882 resultados para Oral en interaction


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¿De qué manera se construyen los relatos e imaginarios sobre Mama Dulu en el pueblo Kayambi y en las comunidades de San Pablo Urco y Pesillo? fue la pregunta que motivó esta investigación y para ello tomé como referencia la relación entre la Dolores histórica y política de Rodas y Muyolema con la Dolores que encontré en los relatos que fueron parte de esta investigación, a través de entrevistas a profundidad a 11 representantes del pueblo Kayambi y moradores de las comunidades de San Pablo Urco y Pesillo, en el cantón Cayambe, provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador. Esta tesis está compuesta por cuatro capítulos, el primero plantea un diálogo entre autores como De Certau, Nora, Rivera Cusicanqui, Sarlo, Jelin, Ong, Castoriadis, Candau, Sánchez Parga, para entender las relaciones que se generan entre memoria oral – historia; imaginario y comunidad. El segundo, es un acercamiento al contexto histórico que perfila ese personaje relatado por Rodas y Muyolema con el que se comparan los relatos e imaginarios obtenidos en el tercero y cuarto capítulo. Finalmente, en las conclusiones destaco los principales hallazgos de la investigación: las relaciones entre historia, memoria – recuerdo en los relatos, la antropomorfización y transmutación entre Dolores y la Pachamama que además ubica a Dolores en una dimensión profundamente espiritual, las imbricaciones de los relatos en torno a Dolores Cacuango y Tránsito Amaguaña, así como omnipresencia de ambos personajes como símbolos de la identidad indígena. Esta tesis es un trabajo descriptivo cuya riqueza radica en la polifonía del relato que mantienen vigente el recuerdo de Dolores y lo transmiten de manera permanente a través de la oralidad.


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Implantatförankrad protetik har blivit ett vanligt behandlingsalternativ vid tandförlust.Tänder som förlorats på grund av karies, aplasi, trauma (olycksfall) eller parodontit (tandlossning) kan idag på många patienter ersättas med hjälp av implantat det vill säga en konstgjord tandrot av titan. Ett eller flera implantat opereras/installeras in i käkbenet och förses därefter med en krona, en bro eller en protes.Vävnaden runt implantatet kan drabbas av infektion på liknande sätt som vävnaden runt naturliga tänder och kallas då periimplantit. Detta är en reversibel inflammatorisk process i mjukvävnaden runt ett implantat med förlust av benvävnad.Syftet med studien var att beskriva förekomst av periimplantit hos patienter som erhållit implantat åren 2000-2001 vid Centrum Oral Rehabilitering, Parodontologi, samt förekomst av eventuella skillnader i periimplantit med avseende på rökvanor, kön och tidigare parodontal diagnos.Studien var en retrospektiv, beskrivande jämförande journalstudie.Totalt granskades 100 journaler, 80 journaler exkluderades då inte röntgenbilder togs tre år efter fixtur/implantat installation. Resultatet visade att 13 var kvinnor (65 %), 8 rökare (40 %) och 11 (55 %) personer hade remitterats för tidigare förekomst av parodontit.63 implantat installerades på 20 patienter. Periimplantit uppstod vid 8 implantat (13 %). Dessa implantat fanns hos 8 olika patienter, 5 var kvinnor, 5 rökare och 5 hade remitterats för parodontal diagnos. Något statistiskt samband kunde inte påvisas mellan förekomst av periimplantit och kön, rökvanor eller tidigare parodontal diagnos.Konklusionen: Förekomst av periimplantit under åren 2000-2001 var 13 %, vilket stämmer med tidigare studier.


