996 resultados para Part songs, Sacred.


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Culturally protected forest patches or sacred groves have been the integral part of many traditional societies. This age old tradition is a classic instance of community driven nature conservation sheltering native biodiversity and supporting various ecosystem functions particularly hydrology. The current work in Central Western Ghats of Karnataka, India, highlights that even small sacred groves amidst humanised landscapes serve as tiny islands of biodiversity, especially of rare and endemic species. Temporal analysis of landuse dynamics reveals the changing pattern of the studied landscape. There is fast reduction of forest cover (15.14-11.02 %) in last 20 years to meet up the demand of agricultural land and plantation programs. A thorough survey and assessment of woody endemic species distribution in the 25 km(2) study area documented presence of 19 endemic species. The distribution of these species is highly skewed towards the culturally protected patches in comparison to other land use elements. It is found that, among the 19 woody endemic species, those with greater ecological amplitude are widely distributed in the studied landscape in groves as well as other land use forms whereas, natural population of the sensitive endemics are very much restricted in the sacred grove fragments. The recent degradation in the sacred grove system is perhaps, due to weakening of traditional belief systems and associated laxity in grove protection leading to biotic disturbances. Revitalisation of traditional practices related to conservation of sacred groves can go a long way in strengthening natural ecological systems of fragile humid tropical landscape.


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The potential of Citrobacter freundii, a Gram negative bacteria for the remediation of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) and trivalent chromium (Cr(III))) from aqueous solutions was investigated. Bioremediation of Cr(VI) involved both biosorption and bioreduction processes, as compared to only biosorption process observed with respect to Cr(III) bioremediation. In the case of Cr(VI) bioremediation studies, about 59 % biosorption was achieved at an equilibrium time of 2 h, initial Cr(VI) concentration of 4 mg/L, pH 1 and a biomass loading of 5x10(11) cells/mL. The remainder, 41 %, was found to be in the form of Cr(111) ions owing to bioreduction of Cr(VI) by the bacteria resulting in the absence of Cr(VI) ions in the residue, there by meeting the USEPA specifications. Similar studies were carried out using Cr(III) solution for an equilibrium time of 2 h, Cr(III) concentration of 4 mg/L, pH 3 and a biomass loading of 6.3x10(11) cells/mL., wherein a maximum biosorption of about 30 % was achieved.


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Sacred groves are patches of forests of special spiritual significance to humans, offering also a diverse range of ecological and environmental services. We have attempted here to understand the local hydrological dynamics of a sacred forest, in terms of the benefits the village community derive, in central Western Ghats region of India. A comparative assessment has been made between two small watersheds in terms of their landscape structure (woody species composition) with soil water properties and availability of water in the respective downstream villages. The result shows that, sacred site with more primeval vegetation has close association with soil moisture in comparison to non-sacred site during dry spell of the year. The higher soil moisture ensures year long availability of water in the downstream village of the sacred site which facilitates farming of commercial crops with higher economic returns to the farmers, unlike the farmers in the other village where they face water crisis during the lean season. The study emphasizes the need for conservation endeavour on sacred groves highlighting its potential for water conservation at local and regional levels.


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It has been shown earlier1] that the relaxed force constants (RFCs) could be used as a measure of bond strength only when the bonds form a part of the complete valence internal coordinates (VIC) basis. However, if the bond is not a part of the complete VIC basis, its RFC is not necessarily a measure of bond strength. Sometimes, it is possible to have a complete VIC basis that does not contain the intramolecular hydrogen bond (IMHB) as part of the basis. This means the RFC of IMHB is not necessarily a measure of bond strength. However, we know that IMHB is a weak bond and hence its RFC has to be a measure of bond strength. We resolve this problem of IMHB not being part of the complete basis by postulating `equivalent' basis sets where IMHB is part of the basis at least in one of the equivalent sets of VIC. As long as a given IMHB appears in one of the equivalent complete VIC basis sets, its RFC could be used as a measure of bond strength parameter.


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In this paper, for the first time, the key design parameters of a shallow trench isolation-based drain-extended MOS transistor are discussed for RF power applications in advanced CMOS technologies. The tradeoff between various dc and RF figures of merit (FoMs) is carefully studied using well-calibrated TCAD simulations. This detailed physical insight is used to optimize the dc and RF behavior, and our work also provides a design window for the improvement of dc as well as RF FoMs, without affecting the breakdown voltage. An improvement of 50% in R-ON and 45% in RF gain is achieved at 1 GHz. Large-signal time-domain analysis is done to explore the output power capability of the device.


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In this paper, we report drain-extended MOS device design guidelines for the RF power amplifier (RF PA) applications. A complete RF PA circuit in a 28-nm CMOS technology node with the matching and biasing network is used as a test vehicle to validate the RF performance improvement by a systematic device design. A complete RF PA with 0.16-W/mm power density is reported experimentally. By simultaneous improvement of device-circuit performance, 45% improvement in the circuit RF power gain, 25% improvement in the power-added efficiency at 1-GHz frequency, and 5x improvement in the electrostatic discharge robustness are reported experimentally.


