of ESD, connected to quality assurance, when applied. This is possible because the information can be assembled in one picture, which facilitates comparison. The memetic approach can be applied for structuring. It is viable to make comparative studies between cultures, for getting insight in special characteristics of the own culture. Action based research is suitable for involving faculty. Change management can be applied for planning a change, which both enhancing ESD and developing management systems are identified to be.
BCM (business continuity Management) is a holistic management process aiming at ensuring business continuity and building organizational resilience. Maturity models offer organizations a tool for evaluating their current maturity in a certain process. In the recent years BCM has been subject to international ISO standardization, while the interest of organizations to bechmark their state of BCM agains standards and the use of maturity models for these asessments has increased. However, although new standards have been introduced, very little attention has been paid to reviewing the existing BCM maturity models in research - especially in the light of the new ISO 22301 standard for BCM. In this thesis the existing BCM maturily models are carefully evaluated to determine whetherthey could be improved. In order to accomplish this, the compliance of the existing models to the ISO 22301 standard is measured and a framework for assessing a maturitymodel´s quality is defined. After carefully evaluating the existing frameworks for maturity model development and evaluation, an approach suggested by Becker et al. (2009) was chosen as the basis for the research. An additionto the procedural model a set of seven research guidelines proposed by the same authors was applied, drawing on the design-science research guidelines as suggested by Hevner et al. (2004). Furthermore, the existing models´ form and function was evaluated to address their usability. Based on the evaluation of the existing BCM maturity models, the existing models were found to have shortcomings in each dimension of the evaluation. Utilizing the best of the existing models, a draft version for an enhanced model was developed. This draft model was then iteratively developed by conducting six semi-structured interviews with BCM professionals in finland with the aim of validating and improving it. As a Result, a final version of the enhanced BCM maturity model was developed, conforming to the seven key clauses in the ISO 22301 standard and the maturity model development guidelines suggested by Becker et al. (2009).
The objective of this Master’s thesis is to develop a model which estimates net working capital (NWC) monthly in a year period. The study is conducted by a constructive research which uses a case study. The estimation model is designed in the need of one case company which operates in project business. Net working capital components should be linked together by an automatic model and estimated individually, including advanced components of NWC for example POC receivables. Net working capital estimation model of this study contains three parts: output template, input template and calculation model. The output template gets estimate values automatically from the input template and the calculation model. Into the input template estimate values of more stable NWC components are inputted manually. The calculate model gets estimate values for major affecting components automatically from the systems of a company by using a historical data and made plans. As a precondition for the functionality of the estimation calculation is that sales are estimated in one year period because the sales are linked to all NWC components.
Multi-country models have not been very successful in replicating important features of the international transmission of business cycles. Standard models predict cross-country correlations of output and consumption which are respectively too low and too high. In this paper, we build a multi-country model of the business cycle with multiple sectors in order to analyze the role of sectoral shocks in the international transmission of the business cycle. We find that a model with multiple sectors generates a higher cross-country correlation of output than standard one-sector models, and a lower cross-country correlation of consumption. In addition, it predicts cross-country correlations of employment and investment that are closer to the data than the standard model. We also analyze the relative effects of multiple sectors, trade in intermediate goods, imperfect substitution between domestic and foreign goods, home preference, capital adjustment costs, and capital depreciation on the international transmission of the business cycle.
This paper introduces a framework that supports users to implement enterprise modelling within collaborative companies. These enterprise models are the basis for a holistic interoperability measurement and management methodology which will be presented in the second part of the paper. The discipline of enterprise modelling aims at capturing all dimensions of an enterprise in a simplified model. Thus enterprise models are the appropriate basis for managing collaborative enterprise as they reduce the complexity of interoperability problems. Therefore, a first objective of this paper is to present an approach that enables companies to get the most effect out of enterprise modelling in a collaborative environment based on the maturity of their organisation relative to modelling. Within this first step, the user will get recommendations e.g. for the correct modelling language as well as the right level of detail.
In this chapter, an asymmetric DSGE model is built in order to account for asymmetries in business cycles. One of the most important contributions of this work is the construction of a general utility function which nests loss aversion, risk aversion and habits formation by means of a smooth transition function. The main idea behind this asymmetric utility function is that under recession the agents over-smooth consumption and leisure choices in order to prevent a huge deviation of them from the reference level of the utility; while under boom, the agents simply smooth consumption and leisure, but trying to be as far as possible from the reference level of utility. The simulations of this model by means of Perturbations Method show that it is possible to reproduce asymmetrical business cycles where recession (on shock) are stronger than booms and booms are more long-lasting than recession. One additional and unexpected result is a downward stickiness displayed by real wages. As a consequence of this, there is a more persistent fall in employment in recession than in boom. Thus, the model reproduces not only asymmetrical business cycles but also real stickiness and hysteresis.