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Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det förekommer skillnader i upplevelsen av oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos personer som överlevt akut hjärtinfarkt jämfört med personer som inte har haft hjärtinfarkt.Studien genomfördes under åren 2001-2002 och alla personer som sökte vård vid ett mellanstort sjukhus i södra Sverige med diagnosen akut hjärtinfarkt och som överlevt infarkten inkluderades i studien. Kontrollgruppen bestod av vänner (n=69) till personerna som hade överlevt akut hjärtinfarkt samt personer (n=90) från en tidigare undersökning från samma sjukhus och som överensstämde i kön, ålder, socioekonomisk bakgrund och rökstatus. Totalt deltog 154 personer som överlevt akut hjärtinfarkt och 159 personer i kontrollgruppen.Mätinstrumentet som användes i studien var Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP), vilket är ett frågeformulär för att mäta självupplevd munhälsorelaterad livskvalitet. Formuläret ger mått på dysfunktion, obehag och funktionshinder relaterade till munhålan. OHIP består av 49 frågor, fördelade över sju dimensioner: funktionsbegränsningar, fysisk smärta, psykiska problem, fysisk oförmåga, psykisk oförmåga, social oförmåga och handikapp.Resultatet visar att inga statistiskt säkerställda skillnader fanns mellan de personer som överlevt akut hjärtinfarkt och kontrollgruppen i de sju dimensionerna i OHIP. Det var få personer som upplevde besvär från munhålan som påverkade deras livskvalitet i båda grupperna. I denna studie framkom endast en statistisk säkerställd skillnad mellan de undersökta grupperna i påståendet att de upplevde att mat fastnat mellan tänderna (p-värde 0.024), vilket kan tyda på att användbarheten för OHIP är litet på denna patientgruppen. Fler studier krävs för att undersöka skillnader i upplevelsen av oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos personer som överlevt akut hjärtinfarkt jämfört med personer som inte har haft hjärtinfarkt.


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This dissertation research aims to analyze the material Ejercicios Amigos Dos used by students learning Spanish as a foreign language in a Swedish school. Specifically, it examines the place of speaking skills, in the context of basic language skills. This study was an exploratory and descriptive analysis of the material Ejercicios Amigos Dos.Qualitative method used was action research, which was based on the real needs of the author of this study to enhance their teaching.Sheet one and Sheet two containing educational criteria for the analysis of teaching materials were used to measure the place of speaking skills.The main findings in the analysis showed that speaking skills are taken into account in the teaching material, however there are some micro skills missing. Speaking skills do not take a prominent role in the teaching material. Writing skills are emphasized to a greater extent.


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In this article, we discuss ellipsis as an interactive strategy by analysing the author’s textchat corpus and the VOICE corpus of English as a Lingua Franca. It is found that there were fewer repetitions in the textchat data, and this is explained as a consequence of the textchat mode. Textchat contributions are preserved as long as the chat is active or has been saved, and therefore users can scroll through and review the discussion, compared to the more fleeting nature of oral conversation. As a result, repetition is less necessary. The frequency of other functions identified could be attributed to the topic of discourse. Discussions involve much ellipsis used to develop discourse, although some were self-presentations with repetition used to confirm details. Back-channel support and comments were often low because speakers instead used forms like yeah as supportive utterances.


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The authors present a case of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) in a 78-year-old man. It was initially presented as leukoplakia on the tongue but a microscopic investigation in 1991 revealed it to be a mild epithelial dysplasia. After 5 years of follow-up, the lesion presented changes in size and location, and a recidivant behavior. In 1996, a red granular and indurated area that appeared on the tongue was found to be a microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma when microscopically investigated. After a review of the clinicopathologic behavior of this entity, the authors concluded that it was a typical PVL, whose diagnosis is difficult and retrospective, as indicated by others. The authors emphasize the importance of periodic detailed clinical and histological examination of this type of lesions in order to detect early signs of malignancy.


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The term Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid includes a group of chronic and autoimmune vesiculobullous diseases involving mainly the mucosa. The aim of present paper is to describe two clinical cases of Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid with gingival involvement to arrive to a proper diagnosis of the lesion and also to discuss the therapeutic behavior. Different complementary examinations were conducted including Nikolsky test, incisional biopsy, the LE cells study and of antinuclear antibodies, as well as the evaluation of dermatologists and ophthalmologists. It was necessary the replacement of toothpastes, the nutritional and psychological guiding, the hygiene care and the use of topic corticoids. There were periods of remission and exacerbation of clinical picture during follow-up being necessary the therapeutics fitting and the oral hygiene care reinforcement. It is important the multidisciplinary interaction in the care of these cases for treatment and follow-up control, as well as to reinforce all orientations and cares related to oral hygiene and the caution in the use of corticoids.