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The communication strategy of most crickets and bushcrickets typically consists of males broadcasting loud acoustic calling songs, while females perform phonotaxis, moving towards the source of the call. Males of the pseudophylline bushcricket species Onomarchus uninotatus produce an unusually low-pitched call, and we found that the immediate and most robust response of females to the male acoustic call was a bodily vibration, or tremulation, following each syllable of the call. We hypothesized that these bodily oscillations might send out a vibrational signal along the substrate on which the female stands, which males could use to localize her position. We quantified these vibrational signals using a laser vibrometer and found a clear phase relationship of alternation between the chirps of the male acoustic call and the female vibrational response. This system therefore constitutes a novel multimodal duet with a reliable temporal structure. We also found that males could localize the source of vibration but only if both the acoustic and vibratory components of the duet were played back. This unique multimodal duetting system may have evolved in response to higher levels of bat predation on searching bushcricket females than calling males, shifting part of the risk associated with partner localization onto the male. This is the first known example of bushcricket female tremulation in response to a long-range male acoustic signal and the first known example of a multimodal duet among animals.


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In this paper, we study breakdown characteristics in shallow-trench isolation (STI)-type drain-extended MOSFETs (DeMOS) fabricated using a low-power 65-nm triple-well CMOS process with a thin gate oxide. Experimental data of p-type STI-DeMOS device showed distinct two-stage behavior in breakdown characteristics in both OFF-and ON-states, unlike the n-type device, causing a reduction in the breakdown voltage and safe operating area. The first-stage breakdown occurs due to punchthrough in the vertical structure formed by p-well, deep n-well, and p-substrate, whereas the second-stage breakdown occurs due to avalanche breakdown of lateral n-well/p-well junction. The breakdown characteristics are also compared with the STI-DeNMOS device structure. Using the experimental results and advanced TCAD simulations, a complete understanding of breakdown mechanisms is provided in this paper for STI-DeMOS devices in advanced CMOS processes.


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Shallow-trench isolation drain extended pMOS (STI-DePMOS) devices show a distinct two-stage breakdown. The impact of p-well and deep-n-well doping profile on breakdown characteristics is investigated based on TCAD simulations. Design guidelines for p-well and deep-n-well doping profile are developed to shift the onset of the first-stage breakdown to a higher drain voltage and to avoid vertical punch-through leading to early breakdown. An optimal ratio between the OFF-state breakdown voltage and the ON-state resistance could be obtained. Furthermore, the impact of p-well/deep-n-well doping profile on the figure of merits of analog and digital performance is studied. This paper aids in the design of STI drain extended MOSFET devices for widest safe operating area and optimal mixed-signal performance in advanced system-on-chip input-output process technologies.


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In this second of the two-part study, the results of the Tank-to-Wheels study reported in the first part are combined with Well-to-Tank results in this paper to provide a comprehensive Well-to-Wheels energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions evaluation of automotive fuels in India. The results indicate that liquid fuels derived from petroleum have Well-to-Tank efficiencies in the range of 75-85% with liquefied petroleum gas being the most efficient fuel in the Well-to-Tank stage with 85% efficiency. Electricity has the lowest efficiency of 20% which is mainly attributed due to its dependence on coal and 25.4% losses during transmission and distribution. The complete Well-to-Wheels results show diesel vehicles to be the most efficient among all configurations, specifically the diesel-powered split hybrid electric vehicle. Hydrogen engine configurations are the least efficient due to low efficiency of production of hydrogen from natural gas. Hybridizing electric vehicles reduces the Well-to-Wheels greenhouse gas emissions substantially with split hybrid configuration being the most efficient. Electric vehicles do not offer any significant improvement over gasoline-powered configurations; however a shift towards renewable sources for power generation and reduction in losses during transmission and distribution can make it a feasible option in the future. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a theoretical model proposed in Part I (Zhu et al., 2001a) is used to simulate the behavior of a twin crank NiTi SMA spring based heat engine, which has been experimentally studied by Iwanaga et al. (1988). The simulation results are compared favorably with the measurements. It is found that (1) output torque and heat efficiency decrease as rotation speed increase; (2) both output torque and output power increase with the increase of hot water temperature; (3) at high rotation speed, higher water temperature improves the heat efficiency. On the contrary, at low rotation speed, lower water temperature is more efficient; (4) the effects of initial spring length may not be monotonic as reported. According to the simulation, output torque, output power and heat efficiency increase with the decrease of spring length only in the low rotation speed case. At high rotation speed, the result might be on the contrary.


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The effects of electron beam surface hardening treatment on the microstructure and hardness of AISI D3 tool steel have been investigated in this paper. The results showed that the microstructure of the hardened layer consisted of martensite, a dispersion


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An elastoplastic constitutive relation is developed for meso damage of whisker-reinforced composites. A model is constructed that includes orientation distribution of whiskers and slip systems as well as interface and crystal sliding. Evolution of damage will be addressed. Given in Part I is the formulation while examples will be illustrated in Part II.