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Impulsionados pelo expressivo aumento da visibilidade do Brasil no exterior, muitos profissionais e estudantes estrangeiros têm procurado por cursos de Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE). Os professores que atuam na área de PLE deparam-se com turmas que são heterogêneas não só quanto às nacionalidades, mas também quanto às línguas‐culturas. Eles encontram dificuldades para achar materiais que possibilitem o trabalho com este público heterogêneo. Nesta dissertação, visamos contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das práticas de sala de aula, notadamente as que concernem à produção oral em turmas heterogêneas do ponto de vista linguístico- cultural. Procuramos mostrar como se pode desenvolver o trabalho da produção oral em contexto heterogêneo. Para isso, apoiamo-nos nos pressupostos teóricos do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (Teoria dos Gêneros, modelo de Sequência Didática) e do ensino-aprendizagem de línguas baseado em Tarefas. Metodologicamente, adotamos a pesquisa-ação, descrevemos os sujeitos, o locus, os instrumentos de coleta, de seleção e o foco de análise dos dados da pesquisa. Analisamos a primeira parte da tarefa e da sequência didática elaboradas para mostrar em que medida colocar em foco a heterogeneidade linguístico-cultural pode favorecer a interação visando à compreensão das diferentes línguas culturas. Os resultados mostram que esse tipo de intervenção didática favorece tanto o desenvolvimento da produção oral, quanto a compreensão dos aprendentes e os leva a aceitarem as diferenças linguístico-culturais.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the resorption process during the repair of autogenous bone grafts with or without coverage by an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) membrane in female rats with estrogen deficiency using the immunohistochemical technique. Eighty female rats were randomly divided into two groups (OVX and SHAM). The 40 female rats in the OVX group were subjected to ovariectomy, and the 40 female rats in the SHAM group were subjected to simulated ovariectomy. The two groups were further divided in subgroup E, which was subjected to surgery for placement of autogenous bone graft (ABG), and subgroup ME, in which the ABG was covered with an e-PTFE membrane. The animals were killed at 0, 7, 21,45 and 60 days. The specimens were analyzed using immunohistochemistry for the bone resorption markers RANK, RANK-L and Osteoprotegerin (OPG). A higher remodeling rate was observed at 7 and 21 days after the autogenous bone grafts, when the markers were more intensely expressed. At the final time point, the specimens presented similar characteristics to those observed at the initial time point. The expression of immunohistochemical markers was not altered by the estrogen deficiency. The presence of the e-PTFE membrane delayed the bone resorption process, influencing the immunohistochemical expression of markers.


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Background: Bariatric surgery influences the intake and absorption of nutrients. The serum concentrations of vitamin C, myeloperoxidase (MPO) and oral clinical manifestations were examined in patients two years after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Methods: Clinical prospective-study with control-group (CG; n = 26), assessed only once, and the bariatric-group (BG; n = 26), assessed in the basal period and at 12 and 24 months after surgery. The mean ages in the CG and BG were 37.8 +/- 1.51 and 39.6 +/- 1.93 years, respectively, and their body mass indices were 22.07 +/- 0.29 and 45.62 +/- 1.46 kg/m2, respectively. Results: At 12 months after surgery, increased episodes of vomiting (P < .001) and dental hypersensitivity (P=.012) were observed, with a reduction in the saliva buffering capacity of 21.3 2.9% (P=.004). At 24 months after RYGB, we detected a significant reduction in serum vitamin C (32.9 +/- 5.3%, P < .001) and MPO values were higher than in the basal period (P = .032). With regard to oral hygiene habits, 92.3% of patients reported frequent tooth brushing and 96.1% used fluoride, which were similar across the two years. However, dental hypersensitivity (P = .048) was significantly increased than baseline. Conclusions: The results demonstrated that vitamin C deficiency and increased vomiting after RYGB for morbid obesity may contribute to increased periodontal disease. The fact it is impossible to determine which factors (diet, poor compliance with supplementation, vomiting, poor oral hygiene) contributed to the dental problems in these patients is a shortcoming of the report. (Nutr Clin Pract. 2012; 27: 114-121)


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[ES] El romancero es un género vivo desde la Edad Media, que su afán de supervivencia hace que se recree y se adapte a las distintas realidades en las que se ha desarrollado. Supone una parte importante de nuestro acervo cultural, enraizado descaradamente a la historia del mundo panhispánico. A pesar de esto y de la considerable cantidad de romances recopilados y publicados, con los profundos cambios sociales, la desfuncionalización lo convierte en la crónica de una muerte anunciada. Sin embargo, a lo largo de los años estos poemas encontraron cobijo y sustento en las canciones y los juegos de las niñas, ya mujeres. El presente artículo es el reflejo de esa realidad en la zona de Santa Lucía de Tirajana y es el resultado de parte de un proyecto elaborado en el municipio, bajo el título, Manifestaciones de la tradición oral de Santa Lucía de Tirajana: Estado y Rasgos Diferenciales.